2017-12-27 07:54:46 -08:00

507 lines
19 KiB

// TODO: cleanup includes
#include "cache.h"
#include "cache_loader.h"
#include "clang_complete.h"
#include "file_consumer.h"
#include "import_pipeline.h"
#include "include_complete.h"
#include "indexer.h"
#include "language_server_api.h"
#include "lex_utils.h"
#include "lru_cache.h"
#include "match.h"
#include "message_handler.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "project.h"
#include "query.h"
#include "query_utils.h"
#include "queue_manager.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "standard_includes.h"
#include "test.h"
#include "threaded_queue.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "timestamp_manager.h"
#include "work_thread.h"
#include "working_files.h"
#include <doctest/doctest.h>
#include <rapidjson/istreamwrapper.h>
#include <rapidjson/ostreamwrapper.h>
#include <loguru.hpp>
#include <climits>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
// TODO: provide a feature like '',
// ie, a fully linear view of a function with inline function calls expanded.
// We can probably use vscode decorators to achieve it.
// TODO: implement ThreadPool type which monitors CPU usage / number of work
// items per second completed and scales up/down number of running threads.
namespace {
std::vector<std::string> kEmptyArgs;
// If true stdout will be printed to stderr.
bool g_log_stdin_stdout_to_stderr = false;
// This function returns true if e2e timing should be displayed for the given
// IpcId.
bool ShouldDisplayIpcTiming(IpcId id) {
switch (id) {
case IpcId::TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics:
case IpcId::CqueryPublishInactiveRegions:
case IpcId::Unknown:
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
// QUERYDB MAIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool QueryDbMainLoop(Config* config,
QueryDatabase* db,
bool* exit_when_idle,
MultiQueueWaiter* waiter,
Project* project,
FileConsumer::SharedState* file_consumer_shared,
ImportManager* import_manager,
TimestampManager* timestamp_manager,
SemanticHighlightSymbolCache* semantic_cache,
WorkingFiles* working_files,
ClangCompleteManager* clang_complete,
IncludeComplete* include_complete,
CodeCompleteCache* global_code_complete_cache,
CodeCompleteCache* non_global_code_complete_cache,
CodeCompleteCache* signature_cache) {
auto* queue = QueueManager::instance();
bool did_work = false;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BaseIpcMessage>> messages =
for (auto& message : messages) {
did_work = true;
for (MessageHandler* handler : *MessageHandler::message_handlers) {
if (handler->GetId() == message->method_id) {
if (message) {
LOG_S(FATAL) << "Exiting; unhandled IPC message "
<< IpcIdToString(message->method_id);
// TODO: consider rate-limiting and checking for IPC messages so we don't
// block requests / we can serve partial requests.
if (QueryDb_ImportMain(config, db, import_manager, semantic_cache,
working_files)) {
did_work = true;
return did_work;
void RunQueryDbThread(const std::string& bin_name,
Config* config,
MultiQueueWaiter* waiter) {
bool exit_when_idle = false;
Project project;
SemanticHighlightSymbolCache semantic_cache;
WorkingFiles working_files;
FileConsumer::SharedState file_consumer_shared;
ClangCompleteManager clang_complete(
config, &project, &working_files,
std::bind(&EmitDiagnostics, &working_files, std::placeholders::_1,
std::bind(&IndexWithTuFromCodeCompletion, &file_consumer_shared,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4));
IncludeComplete include_complete(config, &project);
auto global_code_complete_cache = MakeUnique<CodeCompleteCache>();
auto non_global_code_complete_cache = MakeUnique<CodeCompleteCache>();
auto signature_cache = MakeUnique<CodeCompleteCache>();
ImportManager import_manager;
TimestampManager timestamp_manager;
QueryDatabase db;
// Setup shared references.
