// Copyright 2017-2018 ccls Authors // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #include "pipeline.hh" #include "clang_complete.hh" #include "config.h" #include "include_complete.h" #include "log.hh" #include "lsp.h" #include "match.h" #include "message_handler.h" #include "pipeline.hh" #include "platform.h" #include "project.h" #include "query_utils.h" #include #include using namespace llvm; #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif void DiagnosticsPublisher::Init() { frequencyMs_ = g_config->diagnostics.frequencyMs; match_ = std::make_unique(g_config->diagnostics.whitelist, g_config->diagnostics.blacklist); } void DiagnosticsPublisher::Publish(WorkingFiles *working_files, std::string path, std::vector diagnostics) { bool good = true; // Cache diagnostics so we can show fixits. working_files->DoActionOnFile(path, [&](WorkingFile *working_file) { if (working_file) { good = working_file->diagnostics_.empty(); working_file->diagnostics_ = diagnostics; } }); int64_t now = std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch()) .count(); if (frequencyMs_ >= 0 && (nextPublish_ <= now || (!good && diagnostics.empty())) && match_->IsMatch(path)) { nextPublish_ = now + frequencyMs_; Out_TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics out; out.params.uri = lsDocumentUri::FromPath(path); out.params.diagnostics = diagnostics; ccls::pipeline::WriteStdout(kMethodType_TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics, out); } } void VFS::Clear() { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); state.clear(); } bool VFS::Loaded(const std::string &path) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); return state[path].loaded; } bool VFS::Stamp(const std::string &path, int64_t ts, int step) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); State &st = state[path]; if (st.timestamp < ts || (st.timestamp == ts && st.step < step)) { st.timestamp = ts; st.step = step; return true; } else return false; } namespace ccls::pipeline { int64_t loaded_ts = 0, tick = 0; namespace { struct Index_Request { std::string path; std::vector args; IndexMode mode; lsRequestId id; int64_t ts = tick++; }; struct Stdout_Request { MethodType method; std::string content; }; MultiQueueWaiter *main_waiter; MultiQueueWaiter *indexer_waiter; MultiQueueWaiter *stdout_waiter; ThreadedQueue> *on_request; ThreadedQueue *index_request; ThreadedQueue *on_indexed; ThreadedQueue *for_stdout; struct InMemoryIndexFile { std::string content; IndexFile index; }; std::shared_mutex g_index_mutex; std::unordered_map g_index; bool CacheInvalid(VFS *vfs, IndexFile *prev, const std::string &path, const std::vector &args, const std::optional &from) { { std::lock_guard lock(vfs->mutex); if (prev->mtime < vfs->state[path].timestamp) { LOG_S(INFO) << "timestamp changed for " << path << (from ? " (via " + *from + ")" : std::string()); return true; } } bool changed = prev->args.size() != args.size(); for (size_t i = 0; !changed && i < args.size(); i++) if (strcmp(prev->args[i], args[i])) changed = true; if (changed) LOG_S(INFO) << "args changed for " << path << (from ? " (via " + *from + ")" : std::string()); return changed; }; std::string AppendSerializationFormat(const std::string &base) { switch (g_config->cacheFormat) { case SerializeFormat::Binary: return base + ".blob"; case SerializeFormat::Json: return base + ".json"; } } std::string GetCachePath(const std::string &source_file) { std::string cache_file; auto len = g_config->projectRoot.size(); if (StartsWith(source_file, g_config->projectRoot)) { cache_file = EscapeFileName(g_config->projectRoot.substr(0, len - 1)) + '/' + EscapeFileName(source_file.substr(len)); } else { cache_file = '@' + EscapeFileName(g_config->projectRoot.substr(0, len - 1)) + '/' + EscapeFileName(source_file); } return g_config->cacheDirectory + cache_file; } std::unique_ptr RawCacheLoad(const std::string &path) { if (g_config->cacheDirectory.empty()) { std::shared_lock lock(g_index_mutex); auto it = g_index.find(path); if (it == g_index.end()) return nullptr; return std::make_unique(it->second.index); } std::string cache_path = GetCachePath(path); std::optional file_content = ReadContent(cache_path); std::optional serialized_indexed_content = ReadContent(AppendSerializationFormat(cache_path)); if (!file_content || !serialized_indexed_content) return nullptr; return ccls::Deserialize(g_config->cacheFormat, path, *serialized_indexed_content, *file_content, IndexFile::kMajorVersion); } bool Indexer_Parse(CompletionManager *completion, WorkingFiles *wfiles, Project *project, VFS *vfs, const GroupMatch &matcher) { const int N_MUTEXES = 256; static std::mutex mutexes[N_MUTEXES]; std::optional opt_request = index_request->TryPopFront(); if (!opt_request) return false; auto &request = *opt_request; bool loud = request.mode != IndexMode::OnChange; // Dummy one to trigger refresh semantic highlight. if (request.path.empty()) { IndexUpdate dummy; dummy.refresh = true; on_indexed->PushBack(std::move(dummy), false); return false; } if (!matcher.IsMatch(request.path)) { LOG_IF_S(INFO, loud) << "skip " << request.path; return false; } Project::Entry entry = project->FindCompilationEntryForFile(request.path); if (request.args.size()) entry.args = request.args; std::string path_to_index = entry.filename; std::unique_ptr prev; std::optional write_time = LastWriteTime(path_to_index); if (!write_time) return true; int reparse = vfs->Stamp(path_to_index, *write_time, 0); if (request.path != path_to_index) { std::optional mtime1 = LastWriteTime(request.path); if (!mtime1) return true; if (vfs->Stamp(request.path, *mtime1, 0)) reparse = 1; } if (g_config->index.onChange) { reparse = 2; std::lock_guard lock(vfs->mutex); vfs->state[path_to_index].step = 0; if (request.path != path_to_index) vfs->state[request.path].step = 0; } if (!reparse) return true; if (reparse < 2) do { std::unique_lock lock( mutexes[std::hash()(path_to_index) % N_MUTEXES]); prev = RawCacheLoad(path_to_index); if (!prev || CacheInvalid(vfs, prev.get(), path_to_index, entry.args, std::nullopt)) break; bool update = false; for (const auto &dep : prev->dependencies) if (auto mtime1 = LastWriteTime(dep.first.val().str())) { if (dep.second < *mtime1) update = true; } else { update = true; } int forDep = g_config->index.reparseForDependency; if (update && (forDep > 1 || (forDep == 1 && request.ts < loaded_ts))) break; if (reparse < 2) { LOG_S(INFO) << "load cache for " << path_to_index; auto dependencies = prev->dependencies; if (reparse) { if (vfs->Loaded(path_to_index)) return true; IndexUpdate update = IndexUpdate::CreateDelta(nullptr, prev.get()); on_indexed->PushBack(std::move(update), request.mode != IndexMode::NonInteractive); std::lock_guard lock1(vfs->mutex); vfs->state[path_to_index].loaded = true; } lock.unlock(); for (const auto &dep : dependencies) { std::string path = dep.first.val().str(); std::lock_guard lock1( mutexes[std::hash()(path) % N_MUTEXES]); prev = RawCacheLoad(path); if (!prev) continue; { std::lock_guard lock2(vfs->mutex); VFS::State &st = vfs->state[path]; if (st.loaded) continue; st.loaded = true; st.timestamp = prev->mtime; } IndexUpdate update = IndexUpdate::CreateDelta(nullptr, prev.get()); on_indexed->PushBack(std::move(update), request.mode != IndexMode::NonInteractive); if (entry.id >= 0) { std::lock_guard lock2(project->mutex_); project->path_to_entry_index[path] = entry.id; } } return true; } } while (0); LOG_IF_S(INFO, loud) << "parse " << path_to_index; std::vector> remapped; if (g_config->index.onChange) { std::string content = wfiles->GetContent(path_to_index); if (content.size()) remapped.emplace_back(path_to_index, content); } auto indexes = idx::Index(completion, wfiles, vfs, entry.directory, path_to_index, entry.args, remapped); if (indexes.empty()) { if (g_config->index.enabled && request.id.Valid()) { Out_Error out; out.id = request.id; out.error.code = lsErrorCodes::InternalError; out.error.message = "Failed to index " + path_to_index; pipeline::WriteStdout(kMethodType_Unknown, out); } return true; } for (std::unique_ptr &curr : indexes) { std::string path = curr->path; if (!matcher.IsMatch(path)) { LOG_IF_S(INFO, loud) << "skip index for " << path; continue; } LOG_IF_S(INFO, loud) << "store index for " << path << " (delta: " << !!prev << ")"; { std::lock_guard lock(mutexes[std::hash()(path) % N_MUTEXES]); if (vfs->Loaded(path)) prev = RawCacheLoad(path); else prev.reset(); if (g_config->cacheDirectory.empty()) { std::lock_guard lock(g_index_mutex); auto it = g_index.insert_or_assign( path, InMemoryIndexFile{curr->file_contents, *curr}); std::string().swap(it.first->second.index.file_contents); } else { std::string cache_path = GetCachePath(path); WriteToFile(cache_path, curr->file_contents); WriteToFile(AppendSerializationFormat(cache_path), Serialize(g_config->cacheFormat, *curr)); } on_indexed->PushBack(IndexUpdate::CreateDelta(prev.get(), curr.get()), request.mode != IndexMode::NonInteractive); { std::lock_guard lock1(vfs->mutex); vfs->state[path].loaded = true; } if (entry.id >= 0) { std::lock_guard lock(project->mutex_); for (auto &dep : curr->dependencies) project->path_to_entry_index[dep.first.val().str()] = entry.id; } } } return true; } } // namespace void Init() { main_waiter = new MultiQueueWaiter; on_request = new ThreadedQueue>(main_waiter); on_indexed = new ThreadedQueue(main_waiter); indexer_waiter = new MultiQueueWaiter; index_request = new ThreadedQueue(indexer_waiter); stdout_waiter = new MultiQueueWaiter; for_stdout = new ThreadedQueue(stdout_waiter); } void Indexer_Main(CompletionManager *completion, VFS *vfs, Project *project, WorkingFiles *wfiles) { GroupMatch matcher(g_config->index.whitelist, g_config->index.blacklist); while (true) if (!Indexer_Parse(completion, wfiles, project, vfs, matcher)) indexer_waiter->Wait(index_request); } void Main_OnIndexed(DB *db, SemanticHighlight *highlight, WorkingFiles *working_files, IndexUpdate *update) { if (update->refresh) { LOG_S(INFO) << "loaded project. Refresh semantic highlight for all working file."; std::lock_guard lock(working_files->files_mutex); for (auto &f : working_files->files) { std::string filename = LowerPathIfInsensitive(f->filename); if (db->name2file_id.find(filename) == db->name2file_id.end()) continue; QueryFile *file = &db->files[db->name2file_id[filename]]; EmitSemanticHighlighting(db, highlight, f.get(), file); } return; } static Timer timer("apply", "apply index"); timer.startTimer(); db->ApplyIndexUpdate(update); timer.stopTimer(); // Update indexed content, skipped ranges, and semantic highlighting. if (update->files_def_update) { auto &def_u = *update->files_def_update; if (WorkingFile *wfile = working_files->GetFileByFilename(def_u.first.path)) { // FIXME With index.onChange: true, use buffer_content only for // request.path wfile->SetIndexContent(g_config->index.onChange ? wfile->buffer_content : def_u.second); EmitSkippedRanges(wfile, def_u.first.skipped_ranges); EmitSemanticHighlighting(db, highlight, wfile, &db->files[update->file_id]); } } } void LaunchStdin() { std::thread([]() { set_thread_name("stdin"); while (true) { std::unique_ptr