#include #include #include #include #include #include "compilation_database_loader.h" #include "indexer.h" #include "ipc.h" #include "query.h" #include "language_server_api.h" #include "test.h" #include "third_party/tiny-process-library/process.hpp" #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #endif std::unordered_map ParseOptions(int argc, char** argv) { std::unordered_map output; std::string previous_arg; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { std::string arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] != '-') { if (previous_arg.size() == 0) { std::cerr << "Invalid arguments; switches must start with -" << std::endl; exit(1); } output[previous_arg] = arg; previous_arg = ""; } else { output[arg] = ""; previous_arg = arg; } } return output; } bool HasOption(const std::unordered_map& options, const std::string& option) { return options.find(option) != options.end(); } std::unique_ptr ParseMessage() { int content_length = -1; int iteration = 0; while (true) { if (++iteration > 10) { assert(false && "bad parser state"); exit(1); } std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); //std::cin >> line; if (line.compare(0, 14, "Content-Length") == 0) { content_length = atoi(line.c_str() + 16); } if (line == "\r") break; } // bad input that is not a message. if (content_length < 0) { std::cerr << "parsing command failed (no Content-Length header)" << std::endl; return nullptr; } std::string content; content.reserve(content_length); for (int i = 0; i < content_length; ++i) { char c; std::cin >> c; content += c; } rapidjson::Document document; document.Parse(content.c_str(), content_length); assert(!document.HasParseError()); return MessageRegistry::instance()->Parse(document); } struct IpcMessage_Quit : public BaseIpcMessage { static IpcMessageId kId; }; IpcMessageId IpcMessage_Quit::kId = "Quit"; struct IpcMessage_IsAlive : public BaseIpcMessage { static IpcMessageId kId; }; IpcMessageId IpcMessage_IsAlive::kId = "IsAlive"; struct IpcMessage_OpenProject : public BaseIpcMessage { static IpcMessageId kId; std::string project_path; // BaseIpcMessage: void Serialize(Writer& writer) override { writer.String(project_path.c_str(), project_path.size()); } void Deserialize(Reader& reader) override { project_path = reader.GetString(); } }; IpcMessageId IpcMessage_OpenProject::kId = "OpenProject"; struct IpcMessage_DocumentSymbolsRequest : public BaseIpcMessage { RequestId id; std::string document; // BaseIpcMessage: static IpcMessageId kId; void Serialize(Writer& visitor) override { // TODO: dedup auto& value = *this; REFLECT_MEMBER_START(); REFLECT_MEMBER(id); REFLECT_MEMBER(document); REFLECT_MEMBER_END(); } void Deserialize(Reader& visitor) override { // TODO: dedup auto& value = *this; REFLECT_MEMBER_START(); REFLECT_MEMBER(id); REFLECT_MEMBER(document); REFLECT_MEMBER_END(); } }; IpcMessageId IpcMessage_DocumentSymbolsRequest::kId = "IpcMessage_DocumentSymbolsRequest"; struct IpcMessage_DocumentSymbolsResponse : public BaseIpcMessage { RequestId id; std::vector symbols; // BaseIpcMessage: static IpcMessageId kId; void Serialize(Writer& visitor) override { auto& value = *this; REFLECT_MEMBER_START(); REFLECT_MEMBER(id); REFLECT_MEMBER(symbols); REFLECT_MEMBER_END(); } void Deserialize(Reader& visitor) override { auto& value = *this; REFLECT_MEMBER_START(); REFLECT_MEMBER(id); REFLECT_MEMBER(symbols); REFLECT_MEMBER_END(); } }; IpcMessageId IpcMessage_DocumentSymbolsResponse::kId = "IpcMessage_DocumentSymbolsResponse"; struct IpcMessage_WorkspaceSymbolsRequest : public BaseIpcMessage { RequestId id; std::string query; // BaseIpcMessage: static IpcMessageId kId; void Serialize(Writer& visitor) override { auto& value = *this; REFLECT_MEMBER_START(); REFLECT_MEMBER(id); REFLECT_MEMBER(query); REFLECT_MEMBER_END(); } void Deserialize(Reader& visitor) override { auto& value = *this; REFLECT_MEMBER_START(); REFLECT_MEMBER(id); REFLECT_MEMBER(query); REFLECT_MEMBER_END(); } }; IpcMessageId IpcMessage_WorkspaceSymbolsRequest::kId = "IpcMessage_WorkspaceSymbolsRequest"; struct