2017-04-16 16:52:42 -07:00

1369 lines
37 KiB

#pragma once
#include "ipc.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <optional.h>
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
using std::experimental::optional;
using std::experimental::nullopt;
///////////////////////////// OUTGOING MESSAGES /////////////////////////////
struct lsRequestId {
optional<int> id0;
optional<std::string> id1;
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, lsRequestId& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, lsRequestId& id);
///////////////////////////// INCOMING MESSAGES /////////////////////////////
struct MessageRegistry {
static MessageRegistry* instance_;
static MessageRegistry* instance();
using Allocator = std::function<std::unique_ptr<BaseIpcMessage>(Reader& visitor)>;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Allocator> allocators;
template<typename T>
void Register() {
std::string method_name = IpcIdToString(T::kIpcId);
allocators[method_name] = [](Reader& visitor) {
auto result = MakeUnique<T>();
Reflect(visitor, *result);
return result;
std::unique_ptr<BaseIpcMessage> ReadMessageFromStdin();
std::unique_ptr<BaseIpcMessage> Parse(Reader& visitor);
struct lsBaseOutMessage {
virtual void Write(std::ostream& out) = 0;
template<typename TDerived>
struct lsOutMessage : lsBaseOutMessage {
// All derived types need to reflect on the |jsonrpc| member.
std::string jsonrpc = "2.0";
// Send the message to the language client by writing it to stdout.
void Write(std::ostream& out) override {
rapidjson::StringBuffer output;
Writer writer(output);
auto that = static_cast<TDerived*>(this);
Reflect(writer, *that);
out << "Content-Length: " << output.GetSize();
out << (char)13 << char(10) << char(13) << char(10); // CRLFCRLF
out << output.GetString();
struct lsResponseError {
struct Data {
virtual void Write(Writer& writer) = 0;
enum class lsErrorCodes : int {
ParseError = -32700,
InvalidRequest = -32600,
MethodNotFound = -32601,
InvalidParams = -32602,
InternalError = -32603,
serverErrorStart = -32099,
serverErrorEnd = -32000,
ServerNotInitialized = -32002,
UnknownErrorCode = -32001
lsErrorCodes code;
// Short description.
std::string message;
std::unique_ptr<Data> data;
void Write(Writer& visitor);
////////////////////////////// PRIMITIVE TYPES //////////////////////////////
struct lsDocumentUri {
static lsDocumentUri FromPath(const std::string& path);
bool operator==(const lsDocumentUri& other) const;
void SetPath(const std::string& path);
std::string GetPath() const;
std::string raw_uri;
MAKE_HASHABLE(lsDocumentUri, t.raw_uri);
template<typename TVisitor>
void Reflect(TVisitor& visitor, lsDocumentUri& value) {
Reflect(visitor, value.raw_uri);
struct lsPosition {
lsPosition(int line, int character);
bool operator==(const lsPosition& other) const;
// Note: these are 0-based.
int line = 0;
int character = 0;
MAKE_HASHABLE(lsPosition, t.line, t.character);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsPosition, line, character);
struct lsRange {
lsRange(lsPosition start, lsPosition end);
bool operator==(const lsRange& other) const;
lsPosition start;
lsPosition end;
MAKE_HASHABLE(lsRange, t.start, t.end);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsRange, start, end);
struct lsLocation {
lsLocation(lsDocumentUri uri, lsRange range);
bool operator==(const lsLocation& other) const;
lsDocumentUri uri;
lsRange range;
MAKE_HASHABLE(lsLocation, t.uri, t.range);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsLocation, uri, range);
enum class lsSymbolKind : int {
File = 1,
Module = 2,
Namespace = 3,
Package = 4,
Class = 5,
Method = 6,
Property = 7,
Field = 8,
Constructor = 9,
Enum = 10,
Interface = 11,
Function = 12,
Variable = 13,
Constant = 14,
String = 15,
Number = 16,
Boolean = 17,
Array = 18
struct lsSymbolInformation {
std::string name;
lsSymbolKind kind;
lsLocation location;
std::string containerName;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsSymbolInformation, name, kind, location, containerName);
template<typename T>
struct lsCommand {
// Title of the command (ie, 'save')
std::string title;
// Actual command identifier.
std::string command;
// Arguments to run the command with.
