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#pragma once
#include "maybe.h"
#include "nt_string.h"
#include "port.h"
#include <macro_map.h>
#include <optional.h>
#include <string_view.h>
#include <variant.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
enum class SerializeFormat { Json, MessagePack };
class Reader {
virtual ~Reader() {}
virtual SerializeFormat Format() const = 0;
virtual bool IsBool() = 0;
virtual bool IsNull() = 0;
virtual bool IsArray() = 0;
virtual bool IsInt() = 0;
virtual bool IsInt64() = 0;
virtual bool IsUint64() = 0;
virtual bool IsDouble() = 0;
virtual bool IsString() = 0;
virtual void GetNull() = 0;
virtual bool GetBool() = 0;
virtual int GetInt() = 0;
virtual uint32_t GetUint32() = 0;
virtual int64_t GetInt64() = 0;
virtual uint64_t GetUint64() = 0;
virtual double GetDouble() = 0;
virtual std::string GetString() = 0;
virtual bool HasMember(const char* x) = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Reader> operator[](const char* x) = 0;
virtual void IterArray(std::function<void(Reader&)> fn) = 0;
virtual void DoMember(const char* name, std::function<void(Reader&)> fn) = 0;
class Writer {
virtual ~Writer() {}
virtual SerializeFormat Format() const = 0;
virtual void Null() = 0;
virtual void Bool(bool x) = 0;
virtual void Int(int x) = 0;
virtual void Uint32(uint32_t x) = 0;
virtual void Int64(int64_t x) = 0;
virtual void Uint64(uint64_t x) = 0;
virtual void Double(double x) = 0;
virtual void String(const char* x) = 0;
virtual void String(const char* x, size_t len) = 0;
virtual void StartArray(size_t) = 0;
virtual void EndArray() = 0;
virtual void StartObject() = 0;
virtual void EndObject() = 0;
virtual void Key(const char* name) = 0;
struct IndexFile;
#define REFLECT_MEMBER_START() ReflectMemberStart(visitor, value)
#define REFLECT_MEMBER_END() ReflectMemberEnd(visitor, value);
#define REFLECT_MEMBER_END1(value) ReflectMemberEnd(visitor, value);
#define REFLECT_MEMBER(name) ReflectMember(visitor, #name, value.name)
#define REFLECT_MEMBER2(name, value) ReflectMember(visitor, name, value)
#define MAKE_REFLECT_TYPE_PROXY(type_name) \
MAKE_REFLECT_TYPE_PROXY2(type_name, std::underlying_type<type_name>::type)
#define MAKE_REFLECT_TYPE_PROXY2(type, as_type) \
ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED inline void Reflect(Reader& visitor, type& value) { \
as_type value0; \
::Reflect(visitor, value0); \
value = static_cast<type>(value0); \
} \
ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED inline void Reflect(Writer& visitor, type& value) { \
auto value0 = static_cast<as_type>(value); \
::Reflect(visitor, value0); \
#define MAKE_REFLECT_EMPTY_STRUCT(type, ...) \
template <typename TVisitor> \
void Reflect(TVisitor& visitor, type& value) { \
#define MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(type, ...) \
template <typename TVisitor> \
void Reflect(TVisitor& visitor, type& value) { \
// clang-format off
// Config has many fields, we need to support at least its number of fields.
#define NUM_VA_ARGS_IMPL(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9,_10,_11,_12,_13,_14,_15,_16,_17,_18,_19,_20,_21,_22,_23,_24,_25,_26,_27,_28,_29,_30,N,...) N
#define NUM_VA_ARGS(...) NUM_VA_ARGS_IMPL(__VA_ARGS__,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
// clang-format on
#define _MAPPABLE_REFLECT_ARRAY(name) Reflect(visitor, value.name);
// Reflects the struct so it is serialized as an array instead of an object.
// This currently only supports writers.
inline void Reflect(Writer& visitor, type& value) { \
visitor.StartArray(NUM_VA_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__)); \
visitor.EndArray(); \
//// Elementary types
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, uint8_t& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, uint8_t& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, short& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, short& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, unsigned short& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, unsigned short& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, int& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, int& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, unsigned& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, unsigned& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, long& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, long& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, unsigned long& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, unsigned long& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, long long& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, long long& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, unsigned long long& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, unsigned long long& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, double& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, double& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, bool& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, bool& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, std::string& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, std::string& value);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, std::string_view& view);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, std::string_view& view);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, NtString& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, NtString& value);
// std::monostate is used to represent JSON null
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, std::monostate&);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, std::monostate&);
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, SerializeFormat& value);
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, SerializeFormat& value);
//// Type constructors
// ReflectMember optional<T> is used to represent TypeScript optional properties
// (in `key: value` context).
