#include "utils.h" #include "platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(__APPLE__) #include #endif // See http://stackoverflow.com/a/217605 void TrimStart(std::string& s) { s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun(std::isspace)))); } void TrimEnd(std::string& s) { s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun(std::isspace))) .base(), s.end()); } void Trim(std::string& s) { TrimStart(s); TrimEnd(s); } // See http://stackoverflow.com/a/2072890 bool EndsWith(const std::string& value, const std::string& ending) { if (ending.size() > value.size()) return false; return std::equal(ending.rbegin(), ending.rend(), value.rbegin()); } bool StartsWith(const std::string& value, const std::string& start) { if (start.size() > value.size()) return false; return std::equal(start.begin(), start.end(), value.begin()); } bool AnyStartsWith(const std::vector& values, const std::string& start) { return std::any_of( std::begin(values), std::end(values), [&start](const std::string& value) { return StartsWith(value, start); }); } bool StartsWithAny(const std::string& value, const std::vector& startings) { return std::any_of(std::begin(startings), std::end(startings), [&value](const std::string& starting) { return StartsWith(value, starting); }); } bool EndsWithAny(const std::string& value, const std::vector& endings) { return std::any_of( std::begin(endings), std::end(endings), [&value](const std::string& ending) { return EndsWith(value, ending); }); } // See http://stackoverflow.com/a/29752943 std::string ReplaceAll(const std::string& source, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) { std::string result; result.reserve(source.length()); // avoids a few memory allocations std::string::size_type last_pos = 0; std::string::size_type find_pos; while (std::string::npos != (find_pos = source.find(from, last_pos))) { result.append(source, last_pos, find_pos - last_pos); result += to; last_pos = find_pos + from.length(); } // Care for the rest after last occurrence result += source.substr(last_pos); return result; } std::vector SplitString(const std::string& str, const std::string& delimiter) { // http://stackoverflow.com/a/13172514 std::vector strings; std::string::size_type pos = 0; std::string::size_type prev = 0; while ((pos = str.find(delimiter, prev)) != std::string::npos) { strings.push_back(str.substr(prev, pos - prev)); prev = pos + 1; } // To get the last substring (or only, if delimiter is not found) strings.push_back(str.substr(prev)); return strings; } std::string LowerPathIfCaseInsensitive(const std::string& path) { std::string result = path; #if defined(_WIN32) for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) result[i] = (char)tolower(result[i]); #endif return result; } static void GetFilesInFolderHelper( std::string folder, bool recursive, std::string output_prefix, const std::function& handler) { tinydir_dir dir; if (tinydir_open(&dir, folder.c_str()) == -1) { // perror("Error opening file"); goto bail; } while (dir.has_next) { tinydir_file file; if (tinydir_readfile(&dir, &file) == -1) { // perror("Error getting file"); goto bail; } // Skip all dot files. // // The nested ifs are intentional, branching order is subtle here. // // Note that in the future if we do support dot directories/files, we must // always ignore the '.' and '..' directories otherwise this will loop // infinitely. if (file.name[0] != '.') { if (file.is_dir) { if (recursive) { std::string child_dir = output_prefix + file.name + "/"; if (!IsSymLink(child_dir)) GetFilesInFolderHelper(file.path, true /*recursive*/, child_dir, handler); } } else { handler(output_prefix + file.name); } } if (tinydir_next(&dir) == -1) { perror("Error getting next file"); goto bail; } } bail: tinydir_close(&dir); } std::vector GetFilesInFolder(std::string folder, bool recursive, bool add_folder_to_path) { EnsureEndsInSlash(folder); std::vector result; GetFilesInFolderHelper( folder, recursive, add_folder_to_path ? folder : "", [&result](const std::string& path) { result.push_back(path); }); return result; } void GetFilesInFolder(std::string folder, bool recursive, bool add_folder_to_path, const std::function& handler) { EnsureEndsInSlash(folder); GetFilesInFolderHelper(folder, recursive, add_folder_to_path ? folder : "", handler); } void EnsureEndsInSlash(std::string& path) { if (path.empty() || path[path.size() - 1] != '/') path += '/'; } // http://stackoverflow.com/a/6089413 std::istream& SafeGetline(std::istream& is, std::string& t) { t.clear(); // The characters in the stream are read one-by-one using a std::streambuf. // That is faster than reading them one-by-one using the std::istream. Code // that uses streambuf this way must be guarded by a sentry object. The sentry // object performs various tasks, such as thread synchronization and updating // the stream state. std::istream::sentry se(is, true); std::streambuf* sb = is.rdbuf(); for (;;) { bool had_r = false; int c = sb->sbumpc(); switch (c) { case '\r': had_r = true; break; case '\n': return is; case EOF: // Also handle the case when the last line has no line ending if (t.empty()) is.setstate(std::ios::eofbit); return is; default: if (had_r) { t += '\r'; had_r = false; } t += (char)c; } } } optional ReadContent(const std::string& filename) { std::ifstream cache; cache.open(filename); try { return std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator(cache), std::istreambuf_iterator()); } catch (std::ios_base::failure&) { return nullopt; } } std::vector ReadLines(std::string filename) { std::vector result; std::ifstream input(filename); for (std::string line; SafeGetline(input, line);) result.push_back(line); return result; } std::vector ToLines(const std::string& content, bool trim_whitespace) { std::vector result; std::istringstream lines(content); std::string line; while (getline(lines, line)) { if (trim_whitespace) Trim(line); result.push_back(line); } return result; } std::unordered_map ParseTestExpectation( std::string filename) { bool in_output = false; #if false #include "bar.h" void foo(); /* // if no name is given assume to be this file name // no output section means we don't check that index. OUTPUT: bar.cc {} OUTPUT: bar.h {} */ #endif std::unordered_map result; std::string active_output_filename; std::string active_output_contents; for (std::string line : ReadLines(filename)) { if (line == "*/") break; if (StartsWith(line, "OUTPUT:")) { if (in_output) { result[active_output_filename] = active_output_contents; } if (line.size() > 7) active_output_filename = line.substr(8); else active_output_filename = filename; active_output_contents = ""; in_output = true; } else if (in_output) active_output_contents += line + "\r\n"; } if (in_output) result[active_output_filename] = active_output_contents; return result; } void UpdateTestExpectation(const std::string& filename, const std::string& expectation, const std::string& actual) { // Read the entire file into a string. std::ifstream in(filename); std::string str; str.assign(std::istreambuf_iterator(in), std::istreambuf_iterator()); in.close(); // Replace expectation auto it = str.find(expectation); assert(it != std::string::npos); str.replace(it, expectation.size(), actual); // Write it back out. std::ofstream of(filename, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); of.write(str.c_str(), str.size()); of.close(); } void Fail(const std::string& message) { LOG_S(FATAL) << "Fatal error: " << message; std::exit(1); } void WriteToFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& content) { std::ofstream file(filename); file << content; } float GetProcessMemoryUsedInMb() { #if defined(__APPLE__) return 0.f; #else const float kBytesToMb = 1000000; uint64_t memory_after = spp::GetProcessMemoryUsed(); return memory_after / kBytesToMb; #endif } std::string FormatMicroseconds(long long microseconds) { long long milliseconds = microseconds / 1000; long long remaining = microseconds - milliseconds; // Only show two digits after the dot. while (remaining >= 100) remaining /= 10; return std::to_string(milliseconds) + "." + std::to_string(remaining) + "ms"; }