#include "clang_complete.h" #include "message_handler.h" #include "query_utils.h" #include "queue_manager.h" namespace { struct lsDocumentCodeLensParams { lsTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument; }; MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsDocumentCodeLensParams, textDocument); struct lsCodeLensUserData {}; MAKE_REFLECT_EMPTY_STRUCT(lsCodeLensUserData); struct lsCodeLensCommandArguments { lsDocumentUri uri; lsPosition position; std::vector locations; }; void Reflect(Writer& visitor, lsCodeLensCommandArguments& value) { visitor.StartArray(3); Reflect(visitor, value.uri); Reflect(visitor, value.position); Reflect(visitor, value.locations); visitor.EndArray(); } #if false void Reflect(Reader& visitor, lsCodeLensCommandArguments& value) { auto it = visitor.Begin(); Reflect(*it, value.uri); ++it; Reflect(*it, value.position); ++it; Reflect(*it, value.locations); } #endif using TCodeLens = lsCodeLens; struct Ipc_TextDocumentCodeLens : public RequestMessage { const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentCodeLens; lsDocumentCodeLensParams params; }; MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentCodeLens, id, params); REGISTER_IPC_MESSAGE(Ipc_TextDocumentCodeLens); struct Out_TextDocumentCodeLens : public lsOutMessage { lsRequestId id; std::vector> result; }; MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentCodeLens, jsonrpc, id, result); #if false struct Ipc_CodeLensResolve : public IpcMessage { const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::CodeLensResolve; lsRequestId id; TCodeLens params; }; MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_CodeLensResolve, id, params); REGISTER_IPC_MESSAGE(Ipc_CodeLensResolve); struct Out_CodeLensResolve : public lsOutMessage { lsRequestId id; TCodeLens result; }; MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_CodeLensResolve, jsonrpc, id, result); #endif struct CommonCodeLensParams { std::vector* result; QueryDatabase* db; WorkingFiles* working_files; WorkingFile* working_file; }; void AddCodeLens(const char* singular, const char* plural, CommonCodeLensParams* common, QueryLocation loc, const std::vector& uses, optional excluded, bool force_display) { TCodeLens code_lens; optional range = GetLsRange(common->working_file, loc.range); if (!range) return; code_lens.range = *range; code_lens.command = lsCommand(); code_lens.command->command = "cquery.showReferences"; code_lens.command->arguments.uri = GetLsDocumentUri(common->db, loc.path); code_lens.command->arguments.position = code_lens.range.start; // Add unique uses. std::unordered_set unique_uses; for (const QueryLocation& use : uses) { if (excluded == use) continue; optional location = GetLsLocation(common->db, common->working_files, use); if (!location) continue; unique_uses.insert(*location); } code_lens.command->arguments.locations.assign(unique_uses.begin(), unique_uses.end()); // User visible label size_t num_usages = unique_uses.size(); code_lens.command->title = std::to_string(num_usages) + " "; if (num_usages == 1) code_lens.command->title += singular; else code_lens.command->title += plural; if (force_display || unique_uses.size() > 0) common->result->push_back(code_lens); } struct TextDocumentCodeLensHandler : BaseMessageHandler { void Run(Ipc_TextDocumentCodeLens* request) override { Out_TextDocumentCodeLens out; out.id = request->id; lsDocumentUri file_as_uri = request->params.textDocument.uri; std::string path = file_as_uri.GetPath(); clang_complete->NotifyView(path); QueryFile* file; if (!FindFileOrFail(db, project, request->id, request->params.textDocument.uri.GetPath(), &file)) { return; } CommonCodeLensParams common; common.result = &out.result; common.db = db; common.working_files = working_files; common.working_file = working_files->GetFileByFilename(file->def->path); for (SymbolRef ref : file->def->outline) { // NOTE: We