mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 14:02:14 +00:00
586 lines
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586 lines
17 KiB
#pragma once
#include "clang_index.h"
#include "clang_translation_unit.h"
#include "clang_utils.h"
#include "file_consumer.h"
#include "language_server_api.h"
#include "performance.h"
#include "position.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <optional.h>
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/prettywriter.h>
#include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
struct IndexType;
struct IndexFunc;
struct IndexVar;
using namespace std::experimental;
template <typename T>
struct Id {
size_t id;
Id() : id(0) {} // Needed for containers. Do not use directly.
explicit Id(size_t id) : id(id) {}
// Needed for google::dense_hash_map.
explicit operator size_t() const { return id; }
bool operator==(const Id<T>& other) const { return id == other.id; }
bool operator<(const Id<T>& other) const { return id < other.id; }
namespace std {
template <typename T>
struct hash<Id<T>> {
size_t operator()(const Id<T>& k) const { return hash<size_t>()(k.id); }
} // namespace std
template <typename T>
bool operator==(const Id<T>& a, const Id<T>& b) {
assert(a.group == b.group && "Cannot compare Ids from different groups");
return a.id == b.id;
template <typename T>
bool operator!=(const Id<T>& a, const Id<T>& b) {
return !(a == b);
template <typename T>
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, Id<T>& id) {
if (visitor.IsUint64())
id.id = visitor.GetUint64();
template <typename T>
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, Id<T>& value) {
using IndexTypeId = Id<IndexType>;
using IndexFuncId = Id<IndexFunc>;
using IndexVarId = Id<IndexVar>;
struct IdCache;
struct IndexFuncRef {
// NOTE: id can be -1 if the function call is not coming from a function.
IndexFuncId id;
Range loc;
bool is_implicit = false;
IndexFuncRef() {} // For serialization.
IndexFuncRef(IndexFuncId id, Range loc, bool is_implicit)
: id(id), loc(loc), is_implicit(is_implicit) {}
IndexFuncRef(Range loc, bool is_implicit)
: id(IndexFuncId((size_t)-1)), loc(loc), is_implicit(is_implicit) {}
inline bool operator==(const IndexFuncRef& other) {
return id == other.id && loc == other.loc &&
is_implicit == other.is_implicit;
inline bool operator!=(const IndexFuncRef& other) {
return !(*this == other);
inline bool operator<(const IndexFuncRef& other) const {
if (id < other.id)
return true;
if (id == other.id && loc < other.loc)
return true;
return id == other.id && loc == other.loc &&
is_implicit < other.is_implicit;
inline bool operator==(const IndexFuncRef& a, const IndexFuncRef& b) {
return a.id == b.id && a.loc == b.loc;
inline bool operator!=(const IndexFuncRef& a, const IndexFuncRef& b) {
return !(a == b);
inline void Reflect(Reader& visitor, IndexFuncRef& value) {
const char* str_value = visitor.GetString();
if (str_value[0] == '~') {
value.is_implicit = true;
uint64_t id = atol(str_value);
const char* loc_string = strchr(str_value, '@') + 1;
value.id = IndexFuncId(id);
value.loc = Range(loc_string);
inline void Reflect(Writer& visitor, IndexFuncRef& value) {
std::string s;
if (value.is_implicit)
s += "~";
// id.id is unsigned, special case 0 value
if (value.id.id == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
s += "-1";
} else {
s += std::to_string(value.id.id);
s += "@" + value.loc.ToString();
template <typename TypeId, typename FuncId, typename VarId, typename Range>
struct TypeDefDefinitionData {
// General metadata.
std::string short_name;
std::string detailed_name;
optional<std::string> hover;
optional<std::string> comments;
// While a class/type can technically have a separate declaration/definition,
// it doesn't really happen in practice. The declaration never contains
// comments or insightful information. The user always wants to jump from
// the declaration to the definition - never the other way around like in
// functions and (less often) variables.
// It's also difficult to identify a `class Foo;` statement with the clang
// indexer API (it's doable using cursor AST traversal), so we don't bother
// supporting the feature.
optional<Range> definition_spelling;
optional<Range> definition_extent;
// If set, then this is the same underlying type as the given value (ie, this
// type comes from a using or typedef statement).
optional<TypeId> alias_of;
// Immediate parent types.
std::vector<TypeId> parents;
// Types, functions, and variables defined in this type.
std::vector<TypeId> types;
std::vector<FuncId> funcs;
std::vector<VarId> vars;
bool operator==(
const TypeDefDefinitionData<TypeId, FuncId, VarId, Range>& other) const {
return short_name == other.short_name &&
detailed_name == other.detailed_name && hover == other.hover &&
definition_spelling == other.definition_spelling &&
definition_extent == other.definition_extent &&
alias_of == other.alias_of && parents == other.parents &&
types == other.types && funcs == other.funcs && vars == other.vars;
bool operator!=(
const TypeDefDefinitionData<TypeId, FuncId, VarId, Range>& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
template <typename TVisitor,
typename TypeId,
typename FuncId,
typename VarId,
typename Range>
void Reflect(TVisitor& visitor,
TypeDefDefinitionData<TypeId, FuncId, VarId, Range>& value) {
struct IndexType {
using Def =
TypeDefDefinitionData<IndexTypeId, IndexFuncId, IndexVarId, Range>;
std::string usr;
IndexTypeId id;
Def def;
// Immediate derived types.
std::vector<IndexTypeId> derived;
// Declared variables of this type.
std::vector<IndexVarId> instances;
// Every usage, useful for things like renames.