T arguments;
template<typename TVisitor, typename T>
void Reflect(TVisitor& visitor, lsCommand<T>& value) {
template<typename TData, typename TCommandArguments>
struct lsCodeLens {
// The range in which this code lens is valid. Should only span a single line.
lsRange range;
// The command this code lens represents.
optional<lsCommand<TCommandArguments>> command;
// A data entry field that is preserved on a code lens item between
// a code lens and a code lens resolve request.
TData data;
template<typename TVisitor, typename TData, typename TCommandArguments>
void Reflect(TVisitor& visitor, lsCodeLens<TData, TCommandArguments>& value) {
struct lsTextDocumentIdentifier {
lsDocumentUri uri;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentIdentifier, uri);
struct lsVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
lsDocumentUri uri;
// The version number of this document.
int version = 0;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier, uri, version);
struct lsTextDocumentPositionParams {
// The text document.
lsTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument;
// The position inside the text document.
lsPosition position;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentPositionParams, textDocument, position);
// Defines whether the insert text in a completion item should be interpreted as
// plain text or a snippet.
enum class lsInsertTextFormat {
// The primary text to be inserted is treated as a plain string.
PlainText = 1,
// The primary text to be inserted is treated as a snippet.
// A snippet can define tab stops and placeholders with `$1`, `$2`
// and `${3:foo}`. `$0` defines the final tab stop, it defaults to
// the end of the snippet. Placeholders with equal identifiers are linked,
// that is typing in one will update others too.
// See also:
Snippet = 2
MAKE_REFLECT_TYPE_PROXY(lsInsertTextFormat, int);
// The kind of a completion entry.
enum class lsCompletionItemKind {
Text = 1,
Method = 2,
Function = 3,
Constructor = 4,
Field = 5,
Variable = 6,
Class = 7,
Interface = 8,
Module = 9,
Property = 10,
Unit = 11,
Value = 12,
Enum = 13,
Keyword = 14,
Snippet = 15,
Color = 16,
File = 17,
Reference = 18
MAKE_REFLECT_TYPE_PROXY(lsCompletionItemKind, int);
struct lsCompletionItem {
// The label of this completion item. By default
// also the text that is inserted when selecting
// this completion.
std::string label;
// The kind of this completion item. Based of the kind
// an icon is chosen by the editor.
lsCompletionItemKind kind = lsCompletionItemKind::Text;
// A human-readable string with additional information
// about this item, like type or symbol information.
std::string detail;
// A human-readable string that represents a doc-comment.
std::string documentation;
// A string that shoud be used when comparing this item
// with other items. When `falsy` the label is used.
std::string sortText;
// A string that should be used when filtering a set of
// completion items. When `falsy` the label is used.
//std::string filterText;
// A string that should be inserted a document when selecting
// this completion. When `falsy` the label is used.
//std::string insertText;
// The format of the insert text. The format applies to both the `insertText` property
// and the `newText` property of a provided `textEdit`.
//lsInsertTextFormat insertTextFormat;
// An edit which is applied to a document when selecting this completion. When an edit is provided the value of
// `insertText` is ignored.
// *Note:* The range of the edit must be a single line range and it must contain the position at which completion
// has been requested.
// TextEdit textEdit;
// An optional array of additional text edits that are applied when
// selecting this completion. Edits must not overlap with the main edit
// nor with themselves.
// std::vector<TextEdit> additionalTextEdits;
// An optional command that is executed *after* inserting this completion. *Note* that
// additional modifications to the current document should be described with the
// additionalTextEdits-property.
// Command command;
// An data entry field that is preserved on a completion item between
// a completion and a completion resolve request.
