mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 09:36:54 +00:00
wip template usage
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ SourceLocation::SourceLocation(const CXIdxLoc& cx_location)
: SourceLocation(clang_indexLoc_getCXSourceLocation(cx_location)) {
bool SourceLocation::operator==(const SourceLocation& o) {
return path == o.path && line == o.line && column == o.column;
bool operator==(const SourceLocation& a, const SourceLocation& b) {
return a.path == b.path && a.line == b.line && a.column == b.column;
bool SourceLocation::operator!=(const SourceLocation& o) {
return !(*this == o);
bool operator!=(const SourceLocation& a, const SourceLocation& b) {
return !(a == b);
std::string SourceLocation::ToString() const {
@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ public:
SourceLocation(const CXSourceLocation& cx_location);
SourceLocation(const CXIdxLoc& cx_location);
bool operator==(const SourceLocation& o);
bool operator!=(const SourceLocation& o);
std::string path;
unsigned line = 0;
unsigned column = 0;
@ -36,6 +33,9 @@ public:
std::string ToString() const;
bool operator==(const SourceLocation& a, const SourceLocation& b);
bool operator!=(const SourceLocation& a, const SourceLocation& b);
} // namespace clang
@ -1193,6 +1193,25 @@ std::optional<clang::Cursor> FindChildOfKind(clang::Cursor cursor, CXCursorKind
clang::VisiterResult FindTypeVisitor(clang::Cursor cursor, clang::Cursor parent, std::optional<clang::Cursor>* result) {
switch (cursor.get_kind()) {
case CXCursor_TypeRef:
case CXCursor_TemplateRef:
*result = cursor;
return clang::VisiterResult::Break;
return clang::VisiterResult::Recurse;
std::optional<clang::Cursor> FindType(clang::Cursor cursor) {
std::optional<clang::Cursor> result;
cursor.VisitChildren(&FindTypeVisitor, &result);
return result;
@ -1254,6 +1273,14 @@ std::string GetNamespacePrefx(const CXIdxDeclInfo* decl) {
bool HasUsage(const std::vector<clang::SourceLocation>& usages, const clang::SourceLocation& usage) {
for (int i = usages.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (usages[i] == usage)
return true;
return false;
// TODO: Let's switch over to the indexer api. It can index
// the int x = get_value() bit...
@ -1266,14 +1293,6 @@ std::string GetNamespacePrefx(const CXIdxDeclInfo* decl) {
// * it doesn't seem like we get any template specialization logic
// * we get two decls to the same template... resolved by checking parent? maybe this will break. not sure.
// Insert a reference to |type_id| using the location of the first TypeRef under |cursor|.
void InsertInterestingTypeReference(ParsingDatabase* db, TypeId type_id, clang::Cursor cursor) {
std::optional<clang::Cursor> child = FindChildOfKind(cursor, CXCursor_TypeRef);
assert(child.has_value()); // If this assert ever fails just use |cursor| loc.
TypeDef* def = db->Resolve(type_id);
bool IsTypeDefinition(const CXIdxContainerInfo* container) {
if (!container)
@ -1288,6 +1307,42 @@ bool IsTypeDefinition(const CXIdxContainerInfo* container) {
std::optional<TypeId> ResolveToType(ParsingDatabase* db, clang::Type type) {
clang::Type var_type = type.strip_qualifiers();
std::string usr = var_type.get_usr();
if (usr == "")
return std::nullopt;
// TODO: Add a check and don't resolve template specializations that exist in source code.
