Since the introduction of "ColumnLimit: 120" in .clang-format, the
column limit has become 120 characters instead of 80 characters.
This prevents clang-format from generating too much changes even if just
a small portion of a source file or header file is modified.
If the workspace folder is a symlink and the client doesn't follow it.
Treat /tmp/symlink/ as canonical and convert every /tmp/real/ path to
Combined Daan De Meyer's #227 with other simplification
* USE_SHARED_LLVM is deleted in favor of LLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB
* LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI is deleted as it is provided by LLVMConfig.cmake
* Only direct Clang/LLVM dependencies are required in target_link_libraries
cache.hierarchicalPath: store cache files as $directory/a/b/ to
work around NAME_MAX limitation.
cache.retainInMemory: after this number of loads, keep a copy of file
index in memory. If set to 1, it avoids cache corruption if the index
file is changed after the initial load, which may happen if several
language clients open the same project and share the same cache
Also rename cacheDirectory cacheFormat to cache.{directory,format}
Also makes textDocument/definition in comments takes scope resolution
into account, and use detailed names (for Func, without parameters) for workspace/symbol
* Look for .cquery in any directory above the source file in the hierarchy.
Currently cquery only reads compiler arguments (.cquery) from project
root. Under some circumstances (e.g. remote compiling), generating a
compilation database with correct path in it is non-trivial, and
allowing per directory compile arguments usually helps.
* unused var buf
The heuristic may not be perfect, but it is probably good enough.
clang_codeCompleteAt seems to get slower as more and more CXUnsavedFile
instances are uploaded.