message; std::optional err = MessageRegistry::instance()->ReadMessageFromStdin(&message); // Message parsing can fail if we don't recognize the method. if (err) { // The message may be partially deserialized. // Emit an error ResponseMessage if |id| is available. if (message) { lsRequestId id = message->GetRequestId(); if (id.Valid()) { Out_Error out; out.id = id; out.error.code = lsErrorCodes::InvalidParams; out.error.message = std::move(*err); WriteStdout(kMethodType_Unknown, out); } } continue; } // Cache |method_id| so we can access it after moving |message|. MethodType method_type = message->GetMethodType(); on_request->PushBack(std::move(message)); // If the message was to exit then querydb will take care of the actual // exit. Stop reading from stdin since it might be detached. if (method_type == kMethodType_Exit) break; } }) .detach(); } void LaunchStdout() { std::thread([=]() { set_thread_name("stdout"); while (true) { std::vector messages = for_stdout->DequeueAll(); if (messages.empty()) { stdout_waiter->Wait(for_stdout); continue; } for (auto &message : messages) { #ifdef _WIN32 fwrite(message.content.c_str(), message.content.size(), 1, stdout); fflush(stdout); #else write(1, message.content.c_str(), message.content.size()); #endif } } }) .detach(); } void MainLoop() { Project project; SemanticHighlight highlight; WorkingFiles working_files; VFS vfs; DiagnosticsPublisher diag_pub; CompletionManager clang_complete( &project, &working_files, [&](std::string path, std::vector diagnostics) { diag_pub.Publish(&working_files, path, diagnostics); }, [](lsRequestId id) { if (id.Valid()) { Out_Error out; out.id = id; out.error.code = lsErrorCodes::InternalError; out.error.message = "Dropping completion request; a newer request " "has come in that will be serviced instead."; pipeline::WriteStdout(kMethodType_Unknown, out); } }); IncludeComplete include_complete(&project); DB db; // Setup shared references. for (MessageHandler *handler : *MessageHandler::message_handlers) { handler->db = &db; handler->waiter = indexer_waiter; handler->project = &project; handler->diag_pub = &diag_pub; handler->vfs = &vfs; handler->highlight = &highlight; handler->working_files = &working_files; handler->clang_complete = &clang_complete; handler->include_complete = &include_complete; } while (true) { std::vector> messages = on_request->DequeueAll(); bool did_work = messages.size(); for (auto &message : messages) { // TODO: Consider using std::unordered_map to lookup the handler for (MessageHandler *handler : *MessageHandler::message_handlers) { if (handler->GetMethodType() == message->GetMethodType()) { handler->Run(std::move(message)); break; } } if (message) LOG_S(ERROR) << "No handler for " << message->GetMethodType(); } for (int i = 80; i--;) { std::optional update = on_indexed->TryPopFront(); if (!update) break; did_work = true; Main_OnIndexed(&db, &highlight, &working_files, &*update); } if (!did_work) { FreeUnusedMemory(); main_waiter->Wait(on_indexed, on_request); } } } void Index(const std::string &path, const std::vector &args, IndexMode mode, lsRequestId id) { index_request->PushBack({path, args, mode, id}, mode != IndexMode::NonInteractive); } std::optional LoadIndexedContent(const std::string &path) { if (g_config->cacheDirectory.empty()) { std::shared_lock lock(g_index_mutex); auto it = g_index.find(path); if (it == g_index.end()) return {}; return it->second.content; } return ReadContent(GetCachePath(path)); } void WriteStdout(MethodType method, lsBaseOutMessage &response) { std::ostringstream sstream; response.Write(sstream); Stdout_Request out; out.content = sstream.str(); out.method = method; for_stdout->PushBack(std::move(out)); } } // namespace ccls::pipeline