IpcMessage_WorkspaceSymbolsResponse : public BaseIpcMessage { RequestId id; std::vector symbols; // BaseIpcMessage: static IpcMessageId kId; void Serialize(Writer& visitor) override { auto& value = *this; REFLECT_MEMBER_START(); REFLECT_MEMBER(id); REFLECT_MEMBER(symbols); REFLECT_MEMBER_END(); } void Deserialize(Reader& visitor) override { auto& value = *this; REFLECT_MEMBER_START(); REFLECT_MEMBER(id); REFLECT_MEMBER(symbols); REFLECT_MEMBER_END(); } }; IpcMessageId IpcMessage_WorkspaceSymbolsResponse::kId = "IpcMessage_WorkspaceSymbolsResponse"; void QueryDbMainLoop(IpcServer* ipc, QueryableDatabase* db) { std::vector> messages = ipc->TakeMessages(); for (auto& message : messages) { std::cerr << "Processing message " << message->runtime_id() << " (hash " << message->hashed_runtime_id() << ")" << std::endl; if (IpcMessage_Quit::kId == message->runtime_id()) { break; } else if (IpcMessage_IsAlive::kId == message->runtime_id()) { IpcMessage_IsAlive response; ipc->SendToClient(0, &response); // todo: make non-blocking } else if (IpcMessage_OpenProject::kId == message->runtime_id()) { IpcMessage_OpenProject* msg = static_cast(message.get()); std::string path = msg->project_path; std::vector entries = LoadCompilationEntriesFromDirectory(path); for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) { const CompilationEntry& entry = entries[i]; std::string filepath = path + "/" + entry.filename; std::cerr << "[" << i << "/" << (entries.size() - 1) << "] Parsing file " << filepath << std::endl; IndexedFile file = Parse(filepath, entry.args); IndexUpdate update(file); db->ApplyIndexUpdate(&update); } std::cerr << "Done" << std::endl; } else if (IpcMessage_DocumentSymbolsRequest::kId == message->runtime_id()) { auto msg = static_cast(message.get()); IpcMessage_DocumentSymbolsResponse response; response.id = msg->id; std::cerr << "Wanted file " << msg->document << std::endl; for (auto& file : db->files) { std::cerr << " - Have file " << file.file_id << std::endl; // TODO: make sure we normalize ids! // TODO: hashmap lookup. if (file.file_id == msg->document) { std::cerr << "Found file" << std::endl; for (UsrRef ref : file.outline) { SymbolIdx symbol = db->usr_to_symbol[ref.usr]; lsSymbolInformation info; info.location.range.start.line = ref.loc.line - 1; // TODO: cleanup indexer to negate by 1. info.location.range.start.character = ref.loc.column - 1; // TODO: cleanup indexer to negate by 1. // TODO: store range information. info.location.range.end.line = info.location.range.start.line; info.location.range.end.character = info.location.range.start.character; // TODO: cleanup namespace/naming so there is only one SymbolKind. switch (symbol.kind) { case ::SymbolKind::Type: { QueryableTypeDef& def = db->types[symbol.idx]; info.name = def.def.qualified_name; info.kind = lsSymbolKind::Class; break; } case SymbolKind::Func: { QueryableFuncDef& def = db->funcs[symbol.idx]; info.name = def.def.qualified_name; if (def.def.declaring_type.has_value()) { info.kind = lsSymbolKind::Method; Usr declaring = def.def.declaring_type.value(); info.containerName = db->types[db->usr_to_symbol[declaring].idx].def.qualified_name; } else { info.kind = lsSymbolKind::Function; } break; } case ::SymbolKind::Var: { QueryableVarDef& def = db->vars[symbol.idx]; info.name = def.def.qualified_name; info.kind = lsSymbolKind::Variable; break; } }; // TODO //info.containerName = "fooey"; response.symbols.push_back(info); } break; } } ipc->SendToClient(0, &response); } else if (IpcMessage_WorkspaceSymbolsRequest::kId == message->runtime_id()) { auto msg = static_cast(message.get()); IpcMessage_WorkspaceSymbolsResponse response; response.id = msg->id; std::cerr << "- Considering " << db->qualified_names.size() << " candidates " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < db->qualified_names.size(); ++i) { const std::string& name = db->qualified_names[i]; //std::cerr << "- Considering " << name << std::endl; if (name.find(msg->query) != std::string::npos) { lsSymbolInformation info; info.name = name; SymbolIdx symbol = db->symbols[i]; // TODO: dedup