Fangrui Song 46cfd5504a Simplify
2019-11-09 20:03:28 -08:00

308 lines
9.2 KiB

// Copyright 2017-2018 ccls Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include "lsp.h"
#include "maybe.h"
#include "position.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <clang/Basic/FileManager.h>
#include <clang/Basic/Specifiers.h>
#include <llvm/ADT/CachedHashString.h>
#include <llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
using Usr = uint64_t;
enum class LanguageId;
struct SymbolIdx {
Usr usr;
SymbolKind kind;
bool operator==(const SymbolIdx &o) const {
return usr == o.usr && kind == o.kind;
bool operator<(const SymbolIdx &o) const {
return usr != o.usr ? usr < o.usr : kind < o.kind;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(SymbolIdx, usr, kind);
// |id,kind| refer to the referenced entity.
struct SymbolRef {
Range range;
Usr usr;
SymbolKind kind;
Role role;
operator SymbolIdx() const { return {usr, kind}; }
std::tuple<Range, Usr, SymbolKind, Role> ToTuple() const {
return std::make_tuple(range, usr, kind, role);
bool operator==(const SymbolRef &o) const { return ToTuple() == o.ToTuple(); }
bool Valid() const { return range.Valid(); }
MAKE_HASHABLE(SymbolRef, t.range, t.usr, t.kind, t.role);
struct ExtentRef : SymbolRef {
Range extent;
std::tuple<Range, Usr, SymbolKind, Role, Range> ToTuple() const {
return std::make_tuple(range, usr, kind, role, extent);
bool operator==(const ExtentRef &o) const { return ToTuple() == o.ToTuple(); }
MAKE_HASHABLE(ExtentRef, t.range, t.usr, t.kind, t.role, t.extent);
struct Ref {
Range range;
Role role;
bool Valid() const { return range.Valid(); }
std::tuple<Range, Role> ToTuple() const {
return std::make_tuple(range, role);
bool operator==(const Ref &o) const { return ToTuple() == o.ToTuple(); }
bool operator<(const Ref &o) const { return ToTuple() < o.ToTuple(); }
// Represents an occurrence of a variable/type, |usr,kind| refer to the lexical
// parent.
struct Use : Ref {
// |file| is used in Query* but not in Index*
int file_id = -1;
bool operator==(const Use &o) const {
// lexical container info is ignored.
return range == o.range && file_id == o.file_id;
MAKE_HASHABLE(Use, t.range, t.file_id)
struct DeclRef : Use {
Range extent;
MAKE_HASHABLE(DeclRef, t.range, t.file_id)
void Reflect(Reader &visitor, SymbolRef &value);
void Reflect(Writer &visitor, SymbolRef &value);
void Reflect(Reader &visitor, Use &value);
void Reflect(Writer &visitor, Use &value);
void Reflect(Reader &visitor, DeclRef &value);
void Reflect(Writer &visitor, DeclRef &value);
template <typename D> struct NameMixin {
std::string_view Name(bool qualified) const {
auto self = static_cast<const D *>(this);
return qualified
? std::string_view(self->detailed_name + self->qual_name_offset,
self->short_name_offset -
self->qual_name_offset +
: std::string_view(self->detailed_name + self->short_name_offset,
struct FuncDef : NameMixin<FuncDef> {
// General metadata.
const char *detailed_name = "";
const char *hover = "";
const char *comments = "";
Maybe<DeclRef> spell;
// Method this method overrides.
std::vector<Usr> bases;
// Local variables or parameters.
std::vector<Usr> vars;
// Functions that this function calls.
std::vector<SymbolRef> callees;
int file_id = -1; // not serialized
int16_t qual_name_offset = 0;
int16_t short_name_offset = 0;
int16_t short_name_size = 0;
lsSymbolKind kind = lsSymbolKind::Unknown;
lsSymbolKind parent_kind = lsSymbolKind::Unknown;
uint8_t storage = clang::SC_None;
std::vector<Usr> GetBases() const { return bases; }
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(FuncDef, detailed_name, hover, comments, spell, bases, vars,
callees, qual_name_offset, short_name_offset,
short_name_size, kind, parent_kind, storage);
struct IndexFunc : NameMixin<IndexFunc> {
using Def = FuncDef;
Usr usr;
Def def;
std::vector<DeclRef> declarations;
std::vector<Usr> derived;
std::vector<Use> uses;
struct TypeDef : NameMixin<TypeDef> {
const char *detailed_name = "";
const char *hover = "";
const char *comments = "";
Maybe<DeclRef> spell;
std::vector<Usr> bases;
// Types, functions, and variables defined in this type.
std::vector<Usr> funcs;
std::vector<Usr> types;
std::vector<std::pair<Usr, int64_t>> vars;
// If set, then this is the same underlying type as the given value (ie, this
// type comes from a using or typedef statement).
