2018-03-24 10:26:17 -07:00

478 lines
18 KiB

// TODO: cleanup includes
#include "cache_manager.h"
#include "clang_complete.h"
#include "code_complete_cache.h"
#include "diagnostics_engine.h"
#include "file_consumer.h"
#include "import_manager.h"
#include "import_pipeline.h"
#include "include_complete.h"
#include "indexer.h"
#include "lex_utils.h"
#include "lru_cache.h"
#include "lsp_diagnostic.h"
#include "match.h"
#include "message_handler.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "project.h"
#include "query.h"
#include "query_utils.h"
#include "queue_manager.h"
#include "recorder.h"
#include "semantic_highlight_symbol_cache.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "serializers/json.h"
#include "test.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "timestamp_manager.h"
#include "work_thread.h"
#include "working_files.h"
#include <doctest/doctest.h>
#include <rapidjson/error/en.h>
#include <loguru.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
// TODO: provide a feature like '',
// ie, a fully linear view of a function with inline function calls expanded.
// We can probably use vscode decorators to achieve it.
// TODO: implement ThreadPool type which monitors CPU usage / number of work
// items per second completed and scales up/down number of running threads.
std::string g_init_options;
namespace {
std::vector<std::string> kEmptyArgs;
// This function returns true if e2e timing should be displayed for the given
// MethodId.
bool ShouldDisplayMethodTiming(MethodType type) {
type != kMethodType_TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics &&
type != kMethodType_CqueryPublishInactiveRegions &&
type != kMethodType_Unknown;
return true;
void PrintHelp() {
<< R"help(cquery is a low-latency C/C++/Objective-C language server.
Run a simple index test. Verifies basic clang functionality.
Needs to be executed from the cquery root checkout directory.
--test-unit Run unit tests.
--test-index <opt_filter_path>
Run index tests. opt_filter_path can be used to specify which
test to run (ie, "foo" will run all tests which contain "foo"
in the path). If not provided all tests are run.
(default if no other mode is specified)
Run as a language server over stdin and stdout
Other command line options:
--init <initializationOptions>
Override client provided initialization options
--record <path>
Writes stdin to <path>.in and stdout to <path>.out
--log-file <path> Logging file for diagnostics
--log-file-append <path> Like --log-file, but appending
--log-all-to-stderr Write all log messages to STDERR.
--wait-for-input Wait for an '[Enter]' before exiting
--help Print this help information.
--ci Prevents tests from prompting the user for input. Used for
continuous integration so it can fail faster instead of timing
See more on
} // namespace
// QUERYDB MAIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool QueryDbMainLoop(Config* config,
QueryDatabase* db,
MultiQueueWaiter* waiter,
Project* project,
FileConsumerSharedState* file_consumer_shared,
ImportManager* import_manager,
ImportPipelineStatus* status,
TimestampManager* timestamp_manager,
SemanticHighlightSymbolCache* semantic_cache,
WorkingFiles* working_files,
ClangCompleteManager* clang_complete,
IncludeComplete* include_complete,
CodeCompleteCache* global_code_complete_cache,
CodeCompleteCache* non_global_code_complete_cache,
CodeCompleteCache* signature_cache) {
auto* queue = QueueManager::instance();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InMessage>> messages =
bool did_work = messages.size();
for (auto& message : messages) {
// TODO: Consider using std::unordered_map to lookup the handler
for (MessageHandler* handler : *MessageHandler::message_handlers) {
if (handler->GetMethodType() == message->GetMethodType()) {
if (message) {
LOG_S(FATAL) << "Exiting; no handler for " << message->GetMethodType();
// TODO: consider rate-limiting and checking for IPC messages so we don't
// block requests / we can serve partial requests.