// Resolve template specialization so that we always point to the non-specialized type.
clang::Cursor decl = clang_getTypeDeclaration(var_type.cx_type);
clang::Cursor unresolved_decl = clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate(decl.cx_cursor);
std::string template_usr = clang::Cursor(unresolved_decl).get_usr();
if (template_usr != "")
usr = template_usr;
return db->ToTypeId(usr);
clang::SourceLocation FindLocationOfTypeSpecifier(clang::Cursor cursor) {
std::cout << "FindLocationOfTypeSpecifier " << std::endl;
std::optional<clang::Cursor> child = FindType(cursor);
assert(child.has_value()); // If this assert ever fails just use |cursor| loc or figure out what type ref we are missing.
return child.value().get_source_location();
void AddInterestingUsageToType(ParsingDatabase* db, TypeId type_id, clang::SourceLocation location) {
TypeDef* type_def = db->Resolve(type_id);
void indexDeclaration(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxDeclInfo* decl) {
IndexParam* param = static_cast<IndexParam*>(client_data);
ParsingDatabase* db = param->db;
@ -1304,6 +1359,7 @@ void indexDeclaration(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxDeclInfo* decl) {
case CXIdxEntity_Variable:
case CXIdxEntity_CXXStaticVariable:
clang::Cursor decl_cursor = decl->cursor;
VarId var_id = db->ToVarId(decl->entityInfo->USR);
VarDef* var_def = db->Resolve(var_id);
@ -1321,19 +1377,19 @@ void indexDeclaration(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxDeclInfo* decl) {
// Declaring variable type information.
std::string var_type_usr = clang::Cursor(decl->cursor).get_type().strip_qualifiers().get_usr();
if (var_type_usr != "") {
TypeId var_type_id = db->ToTypeId(var_type_usr);
var_def->variable_type = var_type_id;
// Declaring variable type information.
std::optional<TypeId> var_type_id = ResolveToType(db, decl_cursor.get_type());
if (var_type_id) {
var_def->variable_type = var_type_id.value();
// Insert an interesting type usage for variable declarations. Parameters
// are handled when a function is declared because clang doesn't provide
// parameter declarations for unnamed parameters.
if (decl->cursor.kind != CXCursor_ParmDecl)
InsertInterestingTypeReference(db, var_type_id, decl->cursor);
if (decl_cursor.get_kind() != CXCursor_ParmDecl)
AddInterestingUsageToType(db, var_type_id.value(), FindLocationOfTypeSpecifier(decl_cursor));
if (decl->isDefinition && IsTypeDefinition(decl->semanticContainer)) {
TypeId declaring_type_id = db->ToTypeId(decl->semanticContainer->cursor);
TypeDef* declaring_type_def = db->Resolve(declaring_type_id);
@ -1355,6 +1411,7 @@ void indexDeclaration(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxDeclInfo* decl) {
case CXIdxEntity_CXXInstanceMethod:
case CXIdxEntity_CXXStaticMethod:
clang::Cursor decl_cursor = decl->cursor;
FuncId func_id = db->ToFuncId(decl->entityInfo->USR);
FuncDef* func_def = db->Resolve(func_id);
@ -1383,26 +1440,27 @@ void indexDeclaration(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxDeclInfo* decl) {
std::string return_type_usr = clang::Cursor(decl->cursor).get_type().get_return_type().strip_qualifiers().get_usr();
if (return_type_usr != "")
InsertInterestingTypeReference(db, db->ToTypeId(return_type_usr), decl->cursor);
std::optional<TypeId> ret_type_id = ResolveToType(db, decl_cursor.get_type().get_return_type());
if (ret_type_id)
AddInterestingUsageToType(db, ret_type_id.value(), FindLocationOfTypeSpecifier(decl_cursor));
if (decl->isDefinition || is_pure_virtual) {
// Mark type usage for parameters as interesting. We handle this here
// instead of inside var declaration because clang will not emit a var
// declaration for an unnamed parameter, but we still want to mark the
// usage as interesting.
// TODO: Do a similar thing for function decl parameter usages.
