class Foo { public: Foo() {} ~Foo() {}; }; void foo() { Foo f; } // TODO: Support destructors (notice how the dtor has no usages listed). // - check if variable is a pointer. if so, do *not* insert dtor // - check if variable is normal type. if so, insert dtor // - scan for statements that look like dtors in function def handler // - figure out some way to support w/ unique_ptrs? /* OUTPUT: { "types": [{ "id": 0, "usr": "c:@S@Foo", "short_name": "Foo", "qualified_name": "Foo", "definition": "1:1:7", "funcs": [0, 1], "uses": ["1:1:7", "1:3:3", "1:4:3", "*1:8:3"] }], "functions": [{ "id": 0, "usr": "c:@S@Foo@F@Foo#", "short_name": "Foo", "qualified_name": "Foo::Foo", "definition": "1:3:3", "declaring_type": 0, "callers": ["2@1:8:7"], "uses": ["1:3:3", "1:8:7"] }, { "id": 1, "usr": "c:@S@Foo@F@~Foo#", "short_name": "~Foo", "qualified_name": "Foo::~Foo", "definition": "1:4:3", "declaring_type": 0, "uses": ["1:4:3"] }, { "id": 2, "usr": "c:@F@foo#", "short_name": "foo", "qualified_name": "foo", "definition": "1:7:6", "callees": ["0@1:8:7"], "uses": ["1:7:6"] }], "variables": [{ "id": 0, "usr": "", "short_name": "f", "qualified_name": "f", "definition": "1:8:7", "variable_type": 0, "uses": ["1:8:7"] }] } */