/* Copyright 2017-2018 ccls Authors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ #include "clang_complete.hh" #include "clang_utils.h" #include "filesystem.hh" #include "log.hh" #include "match.h" #include "platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace clang; using namespace llvm; #include #include #include #include namespace chrono = std::chrono; namespace ccls { namespace { std::string StripFileType(const std::string &path) { SmallString<128> Ret; sys::path::append(Ret, sys::path::parent_path(path), sys::path::stem(path)); return sys::path::convert_to_slash(Ret); } bool LocationInRange(SourceLocation L, CharSourceRange R, const SourceManager &M) { assert(R.isCharRange()); if (!R.isValid() || M.getFileID(R.getBegin()) != M.getFileID(R.getEnd()) || M.getFileID(R.getBegin()) != M.getFileID(L)) return false; return L != R.getEnd() && M.isPointWithin(L, R.getBegin(), R.getEnd()); } CharSourceRange DiagnosticRange(const clang::Diagnostic &D, const LangOptions &L) { auto &M = D.getSourceManager(); auto Loc = M.getFileLoc(D.getLocation()); // Accept the first range that contains the location. for (const auto &CR : D.getRanges()) { auto R = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(CR, M, L); if (LocationInRange(Loc, R, M)) return R; } // The range may be given as a fixit hint instead. for (const auto &F : D.getFixItHints()) { auto R = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(F.RemoveRange, M, L); if (LocationInRange(Loc, R, M)) return R; } // If no suitable range is found, just use the token at the location. auto R = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(Loc), M, L); if (!R.isValid()) // Fall back to location only, let the editor deal with it. R = CharSourceRange::getCharRange(Loc); return R; } class StoreDiags : public DiagnosticConsumer { const LangOptions *LangOpts; std::optional last; std::vector output; std::string path; std::unordered_map FID2concerned; void Flush() { if (!last) return; bool mentions = last->concerned || last->edits.size(); if (!mentions) for (auto &N : last->notes) if (N.concerned) mentions = true; if (mentions) output.push_back(std::move(*last)); last.reset(); } public: StoreDiags(std::string path) : path(path) {} std::vector Take() { return std::move(output); } bool IsConcerned(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation L) { FileID FID = SM.getFileID(L); auto it = FID2concerned.try_emplace(FID.getHashValue()); if (it.second) { const FileEntry *FE = SM.getFileEntryForID(FID); it.first->second = FE && FileName(*FE) == path; } return it.first->second; } void BeginSourceFile(const LangOptions &Opts, const Preprocessor *) override { LangOpts = &Opts; } void EndSourceFile() override { Flush(); } void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level, const Diagnostic &Info) override { DiagnosticConsumer::HandleDiagnostic(Level, Info); SourceLocation L = Info.getLocation(); if (!L.isValid()) return; const SourceManager &SM = Info.getSourceManager(); StringRef Filename = SM.getFilename(Info.getLocation()); bool concerned = IsConcerned(SM, Info.getLocation()); auto fillDiagBase = [&](DiagBase &d) { llvm::SmallString<64> Message; Info.FormatDiagnostic(Message); d.range = FromCharSourceRange(SM, *LangOpts, DiagnosticRange(Info, *LangOpts)); d.message = Message.str(); d.concerned = concerned; d.file = Filename; d.level = Level; d.category = DiagnosticIDs::getCategoryNumberForDiag(Info.getID()); }; auto addFix = [&](bool SyntheticMessage) -> bool { if (!concerned) return false; for (const FixItHint &FixIt : Info.getFixItHints()) { if (!IsConcerned(SM, FixIt.RemoveRange.getBegin())) return false; lsTextEdit edit; edit.newText = FixIt.CodeToInsert; auto r = FromCharSourceRange(SM, *LangOpts, FixIt.RemoveRange); edit.range = lsRange{{r.start.line, r.start.column}, {r.end.line, r.end.column}}; last->edits.push_back(std::move(edit)); } return true; }; if (Level == DiagnosticsEngine::Note || Level == DiagnosticsEngine::Remark) { if (Info.getFixItHints().size()) { addFix(false); } else { Note &n = last->notes.emplace_back(); fillDiagBase(n); } } else { Flush(); last = Diag(); fillDiagBase(*last); if (!Info.getFixItHints().empty()) addFix(true); } } }; std::unique_ptr BuildCompilerInstance( CompletionSession &session, std::unique_ptr CI, DiagnosticConsumer &DC, const WorkingFiles::Snapshot &snapshot, std::vector> &Bufs) { std::string main = ResolveIfRelative( session.file.directory, sys::path::convert_to_slash(CI->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getFile())); for (auto &file : snapshot.files) { Bufs.push_back(llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(file.content)); if (file.filename == main) if (auto Preamble = session.GetPreamble()) { #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7 Preamble->Preamble.OverridePreamble(*CI, session.FS, Bufs.back().get()); #else Preamble->Preamble.AddImplicitPreamble(*CI, session.FS, Bufs.back().get()); #endif continue; } CI->getPreprocessorOpts().addRemappedFile(file.filename, Bufs.back().get()); } auto Clang = std::make_unique(session.PCH); Clang->setInvocation(std::move(CI)); Clang->setVirtualFileSystem(session.FS); Clang->createDiagnostics(&DC, false); Clang->setTarget(TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo( Clang->getDiagnostics(), Clang->getInvocation().TargetOpts)); if (!Clang->hasTarget()) return nullptr; return Clang; } bool Parse(CompilerInstance &Clang) { SyntaxOnlyAction Action; if (!Action.BeginSourceFile(Clang, Clang.getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0])) return false; if (!Action.Execute()) return false; Action.EndSourceFile(); return true; } void CompletionPreloadMain(CompletionManager *manager) { while (true) { auto request = manager->preload_requests_.Dequeue(); bool is_open = false; std::shared_ptr session = manager->TryGetSession(request.path, true, &is_open); if (!session) continue; // For inferred session, don't build preamble because changes in a.h will // invalidate it. if (!session->inferred) { const auto &args = session->file.args; WorkingFiles::Snapshot snapshot = session->wfiles->AsSnapshot( {StripFileType(session->file.filename)}); if (std::unique_ptr CI = BuildCompilerInvocation(args, session->FS)) session->BuildPreamble(*CI, request.path); } int debounce = is_open ? g_config->diagnostics.onOpen : g_config->diagnostics.onSave; if (debounce >= 0) { lsTextDocumentIdentifier document; document.uri = lsDocumentUri::FromPath(request.path); manager->DiagnosticsUpdate(request.path, debounce); } } } void CompletionMain(CompletionManager *manager) { while (true) { // Fetching the completion request blocks until we have a request. std::unique_ptr request = manager->completion_request_.Dequeue(); // Drop older requests if we're not buffering. while (g_config->completion.dropOldRequests && !manager->completion_request_.IsEmpty()) { manager->on_dropped_(request->id); request->Consumer.reset(); request->on_complete(nullptr); request = manager->completion_request_.Dequeue(); } std::string path = request->document.uri.GetPath(); std::shared_ptr session = manager->TryGetSession(path, false); std::unique_ptr CI = BuildCompilerInvocation(session->file.args, session->FS); if (!CI) continue; auto &FOpts = CI->getFrontendOpts(); FOpts.CodeCompleteOpts = request->CCOpts; FOpts.CodeCompletionAt.FileName = path; FOpts.CodeCompletionAt.Line = request->position.line + 1; FOpts.CodeCompletionAt.Column = request->position.character + 1; FOpts.SkipFunctionBodies = true; CI->getLangOpts()->CommentOpts.ParseAllComments = true; DiagnosticConsumer DC; WorkingFiles::Snapshot snapshot = manager->working_files_->AsSnapshot({StripFileType(path)}); std::vector> Bufs; auto Clang = BuildCompilerInstance(*session, std::move(CI), DC, snapshot, Bufs); if (!Clang) continue; Clang->setCodeCompletionConsumer(request->Consumer.release()); if (!Parse(*Clang)) continue; for (auto &Buf : Bufs) Buf.release(); request->on_complete(&Clang->getCodeCompletionConsumer()); } } llvm::StringRef diagLeveltoString(DiagnosticsEngine::Level Lvl) { switch (Lvl) { case DiagnosticsEngine::Ignored: return "ignored"; case DiagnosticsEngine::Note: return "note"; case DiagnosticsEngine::Remark: return "remark"; case DiagnosticsEngine::Warning: return "warning"; case DiagnosticsEngine::Error: return "error"; case DiagnosticsEngine::Fatal: return "fatal error"; } } void printDiag(llvm::raw_string_ostream &OS, const DiagBase &d) { if (d.concerned) OS << llvm::sys::path::filename(d.file); else OS << d.file; auto pos = d.range.start; OS << ":" << (pos.line + 1) << ":" << (pos.column + 1) << ":" << (d.concerned ? " " : "\n"); OS << diagLeveltoString(d.level) << ": " << d.message; } void DiagnosticMain(CompletionManager *manager) { while (true) { CompletionManager::DiagnosticRequest request = manager->diagnostic_request_.Dequeue(); const std::string &path = request.path; int64_t wait = request.wait_until - chrono::duration_cast( chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch()) .count(); if (wait > 0) std::this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::duration( std::min(wait, request.debounce))); std::shared_ptr session = manager->TryGetSession(path, false); std::unique_ptr CI = BuildCompilerInvocation(session->file.args, session->FS); if (!CI) continue; CI->getDiagnosticOpts().IgnoreWarnings = false; CI->getLangOpts()->SpellChecking = g_config->diagnostics.spellChecking; StoreDiags DC(path); WorkingFiles::Snapshot snapshot = manager->working_files_->AsSnapshot({StripFileType(path)}); std::vector> Bufs; auto Clang = BuildCompilerInstance(*session, std::move(CI), DC, snapshot, Bufs); if (!Clang) continue; if (!Parse(*Clang)) continue; for (auto &Buf : Bufs) Buf.release(); auto Fill = [](const DiagBase &d, lsDiagnostic &ret) { ret.range = lsRange{{d.range.start.line, d.range.start.column}, {d.range.end.line, d.range.end.column}}; switch (d.level) { case DiagnosticsEngine::Ignored: // llvm_unreachable case DiagnosticsEngine::Remark: ret.severity = lsDiagnosticSeverity::Hint; break; case DiagnosticsEngine::Note: ret.severity = lsDiagnosticSeverity::Information; break; case DiagnosticsEngine::Warning: ret.severity = lsDiagnosticSeverity::Warning; break; case DiagnosticsEngine::Error: case DiagnosticsEngine::Fatal: ret.severity = lsDiagnosticSeverity::Error; break; } ret.code = d.category; return ret; }; std::vector diags = DC.Take(); if (std::shared_ptr preamble = session->GetPreamble()) diags.insert(diags.end(), preamble->diags.begin(), preamble->diags.end()); std::vector ls_diags; for (auto &d : diags) { if (!d.concerned) continue; std::string buf; llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(buf); lsDiagnostic &ls_diag = ls_diags.emplace_back(); Fill(d, ls_diag); ls_diag.fixits_ = d.edits; OS << d.message; for (auto &n : d.notes) { OS << "\n\n"; printDiag(OS, n); } OS.flush(); ls_diag.message = std::move(buf); for (auto &n : d.notes) { if (!n.concerned) continue; lsDiagnostic &ls_diag1 = ls_diags.emplace_back(); Fill(n, ls_diag1); OS << n.message << "\n\n"; printDiag(OS, d); OS.flush(); ls_diag1.message = std::move(buf); } } { std::lock_guard lock(session->wfiles->files_mutex); if (WorkingFile *wfile = session->wfiles->GetFileByFilenameNoLock(path)) wfile->diagnostics_ = ls_diags; } manager->on_diagnostic_(path, ls_diags); } } } // namespace std::shared_ptr CompletionSession::GetPreamble() { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); return preamble; } void CompletionSession::BuildPreamble(CompilerInvocation &CI, const std::string &main) { std::shared_ptr OldP = GetPreamble(); std::string content = wfiles->GetContent(main); std::unique_ptr Buf = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(content); auto Bounds = ComputePreambleBounds(*CI.getLangOpts(), Buf.get(), 