#include "working_files.h" #include "position.h" #include namespace { int GetOffsetForPosition(lsPosition position, const std::string& content) { int offset = 0; int remaining_lines = position.line; while (remaining_lines > 0) { if (content[offset] == '\n') --remaining_lines; ++offset; } return offset + position.character; } } // namespace WorkingFile::WorkingFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& buffer_content) : filename(filename), buffer_content(buffer_content) { OnBufferContentUpdated(); // SetIndexContent gets called when the file is opened. } void WorkingFile::SetIndexContent(const std::string& index_content) { index_lines = ToLines(index_content, true /*trim_whitespace*/); // Build lookup buffer. index_lines_lookup.clear(); index_lines_lookup.reserve(index_lines.size()); for (int i = 0; i < index_lines.size(); ++i) { const std::string& index_line = index_lines[i]; auto it = index_lines_lookup.find(index_line); if (it == index_lines_lookup.end()) index_lines_lookup[index_line] = { i + 1 }; else it->second.push_back(i + 1); } } void WorkingFile::OnBufferContentUpdated() { all_buffer_lines = ToLines(buffer_content, true /*trim_whitespace*/); // Build lookup buffer. all_buffer_lines_lookup.clear(); all_buffer_lines_lookup.reserve(all_buffer_lines.size()); for (int i = 0; i < all_buffer_lines.size(); ++i) { const std::string& buffer_line = all_buffer_lines[i]; auto it = all_buffer_lines_lookup.find(buffer_line); if (it == all_buffer_lines_lookup.end()) all_buffer_lines_lookup[buffer_line] = { i + 1 }; else it->second.push_back(i + 1); } } optional WorkingFile::GetBufferLineFromIndexLine(int index_line) const { // The implementation is simple but works pretty well for most cases. We // lookup the line contents in the indexed file contents, and try to find the // most similar line in the current buffer file. // // Previously, this was implemented by tracking edits and by running myers // diff algorithm. They were complex implementations that did not work as // well. // Note: |index_line| and |buffer_line| are 1-based. // TODO: reenable this assert once we are using the real indexed file. //assert(index_line >= 1 && index_line <= index_lines.size()); if (index_line < 1 || index_line > index_lines.size()) { std::cerr << "!! Bad index_line (got " << index_line << ", expected [1, " << index_lines.size() << "])" << std::endl; return nullopt; } // Find the line in the cached index file. We'll try to find the most similar line // in the buffer and return the index for that. std::string index = index_lines[index_line - 1]; auto buffer_it = all_buffer_lines_lookup.find(index); if (buffer_it == all_buffer_lines_lookup.end()) { // TODO: Use levenshtein distance to find the best match (but only to an // extent) return nullopt; } // From all the identical lines, return the one which is closest to // |index_line|. There will usually only be one identical line. assert(!buffer_it->second.empty()); int closest_dist = INT_MAX; int closest_buffer_line = INT_MIN; for (int buffer_line : buffer_it->second) { int dist = std::abs(buffer_line - index_line); if (dist <= closest_dist) { closest_dist = dist; closest_buffer_line = buffer_line; } } return closest_buffer_line; } optional WorkingFile::GetIndexLineFromBufferLine(int buffer_line) const { // See GetBufferLineFromIndexLine for additional comments. // Note: |index_line| and |buffer_line| are 1-based. //assert(buffer_line >= 1 && buffer_line < all_buffer_lines.size()); if (buffer_line < 1 || buffer_line > all_buffer_lines.size()) { std::cerr << "!! Bad buffer_line (got " << buffer_line << ", expected [1, " << all_buffer_lines.size() << "])" << std::endl; return nullopt; } // Find the line in the index file. We'll try to find the most similar line // in the index file and return the index for that. std::string buffer = all_buffer_lines[buffer_line - 1]; auto index_it = index_lines_lookup.find(buffer); if (index_it == index_lines_lookup.end()) { // TODO: Use levenshtein distance to find the best match (but only to an // extent) return nullopt; } // From all the identical lines, return the one which is closest to // |index_line|. There will usually only be one identical line. assert(!index_it->second.empty()); int closest_dist = INT_MAX; int closest_index_line = INT_MIN; for (int index_line : index_it->second) { int dist = std::abs(buffer_line - index_line); if (dist <= closest_dist) { closest_dist = dist; closest_index_line = index_line; } } return closest_index_line; } CXUnsavedFile WorkingFile::AsUnsavedFile() const { CXUnsavedFile result; result.Filename = filename.c_str(); result.Contents = buffer_content.c_str(); result.Length = (unsigned long)buffer_content.size(); return result; } WorkingFile* WorkingFiles::GetFileByFilename(const std::string& filename) { for (auto& file : files) { if (file->filename == filename) return file.get(); } return nullptr; } WorkingFile* WorkingFiles::OnOpen(const Ipc_TextDocumentDidOpen::Params& open) { std::string filename = open.textDocument.uri.GetPath(); std::string content = open.textDocument.text; // The file may already be open. if (WorkingFile* file = GetFileByFilename(filename)) { file->version = open.textDocument.version; file->buffer_content = content; file->OnBufferContentUpdated(); return file; } files.push_back(MakeUnique(filename, content)); return files[files.size() - 1].get(); } void WorkingFiles::OnChange(const Ipc_TextDocumentDidChange::Params& change) { std::string filename = change.textDocument.uri.GetPath(); WorkingFile* file = GetFileByFilename(filename); if (!file) { std::cerr << "Could not change " << filename << " because it was not open" << std::endl; return; } file->version = change.textDocument.version; //std::cerr << "VERSION " << change.textDocument.version << std::endl; for (const Ipc_TextDocumentDidChange::lsTextDocumentContentChangeEvent& diff : change.contentChanges) { //std::cerr << "Applying rangeLength=" << diff.rangeLength; // If range or rangeLength are emitted we replace everything, per the spec. if (diff.rangeLength == -1) { file->buffer_content = diff.text; file->OnBufferContentUpdated(); } else { int start_offset = GetOffsetForPosition(diff.range.start, file->buffer_content); file->buffer_content.replace(file->buffer_content.begin() + start_offset, file->buffer_content.begin() + start_offset + diff.rangeLength, diff.text); file->OnBufferContentUpdated(); } } //std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl << "--------" << file->content << "--------" << std::endl << std::endl; } void WorkingFiles::OnClose(const Ipc_TextDocumentDidClose::Params& close) { std::string filename = close.textDocument.uri.GetPath(); for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { if (files[i]->filename == filename) { files.erase(files.begin() + i); return; } } std::cerr << "Could not close " << filename << " because it was not open" << std::endl; } std::vector WorkingFiles::AsUnsavedFiles() const { std::vector result; result.reserve(files.size()); for (auto& file : files) result.push_back(file->AsUnsavedFile()); return result; }