// data ? : any
struct lsTextDocumentItem {
// The text document's URI.
lsDocumentUri uri;
// The text document's language identifier.
std::string languageId;
// The version number of this document (it will strictly increase after each
// change, including undo/redo).
int version;
// The content of the opened text document.
std::string text;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentItem, uri, languageId, version, text);
struct lsTextEdit {
// The range of the text document to be manipulated. To insert
// text into a document create a range where start === end.
lsRange range;
// The string to be inserted. For delete operations use an
// empty string.
std::string newText;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextEdit, range, newText);
struct lsTextDocumentEdit {
// The text document to change.
lsVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument;
// The edits to be applied.
std::vector<lsTextEdit> edits;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentEdit, textDocument, edits);
struct lsWorkspaceEdit {
// Holds changes to existing resources.
// changes ? : { [uri:string]: TextEdit[]; };
//std::unordered_map<lsDocumentUri, std::vector<lsTextEdit>> changes;
// An array of `TextDocumentEdit`s to express changes to specific a specific
// version of a text document. Whether a client supports versioned document
// edits is expressed via `WorkspaceClientCapabilites.versionedWorkspaceEdit`.
std::vector<lsTextDocumentEdit> documentChanges;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsWorkspaceEdit, documentChanges);
// A document highlight kind.
enum class lsDocumentHighlightKind {
// A textual occurrence.
Text = 1,
// Read-access of a symbol, like reading a variable.
Read = 2,
// Write-access of a symbol, like writing to a variable.
Write = 3
MAKE_REFLECT_TYPE_PROXY(lsDocumentHighlightKind, int);
// A document highlight is a range inside a text document which deserves
// special attention. Usually a document highlight is visualized by changing
// the background color of its range.
struct lsDocumentHighlight {
// The range this highlight applies to.
lsRange range;
// The highlight kind, default is DocumentHighlightKind.Text.
lsDocumentHighlightKind kind = lsDocumentHighlightKind::Text;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsDocumentHighlight, range, kind);
// TODO: DocumentFilter
// TODO: DocumentSelector
////////////////////////////// INITIALIZATION ///////////////////////////////
// Workspace specific client capabilities.
struct lsWorkspaceClientCapabilites {
// The client supports applying batch edits to the workspace.
optional<bool> applyEdit;
struct lsWorkspaceEdit {
// The client supports versioned document changes in `WorkspaceEdit`s
optional<bool> documentChanges;
// Capabilities specific to `WorkspaceEdit`s
optional<lsWorkspaceEdit> workspaceEdit;
struct lsGenericDynamicReg {
// Did foo notification supports dynamic registration.
optional<bool> dynamicRegistration;
// Capabilities specific to the `workspace/didChangeConfiguration` notification.
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> didChangeConfiguration;
// Capabilities specific to the `workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles` notification.
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> didChangeWatchedFiles;
// Capabilities specific to the `workspace/symbol` request.
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> symbol;
// Capabilities specific to the `workspace/executeCommand` request.
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> executeCommand;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsWorkspaceClientCapabilites::lsWorkspaceEdit, documentChanges);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsWorkspaceClientCapabilites::lsGenericDynamicReg, dynamicRegistration);
// Text document specific client capabilities.
struct lsTextDocumentClientCapabilities {
struct lsSynchronization {
// Whether text document synchronization supports dynamic registration.
optional<bool> dynamicRegistration;
// The client supports sending will save notifications.
optional<bool> willSave;
// The client supports sending a will save request and
// waits for a response providing text edits which will
// be applied to the document before it is saved.
optional<bool> willSaveWaitUntil;
// The client supports did save notifications.
optional<bool> didSave;
lsSynchronization synchronization;
struct lsCompletion {
// Whether completion supports dynamic registration.
optional<bool> dynamicRegistration;
struct lsCompletionItem {
// Client supports snippets as insert text.