if (QueryDb_ImportMain(config, db, import_manager, status, semantic_cache,
working_files)) {
did_work = true;
return did_work;
void RunQueryDbThread(const std::string& bin_name,
Config* config,
MultiQueueWaiter* querydb_waiter,
MultiQueueWaiter* indexer_waiter) {
Project project;
SemanticHighlightSymbolCache semantic_cache;
WorkingFiles working_files;
FileConsumerSharedState file_consumer_shared;
DiagnosticsEngine diag_engine;
ClangCompleteManager clang_complete(
config, &project, &working_files,
[&](std::string path, std::vector<lsDiagnostic> diagnostics) {
diag_engine.Publish(&working_files, path, diagnostics);
[&](ClangTranslationUnit* tu, const std::vector<CXUnsavedFile>& unsaved,
const std::string& path, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
IndexWithTuFromCodeCompletion(config, &file_consumer_shared, tu,
unsaved, path, args);
[](lsRequestId id) {
if (!std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(id)) {
Out_Error out; = id;
out.error.code = lsErrorCodes::InternalError;
out.error.message =
"Dropping completion request; a newer request "
"has come in that will be serviced instead.";
QueueManager::WriteStdout(kMethodType_Unknown, out);
IncludeComplete include_complete(config, &project);
auto global_code_complete_cache = std::make_unique<CodeCompleteCache>();
auto non_global_code_complete_cache = std::make_unique<CodeCompleteCache>();
auto signature_cache = std::make_unique<CodeCompleteCache>();
ImportManager import_manager;
ImportPipelineStatus import_pipeline_status;
TimestampManager timestamp_manager;
QueryDatabase db;
// Setup shared references.
for (MessageHandler* handler : *MessageHandler::message_handlers) {
handler->config = config;
handler->db = &db;
handler->waiter = indexer_waiter;
handler->project = &project;
handler->diag_engine = &diag_engine;
handler->file_consumer_shared = &file_consumer_shared;
handler->import_manager = &import_manager;
handler->import_pipeline_status = &import_pipeline_status;
handler->timestamp_manager = &timestamp_manager;
handler->semantic_cache = &semantic_cache;
handler->working_files = &working_files;
handler->clang_complete = &clang_complete;
handler->include_complete = &include_complete;
handler->global_code_complete_cache = global_code_complete_cache.get();
handler->non_global_code_complete_cache =
handler->signature_cache = signature_cache.get();
// Run query db main loop.
while (true) {
bool did_work = QueryDbMainLoop(
config, &db, querydb_waiter, &project, &file_consumer_shared,
&import_manager, &import_pipeline_status, &timestamp_manager,
&semantic_cache, &working_files, &clang_complete, &include_complete,
global_code_complete_cache.get(), non_global_code_complete_cache.get(),
// Cleanup and free any unused memory.
if (!did_work) {
auto* queue = QueueManager::instance();
querydb_waiter->Wait(&queue->on_indexed, &queue->for_querydb,
// STDIN MAIN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Separate thread whose only job is to read from stdin and
// dispatch read commands to the actual indexer program. This
// cannot be done on the main thread because reading from std::cin
// blocks.
// |ipc| is connected to a server.
void LaunchStdinLoop(Config* config,
std::unordered_map<MethodType, Timer>* request_times) {
// If flushing cin requires flushing cout there could be deadlocks in some
// clients.
WorkThread::StartThread("stdin", [request_times]() {
auto* queue = QueueManager::instance();
while (true) {
std::unique_ptr<InMessage> message;
optional<std::string> err =
// Message parsing can fail if we don't recognize the method.
if (err) {
// The message may be partially deserialized.
// Emit an error ResponseMessage if |id| is available.
if (message) {
lsRequestId id = message->GetRequestId();
if (!std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(id)) {
Out_Error out; = id;
out.error.code = lsErrorCodes::InvalidParams;
out.error.message = std::move(*err);
queue->WriteStdout(kMethodType_Unknown, out);
// Cache |method_id| so we can access it after moving |message|.
