mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 11:57:09 +00:00
441 lines
16 KiB
441 lines
16 KiB
#include "clang_complete.h"
#include "fuzzy_match.h"
#include "include_complete.h"
#include "message_handler.h"
#include "pipeline.hh"
#include "working_files.h"
using namespace ccls;
#include <llvm/Support/Timer.h>
using namespace llvm;
#include <regex>
namespace {
MethodType kMethodType = "textDocument/completion";
// How a completion was triggered
enum class lsCompletionTriggerKind {
// Completion was triggered by typing an identifier (24x7 code
// complete), manual invocation (e.g Ctrl+Space) or via API.
Invoked = 1,
// Completion was triggered by a trigger character specified by
// the `triggerCharacters` properties of the `CompletionRegistrationOptions`.
TriggerCharacter = 2
// Contains additional information about the context in which a completion
// request is triggered.
struct lsCompletionContext {
// How the completion was triggered.
lsCompletionTriggerKind triggerKind;
// The trigger character (a single character) that has trigger code complete.
// Is undefined if `triggerKind !== CompletionTriggerKind.TriggerCharacter`
std::optional<std::string> triggerCharacter;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsCompletionContext, triggerKind, triggerCharacter);
struct lsCompletionParams : lsTextDocumentPositionParams {
// The completion context. This is only available it the client specifies to
// send this using
// `ClientCapabilities.textDocument.completion.contextSupport === true`
std::optional<lsCompletionContext> context;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsCompletionParams, textDocument, position, context);
struct In_TextDocumentComplete : public RequestInMessage {
MethodType GetMethodType() const override { return kMethodType; }
lsCompletionParams params;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(In_TextDocumentComplete, id, params);
struct lsTextDocumentCompleteResult {
// This list it not complete. Further typing should result in recomputing
// this list.
bool isIncomplete = false;
// The completion items.
std::vector<lsCompletionItem> items;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsTextDocumentCompleteResult, isIncomplete, items);
struct Out_TextDocumentComplete
: public lsOutMessage<Out_TextDocumentComplete> {
lsRequestId id;
lsTextDocumentCompleteResult result;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(Out_TextDocumentComplete, jsonrpc, id, result);
void DecorateIncludePaths(const std::smatch& match,
std::vector<lsCompletionItem>* items) {
std::string spaces_after_include = " ";
if (match[3].compare("include") == 0 && match[5].length())
spaces_after_include = match[4].str();
std::string prefix =
match[1].str() + '#' + match[2].str() + "include" + spaces_after_include;
std::string suffix = match[7].str();
for (lsCompletionItem& item : *items) {
char quote0, quote1;
if (match[5].compare("<") == 0 ||
(match[5].length() == 0 && item.use_angle_brackets_))
quote0 = '<', quote1 = '>';
quote0 = quote1 = '"';
item.textEdit->newText =
prefix + quote0 + item.textEdit->newText + quote1 + suffix;
item.label = prefix + quote0 + item.label + quote1 + suffix;
item.filterText = std::nullopt;
struct ParseIncludeLineResult {
bool ok;
std::string keyword;
std::string quote;
std::string pattern;
std::smatch match;
ParseIncludeLineResult ParseIncludeLine(const std::string& line) {
static const std::regex pattern(
"(\\s*)" // [1]: spaces before '#'
"#" //
"(\\s*)" // [2]: spaces after '#'
"([^\\s\"<]*)" // [3]: "include"
"(\\s*)" // [4]: spaces before quote
"([\"<])?" // [5]: the first quote char
"([^\\s\">]*)" // [6]: path of file
"[\">]?" //
"(.*)"); // [7]: suffix after quote char
std::smatch match;
bool ok = std::regex_match(line, match, pattern);
return {ok, match[3], match[5], match[6], match};
static const std::vector<std::string> preprocessorKeywords = {
"define", "undef", "include", "if", "ifdef", "ifndef",
"else", "elif", "endif", "line", "error", "pragma"};
std::vector<lsCompletionItem> PreprocessorKeywordCompletionItems(
const std::smatch& match) {
std::vector<lsCompletionItem> items;
for (auto& keyword : preprocessorKeywords) {
lsCompletionItem item;
item.label = keyword;
item.priority_ = (keyword == "include" ? 2 : 1);
item.textEdit = lsTextEdit();
std::string space = (keyword == "else" || keyword == "endif") ? "" : " ";
item.textEdit->newText = match[1].str() + "#" + match[2].str() + keyword +
space + match[6].str();
item.insertTextFormat = lsInsertTextFormat::PlainText;
return items;
template <typename T>
char* tofixedbase64(T input, char* out) {
const char* digits =
int len = (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1) / 6 + 1;
for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
out[i] = digits[input % 64];
input /= 64;
out[len] = '\0';
return out;
// Pre-filters completion responses before sending to vscode. This results in a
// significantly snappier completion experience as vscode is easily overloaded
// when given 1000+ completion items.
