/* Copyright 2017-2018 ccls Authors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ #include "include_complete.hh" #include "filesystem.hh" #include "platform.hh" #include "project.hh" #include #include #include #include using namespace llvm; #include namespace ccls { namespace { struct CompletionCandidate { std::string absolute_path; CompletionItem completion_item; }; std::string ElideLongPath(const std::string &path) { if (g_config->completion.include.maxPathSize <= 0 || (int)path.size() <= g_config->completion.include.maxPathSize) return path; size_t start = path.size() - g_config->completion.include.maxPathSize; return ".." + path.substr(start + 2); } size_t TrimCommonPathPrefix(const std::string &result, const std::string &trimmer) { #ifdef _WIN32 std::string s = result, t = trimmer; std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower); std::transform(t.begin(), t.end(), t.begin(), ::tolower); if (s.compare(0, t.size(), t) == 0) return t.size(); #else if (result.compare(0, trimmer.size(), trimmer) == 0) return trimmer.size(); #endif return 0; } // Returns true iff angle brackets should be used. bool TrimPath(Project *project, std::string &path) { size_t pos = 0; bool angle = false; for (auto &[root, folder] : project->root2folder) { size_t pos1 = 0; for (auto &search : folder.angle_search_list) pos1 = std::max(pos1, TrimCommonPathPrefix(path, search)); if (pos1 > pos) { pos = pos1; angle = true; } pos1 = TrimCommonPathPrefix(path, root); for (auto &search : folder.quote_search_list) pos1 = std::max(pos1, TrimCommonPathPrefix(path, search)); if (pos1 > pos) { pos = pos1; angle = false; } } path = path.substr(pos); return angle; } CompletionItem BuildCompletionItem(const std::string &path, bool use_angle_brackets) { CompletionItem item; item.label = ElideLongPath(path); item.detail = path; // the include path, used in de-duplicating item.textEdit.newText = path; item.insertTextFormat = InsertTextFormat::PlainText; item.use_angle_brackets_ = use_angle_brackets; item.kind = CompletionItemKind::File; item.priority_ = 0; return item; } } // namespace IncludeComplete::IncludeComplete(Project *project) : is_scanning(false), project_(project) {} void IncludeComplete::Rescan() { if (is_scanning || LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 8) return; completion_items.clear(); absolute_path_to_completion_item.clear(); inserted_paths.clear(); if (!match_ && (g_config->completion.include.whitelist.size() || g_config->completion.include.blacklist.size())) match_ = std::make_unique(g_config->completion.include.whitelist, g_config->completion.include.blacklist); is_scanning = true; std::thread([this]() { set_thread_name("include"); std::unordered_set angle_set, quote_set; for (auto &[root, folder] : project_->root2folder) { for (const std::string &search : folder.angle_search_list) if (angle_set.insert(search).second) InsertIncludesFromDirectory(search, true); for (const std::string &search : folder.quote_search_list) if (quote_set.insert(search).second) InsertIncludesFromDirectory(search, false); } is_scanning = false; }) .detach(); } void IncludeComplete::InsertCompletionItem(const std::string &absolute_path, CompletionItem &&item) { if (inserted_paths.insert({item.detail, inserted_paths.size()}).second) { completion_items.push_back(item); // insert if not found or with shorter include path auto it = absolute_path_to_completion_item.find(absolute_path); if (it == absolute_path_to_completion_item.end() || completion_items[it->second].detail.length() > item.detail.length()) { absolute_path_to_completion_item[absolute_path] = completion_items.size() - 1; } } else { CompletionItem &inserted_item = completion_items[inserted_paths[item.detail]]; // Update |use_angle_brackets_|, prefer quotes. if (!item.use_angle_brackets_) inserted_item.use_angle_brackets_ = false; } } void IncludeComplete::AddFile(const std::string &path) { bool ok = false; for (StringRef suffix : g_config->completion.include.suffixWhitelist) if (StringRef(path).endswith(suffix)) ok = true; if (!ok) return; if (match_ && !match_->Matches(path)) return; std::string trimmed_path = path; bool use_angle_brackets = TrimPath(project_, trimmed_path); CompletionItem item = BuildCompletionItem(trimmed_path, use_angle_brackets); std::unique_lock lock(completion_items_mutex, std::defer_lock); if (is_scanning) lock.lock(); InsertCompletionItem(path, std::move(item)); } void IncludeComplete::InsertIncludesFromDirectory(std::string directory, bool use_angle_brackets) { directory = NormalizePath(directory); EnsureEndsInSlash(directory); if (match_ && !match_->Matches(directory)) return; bool include_cpp = directory.find("include/c++") != std::string::npos; std::vector results; GetFilesInFolder( directory, true /*recursive*/, false /*add_folder_to_path*/, [&](const std::string &path) { bool ok = include_cpp; for (StringRef suffix : g_config->completion.include.suffixWhitelist) if (StringRef(path).endswith(suffix)) ok = true; if (!ok) return; if (match_ && !match_->Matches(directory + path)) return; CompletionCandidate candidate; candidate.absolute_path = directory + path; candidate.completion_item = BuildCompletionItem(path, use_angle_brackets); results.push_back(candidate); }); std::lock_guard lock(completion_items_mutex); for (CompletionCandidate &result : results) InsertCompletionItem(result.absolute_path, std::move(result.completion_item)); } std::optional IncludeComplete::FindCompletionItemForAbsolutePath( const std::string &absolute_path) { std::lock_guard lock(completion_items_mutex); auto it = absolute_path_to_completion_item.find(absolute_path); if (it == absolute_path_to_completion_item.end()) return std::nullopt; return completion_items[it->second]; } } // namespace ccls