this code w/ above (ie, add ctor to convert symbol to SymbolInformation) switch (symbol.kind) { // TODO: file case ::SymbolKind::Type: { QueryableTypeDef& def = db->types[symbol.idx]; info.name = def.def.qualified_name; info.kind = lsSymbolKind::Class; if (def.def.definition.has_value()) { info.location.uri.SetPath(def.def.definition->path); info.location.range.start.line = def.def.definition->line - 1; info.location.range.start.character = def.def.definition->column - 1; } break; } case ::SymbolKind::Func: { QueryableFuncDef& def = db->funcs[symbol.idx]; info.name = def.def.qualified_name; if (def.def.declaring_type.has_value()) { info.kind = lsSymbolKind::Method; Usr declaring = def.def.declaring_type.value(); info.containerName = db->types[db->usr_to_symbol[declaring].idx].def.qualified_name; } else { info.kind = lsSymbolKind::Function; } if (def.def.definition.has_value()) { info.location.uri.SetPath(def.def.definition->path); info.location.range.start.line = def.def.definition->line - 1; info.location.range.start.character = def.def.definition->column - 1; } break; } case ::SymbolKind::Var: { QueryableVarDef& def = db->vars[symbol.idx]; info.name = def.def.qualified_name; info.kind = lsSymbolKind::Variable; if (def.def.definition.has_value()) { info.location.uri.SetPath(def.def.definition->path); info.location.range.start.line = def.def.definition->line - 1; info.location.range.start.character = def.def.definition->column - 1; } break; } }; // TODO: store range information. info.location.range.end.line = info.location.range.start.line; info.location.range.end.character = info.location.range.start.character; response.symbols.push_back(info); } } ipc->SendToClient(0, &response); } else { std::cerr << "Unhandled IPC message with kind " << message->runtime_id() << " (hash " << message->hashed_runtime_id() << ")" << std::endl; exit(1); } } } // TODO: global lock on stderr output. // Separate thread whose only job is to read from stdin and // dispatch read commands to the actual indexer program. This // cannot be done on the main thread because reading from std::cin // blocks. // // |ipc| is connected to a server. void LanguageServerStdinLoop(IpcClient* ipc) { while (true) { std::unique_ptr message = ParseMessage(); // Message parsing can fail if we don't recognize the method. if (!message) continue; std::cerr << "[info]: Got message of type " << MethodIdToString(message->method_id) << std::endl; switch (message->method_id) { case lsMethodId::Initialize: { auto request = static_cast(message.get()); if (request->params.rootUri) { std::string project_path = request->params.rootUri->GetPath(); std::cerr << "Initialize in directory " << project_path << " with uri " << request->params.rootUri->raw_uri << std::endl; IpcMessage_OpenProject open_project; open_project.project_path = project_path; ipc->SendToServer(&open_project); } auto response = Out_InitializeResponse(); response.id = message->id.value(); response.result.capabilities.documentSymbolProvider = true; response.result.capabilities.workspaceSymbolProvider = true; response.Send(); break; } case lsMethodId::TextDocumentDocumentSymbol: { // TODO: response should take id as input. // TODO: message should not have top-level id. auto request = static_cast(message.get()); IpcMessage_DocumentSymbolsRequest ipc_request; ipc_request.id = request->id.value(); ipc_request.document = request->params.textDocument.uri.GetPath(); std::cerr << "Request textDocument=" << ipc_request.document << std::endl; ipc->SendToServer(&ipc_request); break; } case lsMethodId::WorkspaceSymbol: { auto request = static_cast(message.get()); IpcMessage_WorkspaceSymbolsRequest ipc_request; ipc_request.id = request->id.value(); ipc_request.query = request->params.query; std::cerr << "Request query=" << ipc_request.query << std::endl; ipc->SendToServer(&ipc_request); break; } } } } void LanguageServerMainLoop(IpcClient* ipc) { std::vector> messages = ipc->TakeMessages(); for (auto& message : messages) { if (IpcMessage_Quit::kId == message->runtime_id()) { exit(0); } else if (IpcMessage_DocumentSymbolsResponse::kId == message->runtime_id()) { auto msg = static_cast(message.get()); auto response = Out_DocumentSymbolResponse(); response.id = msg->id; response.result = msg->symbols; response.Send(); std::cerr << "Send symbol response to client (" << response.result.size() << " symbols)" << std::endl; } else if (IpcMessage_WorkspaceSymbolsResponse::kId == message->runtime_id()) { auto msg = static_cast(message.get()); auto response = Out_WorkspaceSymbolResponse(); response.id = msg->id; response.result = msg->symbols; response.Send(); std::cerr << "Send symbol response to client (" << response.result.size() << " symbols)" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Unhandled IPC message with kind " << message->runtime_id() << " (hash " << message->hashed_runtime_id() << ")" << std::endl; exit(1); } } } void LanguageServerMain(std::string process_name) { IpcClient client_ipc("languageserver", 0); // Discard any left-over messages from previous runs. client_ipc.TakeMessages(); // Emit an alive check. Sleep so the server has time to respond. IpcMessage_IsAlive check_alive; client_ipc.SendToServer(&check_alive); // TODO: Tune this value or make it configurable. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(20)); // Check if we got an IsAlive message back. std::vector> messages = client_ipc.TakeMessages(); bool has_server = false; for (auto& message : messages) { if (message->runtime_id() == IpcMessage_IsAlive::kId) { has_server = true; break; } } // No server is running. Start it. #if false if (!has_server) { if (process_name.empty()) return; Process p(process_name + " --querydb", "", /*stdout*/[](const char* bytes, size_t n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) std::cerr << bytes[i]; }, /*stderr*/[](const char* bytes, size_t n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) std::cerr << bytes[i]; }, /*open_stdin*/false); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); // Pass empty process name so we only try to start the querydb once. LanguageServerMain(""); return; } #endif // for debugging attach //std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(4)); std::thread stdio_reader(&LanguageServerStdinLoop, &client_ipc); // No server. Run it in-process. if (!has_server) { QueryableDatabase db; IpcServer server_ipc("languageserver"); while (true) { QueryDbMainLoop(&server_ipc, &db); LanguageServerMainLoop(&client_ipc); // TODO: use a condition variable. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(20)); } } else { while (true) { LanguageServerMainLoop(&client_ipc); // TODO: use a condition variable. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(20)); } } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc == 1) { RunTests(); return 0; } // We need to write to stdout in binary mode because in Windows, writing // \n will implicitly write \r\n. Language server API will ignore a // \r\r\n split request. #ifdef _WIN32 _setmode(_fileno(stdout), O_BINARY); _setmode(_fileno(stdin), O_BINARY); #endif IpcRegistry::instance()->Register(); IpcRegistry::instance()->Register(); IpcRegistry::instance()->Register(); IpcRegistry::instance()->Register(); IpcRegistry::instance()->Register(); IpcRegistry::instance()->Register(); IpcRegistry::instance()->Register(); MessageRegistry::instance()->Register(); MessageRegistry::instance()->Register(); MessageRegistry::instance()->Register(); MessageRegistry::instance()->Register(); MessageRegistry::instance()->Register(); std::unordered_map options = ParseOptions(argc, argv); if (HasOption(options, "--language-server")) { std::cerr << "Running language server" << std::endl; LanguageServerMain(argv[0]); return 0; } else if (HasOption(options, "--querydb")) { std::cerr << "Running querydb" << std::endl; QueryableDatabase db; IpcServer ipc("languageserver"); while (true) { QueryDbMainLoop(&ipc, &db); // TODO: use a condition variable. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(20)); } return 0; } else { std::cerr << "Running language server" << std::endl; LanguageServerMain(argv[0]); return 0; } return 1; }