void FilterAndSortCompletionResponse(
Out_TextDocumentComplete* complete_response,
const std::string& complete_text,
bool has_open_paren) {
if (!g_config->completion.filterAndSort)
static Timer timer("FilterAndSortCompletionResponse", "");
TimeRegion region(timer);
auto& items = complete_response->result.items;
auto finalize = [&]() {
const size_t kMaxResultSize = 100u;
if (items.size() > kMaxResultSize) {
complete_response->result.isIncomplete = true;
if (has_open_paren)
for (auto& item: items)
item.insertText = item.label;
// Set sortText. Note that this happens after resizing - we could do it
// before, but then we should also sort by priority.
char buf[16];
for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i)
items[i].sortText = tofixedbase64(i, buf);
// No complete text; don't run any filtering logic except to trim the items.
if (complete_text.empty()) {
// Make sure all items have |filterText| set, code that follow needs it.
for (auto& item : items) {
if (!item.filterText)
item.filterText = item.label;
// Fuzzy match and remove awful candidates.
bool sensitive = g_config->completion.caseSensitivity;
FuzzyMatcher fuzzy(complete_text, sensitive);
for (auto& item : items) {
item.score_ =
ReverseSubseqMatch(complete_text, *item.filterText, sensitive) >= 0
? fuzzy.Match(*item.filterText)
: FuzzyMatcher::kMinScore;
items.erase(std::remove_if(items.begin(), items.end(),
[](const lsCompletionItem& item) {
return item.score_ <= FuzzyMatcher::kMinScore;
std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(),
[](const lsCompletionItem& lhs, const lsCompletionItem& rhs) {
if (lhs.score_ != rhs.score_)
return lhs.score_ > rhs.score_;
if (lhs.priority_ != rhs.priority_)
return lhs.priority_ < rhs.priority_;
if (lhs.filterText->size() != rhs.filterText->size())
return lhs.filterText->size() < rhs.filterText->size();
return *lhs.filterText < *rhs.filterText;
// Trim result.
// Returns true if position is an points to a '(' character in |lines|. Skips
// whitespace.
bool IsOpenParenOrAngle(const std::vector<std::string>& lines,
const lsPosition& position) {
auto [c, l] = position;
while (l < lines.size()) {
const auto& line = lines[l];
if (c >= line.size())
return false;
if (line[c] == '(' || line[c] == '<')
return true;
if (!isspace(line[c])) break;
if (++c >= line.size()) {
c = 0;
return false;
struct Handler_TextDocumentCompletion : MessageHandler {
MethodType GetMethodType() const override { return kMethodType; }
void Run(std::unique_ptr<InMessage> message) override {
auto request = std::shared_ptr<In_TextDocumentComplete>(
auto write_empty_result = [request]() {
Out_TextDocumentComplete out;
out.id = request->id;
pipeline::WriteStdout(kMethodType, out);
std::string path = request->params.textDocument.uri.GetPath();
WorkingFile* file = working_files->GetFileByFilename(path);
if (!file) {
// It shouldn't be possible, but sometimes vscode will send queries out
// of order, ie, we get completion request before buffer content update.
std::string buffer_line;
if (request->params.position.line >= 0 &&
request->params.position.line < file->buffer_lines.size()) {
buffer_line = file->buffer_lines[request->params.position.line];
// Check for - and : before completing -> or ::, since vscode does not
// support multi-character trigger characters.
if (request->params.context &&
request->params.context->triggerKind ==
lsCompletionTriggerKind::TriggerCharacter &&
request->params.context->triggerCharacter) {
bool did_fail_check = false;
std::string character = *request->params.context->triggerCharacter;
int preceding_index = request->params.position.character - 2;
// If the character is '"', '<' or '/', make sure that the line starts
// with '#'.