// A snippet can define tab stops and placeholders with `$1`, `$2`
// and `${3:foo}`. `$0` defines the final tab stop, it defaults to
// the end of the snippet. Placeholders with equal identifiers are linked,
// that is typing in one will update others too.
optional<bool> snippetSupport;
// The client supports the following `CompletionItem` specific
// capabilities.
optional<lsCompletionItem> completionItem;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/completion`
optional<lsCompletion> completion;
struct lsGenericDynamicReg {
// Whether foo supports dynamic registration.
optional<bool> dynamicRegistration;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/hover`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> hover;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/signatureHelp`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> signatureHelp;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/references`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> references;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/documentHighlight`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> documentHighlight;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/documentSymbol`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> documentSymbol;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/formatting`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> formatting;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/rangeFormatting`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> rangeFormatting;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/onTypeFormatting`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> onTypeFormatting;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/definition`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> definition;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/codeAction`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> codeAction;
struct CodeLensRegistrationOptions : public lsGenericDynamicReg {
// Code lens has a resolve provider as well.
bool resolveProvider;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/codeLens`
optional<CodeLensRegistrationOptions> codeLens;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/documentLink`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> documentLink;
// Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/rename`
optional<lsGenericDynamicReg> rename;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentClientCapabilities::lsSynchronization, dynamicRegistration, willSave, willSaveWaitUntil, didSave);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentClientCapabilities::lsCompletion, dynamicRegistration, completionItem);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentClientCapabilities::lsCompletion::lsCompletionItem, snippetSupport);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentClientCapabilities::lsGenericDynamicReg, dynamicRegistration);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentClientCapabilities::CodeLensRegistrationOptions, dynamicRegistration, resolveProvider);
struct lsClientCapabilities {
// Workspace specific client capabilities.
optional<lsWorkspaceClientCapabilites> workspace;
// Text document specific client capabilities.
optional<lsTextDocumentClientCapabilities> textDocument;
* Experimental client capabilities.
// experimental?: any; // TODO
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsClientCapabilities, workspace, textDocument);
struct lsInitializeParams {
struct lsCustomInitializationOptions {
NonElidedVector<std::string> whitelist;
NonElidedVector<std::string> blacklist;
// The process Id of the parent process that started
// the server. Is null if the process has not been started by another process.
// If the parent process is not alive then the server should exit (see exit notification) its process.
optional<int> processId;
// The rootPath of the workspace. Is null
// if no folder is open.
// @deprecated in favour of rootUri.
optional<std::string> rootPath;
// The rootUri of the workspace. Is null if no
// folder is open. If both `rootPath` and `rootUri` are set
// `rootUri` wins.
optional<lsDocumentUri> rootUri;
// User provided initialization options.
optional<lsCustomInitializationOptions> initializationOptions;
// The capabilities provided by the client (editor or tool)
lsClientCapabilities capabilities;
enum class lsTrace {
// NOTE: serialized as a string, one of 'off' | 'messages' | 'verbose';
Off, // off
Messages, // messages
Verbose // verbose
// The initial trace setting. If omitted trace is disabled ('off').
lsTrace trace = lsTrace::Off;
void Reflect(Reader& reader, lsInitializeParams::lsTrace& value);
void Reflect(Writer& writer, lsInitializeParams::lsTrace& value);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsInitializeParams::lsCustomInitializationOptions, whitelist, blacklist);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsInitializeParams, processId, rootPath, rootUri, initializationOptions, capabilities, trace);
struct lsInitializeError {
// Indicates whether the client should retry to send the
// initilize request after showing the message provided
// in the ResponseError.
bool retry;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsInitializeError, retry);
// Defines how the host (editor) should sync document changes to the language server.
enum class lsTextDocumentSyncKind {
// Documents should not be synced at all.
None = 0,
// Documents are synced by always sending the full content
// of the document.
Full = 1,
// Documents are synced by sending the full content on open.
// After that only incremental updates to the document are
// send.
Incremental = 2
MAKE_REFLECT_TYPE_PROXY(lsTextDocumentSyncKind, int)
// Completion options.
struct lsCompletionOptions {
// The server provides support to resolve additional
// information for a completion item.
bool resolveProvider = false;
// The characters that trigger completion automatically.
std::vector<std::string> triggerCharacters;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsCompletionOptions, resolveProvider, triggerCharacters);
// Signature help options.
struct lsSignatureHelpOptions {
// The characters that trigger signature help automatically.
