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// Copyright 2017-2018 ccls Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include "utils.hh"
#include <llvm/Support/Compiler.h>
#include <macro_map.h>
#include <rapidjson/fwd.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class CachedHashStringRef;
class StringRef;
namespace ccls {
enum class SerializeFormat { Binary, Json };
struct JsonNull {};
struct JsonReader {
rapidjson::Value *m;
std::vector<const char *> path_;
JsonReader(rapidjson::Value *m) : m(m) {}
void StartObject() {}
void EndObject() {}
void IterArray(std::function<void()> fn);
void Member(const char *name, std::function<void()> fn);
bool IsNull();
std::string GetString();
std::string GetPath() const;
struct JsonWriter {
using W =
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer, rapidjson::UTF8<char>,
rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::CrtAllocator, 0>;
W *m;
JsonWriter(W *m) : m(m) {}
void StartArray();
void EndArray();
void StartObject();
void EndObject();
void Key(const char *name);
void Null();
void Int(int v);
void String(const char *s);
void String(const char *s, size_t len);
struct BinaryReader {
const char *p_;
BinaryReader(std::string_view buf) : p_(buf.data()) {}
template <typename T> T Get() {
T ret;
memcpy(&ret, p_, sizeof(T));
p_ += sizeof(T);
return ret;
uint64_t VarUInt() {
auto x = *reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(p_++);
if (x < 253)
return x;
if (x == 253)
return Get<uint16_t>();
if (x == 254)
return Get<uint32_t>();
return Get<uint64_t>();
int64_t VarInt() {
uint64_t x = VarUInt();
return int64_t(x >> 1 ^ -(x & 1));
const char *GetString() {
const char *ret = p_;
while (*p_)
return ret;
struct BinaryWriter {
std::string buf_;
template <typename T> void Pack(T x) {
auto i = buf_.size();
buf_.resize(i + sizeof(x));
memcpy(buf_.data() + i, &x, sizeof(x));
void VarUInt(uint64_t n) {
if (n < 253)
else if (n < 65536) {
} else if (n < 4294967296) {
} else {
void VarInt(int64_t n) { VarUInt(uint64_t(n) << 1 ^ n >> 63); }
std::string Take() { return std::move(buf_); }
void String(const char *x) { String(x, strlen(x)); }
void String(const char *x, size_t len) {
auto i = buf_.size();
buf_.resize(i + len + 1);
memcpy(buf_.data() + i, x, len);
struct IndexFile;
#define REFLECT_MEMBER(name) ReflectMember(vis, #name, v.name)
#define REFLECT_MEMBER2(name, v) ReflectMember(vis, name, v)
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED inline void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, T &v) { \
std::underlying_type_t<T> v0; \
::ccls::Reflect(vis, v0); \
v = static_cast<T>(v0); \
} \
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED inline void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, T &v) { \
auto v0 = static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<T>>(v); \
::ccls::Reflect(vis, v0); \
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED inline void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, T &v) { \
std::underlying_type_t<T> v0; \
::ccls::Reflect(vis, v0); \
v = static_cast<T>(v0); \
} \
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED inline void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, T &v) { \
auto v0 = static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<T>>(v); \
::ccls::Reflect(vis, v0); \
#define REFLECT_STRUCT(type, ...) \
template <typename Vis> void Reflect(Vis &vis, type &v) { \
ReflectMemberStart(vis); \
ReflectMemberEnd(vis); \
#define _MAPPABLE_REFLECT_ARRAY(name) Reflect(vis, v.name);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, bool &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, unsigned char &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, short &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, unsigned short &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, int &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, unsigned &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, long &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, unsigned long &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, long long &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, unsigned long long &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, double &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, const char *&v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, std::string &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, bool &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, unsigned char &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, short &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, unsigned short &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, int &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, unsigned &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, long &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, unsigned long &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, long long &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, unsigned long long &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, double &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, const char *&v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, std::string &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, bool &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, unsigned char &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, short &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, unsigned short &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, int &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, unsigned &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, long &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, unsigned long &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, long long &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, unsigned long long &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, double &v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, const char *&v);
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, std::string &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, bool &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, unsigned char &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, short &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, unsigned short &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, int &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, unsigned &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, long &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, unsigned long &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, long long &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, unsigned long long &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, double &v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, const char *&v);
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, std::string &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, JsonNull &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, JsonNull &v);
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, SerializeFormat &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, SerializeFormat &v);
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, std::string_view &v);
//// Type constructors
// ReflectMember std::optional<T> is used to represent TypeScript optional
// properties (in `key: value` context). Reflect std::optional<T> is used for a
// different purpose, whether an object is nullable (possibly in `value`
// context).
