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synced 2025-03-21 08:16:18 +00:00
Improve completion
blacklist some undesired candidates additionalTextEdits if clang>=7 Use CodePatterns for preprocessor directive completion if there is a # Prefer textEdit over insertText
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,6 +59,18 @@ struct ProxyFileSystem : FileSystem {
namespace ccls {
lsTextEdit ToTextEdit(const clang::SourceManager &SM,
const clang::LangOptions &L,
const clang::FixItHint &FixIt) {
lsTextEdit edit;
edit.newText = FixIt.CodeToInsert;
auto r = FromCharSourceRange(SM, L, FixIt.RemoveRange);
edit.range =
lsRange{{r.start.line, r.start.column}, {r.end.line, r.end.column}};
return edit;
struct PreambleStatCache {
llvm::StringMap<ErrorOr<vfs::Status>> Cache;
@ -223,12 +235,7 @@ public:
for (const FixItHint &FixIt : Info.getFixItHints()) {
if (!IsConcerned(SM, FixIt.RemoveRange.getBegin()))
return false;
lsTextEdit edit;
edit.newText = FixIt.CodeToInsert;
auto r = FromCharSourceRange(SM, *LangOpts, FixIt.RemoveRange);
edit.range =
lsRange{{r.start.line, r.start.column}, {r.end.line, r.end.column}};
last->edits.push_back(ToTextEdit(SM, *LangOpts, FixIt));
return true;
@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ struct Diag : DiagBase {
std::vector<lsTextEdit> edits;
lsTextEdit ToTextEdit(const clang::SourceManager &SM,
const clang::LangOptions &L,
const clang::FixItHint &FixIt);
struct CompletionSession
: public std::enable_shared_from_this<CompletionSession> {
std::mutex mutex;
@ -172,9 +176,8 @@ struct CompleteConsumerCache {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
bool IsCacheValid(const lsTextDocumentPositionParams ¶ms) {
bool IsCacheValid(const std::string path, lsPosition position) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
return path == params.textDocument.uri.GetPath() &&
position == params.position;
return this->path == path && this->position == position;
@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ lsCompletionItem BuildCompletionItem(const std::string &path,
lsCompletionItem item;
item.label = ElideLongPath(path);
item.detail = path; // the include path, used in de-duplicating
item.textEdit = lsTextEdit();
item.textEdit->newText = path;
item.textEdit.newText = path;
item.insertTextFormat = lsInsertTextFormat::PlainText;
item.use_angle_brackets_ = use_angle_brackets;
if (is_stl) {
@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ struct lsCompletionItem {
// *Note:* The range of the edit must be a single line range and it must
// contain the position at which completion has been requested.
std::optional<lsTextEdit> textEdit;
lsTextEdit textEdit;
// An std::optional array of additional text edits that are applied when
// selecting this completion. Edits must not overlap with the main edit
// nor with themselves.
// std::vector<TextEdit> additionalTextEdits;
std::vector<lsTextEdit> additionalTextEdits;
// An std::optional command that is executed *after* inserting this
// completion. *Note* that additional modifications to the current document
@ -116,18 +116,7 @@ struct lsCompletionItem {
// An data entry field that is preserved on a completion item between
// a completion and a completion resolve request.
// data ? : any
// Use this helper to figure out what content the completion item will insert
// into the document, as it could live in either |textEdit|, |insertText|, or
// |label|.
const std::string &InsertedContent() const {
if (textEdit)
return textEdit->newText;
if (!insertText.empty())
return insertText;
return label;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsCompletionItem, label, kind, detail, documentation,
sortText, insertText, filterText, insertTextFormat,
sortText, filterText, insertText, insertTextFormat,
textEdit, additionalTextEdits);
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ void DecorateIncludePaths(const std::smatch &match,
quote0 = quote1 = '"';
item.textEdit->newText =
prefix + quote0 + item.textEdit->newText + quote1 + suffix;
item.textEdit.newText =
prefix + quote0 + item.textEdit.newText + quote1 + suffix;
item.label = prefix + quote0 + item.label + quote1 + suffix;
item.filterText = std::nullopt;
@ -125,27 +125,6 @@ ParseIncludeLineResult ParseIncludeLine(const std::string &line) {
return {ok, match[3], match[5], match[6], match};
static const std::vector<std::string> preprocessorKeywords = {
"define", "undef", "include", "if", "ifdef", "ifndef",
"else", "elif", "endif", "line", "error", "pragma"};
PreprocessorKeywordCompletionItems(const std::smatch &match) {
std::vector<lsCompletionItem> items;
for (auto &keyword : preprocessorKeywords) {
lsCompletionItem item;
item.label = keyword;
item.priority_ = (keyword == "include" ? 2 : 1);
item.textEdit = lsTextEdit();
std::string space = (keyword == "else" || keyword == "endif") ? "" : " ";
item.textEdit->newText = match[1].str() + "#" + match[2].str() + keyword +
space + match[6].str();
item.insertTextFormat = lsInsertTextFormat::PlainText;
return items;
template <typename T> char *tofixedbase64(T input, char *out) {
const char *digits = "./0123456789"
@ -162,11 +141,9 @@ template <typename T> char *tofixedbase64(T input, char *out) {
// Pre-filters completion responses before sending to vscode. This results in a
// significantly snappier completion experience as vscode is easily overloaded
// when given 1000+ completion items.
