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synced 2025-03-31 14:02:14 +00:00
170 lines
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170 lines
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#pragma once
#include "indexer.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include <llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h>
#include <llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h>
#include <llvm/ADT/StringMap.h>
struct QueryFile {
struct Def {
std::string path;
std::vector<std::string> args;
LanguageId language;
// Includes in the file.
std::vector<IndexInclude> includes;
// Outline of the file (ie, for code lens).
std::vector<SymbolRef> outline;
// Every symbol found in the file (ie, for goto definition)
std::vector<SymbolRef> all_symbols;
// Parts of the file which are disabled.
std::vector<Range> skipped_ranges;
// Used by |$ccls/freshenIndex|.
std::vector<std::string> dependencies;
using DefUpdate = std::pair<Def, std::string>;
int id = -1;
std::optional<Def> def;
std::unordered_map<SymbolRef, int> symbol2refcnt;
template <typename Q, typename QDef>
struct QueryEntity {
using Def = QDef;
Def* AnyDef() {
Def* ret = nullptr;
for (auto& i : static_cast<Q*>(this)->def) {
ret = &i;
if (i.spell)
return ret;
const Def* AnyDef() const { return const_cast<QueryEntity*>(this)->AnyDef(); }
using UseUpdate =
std::unordered_map<Usr, std::pair<std::vector<Use>, std::vector<Use>>>;
using UsrUpdate =
std::unordered_map<Usr, std::pair<std::vector<Usr>, std::vector<Usr>>>;
struct QueryFunc : QueryEntity<QueryFunc, FuncDef> {
Usr usr;
llvm::SmallVector<Def, 1> def;
std::vector<Use> declarations;
std::vector<Use> uses;
std::vector<Usr> derived;
struct QueryType : QueryEntity<QueryType, TypeDef> {
Usr usr;
llvm::SmallVector<Def, 1> def;
std::vector<Use> declarations;
std::vector<Use> uses;
std::vector<Usr> derived;
std::vector<Usr> instances;
struct QueryVar : QueryEntity<QueryVar, VarDef> {
Usr usr;
llvm::SmallVector<Def, 1> def;
std::vector<Use> declarations;
std::vector<Use> uses;
struct IndexUpdate {
// Creates a new IndexUpdate based on the delta from previous to current. If
// no delta computation should be done just pass null for previous.
static IndexUpdate CreateDelta(IndexFile* previous,
IndexFile* current);
int file_id;
// Dummy one to refresh all semantic highlight.
bool refresh = false;
decltype(IndexFile::lid2path) prev_lid2path;
decltype(IndexFile::lid2path) lid2path;
// File updates.
std::optional<std::string> files_removed;
std::optional<QueryFile::DefUpdate> files_def_update;
// Function updates.
int funcs_hint;
std::vector<Usr> funcs_removed;
std::vector<std::pair<Usr, QueryFunc::Def>> funcs_def_update;
UseUpdate funcs_declarations;
UseUpdate funcs_uses;
UsrUpdate funcs_derived;
// Type updates.
int types_hint;
std::vector<Usr> types_removed;
std::vector<std::pair<Usr, QueryType::Def>> types_def_update;
UseUpdate types_declarations;
UseUpdate types_uses;
UsrUpdate types_derived;
UsrUpdate types_instances;
// Variable updates.
int vars_hint;
std::vector<Usr> vars_removed;
std::vector<std::pair<Usr, QueryVar::Def>> vars_def_update;
UseUpdate vars_declarations;
UseUpdate vars_uses;
struct WrappedUsr {
Usr usr;
template <>
struct llvm::DenseMapInfo<WrappedUsr> {
static inline WrappedUsr getEmptyKey() { return {0}; }
static inline WrappedUsr getTombstoneKey() { return {~0ULL}; }
static unsigned getHashValue(WrappedUsr w) { return w.usr; }
static bool isEqual(WrappedUsr l, WrappedUsr r) { return l.usr == r.usr; }
using Lid2file_id = std::unordered_map<int, int>;
// The query database is heavily optimized for fast queries. It is stored
// in-memory.
struct DB {
std::vector<QueryFile> files;
llvm::StringMap<int> name2file_id;
llvm::DenseMap<WrappedUsr, int> func_usr, type_usr, var_usr;
std::vector<QueryFunc> funcs;
std::vector<QueryType> types;
std::vector<QueryVar> vars;
void RemoveUsrs(SymbolKind kind, int file_id, const std::vector<Usr>& to_remove);
// Insert the contents of |update| into |db|.
void ApplyIndexUpdate(IndexUpdate* update);
int GetFileId(const std::string& path);
int Update(QueryFile::DefUpdate&& u);
void Update(const Lid2file_id &, int file_id,
std::vector<std::pair<Usr, QueryType::Def>> &&us);
void Update(const Lid2file_id &, int file_id,
std::vector<std::pair<Usr, QueryFunc::Def>> &&us);
void Update(const Lid2file_id &, int file_id,
std::vector<std::pair<Usr, QueryVar::Def>> &&us);
std::string_view GetSymbolName(SymbolIdx sym, bool qualified);
bool HasFunc(Usr usr) const { return func_usr.count({usr}); }
bool HasType(Usr usr) const { return type_usr.count({usr}); }
bool HasVar(Usr usr) const { return var_usr.count({usr}); }
QueryFunc& Func(Usr usr) { return funcs[func_usr[{usr}]]; }
QueryType& Type(Usr usr) { return types[type_usr[{usr}]]; }
QueryVar& Var(Usr usr) { return vars[var_usr[{usr}]]; }
QueryFile& GetFile(SymbolIdx ref) { return files[ref.usr]; }
QueryFunc& GetFunc(SymbolIdx ref) { return Func(ref.usr); }
QueryType& GetType(SymbolIdx ref) { return Type(ref.usr); }
QueryVar& GetVar(SymbolIdx ref) { return Var(ref.usr); }