// TODO: Do a similar thing for function decl parameter usages. Mark
// prototype params as interesting type usages but also relate mark
// them as as usages on the primary variable - requires USR to be
// the same. We can work around it by declaring which variables a
// parameter has declared and update the USR in the definition.
clang::Cursor cursor = decl->cursor;
for (clang::Cursor arg : cursor.get_arguments()) {
switch (arg.get_kind()) {
case CXCursor_ParmDecl:
std::string param_type_usr = arg.get_type().strip_qualifiers().get_usr();
if (param_type_usr != "") {
InsertInterestingTypeReference(db, db->ToTypeId(param_type_usr), arg);
std::optional<TypeId> arg_type_id = ResolveToType(db, arg.get_type());
if (arg_type_id)
AddInterestingUsageToType(db, arg_type_id.value(), FindLocationOfTypeSpecifier(arg));
@ -1615,17 +1673,8 @@ void indexEntityReference(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxEntityRefInfo* re
//param->last_type_usage_location = loc;
// TODO: initializer list can many type refs...
bool do_break = false;
for (int i = referenced_def->all_uses.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (referenced_def->all_uses[i] == loc) {
do_break = true;
if (do_break)
if (!HasUsage(referenced_def->all_uses, loc))
@ -1815,8 +1864,10 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
for (std::string path : GetFilesInFolder("tests")) {
//if (path != "tests/declaration_vs_definition/method.cc") continue;
//if (path == "tests/usage/type_usage_declare_extern.cc") continue;
//if (path != "tests/constructors/destructor.cc") continue;
//if (path != "tests/usage/usage_inside_of_call.cc") continue;
//if (path == "tests/constructors/constructor.cc") continue;
//if (path == "tests/constructors/destructor.cc") continue;
//if (path == "tests/usage/func_usage_call_method.cc") continue;
if (path != "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter_simple.cc") continue;
//if (path != "tests/usage/type_usage_typedef_and_using.cc") continue;
//if (path != "tests/usage/type_usage_declare_local.cc") continue;
//if (path != "tests/usage/func_usage_addr_method.cc") continue;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
using FileId = uint64_t;
struct FileDatabase {
std::unordered_map<std::string, FileId> filename_to_file_id;
std::unordered_map<FileId, std::string> file_id_to_filename;
struct SymbolIdx {
std::optional<uint64_t> type_idx;
std::optional<uint64_t> func_idx;
std::optional<uint64_t> var_idx;
struct File {
// Symbols declared in the file.
std::vector<SymbolIdx> declared_symbols;
// Symbols which have definitions in the file.
std::vector<SymbolIdx> defined_symbols;
struct TypeDef {};
struct FuncDef {};
struct VarDef {};
struct QueryableEntry {
const char* const str;
// The query database is heavily optimized for fast queries. It is stored
// in-memory.
struct QueryDatabase {
// Indicies between lookup vectors are related to symbols, ie, index 5 in
// |qualified_names| matches index 5 in |symbols|.
std::vector<QueryableEntry> qualified_names;
std::vector<SymbolIdx> symbols;
// Raw data storage.
std::vector<TypeDef> types;
std::vector<FuncDef> funcs;
std::vector<VarDef> vars;
// |files| is indexed by FileId. Retrieve a FileId from a path using
// |file_locator|.
FileDatabase file_locator;
std::vector<File> files;
// Task running in a separate process, parsing a file into something we can
// import.
struct ParseTask {};
// Completed parse task that wants to import content into the global database.
// Runs in main process, primary thread. Stops all other threads.
struct IndexImportTask {};
// Completed parse task that wants to update content previously imported into
// the global database. Runs in main process, primary thread. Stops all other
// threads.
// Note that this task just contains a set of operations to apply to the global
// database. The operations come from a diff based on the previously indexed
// state in comparison to the newly indexed state.
// TODO: We may be able to run multiple freshen and import tasks in parallel if
// we restrict what ranges of the db they may change.
struct IndexFreshenTask {};
// Task running a query against the global database. Run in main process,
// separate thread.
struct QueryTask {};
struct TaskManager {
@ -1,102 +1,63 @@
// TODO: Reenable
#if false
template<typename T>
class unique_ptr {
T value;
class unique_ptr;
struct Foo {
int x;
struct S {};
void foo() {
unique_ptr<Foo> f0;
unique_ptr<Foo> f1;
static unique_ptr<bool> f0;
static unique_ptr<S> f1;
f0.value.x += 5;
unique_ptr<S>* return_type() {
unique_ptr<S>* local;
return nullptr;
// TODO: Figure out how we want to handle template specializations. For example,
// when we use unique_ptr<int>.value, do we want to generalize that to a
// usage on unique_ptr<T>.value, or just on unique_ptr<int>.value?