void FilterAndSortCompletionResponse(
Out_TextDocumentComplete *complete_response,
const std::string &complete_text, bool has_open_paren) {
if (!g_config->completion.filterAndSort)
void FilterCandidates(Out_TextDocumentComplete *complete_response,
const std::string &complete_text, lsPosition begin_pos,
lsPosition end_pos, bool has_open_paren) {
auto &items = complete_response->result.items;
auto finalize = [&]() {
@ -176,9 +153,21 @@ void FilterAndSortCompletionResponse(
complete_response->result.isIncomplete = true;
if (has_open_paren)
for (auto &item : items)
item.insertText = item.label;
for (auto &item : items) {
item.textEdit.range = lsRange{begin_pos, end_pos};
if (has_open_paren)
item.textEdit.newText = item.label;
// https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/543
// Order of textEdit and additionalTextEdits is unspecified.
auto &edits = item.additionalTextEdits;
if (edits.size() && edits[0].range.end == begin_pos) {
item.textEdit.range.start = edits[0].range.start;
item.textEdit.newText = edits[0].newText + item.textEdit.newText;
// Compatibility
item.insertText = item.textEdit.newText;
// Set sortText. Note that this happens after resizing - we could do it
// before, but then we should also sort by priority.
@ -188,7 +177,7 @@ void FilterAndSortCompletionResponse(
// No complete text; don't run any filtering logic except to trim the items.
if (complete_text.empty()) {
if (!g_config->completion.filterAndSort || complete_text.empty()) {
@ -249,19 +238,6 @@ bool IsOpenParenOrAngle(const std::vector<std::string> &lines,
return false;
unsigned GetCompletionPriority(const CodeCompletionString &CCS,
CXCursorKind result_kind,
const std::optional<std::string> &typedText) {
unsigned priority = CCS.getPriority();
if (CCS.getAvailability() != CXAvailability_Available ||
result_kind == CXCursor_Destructor ||
result_kind == CXCursor_ConversionFunction ||
(result_kind == CXCursor_CXXMethod && typedText &&
StartsWith(*typedText, "operator")))
priority *= 100;
return priority;
lsCompletionItemKind GetCompletionKind(CXCursorKind cursor_kind) {
switch (cursor_kind) {
case CXCursor_UnexposedDecl:
@ -354,11 +330,11 @@ lsCompletionItemKind GetCompletionKind(CXCursorKind cursor_kind) {
void BuildItem(std::vector<lsCompletionItem> &out,
const CodeCompletionString &CCS) {
void BuildItem(const CodeCompletionResult &R, const CodeCompletionString &CCS,
std::vector<lsCompletionItem> &out) {
auto first = out.size() - 1;
bool ignore = false;
std::string result_type;
for (const auto &Chunk : CCS) {
@ -392,7 +368,7 @@ void BuildItem(std::vector<lsCompletionItem> &out,
// Duplicate last element, the recursive call will complete it.