NonElidedVector<std::string> triggerCharacters;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsSignatureHelpOptions, triggerCharacters);
// Code Lens options.
struct lsCodeLensOptions {
// Code lens has a resolve provider as well.
bool resolveProvider = false;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsCodeLensOptions, resolveProvider);
// Format document on type options
struct lsDocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions {
// A character on which formatting should be triggered, like `}`.
std::string firstTriggerCharacter;
// More trigger characters.
NonElidedVector<std::string> moreTriggerCharacter;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsDocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions, firstTriggerCharacter, moreTriggerCharacter);
// Document link options
struct lsDocumentLinkOptions {
// Document links have a resolve provider as well.
bool resolveProvider = false;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsDocumentLinkOptions, resolveProvider);
// Execute command options.
struct lsExecuteCommandOptions {
// The commands to be executed on the server
NonElidedVector<std::string> commands;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsExecuteCommandOptions, commands);
// Save options.
struct lsSaveOptions {
// The client is supposed to include the content on save.
bool includeText = false;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsSaveOptions, includeText);
struct lsTextDocumentSyncOptions {
// Open and close notifications are sent to the server.
bool openClose = false;
// Change notificatins are sent to the server. See TextDocumentSyncKind.None, TextDocumentSyncKind.Full
// and TextDocumentSyncKindIncremental.
lsTextDocumentSyncKind change = lsTextDocumentSyncKind::Incremental;
// Will save notifications are sent to the server.
optional<bool> willSave;
// Will save wait until requests are sent to the server.
optional<bool> willSaveWaitUntil;
// Save notifications are sent to the server.
optional<lsSaveOptions> save;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentSyncOptions, openClose, change, willSave, willSaveWaitUntil, save);
struct lsServerCapabilities {
// Defines how text documents are synced. Is either a detailed structure defining each notification or
// for backwards compatibility the TextDocumentSyncKind number.
// TODO: It seems like the new API is broken and doesn't work.
// optional<lsTextDocumentSyncOptions> textDocumentSync;
lsTextDocumentSyncKind textDocumentSync;
// The server provides hover support.
bool hoverProvider = false;
// The server provides completion support.
optional<lsCompletionOptions> completionProvider;
// The server provides signature help support.
optional<lsSignatureHelpOptions> signatureHelpProvider;
// The server provides goto definition support.
bool definitionProvider = false;
// The server provides find references support.
bool referencesProvider = false;
// The server provides document highlight support.
bool documentHighlightProvider = false;
// The server provides document symbol support.
bool documentSymbolProvider = false;
// The server provides workspace symbol support.
bool workspaceSymbolProvider = false;
// The server provides code actions.
bool codeActionProvider = false;
// The server provides code lens.
optional<lsCodeLensOptions> codeLensProvider;
// The server provides document formatting.
bool documentFormattingProvider = false;
// The server provides document range formatting.
bool documentRangeFormattingProvider = false;
// The server provides document formatting on typing.
optional<lsDocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions> documentOnTypeFormattingProvider;
// The server provides rename support.
bool renameProvider = false;
// The server provides document link support.
optional<lsDocumentLinkOptions> documentLinkProvider;
// The server provides execute command support.
optional<lsExecuteCommandOptions> executeCommandProvider;
struct Ipc_InitializeRequest : public IpcMessage<Ipc_InitializeRequest> {
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::Initialize;
lsRequestId id;
lsInitializeParams params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_InitializeRequest, id, params);
struct Out_InitializeResponse : public lsOutMessage<Out_InitializeResponse> {
struct InitializeResult {
lsServerCapabilities capabilities;
lsRequestId id;
InitializeResult result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_InitializeResponse::InitializeResult, capabilities);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_InitializeResponse, jsonrpc, id, result);
struct Ipc_InitializedNotification : public IpcMessage<Ipc_InitializedNotification> {
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::Initialized;
lsRequestId id;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_InitializedNotification, id);
// Cancel an existing request.