MethodType method_type = message->GetMethodType();
(*request_times)[method_type] = Timer();
// If the message was to exit then querydb will take care of the actual
// exit. Stop reading from stdin since it might be detached.
if (method_type == kMethodType_Exit)
void LaunchStdoutThread(std::unordered_map<MethodType, Timer>* request_times,
MultiQueueWaiter* waiter) {
WorkThread::StartThread("stdout", [=]() {
auto* queue = QueueManager::instance();
while (true) {
std::vector<Stdout_Request> messages = queue->for_stdout.DequeueAll();
if (messages.empty()) {
for (auto& message : messages) {
if (ShouldDisplayMethodTiming(message.method)) {
Timer time = (*request_times)[message.method];
time.ResetAndPrint("[e2e] Running " + std::string(message.method));
fwrite(message.content.c_str(), message.content.size(), 1, stdout);
void LanguageServerMain(const std::string& bin_name,
Config* config,
MultiQueueWaiter* querydb_waiter,
MultiQueueWaiter* indexer_waiter,
MultiQueueWaiter* stdout_waiter) {
std::unordered_map<MethodType, Timer> request_times;
LaunchStdinLoop(config, &request_times);
// We run a dedicated thread for writing to stdout because there can be an
// unknown number of delays when output information.
LaunchStdoutThread(&request_times, stdout_waiter);
// Start querydb which takes over this thread. The querydb will launch
// indexer threads as needed.
RunQueryDbThread(bin_name, config, querydb_waiter, indexer_waiter);
// MAIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> options =
ParseOptions(argc, argv);
if (HasOption(options, "-h") || HasOption(options, "--help")) {
// Also emit doctest help if --test-unit is passed.
if (!HasOption(options, "--test-unit"))
return 0;
if (!HasOption(options, "--log-all-to-stderr"))
loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = loguru::Verbosity_WARNING;
loguru::g_flush_interval_ms = 0;
loguru::init(argc, argv);
MultiQueueWaiter querydb_waiter, indexer_waiter, stdout_waiter;
QueueManager::Init(&querydb_waiter, &indexer_waiter, &stdout_waiter);
bool language_server = true;
if (HasOption(options, "--log-file")) {
loguru::add_file(options["--log-file"].c_str(), loguru::Truncate,
if (HasOption(options, "--log-file-append")) {
loguru::add_file(options["--log-file-append"].c_str(), loguru::Append,
if (HasOption(options, "--record"))
if (HasOption(options, "--clang-sanity-check")) {
language_server = false;
if (HasOption(options, "--test-unit")) {
language_server = false;
doctest::Context context;
context.applyCommandLine(argc, argv);
int res =;
if (res != 0 || context.shouldExit())
return res;
if (HasOption(options, "--test-index")) {
language_server = false;
if (!RunIndexTests(options["--test-index"], !HasOption(options, "--ci")))
return 1;
if (language_server) {
if (HasOption(options, "--init")) {
// We check syntax error here but override client-side
// initializationOptions in messages/
g_init_options = options["--init"];
rapidjson::Document reader;
rapidjson::ParseResult ok = reader.Parse(g_init_options.c_str());
if (!ok) {
std::cerr << "Failed to parse --init as JSON: "
<< rapidjson::GetParseError_En(ok.Code()) << " ("
<< ok.Offset() << ")\n";
return 1;
JsonReader json_reader{&reader};
try {
Config config;
Reflect(json_reader, config);
} catch (std::invalid_argument& e) {
std::cerr << "Fail to parse --init "
<< static_cast<JsonReader&>(json_reader).GetPath()
<< ", expected " << e.what() << "\n";
return 1;
// std::cerr << "Running language server" << std::endl;
auto config = std::make_unique<Config>();
LanguageServerMain(argv[0], config.get(), &querydb_waiter, &indexer_waiter,
if (HasOption(options, "--wait-for-input")) {
std::cerr << std::endl << "[Enter] to exit" << std::endl;
return 0;