if (g_config->completion.duplicateOptional) {
BuildItem(out, *Chunk.Optional);
BuildItem(R, *Chunk.Optional, out);
@ -403,15 +379,20 @@ void BuildItem(std::vector<lsCompletionItem> &out,
for (auto i = first; i < out.size(); ++i) {
out[i].label += text;
if (!g_config->client.snippetSupport && !out[i].parameters_.empty())
if (ignore ||
(!g_config->client.snippetSupport && out[i].parameters_.size()))
if (Kind == CodeCompletionString::CK_Placeholder) {
out[i].insertText +=
if (R.Kind == CodeCompletionResult::RK_Pattern) {
ignore = true;
out[i].textEdit.newText +=
"${" + std::to_string(out[i].parameters_.size()) + ":" + text + "}";
out[i].insertTextFormat = lsInsertTextFormat::Snippet;
} else if (Kind != CodeCompletionString::CK_Informative) {
out[i].insertText += text;
out[i].textEdit.newText += text;
@ -441,12 +422,25 @@ public:
void ProcessCodeCompleteResults(Sema &S, CodeCompletionContext Context,
CodeCompletionResult *Results,
unsigned NumResults) override {
if (Context.getKind() == CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Recovery)
for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumResults; i++) {
auto &R = Results[i];
if (R.Availability == CXAvailability_NotAccessible ||
R.Availability == CXAvailability_NotAvailable)
if (R.Declaration) {
if (R.Declaration->getKind() == Decl::CXXDestructor)
if (auto *RD = dyn_cast<RecordDecl>(R.Declaration))
if (RD->isInjectedClassName())
auto NK = R.Declaration->getDeclName().getNameKind();
if (NK == DeclarationName::CXXOperatorName ||
NK == DeclarationName::CXXLiteralOperatorName)
CodeCompletionString *CCS = R.CreateCodeCompletionString(
S, Context, getAllocator(), getCodeCompletionTUInfo(),
@ -458,19 +452,27 @@ public:
size_t first_idx = ls_items.size();
BuildItem(ls_items, *CCS);
BuildItem(R, *CCS, ls_items);
for (size_t j = first_idx; j < ls_items.size(); j++) {
if (g_config->client.snippetSupport &&
ls_items[j].insertTextFormat == lsInsertTextFormat::Snippet)
ls_items[j].insertText += "$0";
ls_items[j].priority_ = GetCompletionPriority(
*CCS, Results[i].CursorKind, ls_items[j].filterText);
ls_items[j].textEdit.newText += "$0";
ls_items[j].priority_ = CCS->getPriority();
if (!g_config->completion.detailedLabel) {
ls_items[j].detail = ls_items[j].label;
ls_items[j].label = ls_items[j].filterText.value_or("");
for (const FixItHint &FixIt : R.FixIts) {
auto &AST = S.getASTContext();
lsTextEdit ls_edit =
ccls::ToTextEdit(AST.getSourceManager(), AST.getLangOpts(), FixIt);
for (size_t j = first_idx; j < ls_items.size(); j++)
@ -485,7 +487,7 @@ struct Handler_TextDocumentCompletion
void Run(In_TextDocumentComplete *request) override {
static CompleteConsumerCache<std::vector<lsCompletionItem>> cache;
auto ¶ms = request->params;
const auto ¶ms = request->params;
Out_TextDocumentComplete out;
out.id = request->id;
@ -544,55 +546,36 @@ struct Handler_TextDocumentCompletion
std::string completion_text;
lsPosition end_pos = params.position;
params.position = file->FindStableCompletionSource(
request->params.position, &completion_text, &end_pos);
lsPosition begin_pos = file->FindStableCompletionSource(
params.position, &completion_text, &end_pos);
ParseIncludeLineResult result = ParseIncludeLine(buffer_line);
ParseIncludeLineResult preprocess = ParseIncludeLine(buffer_line);
bool has_open_paren = IsOpenParenOrAngle(file->buffer_lines, end_pos);
if (result.ok) {
if (preprocess.ok && preprocess.keyword.compare("include") == 0) {
Out_TextDocumentComplete out;
out.id = request->id;
if (result.quote.empty() && result.pattern.empty()) {
// no quote or path of file, do preprocessor keyword completion
if (!std::any_of(preprocessorKeywords.begin(),
[&result](std::string_view k) {
return k == result.keyword;
})) {
out.result.items = PreprocessorKeywordCompletionItems(result.match);
FilterAndSortCompletionResponse(&out, result.keyword, has_open_paren);
} else if (result.keyword.compare("include") == 0) {
// do include completion
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(
include_complete->completion_items_mutex, std::defer_lock);
if (include_complete->is_scanning)
std::string quote = result.match[5];
for (auto &item : include_complete->completion_items)