template <typename T> void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, std::optional<T> &v) {
if (!vis.IsNull()) {
Reflect(vis, *v);
template <typename T> void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, std::optional<T> &v) {
if (v)
Reflect(vis, *v);
template <typename T> void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, std::optional<T> &v) {
if (*vis.p_++) {
Reflect(vis, *v);
template <typename T> void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, std::optional<T> &v) {
if (v) {
vis.Pack<unsigned char>(1);
Reflect(vis, *v);
} else {
vis.Pack<unsigned char>(0);
// The same as std::optional
template <typename T> void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, Maybe<T> &v) {
if (!vis.IsNull())
Reflect(vis, *v);
template <typename T> void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, Maybe<T> &v) {
if (v)
Reflect(vis, *v);
template <typename T> void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, Maybe<T> &v) {
if (*vis.p_++)
Reflect(vis, *v);
template <typename T> void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, Maybe<T> &v) {
if (v) {
vis.Pack<unsigned char>(1);
Reflect(vis, *v);
} else {
vis.Pack<unsigned char>(0);
template <typename T>
void ReflectMember(JsonWriter &vis, const char *name, std::optional<T> &v) {
// For TypeScript std::optional property key?: value in the spec,
// We omit both key and value if value is std::nullopt (null) for JsonWriter
// to reduce output. But keep it for other serialization formats.
if (v) {
Reflect(vis, *v);
template <typename T>
void ReflectMember(BinaryWriter &vis, const char *, std::optional<T> &v) {
Reflect(vis, v);
// The same as std::optional
template <typename T>
void ReflectMember(JsonWriter &vis, const char *name, Maybe<T> &v) {
if (v.Valid()) {
Reflect(vis, v);
template <typename T>
void ReflectMember(BinaryWriter &vis, const char *, Maybe<T> &v) {
Reflect(vis, v);
template <typename L, typename R>
void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, std::pair<L, R> &v) {
vis.Member("L", [&]() { Reflect(vis, v.first); });
vis.Member("R", [&]() { Reflect(vis, v.second); });
template <typename L, typename R>
void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, std::pair<L, R> &v) {
ReflectMember(vis, "L", v.first);
ReflectMember(vis, "R", v.second);
template <typename L, typename R>
void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, std::pair<L, R> &v) {
Reflect(vis, v.first);
Reflect(vis, v.second);
template <typename L, typename R>
void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, std::pair<L, R> &v) {
Reflect(vis, v.first);
Reflect(vis, v.second);
// std::vector
template <typename T> void Reflect(JsonReader &vis, std::vector<T> &v) {
vis.IterArray([&]() {
Reflect(vis, v.back());
template <typename T> void Reflect(JsonWriter &vis, std::vector<T> &v) {
for (auto &it : v)
Reflect(vis, it);
template <typename T> void Reflect(BinaryReader &vis, std::vector<T> &v) {
for (auto n = vis.VarUInt(); n; n--) {
Reflect(vis, v.back());
template <typename T> void Reflect(BinaryWriter &vis, std::vector<T> &v) {
for (auto &it : v)
Reflect(vis, it);
// ReflectMember
void ReflectMemberStart(JsonReader &);
template <typename T> void ReflectMemberStart(T &) {}
inline void ReflectMemberStart(JsonWriter &vis) { vis.StartObject(); }
template <typename T> void ReflectMemberEnd(T &) {}
inline void ReflectMemberEnd(JsonWriter &vis) { vis.EndObject(); }
template <typename T> void ReflectMember(JsonReader &vis, const char *name, T &v) {
vis.Member(name, [&]() { Reflect(vis, v); });
template <typename T> void ReflectMember(JsonWriter &vis, const char *name, T &v) {
Reflect(vis, v);
template <typename T> void ReflectMember(BinaryReader &vis, const char *, T &v) {
Reflect(vis, v);
template <typename T> void ReflectMember(BinaryWriter &vis, const char *, T &v) {
Reflect(vis, v);
// API
const char *Intern(llvm::StringRef str);
llvm::CachedHashStringRef InternH(llvm::StringRef str);
std::string Serialize(SerializeFormat format, IndexFile &file);
Deserialize(SerializeFormat format, const std::string &path,
const std::string &serialized_index_content,
const std::string &file_content,
std::optional<int> expected_version);
} // namespace ccls