#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 try: from urllib2 import urlopen # Python 2 except ImportError: from urllib.request import urlopen # Python 3 import os.path import string import subprocess import sys import re VERSION = '0.0.1' APPNAME = 'cquery' top = '.' out = 'build' # Example URLs # http://releases.llvm.org/5.0.0/clang+llvm-5.0.0-linux-x86_64-ubuntu16.04.tar.xz # http://releases.llvm.org/5.0.0/clang+llvm-5.0.0-linux-x86_64-ubuntu14.04.tar.xz # http://releases.llvm.org/5.0.0/clang+llvm-5.0.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz if sys.platform == 'darwin': CLANG_TARBALL_NAME = 'clang+llvm-$version-x86_64-apple-darwin' elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'): CLANG_TARBALL_NAME = 'clang+llvm-$version-amd64-unknown-freebsd10' # It is either 'linux2' or 'linux3' before Python 3.3 elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): # These executable depend on libtinfo.so.5 CLANG_TARBALL_NAME = 'clang+llvm-$version-linux-x86_64-ubuntu14.04' else: # TODO: windows support (it's an exe!) sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Unknown platform {0}\n'.format(sys.platform)) sys.exit(1) from waflib.Tools.compiler_cxx import cxx_compiler cxx_compiler['linux'] = ['clang++', 'g++'] def options(opt): opt.load('compiler_cxx') grp = opt.add_option_group('Configuration options related to use of clang from the system (not recommended)') grp.add_option('--use-system-clang', dest='use_system_clang', default=False, action='store_true', help='enable use of clang from the system') grp.add_option('--bundled-clang', dest='bundled_clang', default='4.0.0', choices=('4.0.0', '5.0.0'), help='bundled clang version') grp.add_option('--llvm-config', dest='llvm_config', default='llvm-config', help='specify path to llvm-config for automatic configuration [default: %default]') grp.add_option('--clang-prefix', dest='clang_prefix', default='', help='enable fallback configuration method by specifying a clang installation prefix (e.g. /opt/llvm)') grp.add_option('--variant', default='release', help='variant name for saving configuration and build results. Variants other than "debug" turn on -O3') def download_and_extract(destdir, url): dest = destdir + '.tar.xz' # Download and save the compressed tarball as |compressed_file_name|. if not os.path.isfile(dest): print('Downloading tarball') print(' destination: {0}'.format(dest)) print(' source: {0}'.format(url)) # TODO: verify checksum response = urlopen(url) with open(dest, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.read()) else: print('Found tarball at {0}'.format(dest)) # Extract the tarball. if not os.path.isdir(destdir): print('Extracting') # TODO: make portable. subprocess.call(['tar', '-x', '-C', out, '-f', dest]) else: print('Found extracted at {0}'.format(destdir)) def configure(ctx): ctx.resetenv(ctx.options.variant) ctx.load('compiler_cxx') cxxflags = ['-g', '-std=c++11', '-Wall', '-Wno-sign-compare', '-Werror'] if ctx.options.variant == 'debug': ctx.env.CXXFLAGS = cxxflags else: ctx.env.CXXFLAGS = cxxflags + ['-O3'] ctx.check(header_name='stdio.h', features='cxx cxxprogram', mandatory=True) ctx.load('clang_compilation_database', tooldir='.') ctx.env['use_system_clang'] = ctx.options.use_system_clang if ctx.options.use_system_clang: # Ask llvm-config for cflags and ldflags ctx.find_program(ctx.options.llvm_config, msg='checking for llvm-config', var='LLVM_CONFIG', mandatory=False) if ctx.env.LLVM_CONFIG: ctx.check_cfg(msg='Checking for clang flags', path=ctx.env.LLVM_CONFIG, package='', uselib_store='clang', args='--cppflags --ldflags') # llvm-config does not provide the actual library we want so we check for it # using the provided info so far. ctx.check_cxx(lib='clang', uselib_store='clang', use='clang') else: # Fallback method using a prefix path ctx.start_msg('Checking for clang prefix') if not ctx.options.clang_prefix: raise ctx.errors.ConfigurationError('not found (--clang-prefix must be specified when llvm-config is not found)') prefix = ctx.root.find_node(ctx.options.clang_prefix) if not prefix: raise ctx.errors.ConfigurationError('clang prefix not found: "%s"'%ctx.options.clang_prefix) ctx.end_msg(prefix) includes = [ n.abspath() for n in [ prefix.find_node('include') ] if n ] libpath = [ n.abspath() for n in [ prefix.find_node(l) for l in ('lib', 'lib64')] if n ] ctx.check_cxx(msg='Checking for library clang', lib='clang', uselib_store='clang', includes=includes, libpath=libpath) else: global CLANG_TARBALL_NAME # TODO Remove these after dropping clang 4 (after we figure out how to index Chrome) if ctx.options.bundled_clang[0] == '4': if sys.platform == 'darwin': CLANG_TARBALL_NAME = 'clang+llvm-$version-x86_64-apple-darwin' elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): # These executable depend on libtinfo.so.5 CLANG_TARBALL_NAME = 'clang+llvm-$version-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04' else: # TODO: windows support (it's an exe!) sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Unknown platform {0}\n'.format(sys.platform)) sys.exit(1) CLANG_TARBALL_NAME = string.Template(CLANG_TARBALL_NAME).substitute(version=ctx.options.bundled_clang) # Directory clang has been extracted to. CLANG_DIRECTORY = '{0}/{1}'.format(out, CLANG_TARBALL_NAME) # URL of the tarball to download. CLANG_TARBALL_URL = 'http://releases.llvm.org/{0}/{1}.tar.xz'.format(ctx.options.bundled_clang, CLANG_TARBALL_NAME) print('Checking for clang') download_and_extract(CLANG_DIRECTORY, CLANG_TARBALL_URL) bundled_clang_dir = os.path.join(out, ctx.options.variant, 'lib', CLANG_TARBALL_NAME) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(bundled_clang_dir)) except OSError: pass try: os.symlink('../../' + CLANG_TARBALL_NAME, bundled_clang_dir) except OSError: pass try: os.symlink(os.path.join('lib/clang', ctx.options.bundled_clang), os.path.join(bundled_clang_dir, 'resource-dir')) except OSError: pass clang_node = ctx.path.find_dir(bundled_clang_dir) ctx.check_cxx(uselib_store='clang', includes=clang_node.find_dir('include').abspath(), libpath=clang_node.find_dir('lib').abspath(), lib='clang') ctx.msg('Clang includes', ctx.env.INCLUDES_clang) ctx.msg('Clang library dir', ctx.env.LIBPATH_clang) """ # Download and save the compressed tarball as |compressed_file_name|. if not os.path.isfile(CLANG_TARBALL_LOCAL_PATH): print('Downloading clang tarball') print(' destination: {0}'.format(CLANG_TARBALL_LOCAL_PATH)) print(' source: {0}'.format(CLANG_TARBALL_URL)) # TODO: verify checksum response = urlopen(CLANG_TARBALL_URL) with open(CLANG_TARBALL_LOCAL_PATH, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.read()) else: print('Found clang tarball at {0}'.format(CLANG_TARBALL_LOCAL_PATH)) # Extract the tarball. if not os.path.isdir(CLANG_DIRECTORY): print('Extracting clang') # TODO: make portable. call(['tar', 'xf', CLANG_TARBALL_LOCAL_PATH, '-C', out]) else: print('Found extracted clang at {0}'.format(CLANG_DIRECTORY)) """ def build(bld): cc_files = bld.path.ant_glob(['src/*.cc', 'src/messages/*.cc']) lib = [] if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): lib.append('rt') lib.append('pthread') lib.append('dl') elif sys.platform == 'darwin': lib.append('pthread') clang_tarball_name = None # Fallback for windows default_resource_directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resource_dir') if bld.env['use_system_clang']: rpath = [] output = subprocess.check_output(['clang', '-###', '-xc', '/dev/null'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) match = re.search(r'"-resource-dir" "([^"]*)"', output, re.M | re.I) if match: default_resource_directory = match.group(1) else: print("Failed to found system clang resource directory. Falling back.") elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd') or sys.platform.startswith('linux'): clang_tarball_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(bld.env['LIBPATH_clang'][0])) rpath = '$ORIGIN/../lib/' + clang_tarball_name + '/lib' default_resource_directory = '../lib/' + clang_tarball_name + '/resource-dir' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': clang_tarball_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(bld.env['LIBPATH_clang'][0])) rpath = '@loader_path/../lib/' + clang_tarball_name + '/lib' default_resource_directory = '../lib/' + clang_tarball_name + '/resource-dir' else: rpath = bld.env['LIBPATH_clang'] bld.program( source=cc_files, use='clang', includes=[ 'src/', 'third_party/', 'third_party/doctest/', 'third_party/loguru/', 'third_party/rapidjson/include/', 'third_party/sparsehash/src/', 'third_party/sparsepp/'], defines=['LOGURU_WITH_STREAMS=1', 'DEFAULT_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY="' + default_resource_directory + '"'], lib=lib, rpath=rpath, target='bin/cquery') if clang_tarball_name is not None: bld.install_files('${PREFIX}/lib/' + clang_tarball_name + '/lib', bld.path.get_bld().ant_glob('lib/' + clang_tarball_name + '/lib/libclang.(dylib|so.[4-9])', quiet=True)) bld.install_files('${PREFIX}/lib/' + clang_tarball_name + '/resource-dir/include', bld.path.get_bld().ant_glob('lib/' + clang_tarball_name + '/lib/clang/[4-9]*/include/*', quiet=True)) #bld.shlib(source='a.cpp', target='mylib', vnum='9.8.7') #bld.shlib(source='a.cpp', target='mylib2', vnum='9.8.7', cnum='9.8') #bld.shlib(source='a.cpp', target='mylib3') #bld.program(source=cc_files, target='app', use='mylib') #bld.stlib(target='foo', source='b.cpp') # just a test to check if the .c is compiled as c++ when no c compiler is found #bld.program(features='cxx cxxprogram', source='main.c', target='app2') #if bld.cmd != 'clean': # from waflib import Logs # bld.logger = Logs.make_logger('test.log', 'build') # just to get a clean output # bld.check(header_name='sadlib.h', features='cxx cxxprogram', mandatory=False) # bld.logger = None def init(ctx): from waflib.Build import BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext for y in (BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext): class tmp(y): variant = ctx.options.variant # This is needed because waf initializes the ConfigurationContext with # an arbitrary setenv('') which would rewrite the previous configuration # cache for the default variant if the configure step finishes. # Ideally ConfigurationContext should just let us override this at class # level like the other Context subclasses do with variant from waflib.Configure import ConfigurationContext class cctx(ConfigurationContext): def resetenv(self, name): self.all_envs = {} self.setenv(name)