struct Ipc_CancelRequest : public IpcMessage<Ipc_CancelRequest> {
static const IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::CancelRequest;
lsRequestId id;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_CancelRequest, id);
// Open, update, close file
struct Ipc_TextDocumentDidOpen : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentDidOpen> {
struct Params {
lsTextDocumentItem textDocument;
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentDidOpen;
Params params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDidOpen::Params, textDocument);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDidOpen, params);
struct Ipc_TextDocumentDidChange : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentDidChange> {
struct lsTextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
// The range of the document that changed.
lsRange range;
// The length of the range that got replaced.
int rangeLength = -1;
// The new text of the range/document.
std::string text;
struct Params {
lsVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument;
std::vector<lsTextDocumentContentChangeEvent> contentChanges;
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentDidChange;
Params params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDidChange::lsTextDocumentContentChangeEvent, range, rangeLength, text);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDidChange::Params, textDocument, contentChanges);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDidChange, params);
struct Ipc_TextDocumentDidClose : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentDidClose> {
struct Params {
lsTextDocumentItem textDocument;
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentDidClose;
Params params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDidClose::Params, textDocument);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDidClose, params);
struct Ipc_TextDocumentDidSave : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentDidSave> {
struct Params {
// The document that was saved.
lsTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument;
// Optional the content when saved. Depends on the includeText value
// when the save notifcation was requested.
// std::string text;
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentDidSave;
Params params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDidSave::Params, textDocument);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDidSave, params);
// Rename
struct Ipc_TextDocumentRename : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentRename> {
struct Params {
// The document to format.
lsTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument;
// The position at which this request was sent.
lsPosition position;
// The new name of the symbol. If the given name is not valid the
// request must return a [ResponseError](#ResponseError) with an
// appropriate message set.
std::string newName;
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentRename;
lsRequestId id;
Params params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentRename::Params, textDocument, position, newName);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentRename, id, params);
struct Out_TextDocumentRename : public lsOutMessage<Out_TextDocumentRename> {
lsRequestId id;
lsWorkspaceEdit result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentRename, jsonrpc, id, result);
// Code completion
struct Ipc_TextDocumentComplete : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentComplete> {
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentCompletion;
lsRequestId id;
lsTextDocumentPositionParams params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentComplete, id, params);
struct lsTextDocumentCompleteResult {
// This list it not complete. Further typing should result in recomputing
// this list.
bool isIncomplete = false;
// The completion items.
NonElidedVector<lsCompletionItem> items;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentCompleteResult, isIncomplete, items);
struct Out_TextDocumentComplete : public lsOutMessage<Out_TextDocumentComplete> {
lsRequestId id;
lsTextDocumentCompleteResult result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentComplete, jsonrpc, id, result);
// Goto definition
struct Ipc_TextDocumentDefinition : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentDefinition> {
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentDefinition;
lsRequestId id;
lsTextDocumentPositionParams params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDefinition, id, params);
struct Out_TextDocumentDefinition : public lsOutMessage<Out_TextDocumentDefinition> {
lsRequestId id;
NonElidedVector<lsLocation> result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentDefinition, jsonrpc, id, result);
// Document highlight
struct Ipc_TextDocumentDocumentHighlight : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentDocumentHighlight> {
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentDocumentHighlight;
lsRequestId id;
lsTextDocumentPositionParams params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDocumentHighlight, id, params);
struct Out_TextDocumentDocumentHighlight : public lsOutMessage<Out_TextDocumentDocumentHighlight> {
lsRequestId id;
NonElidedVector<lsDocumentHighlight> result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentDocumentHighlight, jsonrpc, id, result);
// Hover
struct Ipc_TextDocumentHover : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentHover> {
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentHover;
lsRequestId id;
lsTextDocumentPositionParams params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentHover, id, params);
struct Out_TextDocumentHover : public lsOutMessage<Out_TextDocumentHover> {
struct Result {
std::string contents;
optional<lsRange> range;
lsRequestId id;
Result result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentHover::Result, contents, range);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentHover, jsonrpc, id, result);
// References
struct Ipc_TextDocumentReferences : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentReferences> {
struct lsReferenceContext {
// Include the declaration of the current symbol.
