dist: trusty sudo: false language: c++ env: global: - COMPILER=g++ # Default --recursive (rapidjson/thirdparty/gtest) is unnecessary git: submodules: false depth: 1 before_install: - git submodule update --init addons: apt: sources: &apt_sources - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - llvm-toolchain-precise-3.5 - llvm-toolchain-trusty-5.0 compiler: clang os: linux cache: directories: - build/clang+llvm-5.0.1-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04/ - build/clang+llvm-5.0.1-x86_64-apple-darwin/ matrix: fast_finish: true include: - env: COMPILER=g++-5 compiler: gcc addons: &gcc5 apt: packages: ["g++-5"] sources: *apt_sources - env: COMPILER=g++-7 compiler: gcc addons: &gcc7 apt: packages: ["g++-7"] sources: *apt_sources - env: COMPILER=clang++-3.5 addons: &clang35 apt: packages: ["clang-3.5", "g++-7"] sources: *apt_sources - env: COMPILER=clang++-5.0 addons: &clang50 apt: packages: ["clang-5.0", "g++-7"] sources: *apt_sources - env: COMPILER=clang++ osx_image: xcode9.1 os: osx - env: COMPILER=g++-7 compiler: gcc osx_image: xcode9.1 os: osx allow_failures: # macOS takes too long. - env: COMPILER=clang++ osx_image: xcode9.1 os: osx - env: COMPILER=g++-7 compiler: gcc osx_image: xcode9.1 os: osx # gcc builds that should be fixed at some point - env: COMPILER=g++-5 compiler: gcc - env: COMPILER=g++-6 compiler: gcc - env: COMPILER=g++-7 compiler: gcc - env: COMPILER=g++-5 compiler: gcc osx_image: xcode9.1 os: osx - env: COMPILER=g++-6 compiler: gcc osx_image: xcode9.1 os: osx - env: COMPILER=g++-7 compiler: gcc osx_image: xcode9.1 os: osx install: - | if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]]; then if [[ "${COMPILER}" == "g++-5" ]]; then brew install gcc@5 brew link --overwrite gcc@5 fi if [[ "${COMPILER}" == "g++-6" ]]; then brew install gcc@6 brew link --overwrite gcc@6 fi if [[ "${COMPILER}" == "g++-7" ]]; then brew install gcc@7 brew link --overwrite gcc@7 fi fi - | if [[ "${COMPILER}" == g++* ]]; then export J="-j1" fi - export CXX="${COMPILER}" before_script: - ${CXX} --version script: - travis_retry ./waf configure - ./waf build ${J} - ./build/release/bin/cquery --ci --log-all-to-stderr --test-unit - ./build/release/bin/cquery --ci --log-all-to-stderr --test-index notifications: email: false irc: channels: - "ircs://chat.freenode.net:6697/#cquery" template: - "[ %{repository_slug}#%{commit}] %{result} on %{branch} by %{author} (%{build_url} )" before_deploy: - zip -r build/cquery-$TRAVIS_TAG-$TRAVIS_OS_NAME.zip build/release/bin/ build/release/lib/clang+llvm-*/lib/libclang.* build/release/lib/clang+llvm-*/lib/clang/5.0.1/include/ deploy: provider: releases api_key: secure: 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 file: build/cquery-$TRAVIS_TAG-$TRAVIS_OS_NAME.zip skip_cleanup: true on: repo: cquery-project/cquery tags: true