"types": [{
"id": 0,
"usr": "c:@ST>1#T@unique_ptr",
"short_name": "unique_ptr",
"qualified_name": "unique_ptr",
"definition": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:2:7",
"vars": [0]
"all_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:2:7", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:6:8", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:7:8", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:9:1", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:10:3"],
"interesting_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:6:8", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:7:8", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:9:1", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:10:3"]
}, {
"id": 1,
"usr": "c:@S@Foo",
"short_name": "Foo",
"qualified_name": "Foo",
"definition": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:7:8",
"vars": [1],
"uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:12:14", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:13:14"]
}, {
"id": 2,
"usr": "c:@S@unique_ptr>#$@S@Foo",
"uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:12:19", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:13:19"]
"usr": "c:@S@S",
"short_name": "S",
"qualified_name": "S",
"definition": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:4:8",
"all_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:4:8", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:7:19", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:9:12", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:10:14"]
"functions": [{
"id": 0,
"usr": "c:@F@foo#",
"short_name": "foo",
"qualified_name": "foo",
"definition": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:11:6"
"usr": "c:@F@return_type#",
"short_name": "return_type",
"qualified_name": "return_type",
"definition": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:9:16",
"all_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:9:16"]
"variables": [{
"id": 0,
"usr": "c:@ST>1#T@unique_ptr@FI@value",
"short_name": "value",
"qualified_name": "unique_ptr::value",
"declaration": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:4:5",
"initializations": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:4:5"],
"declaring_type": 0
}, {
"id": 1,
"usr": "c:@S@Foo@FI@x",
"short_name": "x",
"qualified_name": "Foo::x",
"declaration": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:8:7",
"initializations": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:8:7"],
"declaring_type": 1,
"uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:15:12"]
}, {
"id": 2,
"usr": "c:type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc@115@F@foo#@f0",
"usr": "c:type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc@f0",
"short_name": "f0",
"qualified_name": "f0",
"declaration": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:12:19",
"initializations": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:12:19"],
"variable_type": 2,
"uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:15:3"]
"definition": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:6:25",
"variable_type": 0,
"all_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:6:25"]
}, {
"id": 3,
"usr": "c:type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc@138@F@foo#@f1",
"id": 1,
"usr": "c:type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc@f1",
"short_name": "f1",
"qualified_name": "f1",
"declaration": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:13:19",
"initializations": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:13:19"],
"variable_type": 2
"definition": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:7:22",
"variable_type": 0,
"all_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:7:22"]
}, {
"id": 4,
"usr": "c:@S@unique_ptr>#$@S@Foo@FI@value",
"uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:15:6"]
"id": 2,
"usr": "c:type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc@150@F@return_type#@local",
"short_name": "local",
"qualified_name": "local",
"definition": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:10:18",
"variable_type": 0,
"all_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter.cc:10:18"]
"types": [],
"functions": [],
"variables": []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
template<typename T>
class unique_ptr;
struct S;
extern unique_ptr<S> f;
// TODO: There should be an interesting usage on S as well.
"types": [{
"id": 0,
"usr": "c:@ST>1#T@unique_ptr",
"all_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter_simple.cc:2:7", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter_simple.cc:6:8"],
"interesting_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter_simple.cc:6:8"]
}, {
"id": 1,
"usr": "c:@S@S",
"all_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter_simple.cc:4:8", "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter_simple.cc:6:19"]
"functions": [],
"variables": [{
"id": 0,
"usr": "c:@f",
"short_name": "f",
"qualified_name": "f",
"declaration": "tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter_simple.cc:6:22",
"variable_type": 0,
"all_uses": ["tests/usage/type_usage_as_template_parameter_simple.cc:6:22"]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user