Usr alias_of = 0;
int file_id = -1; // not serialized
int16_t qual_name_offset = 0;
int16_t short_name_offset = 0;
int16_t short_name_size = 0;
lsSymbolKind kind = lsSymbolKind::Unknown;
lsSymbolKind parent_kind = lsSymbolKind::Unknown;
std::vector<Usr> GetBases() const { return bases; }
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(TypeDef, detailed_name, hover, comments, spell, bases,
funcs, types, vars, alias_of, qual_name_offset,
short_name_offset, short_name_size, kind, parent_kind);
struct IndexType {
using Def = TypeDef;
Usr usr;
Def def;
std::vector<DeclRef> declarations;
std::vector<Usr> derived;
std::vector<Usr> instances;
std::vector<Use> uses;
struct VarDef : NameMixin<VarDef> {
// General metadata.
const char *detailed_name = "";
const char *hover = "";
const char *comments = "";
Maybe<DeclRef> spell;
// Type of the variable.
Usr type = 0;
int file_id = -1; // not serialized
int16_t qual_name_offset = 0;
int16_t short_name_offset = 0;
int16_t short_name_size = 0;
lsSymbolKind kind = lsSymbolKind::Unknown;
lsSymbolKind parent_kind = lsSymbolKind::Unknown;
// Note a variable may have instances of both |None| and |Extern|
// (declaration).
uint8_t storage = clang::SC_None;
bool is_local() const {
return spell &&
(parent_kind == lsSymbolKind::Function ||
parent_kind == lsSymbolKind::Method ||
parent_kind == lsSymbolKind::StaticMethod ||
parent_kind == lsSymbolKind::Constructor) &&
storage == clang::SC_None;
std::vector<Usr> GetBases() const { return {}; }
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(VarDef, detailed_name, hover, comments, spell, type,
qual_name_offset, short_name_offset, short_name_size, kind,
parent_kind, storage);
struct IndexVar {
using Def = VarDef;
Usr usr;
Def def;
std::vector<DeclRef> declarations;
std::vector<Use> uses;
struct IndexInclude {
// Line that has the include directive. We don't have complete range
// information - a line is good enough for clicking.
int line = 0;
// Absolute path to the index.
const char *resolved_path;
namespace std {
template <> struct hash<llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID> {
std::size_t operator()(llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID ID) const {
size_t ret = ID.getDevice();
hash_combine(ret, ID.getFile());
return ret;
} // namespace std
struct IndexFile {
// For both JSON and MessagePack cache files.
static const int kMajorVersion;
// For MessagePack cache files.
// JSON has good forward compatibility because field addition/deletion do not
// harm but currently no efforts have been made to make old MessagePack cache
// files accepted by newer ccls.
static const int kMinorVersion;
llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID UniqueID;
std::string path;
std::vector<const char *> args;
// This is unfortunately time_t as used by clang::FileEntry
int64_t mtime = 0;
LanguageId language = LanguageId::C;
// uid2lid_and_path is used to generate lid2path, but not serialized.
std::unordered_map<llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID, std::pair<int, std::string>>
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> lid2path;
// The path to the translation unit cc file which caused the creation of this
// IndexFile. When parsing a translation unit we generate many IndexFile
// instances (ie, each header has a separate one). When the user edits a
// header we need to lookup the original translation unit and reindex that.
std::string import_file;
// Source ranges that were not processed.
std::vector<Range> skipped_ranges;
std::vector<IndexInclude> includes;
llvm::DenseMap<llvm::CachedHashStringRef, int64_t> dependencies;
std::unordered_map<Usr, IndexFunc> usr2func;
std::unordered_map<Usr, IndexType> usr2type;
std::unordered_map<Usr, IndexVar> usr2var;
// File contents at the time of index. Not serialized.
std::string file_contents;
IndexFile(llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID UniqueID, const std::string &path,
const std::string &contents);
IndexFunc &ToFunc(Usr usr);
IndexType &ToType(Usr usr);
IndexVar &ToVar(Usr usr);
std::string ToString();
struct CompletionManager;
struct WorkingFiles;
struct VFS;
namespace ccls::idx {
void Init();
Index(CompletionManager *complete, WorkingFiles *wfiles, VFS *vfs,
const std::string &opt_wdir, const std::string &file,
const std::vector<const char *> &args,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &remapped,
bool &ok);
} // namespace ccls::idx