for (MessageHandler* handler : *MessageHandler::message_handlers) {
handler->config = config;
handler->db = &db;
handler->exit_when_idle = &exit_when_idle;
handler->waiter = waiter;
handler->project = &project;
handler->file_consumer_shared = &file_consumer_shared;
handler->import_manager = &import_manager;
handler->timestamp_manager = &timestamp_manager;
handler->semantic_cache = &semantic_cache;
handler->working_files = &working_files;
handler->clang_complete = &clang_complete;
handler->include_complete = &include_complete;
handler->global_code_complete_cache = global_code_complete_cache.get();
handler->non_global_code_complete_cache =
handler->signature_cache = signature_cache.get();
// Run query db main loop.
while (true) {
bool did_work = QueryDbMainLoop(
config, &db, &exit_when_idle, waiter, &project, &file_consumer_shared,
&import_manager, &timestamp_manager, &semantic_cache, &working_files,
&clang_complete, &include_complete, global_code_complete_cache.get(),
non_global_code_complete_cache.get(), signature_cache.get());
// No more work left and exit request. Exit.
if (!did_work && exit_when_idle && WorkThread::num_active_threads == 0) {
LOG_S(INFO) << "Exiting; exit_when_idle is set and there is no more work";
// Cleanup and free any unused memory.
if (!did_work) {
auto* queue = QueueManager::instance();
waiter->Wait({&QueueManager::instance()->for_querydb, &queue->do_id_map,
// STDIN MAIN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Separate thread whose only job is to read from stdin and
// dispatch read commands to the actual indexer program. This
// cannot be done on the main thread because reading from std::cin
// blocks.
// |ipc| is connected to a server.
void LaunchStdinLoop(Config* config,
std::unordered_map<IpcId, Timer>* request_times) {
// If flushing cin requires flushing cout there could be deadlocks in some
// clients.
WorkThread::StartThread("stdin", [request_times]() {
auto* queue = QueueManager::instance();
std::unique_ptr<BaseIpcMessage> message =
// Message parsing can fail if we don't recognize the method.
if (!message)
return WorkThread::Result::MoreWork;
(*request_times)[message->method_id] = Timer();
switch (message->method_id) {
case IpcId::Initialized: {
// TODO: don't send output until we get this notification
case IpcId::CancelRequest: {
// TODO: support cancellation
case IpcId::Exit: {
LOG_S(INFO) << "Exiting";
case IpcId::CqueryExitWhenIdle: {
// querydb needs to know to exit when idle. We return out of the stdin
// loop to exit the thread. If we keep parsing input stdin is likely
// closed so cquery will exit.
LOG_S(INFO) << "cquery will exit when all threads are idle";
return WorkThread::Result::ExitThread;
case IpcId::Initialize:
case IpcId::TextDocumentDidOpen:
case IpcId::CqueryTextDocumentDidView:
case IpcId::TextDocumentDidChange:
case IpcId::TextDocumentDidClose:
case IpcId::TextDocumentDidSave:
case IpcId::TextDocumentRename:
case IpcId::TextDocumentCompletion:
case IpcId::TextDocumentSignatureHelp:
case IpcId::TextDocumentDefinition:
case IpcId::TextDocumentDocumentHighlight:
case IpcId::TextDocumentHover:
case IpcId::TextDocumentReferences:
case IpcId::TextDocumentDocumentSymbol:
case IpcId::TextDocumentDocumentLink:
case IpcId::TextDocumentCodeAction:
case IpcId::TextDocumentCodeLens:
case IpcId::WorkspaceSymbol:
case IpcId::CqueryFreshenIndex:
case IpcId::CqueryTypeHierarchyTree:
case IpcId::CqueryCallTreeInitial:
case IpcId::CqueryCallTreeExpand:
case IpcId::CqueryVars:
case IpcId::CqueryCallers:
case IpcId::CqueryBase:
case IpcId::CqueryDerived:
case IpcId::CqueryIndexFile:
case IpcId::CqueryQueryDbWaitForIdleIndexer: {
default: {
LOG_S(ERROR) << "Unhandled IPC message "
<< IpcIdToString(message->method_id);
return WorkThread::Result::MoreWork;
void LaunchStdoutThread(std::unordered_map<IpcId, Timer>* request_times,
MultiQueueWaiter* waiter) {
WorkThread::StartThread("stdout", [=]() {
auto* queue = QueueManager::instance();
std::vector<Stdout_Request> messages = queue->for_stdout.DequeueAll();
if (messages.empty()) {
return queue->HasWork() ? WorkThread::Result::MoreWork
: WorkThread::Result::NoWork;
for (auto& message : messages) {
if (ShouldDisplayIpcTiming( {
Timer time = (*request_times)[];
time.ResetAndPrint("[e2e] Running " +
if (g_log_stdin_stdout_to_stderr) {
std::ostringstream sstream;
sstream << "[COUT] |";
sstream << message.content;
sstream << "|\n";
std::cerr << sstream.str();
std::cout << message.content;
return WorkThread::Result::MoreWork;
void LanguageServerMain(const std::string& bin_name,
Config* config,
MultiQueueWaiter* waiter) {
std::unordered_map<IpcId, Timer> request_times;
LaunchStdinLoop(config, &request_times);
// We run a dedicated thread for writing to stdout because there can be an
// unknown number of delays when output information.