if (quote.empty() ||
quote == (item.use_angle_brackets_ ? "<" : "\""))
FilterAndSortCompletionResponse(&out, result.pattern, has_open_paren);
DecorateIncludePaths(result.match, &out.result.items);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(
include_complete->completion_items_mutex, std::defer_lock);
if (include_complete->is_scanning)
std::string quote = preprocess.match[5];
for (auto &item : include_complete->completion_items)
if (quote.empty() || quote == (item.use_angle_brackets_ ? "<" : "\""))
for (lsCompletionItem &item : out.result.items) {
item.textEdit->range.start.line = params.position.line;
item.textEdit->range.start.character = 0;
item.textEdit->range.end.line = params.position.line;
item.textEdit->range.end.character = (int)buffer_line.size();
begin_pos.character = 0;
end_pos.character = (int)buffer_line.size();
FilterCandidates(&out, preprocess.pattern, begin_pos, end_pos,
DecorateIncludePaths(preprocess.match, &out.result.items);
pipeline::WriteStdout(kMethodType, out);
} else {
std::string path = params.textDocument.uri.GetPath();
CompletionManager::OnComplete callback =
[completion_text, has_open_paren, id = request->id,
params = request->params](CodeCompleteConsumer *OptConsumer) {
[completion_text, path, begin_pos, end_pos, has_open_paren,
id = request->id](CodeCompleteConsumer *OptConsumer) {
if (!OptConsumer)
auto *Consumer = static_cast<CompletionConsumer *>(OptConsumer);
@ -600,14 +583,13 @@ struct Handler_TextDocumentCompletion
out.id = id;
out.result.items = Consumer->ls_items;
FilterAndSortCompletionResponse(&out, completion_text,
FilterCandidates(&out, completion_text, begin_pos, end_pos,
pipeline::WriteStdout(kMethodType, out);
if (!Consumer->from_cache) {
std::string path = params.textDocument.uri.GetPath();
cache.WithLock([&]() {
cache.path = path;
cache.position = params.position;
cache.position = begin_pos;
cache.result = Consumer->ls_items;
@ -615,18 +597,19 @@ struct Handler_TextDocumentCompletion
clang::CodeCompleteOptions CCOpts;
CCOpts.IncludeBriefComments = true;
CCOpts.IncludeCodePatterns = preprocess.ok; // if there is a #
CCOpts.IncludeFixIts = true;
CCOpts.IncludeMacros = true;
if (cache.IsCacheValid(params)) {
if (cache.IsCacheValid(path, begin_pos)) {
CompletionConsumer Consumer(CCOpts, true);
cache.WithLock([&]() { Consumer.ls_items = cache.result; });
} else {
request->id, params.textDocument, params.position,
request->id, params.textDocument, begin_pos,
std::make_unique<CompletionConsumer>(CCOpts, false), CCOpts,
@ -172,18 +172,18 @@ struct Handler_TextDocumentSignatureHelp
void Run(In_TextDocumentSignatureHelp *request) override {
static CompleteConsumerCache<lsSignatureHelp> cache;
auto ¶ms = request->params;
const auto ¶ms = request->params;
std::string path = params.textDocument.uri.GetPath();
lsPosition begin_pos = params.position;
if (WorkingFile *file = working_files->GetFileByFilename(path)) {
std::string completion_text;
lsPosition end_pos = params.position;
params.position = file->FindStableCompletionSource(
begin_pos = file->FindStableCompletionSource(
request->params.position, &completion_text, &end_pos);
CompletionManager::OnComplete callback =
[id = request->id,
params = request->params](CodeCompleteConsumer *OptConsumer) {
[id = request->id, path, begin_pos](CodeCompleteConsumer *OptConsumer) {
if (!OptConsumer)
auto *Consumer = static_cast<SignatureHelpConsumer *>(OptConsumer);
@ -192,10 +192,9 @@ struct Handler_TextDocumentSignatureHelp
out.result = Consumer->ls_sighelp;
pipeline::WriteStdout(kMethodType, out);
if (!Consumer->from_cache) {
std::string path = params.textDocument.uri.GetPath();
cache.WithLock([&]() {
cache.path = path;
cache.position = params.position;
cache.position = begin_pos;
cache.result = Consumer->ls_sighelp;
@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ struct Handler_TextDocumentSignatureHelp
CCOpts.IncludeGlobals = false;
CCOpts.IncludeMacros = false;
CCOpts.IncludeBriefComments = false;
if (cache.IsCacheValid(params)) {
if (cache.IsCacheValid(path, begin_pos)) {
SignatureHelpConsumer Consumer(CCOpts, true);
cache.WithLock([&]() { Consumer.ls_sighelp = cache.result; });
Reference in New Issue
Block a user