Return serverInfo for an initialize request. This helps clients to
identify ccls even when they just connect to a TCP port and allows them
to easily implement server specific functionalities like $ccls/navigate.
The result from clang commandline is something like
Which means I need to recompile when the clang is upgraded to newer 7.x.x
However the system has a convenient symlink, which is
/usr/include/c++/9 comes before /usr/include in `{clang,gcc} -v -fsyntax-only -xc++ /dev/null`.
target_include_directories(ccls SYSTEM PRIVATE ${RapidJSON_INCLUDE_DIRS})
If ${RapidJSON_INCLUDE_DIRS} resolves to /usr/include, /usr/include will
be shuffled before /usr/include/c++/9 and will cause `#include_next <stdlib.h>`
issues (see
Check if the include directories are already in CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.
Combined Daan De Meyer's #227 with other simplification
* USE_SHARED_LLVM is deleted in favor of LLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB
* LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI is deleted as it is provided by LLVMConfig.cmake
* Only direct Clang/LLVM dependencies are required in target_link_libraries
* WorkingFiles::files : vector -> unordered_map
* Add timestamp to WorkingFile
* Rename "comp-preload" thread to "preamble"
* Rename CompletionManager to SemaManager as it is used by "diag" "comp" "preamble"
* Rename clang_complete.* to sema_manager.*
* Merge SemaManager::{preloads,sessions}
* Add initialization option session.maxNum
* In DiagnosticMain, if an included file was modified, cancel the DiagTask and create a PreambleTask instead. The task sets `from_diag` so as to trigger immediate DiagTask after the preamble is built.
Delete method.{cc,h}
Rename $ccls/setSkippedRanges to $ccls/publishSkippedRanges
Rename $ccls/publishSemanticHighlighting to $ccls/publishSemanticHighlight; stableId -> id
* Better LanguageId detection with clangDriver (e.g. .cu -> types::TY_CUDA)
* fallback when there is no .ccls or compile_commands.json
Also Hide clangTooling options from --help
$ccls/reload is renamed from $ccls/freshenIndex
This is useful when DB (merged index) diverges from backing IndexFile.
Also fix a semantic highlighting bug.
1. libClangDriver.a shipped by MSYS2 needs -lversion which is not
included in CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES by default.
2. Use string literal for DEFAULT_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY to support
backslashes in path.