OffsetColumn so that the code lens always show up in a // predictable order. Otherwise, the client may randomize it. SymbolIdx symbol = ref.idx; switch (symbol.kind) { case SymbolKind::Type: { QueryType& type = db->types[symbol.idx]; if (!type.def) continue; if (type.def->kind == ClangSymbolKind::Namespace) continue; AddCodeLens("ref", "refs", &common, ref.loc.OffsetStartColumn(0), type.uses, type.def->definition_spelling, true /*force_display*/); AddCodeLens("derived", "derived", &common, ref.loc.OffsetStartColumn(1), ToQueryLocation(db, &type.derived), nullopt, false /*force_display*/); AddCodeLens("var", "vars", &common, ref.loc.OffsetStartColumn(2), ToQueryLocation(db, &type.instances), nullopt, false /*force_display*/); break; } case SymbolKind::Func: { QueryFunc& func = db->funcs[symbol.idx]; if (!func.def) continue; int16_t offset = 0; // For functions, the outline will report a location that is using the // extent since that is better for outline. This tries to convert the // extent location to the spelling location. auto try_ensure_spelling = [&](SymbolRef sym) { optional def = GetDefinitionSpellingOfSymbol(db, sym.idx); if (!def || def->path != sym.loc.path || def->range.start.line != sym.loc.range.start.line) { return sym.loc; } return *def; }; std::vector base_callers = GetCallersForAllBaseFunctions(db, func); std::vector derived_callers = GetCallersForAllDerivedFunctions(db, func); if (base_callers.empty() && derived_callers.empty()) { QueryLocation loc = try_ensure_spelling(ref); AddCodeLens("call", "calls", &common, loc.OffsetStartColumn(offset++), ToQueryLocation(db, func.callers), nullopt, true /*force_display*/); } else { QueryLocation loc = try_ensure_spelling(ref); AddCodeLens("direct call", "direct calls", &common, loc.OffsetStartColumn(offset++), ToQueryLocation(db, func.callers), nullopt, false /*force_display*/); if (!base_callers.empty()) AddCodeLens("base call", "base calls", &common, loc.OffsetStartColumn(offset++), ToQueryLocation(db, base_callers), nullopt, false /*force_display*/); if (!derived_callers.empty()) AddCodeLens("derived call", "derived calls", &common, loc.OffsetStartColumn(offset++), ToQueryLocation(db, derived_callers), nullopt, false /*force_display*/); } AddCodeLens("derived", "derived", &common, ref.loc.OffsetStartColumn(offset++), ToQueryLocation(db, &func.derived), nullopt, false /*force_display*/); // "Base" if (func.def->base.size() == 1) { // FIXME WithGen optional base_loc = GetDefinitionSpellingOfSymbol(db, func.def->base[0].value); if (base_loc) { optional ls_base = GetLsLocation(db, working_files, *base_loc); if (ls_base) { optional range = GetLsRange(common.working_file, ref.loc.range); if (range) { TCodeLens code_lens; code_lens.range = *range; code_lens.range.start.character += offset++; code_lens.command = lsCommand(); code_lens.command->title = "Base"; code_lens.command->command = "cquery.goto"; code_lens.command->arguments.uri = ls_base->uri; code_lens.command->arguments.position = ls_base->range.start; out.result.push_back(code_lens); } } } } else { AddCodeLens("base", "base", &common, ref.loc.OffsetStartColumn(1), ToQueryLocation(db, &func.def->base), nullopt, false /*force_display*/); } break; } case SymbolKind::Var: { QueryVar& var = db->vars[symbol.idx]; if (!var.def) continue; if (var.def->is_local() && !config->codeLensOnLocalVariables) continue; bool force_display = true; // Do not show 0 refs on macro with no uses, as it is most likely // a header guard. if (var.def->is_macro()) force_display = false; AddCodeLens("ref", "refs", &common, ref.loc.OffsetStartColumn(0), var.uses, var.def->definition_spelling, force_display); break; } case SymbolKind::File: case SymbolKind::Invalid: { assert(false && "unexpected"); break; } }; } QueueManager::WriteStdout(IpcId::TextDocumentCodeLens, out); } }; REGISTER_MESSAGE_HANDLER(TextDocumentCodeLensHandler); } // namespace