// NOTE: Do not insert directly! Use AddUsage instead.
std::vector<Range> uses;
IndexType() {} // For serialization.
IndexType(IndexTypeId id, const std::string& usr);
bool operator<(const IndexType& other) const { return id < other.id; }
MAKE_HASHABLE(IndexType, t.id);
template <typename TypeId,
typename FuncId,
typename VarId,
typename FuncRef,
typename Range>
struct FuncDefDefinitionData {
// General metadata.
std::string short_name;
std::string detailed_name;
optional<std::string> hover;
optional<std::string> comments;
optional<Range> definition_spelling;
optional<Range> definition_extent;
// Type which declares this one (ie, it is a method)
optional<TypeId> declaring_type;
// Method this method overrides.
std::vector<FuncId> base;
// Local variables defined in this function.
std::vector<VarId> locals;
// Functions that this function calls.
std::vector<FuncRef> callees;
// Used for semantic highlighting
bool is_operator = false;
bool operator==(
const FuncDefDefinitionData<TypeId, FuncId, VarId, FuncRef, Range>& other)
const {
return short_name == other.short_name &&
detailed_name == other.detailed_name && hover == other.hover &&
definition_spelling == other.definition_spelling &&
definition_extent == other.definition_extent &&
declaring_type == other.declaring_type && base == other.base &&
locals == other.locals && callees == other.callees;
bool operator!=(
const FuncDefDefinitionData<TypeId, FuncId, VarId, FuncRef, Range>& other)
const {
return !(*this == other);
template <typename TVisitor,
typename TypeId,
typename FuncId,
typename VarId,
typename FuncRef,
typename Range>
void Reflect(
TVisitor& visitor,
FuncDefDefinitionData<TypeId, FuncId, VarId, FuncRef, Range>& value) {
struct IndexFunc {
using Def = FuncDefDefinitionData<IndexTypeId,
std::string usr;
IndexFuncId id;
Def def;
struct Declaration {
// Range of only the function name.
Range spelling;
// Full range of the declaration.
Range extent;
// Full text of the declaration.
std::string content;
// Location of the parameter names.
std::vector<Range> param_spellings;
// Places the function is forward-declared.
std::vector<Declaration> declarations;
// Methods which directly override this one.
std::vector<IndexFuncId> derived;
// Calls/usages of this function. If the call is coming from outside a
// function context then the FuncRef will not have an associated id.
// To get all usages, also include the ranges inside of declarations and
// def.definition_spelling.
std::vector<IndexFuncRef> callers;
IndexFunc() {} // For serialization.
IndexFunc(IndexFuncId id, const std::string& usr) : usr(usr), id(id) {
// assert(usr.size() > 0);
bool operator<(const IndexFunc& other) const { return id < other.id; }
MAKE_HASHABLE(IndexFunc, t.id);
enum class VarClass {
// probably a variable in system headers
Unknown = 0,
// a parameter or function variable
Local = 1,
// a macro, ie, #define FOO
Macro = 2,
// a global variable
Global = 3,
// a member variable of struct/union/class/enum
Member = 4
MAKE_REFLECT_TYPE_PROXY(VarClass, std::underlying_type<VarClass>::type);
template <typename TypeId, typename FuncId, typename VarId, typename Range>
struct VarDefDefinitionData {
// General metadata.
std::string short_name;
std::string detailed_name;
optional<std::string> hover;
optional<std::string> comments;
optional<Range> declaration;
// TODO: definitions should be a list of ranges, since there can be more
// than one - when??
optional<Range> definition_spelling;
optional<Range> definition_extent;
// Type of the variable.
optional<TypeId> variable_type;
// Type which declares this one.
optional<TypeId> declaring_type;
VarClass cls = VarClass::Unknown;
bool is_local() const { return cls == VarClass::Local; }
bool is_macro() const { return cls == VarClass::Macro; }
bool operator==(
const VarDefDefinitionData<TypeId, FuncId, VarId, Range>& other) const {
return short_name == other.short_name &&
detailed_name == other.detailed_name && hover == other.hover &&
declaration == other.declaration &&
definition_spelling == other.definition_spelling &&
definition_extent == other.definition_extent &&
variable_type == other.variable_type &&
declaring_type == other.declaring_type;
bool operator!=(
const VarDefDefinitionData<TypeId, FuncId, VarId, Range>& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
template <typename TVisitor,
typename TypeId,
typename FuncId,
typename VarId,
typename Range>
void Reflect(TVisitor& visitor,
VarDefDefinitionData<TypeId, FuncId, VarId, Range>& value) {
struct IndexVar {
using Def = VarDefDefinitionData<IndexTypeId, IndexFuncId, IndexVarId, Range>;
std::string usr;
IndexVarId id;
Def def;
// Usages.
std::vector<Range> uses;
IndexVar() {} // For serialization.