LaunchStdoutThread(&request_times, waiter);
// Start querydb which takes over this thread. The querydb will launch
// indexer threads as needed.
RunQueryDbThread(bin_name, config, waiter);
// MAIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> options =
ParseOptions(argc, argv);
if (!HasOption(options, "--log-all-to-stderr"))
loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = loguru::Verbosity_WARNING;
loguru::g_flush_interval_ms = 0;
loguru::init(argc, argv);
MultiQueueWaiter waiter;
// bool loop = true;
// while (loop)
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(10));
bool print_help = true;
if (HasOption(options, "--log-file")) {
loguru::add_file(options["--log-file"].c_str(), loguru::Truncate,
if (HasOption(options, "--log-stdin-stdout-to-stderr"))
g_log_stdin_stdout_to_stderr = true;
if (HasOption(options, "--clang-sanity-check")) {
print_help = false;
if (HasOption(options, "--test-unit")) {
print_help = false;
doctest::Context context;
context.applyCommandLine(argc, argv);
int res =;
if (res != 0 || context.shouldExit())
return res;
if (HasOption(options, "--test-index")) {
print_help = false;
if (HasOption(options, "--enable-comments")) {
// TODO Place this global variable into config
extern bool g_enable_comments;
g_enable_comments = true;
if (HasOption(options, "--language-server")) {
print_help = false;
// std::cerr << "Running language server" << std::endl;
auto config = MakeUnique<Config>();
LanguageServerMain(argv[0], config.get(), &waiter);
return 0;
if (HasOption(options, "--wait-for-input")) {
std::cerr << std::endl << "[Enter] to exit" << std::endl;
if (print_help) {
<< R"help(cquery is a low-latency C/C++/Objective-C language server.
Command line options:
Run as a language server. This implements the language server
spec over STDIN and STDOUT.
--test-unit Run unit tests.
--test-index <opt_filter_path>
Run index tests. opt_filter_path can be used to specify which
test to run. If not provided all tests are run.
Print stdin and stdout messages to stderr. This is a aid for
developing new language clients, as it makes it easier to figure
out how the client is interacting with cquery.
--log-file <absoulte_path>
Emit diagnostic logging to the given path, which is taken
literally, ie, it will be relative to the current working
Write all log messages to STDERR.
Run a simple index test. Verifies basic clang functionality.
Needs to be executed from the cquery root checkout directory.
If true, cquery will wait for an '[Enter]' before exiting.
Useful on windows.
--help Print this help information.
When opening up a directory, cquery will look for a compile_commands.json file
emitted by your preferred build system. If not present, cquery will use a
recursive directory listing instead. Command line flags can be provided by
adding a file named `.cquery` in the top-level directory. Each line in that
file is a separate argument.
There are also a number of configuration options available when initializing
the language server - your editor should have tooling to describe those
options. See |Config| in this source code for a detailed list of all
currently supported options.
return 0;