0); if (OldP && OldP->Preamble.CanReuse(CI, Buf.get(), Bounds, FS.get())) return; CI.getDiagnosticOpts().IgnoreWarnings = false; CI.getFrontendOpts().SkipFunctionBodies = true; CI.getLangOpts()->CommentOpts.ParseAllComments = true; #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7 CI.getPreprocessorOpts().WriteCommentListToPCH = false; #endif StoreDiags DC(main); IntrusiveRefCntPtr DE = CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(&CI.getDiagnosticOpts(), &DC, false); PreambleCallbacks PP; if (auto NewPreamble = PrecompiledPreamble::Build(CI, Buf.get(), Bounds, *DE, FS, PCH, true, PP)) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); preamble = std::make_shared(std::move(*NewPreamble), DC.Take()); } } } // namespace ccls CompletionManager::CompletionManager(Project *project, WorkingFiles *working_files, OnDiagnostic on_diagnostic, OnDropped on_dropped) : project_(project), working_files_(working_files), on_diagnostic_(on_diagnostic), on_dropped_(on_dropped), preloads(kMaxPreloadedSessions), sessions(kMaxCompletionSessions), PCH(std::make_shared()) { std::thread([&]() { set_thread_name("comp"); ccls::CompletionMain(this); }) .detach(); std::thread([&]() { set_thread_name("comp-preload"); ccls::CompletionPreloadMain(this); }) .detach(); std::thread([&]() { set_thread_name("diag"); ccls::DiagnosticMain(this); }) .detach(); } void CompletionManager::DiagnosticsUpdate(const std::string &path, int debounce) { static GroupMatch match(g_config->diagnostics.whitelist, g_config->diagnostics.blacklist); if (!match.IsMatch(path)) return; int64_t now = chrono::duration_cast( chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch()) .count(); bool flag = false; { std::lock_guard lock(diag_mutex); int64_t &next = next_diag[path]; auto &d = g_config->diagnostics; if (next <= now || now - next > std::max(d.onChange, std::max(d.onChange, d.onSave))) { next = now + debounce; flag = true; } } if (flag) diagnostic_request_.PushBack({path, now + debounce, debounce}, false); } void CompletionManager::NotifyView(const std::string &path) { // Only reparse the file if we create a new CompletionSession. if (EnsureCompletionOrCreatePreloadSession(path)) preload_requests_.PushBack(PreloadRequest{path}, true); } void CompletionManager::NotifySave(const std::string &filename) { EnsureCompletionOrCreatePreloadSession(filename); preload_requests_.PushBack(PreloadRequest{filename}, true); } void CompletionManager::OnClose(const std::string &filename) { std::lock_guard lock(sessions_lock_); preloads.TryTake(filename); sessions.TryTake(filename); } bool CompletionManager::EnsureCompletionOrCreatePreloadSession( const std::string &path) { std::lock_guard lock(sessions_lock_); if (preloads.TryGet(path) || sessions.TryGet(path)) return false; // No CompletionSession, create new one. auto session = std::make_shared( project_->FindCompilationEntryForFile(path), working_files_, PCH); if (session->file.filename != path) { session->inferred = true; session->file.filename = path; } preloads.Insert(path, session); LOG_S(INFO) << "create preload session for " << path; return true; } std::shared_ptr CompletionManager::TryGetSession(const std::string &path, bool preload, bool *is_open) { std::lock_guard lock(sessions_lock_); std::shared_ptr session = preloads.TryGet(path); if (session) { if (!preload) { preloads.TryTake(path); sessions.Insert(path, session); if (is_open) *is_open = true; } return session; } session = sessions.TryGet(path); if (!session && !preload) { session = std::make_shared( project_->FindCompilationEntryForFile(path), working_files_, PCH); sessions.Insert(path, session); LOG_S(INFO) << "create session for " << path; if (is_open) *is_open = true; } return session; } void CompletionManager::FlushAllSessions() { LOG_S(INFO) << "flush all clang complete sessions"; std::lock_guard lock(sessions_lock_); preloads.Clear(); sessions.Clear(); }