IndexVar(IndexVarId id, const std::string& usr) : usr(usr), id(id) {
// assert(usr.size() > 0);
bool operator<(const IndexVar& other) const { return id < other.id; }
MAKE_HASHABLE(IndexVar, t.id);
struct IdCache {
std::string primary_file;
std::unordered_map<std::string, IndexTypeId> usr_to_type_id;
std::unordered_map<std::string, IndexFuncId> usr_to_func_id;
std::unordered_map<std::string, IndexVarId> usr_to_var_id;
std::unordered_map<IndexTypeId, std::string> type_id_to_usr;
std::unordered_map<IndexFuncId, std::string> func_id_to_usr;
std::unordered_map<IndexVarId, std::string> var_id_to_usr;
IdCache(const std::string& primary_file);
struct IndexInclude {
// Line that has the include directive. We don't have complete range
// information - a line is good enough for clicking.
int line = 0;
// Absolute path to the index.
std::string resolved_path;
// Used to identify the language at a file level. The ordering is important, as
// a file previously identified as `C`, will be changed to `Cpp` if it
// encounters a c++ declaration.
enum class LanguageId { Unknown = 0, C = 1, Cpp = 2, ObjC = 3 };
MAKE_REFLECT_TYPE_PROXY(LanguageId, std::underlying_type<LanguageId>::type);
struct IndexFile {
IdCache id_cache;
static int kCurrentVersion;
int version = 0;
std::string path;
std::vector<std::string> args;
int64_t last_modification_time = 0;
LanguageId language = LanguageId::Unknown;
// The path to the translation unit cc file which caused the creation of this
// IndexFile. When parsing a translation unit we generate many IndexFile
// instances (ie, each header has a separate one). When the user edits a
// header we need to lookup the original translation unit and reindex that.
std::string import_file;
// Source ranges that were not processed.
std::vector<Range> skipped_by_preprocessor;
std::vector<IndexInclude> includes;
std::vector<std::string> dependencies;
std::vector<IndexType> types;
std::vector<IndexFunc> funcs;
std::vector<IndexVar> vars;
// Diagnostics found when indexing this file. Not serialized.
std::vector<lsDiagnostic> diagnostics_;
// File contents at the time of index. Not serialized.
std::string file_contents_;
IndexFile(const std::string& path);
IndexTypeId ToTypeId(const std::string& usr);
IndexFuncId ToFuncId(const std::string& usr);
IndexVarId ToVarId(const std::string& usr);
IndexTypeId ToTypeId(const CXCursor& usr);
IndexFuncId ToFuncId(const CXCursor& usr);
IndexVarId ToVarId(const CXCursor& usr);
IndexType* Resolve(IndexTypeId id);
IndexFunc* Resolve(IndexFuncId id);
IndexVar* Resolve(IndexVarId id);
std::string ToString();
struct FileContents {
std::string path;
std::string content;
FileContents(const std::string& path, const std::string& content);
struct FileContentsWithOffsets {
std::string contents;
// {0, 1 + position of first newline, 1 + position of second newline, ...}
std::vector<int> line_offsets_;
FileContentsWithOffsets(std::string s);
optional<int> ToOffset(Position p) const;
optional<std::string> ContentsInRange(Range range) const;
struct NamespaceHelper {
std::unordered_map<ClangCursor, std::string>
void RegisterQualifiedName(std::string usr,
const CXIdxContainerInfo* container,
std::string qualified_name) {}
std::string QualifiedName(const CXIdxContainerInfo* container,
std::string unqualified_name);
// |import_file| is the cc file which is what gets passed to clang.
// |desired_index_file| is the (h or cc) file which has actually changed.
// |dependencies| are the existing dependencies of |import_file| if this is a
// reparse.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IndexFile>> Parse(
Config* config,
FileConsumerSharedState* file_consumer_shared,
std::string file,
const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::vector<FileContents>& file_contents,
PerformanceImportFile* perf,
ClangIndex* index,
bool dump_ast = false);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IndexFile>> ParseWithTu(
FileConsumerSharedState* file_consumer_shared,
PerformanceImportFile* perf,
ClangTranslationUnit* tu,
ClangIndex* index,
const std::string& file,
const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::vector<CXUnsavedFile>& file_contents);
void IndexInit();
void ClangSanityCheck();
std::string GetClangVersion();