// Reflect optional<T> is used for a different purpose, whether an object is
// nullable (possibly in `value` context). For the nullable semantics,
// std::variant<std::monostate, T> is recommended.
template <typename T>
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, optional<T>& value) {
if (visitor.IsNull()) {
T real_value;
Reflect(visitor, real_value);
value = std::move(real_value);
template <typename T>
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, optional<T>& value) {
if (value)
Reflect(visitor, *value);
// The same as std::optional
template <typename T>
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, Maybe<T>& value) {
if (visitor.IsNull()) {
T real_value;
Reflect(visitor, real_value);
value = std::move(real_value);
template <typename T>
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, Maybe<T>& value) {
if (value)
Reflect(visitor, *value);
template <typename T>
void ReflectMember(Writer& visitor, const char* name, optional<T>& value) {
// For TypeScript optional property key?: value in the spec,
// We omit both key and value if value is std::nullopt (null) for JsonWriter
// to reduce output. But keep it for other serialization formats.
if (value || visitor.Format() != SerializeFormat::Json) {
Reflect(visitor, value);
// The same as std::optional
template <typename T>
void ReflectMember(Writer& visitor, const char* name, Maybe<T>& value) {
if (value.HasValue() || visitor.Format() != SerializeFormat::Json) {
Reflect(visitor, value);
// Backport C++17 std::disjunction
namespace {
template <typename B0, typename... Bs>
struct disjunction
: std::conditional<bool(B0::value), B0, disjunction<Bs...>>::type {};
template <typename B0>
struct disjunction<B0> : B0 {};
} // namespace
// Helper struct to reflect std::variant
template <size_t N, typename... Ts>
struct ReflectVariant {
// If T appears in Ts..., we should set the value of std::variant<Ts...> to
// what we get from Reader.
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<disjunction<std::is_same<T, Ts>...>::value,
ReflectTag(Reader& visitor, std::variant<Ts...>& value) {
T a;
Reflect(visitor, a);
value = std::move(a);
// This SFINAE overload is used to prevent compile error. value = a; is not
// allowed if T does not appear in Ts...
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<!disjunction<std::is_same<T, Ts>...>::value,
ReflectTag(Reader&, std::variant<Ts...>&) {}
void operator()(Reader& visitor, std::variant<Ts...>& value) {
// Based on tag dispatch, call different ReflectTag helper.
if (visitor.IsNull())
ReflectTag<std::monostate>(visitor, value);
// It is possible that IsInt64() && IsInt(). We don't call ReflectTag<int>
// if int is not in Ts...
else if (disjunction<std::is_same<int, Ts>...>::value && visitor.IsInt())
ReflectTag<int>(visitor, value);
else if (visitor.IsInt64())
ReflectTag<int64_t>(visitor, value);
else if (visitor.IsString())
ReflectTag<std::string>(visitor, value);
// Check which type the variant contains and call corresponding Reflect.
void operator()(Writer& visitor, std::variant<Ts...>& value) {
if (value.index() == N - 1)
Reflect(visitor, std::get<N - 1>(value));
ReflectVariant<N - 1, Ts...>()(visitor, value);
// Writer reflection on std::variant recurses. This is induction basis.
template <typename... Ts>
struct ReflectVariant<0, Ts...> {
void operator()(Writer& visitor, std::variant<Ts...>& value) {}
// std::variant
template <typename TVisitor, typename... Ts>
void Reflect(TVisitor& visitor, std::variant<Ts...>& value) {
ReflectVariant<sizeof...(Ts), Ts...>()(visitor, value);
// std::vector
template <typename T>
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, std::vector<T>& values) {
visitor.IterArray([&](Reader& entry) {
T entry_value;
Reflect(entry, entry_value);
template <typename T>
void Reflect(Writer& visitor, std::vector<T>& values) {
for (auto& value : values)
Reflect(visitor, value);
// ReflectMember
inline void DefaultReflectMemberStart(Writer& visitor) {
inline void DefaultReflectMemberStart(Reader& visitor) {}
template <typename T>
bool ReflectMemberStart(Reader& visitor, T& value) {
return false;
template <typename T>
bool ReflectMemberStart(Writer& visitor, T& value) {
return true;
template <typename T>
void ReflectMemberEnd(Reader& visitor, T& value) {}
template <typename T>
void ReflectMemberEnd(Writer& visitor, T& value) {
template <typename T>
void ReflectMember(Reader& visitor, const char* name, T& value) {
visitor.DoMember(name, [&](Reader& child) { Reflect(child, value); });
template <typename T>
void ReflectMember(Writer& visitor, const char* name, T& value) {
Reflect(visitor, value);
// API
std::string Serialize(SerializeFormat format, IndexFile& file);
std::unique_ptr<IndexFile> Deserialize(SerializeFormat format,
const std::string& path,
const std::string& serialized_index_content,
const std::string& file_content,
optional<int> expected_version);
void SetTestOutputMode();