bool includeDeclaration;
struct lsReferenceParams : public lsTextDocumentPositionParams {
lsTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument;
lsPosition position;
lsReferenceContext context;
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentReferences;
lsRequestId id;
lsReferenceParams params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentReferences::lsReferenceContext, includeDeclaration);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentReferences::lsReferenceParams, textDocument, position, context);
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentReferences, id, params);
struct Out_TextDocumentReferences : public lsOutMessage<Out_TextDocumentReferences> {
lsRequestId id;
NonElidedVector<lsLocation> result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentReferences, jsonrpc, id, result);
// List symbols in a document.
struct lsDocumentSymbolParams {
lsTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsDocumentSymbolParams, textDocument);
struct Ipc_TextDocumentDocumentSymbol : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentDocumentSymbol> {
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentDocumentSymbol;
lsRequestId id;
lsDocumentSymbolParams params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentDocumentSymbol, id, params);
struct Out_TextDocumentDocumentSymbol : public lsOutMessage<Out_TextDocumentDocumentSymbol> {
lsRequestId id;
NonElidedVector<lsSymbolInformation> result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentDocumentSymbol, jsonrpc, id, result);
// List code lens in a document.
struct lsDocumentCodeLensParams {
lsTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsDocumentCodeLensParams, textDocument);
struct lsCodeLensUserData {};
struct lsCodeLensCommandArguments {
lsDocumentUri uri;
lsPosition position;
NonElidedVector<lsLocation> locations;
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, lsCodeLensCommandArguments& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, lsCodeLensCommandArguments& value);
using TCodeLens = lsCodeLens<lsCodeLensUserData, lsCodeLensCommandArguments>;
struct Ipc_TextDocumentCodeLens : public IpcMessage<Ipc_TextDocumentCodeLens> {
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::TextDocumentCodeLens;
lsRequestId id;
lsDocumentCodeLensParams params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_TextDocumentCodeLens, id, params);
struct Out_TextDocumentCodeLens : public lsOutMessage<Out_TextDocumentCodeLens> {
lsRequestId id;
NonElidedVector<lsCodeLens<lsCodeLensUserData, lsCodeLensCommandArguments>> result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentCodeLens, jsonrpc, id, result);
struct Ipc_CodeLensResolve : public IpcMessage<Ipc_CodeLensResolve> {
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::CodeLensResolve;
lsRequestId id;
TCodeLens params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_CodeLensResolve, id, params);
struct Out_CodeLensResolve : public lsOutMessage<Out_CodeLensResolve> {
lsRequestId id;
TCodeLens result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_CodeLensResolve, jsonrpc, id, result);
// Search for symbols in the workspace.
struct lsWorkspaceSymbolParams {
std::string query;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsWorkspaceSymbolParams, query);
struct Ipc_WorkspaceSymbol : public IpcMessage<Ipc_WorkspaceSymbol > {
const static IpcId kIpcId = IpcId::WorkspaceSymbol;
lsRequestId id;
lsWorkspaceSymbolParams params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Ipc_WorkspaceSymbol, id, params);
struct Out_WorkspaceSymbol : public lsOutMessage<Out_WorkspaceSymbol> {
lsRequestId id;
NonElidedVector<lsSymbolInformation> result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_WorkspaceSymbol, jsonrpc, id, result);
// Show a message to the user.
enum class lsMessageType : int {
Error = 1,
Warning = 2,
Info = 3,
Log = 4
struct Out_ShowLogMessageParams {
lsMessageType type = lsMessageType::Error;
std::string message;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_ShowLogMessageParams, type, message);
struct Out_ShowLogMessage : public lsOutMessage<Out_ShowLogMessage> {
enum class DisplayType {
Show, Log
DisplayType display_type = DisplayType::Show;
std::string method();
Out_ShowLogMessageParams params;
template<typename TVisitor>
void Reflect(TVisitor& visitor, Out_ShowLogMessage& value) {
REFLECT_MEMBER2("method", value.method());