if (character == "\"" || character == "<" || character == "/") {
size_t i = 0;
while (i < buffer_line.size() && isspace(buffer_line[i]))
if (i >= buffer_line.size() || buffer_line[i] != '#')
did_fail_check = true;
// If the character is > or : and we are at the start of the line, do not
// show completion results.
else if ((character == ">" || character == ":") && preceding_index < 0) {
did_fail_check = true;
// If the character is > but - does not preced it, or if it is : and :
// does not preced it, do not show completion results.
else if (preceding_index >= 0 &&
preceding_index < (int)buffer_line.size()) {
char preceding = buffer_line[preceding_index];
did_fail_check = (preceding != '-' && character == ">") ||
(preceding != ':' && character == ":");
if (did_fail_check) {
bool is_global_completion = false;
std::string existing_completion;
lsPosition end_pos = request->params.position;
if (file) {
request->params.position = file->FindStableCompletionSource(
request->params.position, &is_global_completion,
&existing_completion, &end_pos);
ParseIncludeLineResult result = ParseIncludeLine(buffer_line);
bool has_open_paren = IsOpenParenOrAngle(file->buffer_lines, end_pos);
if (result.ok) {
Out_TextDocumentComplete out;
out.id = request->id;
if (result.quote.empty() && result.pattern.empty()) {
// no quote or path of file, do preprocessor keyword completion
if (!std::any_of(preprocessorKeywords.begin(),
[&result](std::string_view k) {
return k == result.keyword;
})) {
out.result.items = PreprocessorKeywordCompletionItems(result.match);
FilterAndSortCompletionResponse(&out, result.keyword, has_open_paren);
} else if (result.keyword.compare("include") == 0) {
// do include completion
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(
include_complete->completion_items_mutex, std::defer_lock);
if (include_complete->is_scanning)
std::string quote = result.match[5];
for (auto& item : include_complete->completion_items)
if (quote.empty() || quote == (item.use_angle_brackets_ ? "<" : "\""))
FilterAndSortCompletionResponse(&out, result.pattern, has_open_paren);
DecorateIncludePaths(result.match, &out.result.items);
for (lsCompletionItem& item : out.result.items) {
item.textEdit->range.start.line = request->params.position.line;
item.textEdit->range.start.character = 0;
item.textEdit->range.end.line = request->params.position.line;
item.textEdit->range.end.character = (int)buffer_line.size();
pipeline::WriteStdout(kMethodType, out);
} else {
ClangCompleteManager::OnComplete callback = std::bind(
[this, request, is_global_completion, existing_completion,
has_open_paren](const std::vector<lsCompletionItem>& results,
bool is_cached_result) {
Out_TextDocumentComplete out;
out.id = request->id;
out.result.items = results;
// Emit completion results.
FilterAndSortCompletionResponse(&out, existing_completion, has_open_paren);
pipeline::WriteStdout(kMethodType, out);
// Cache completion results.
if (!is_cached_result) {
std::string path = request->params.textDocument.uri.GetPath();
if (is_global_completion) {
global_code_complete_cache->WithLock([&]() {
global_code_complete_cache->cached_path_ = path;
global_code_complete_cache->cached_results_ = results;
} else {
non_global_code_complete_cache->WithLock([&]() {
non_global_code_complete_cache->cached_path_ = path;
non_global_code_complete_cache->cached_completion_position_ =
non_global_code_complete_cache->cached_results_ = results;
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
bool is_cache_match = false;
global_code_complete_cache->WithLock([&]() {
is_cache_match = is_global_completion &&
global_code_complete_cache->cached_path_ == path &&
if (is_cache_match) {
ClangCompleteManager::OnComplete freshen_global =
[this](std::vector<lsCompletionItem> results,
bool is_cached_result) {
// note: path is updated in the normal completion handler.
global_code_complete_cache->WithLock([&]() {
global_code_complete_cache->cached_results_ = results;
global_code_complete_cache->WithLock([&]() {
true /*is_cached_result*/);
clang_complete->CodeComplete(request->id, request->params,
} else if (non_global_code_complete_cache->IsCacheValid(
request->params)) {
non_global_code_complete_cache->WithLock([&]() {
true /*is_cached_result*/);
} else {
clang_complete->CodeComplete(request->id, request->params, callback);
} // namespace