
447 lines
13 KiB

#include "project.h"
#include "match.h"
#include "libclangmm/Utility.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <clang-c/CXCompilationDatabase.h>
#include <doctest/doctest.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
struct CompileCommandsEntry {
std::string directory;
std::string file;
std::string command;
std::vector<std::string> args;
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(CompileCommandsEntry, directory, file, command, args);
namespace {
static const char* kBlacklistMulti[] = {
// Blacklisted flags which are always removed from the command line.
static const char *kBlacklist[] = {
// TODO: make sure we consume includes before stripping all path-like args.
// Arguments which are followed by a potentially relative path. We need to make
// all relative paths absolute, otherwise libclang will not resolve them.
const char* kPathArgs[] = {
const char* kQuoteIncludeArgs[] = {
const char* kAngleIncludeArgs[] = {
bool ShouldAddToQuoteIncludes(const std::string& arg) {
for (const char* flag_type : kQuoteIncludeArgs) {
if (arg == flag_type)
return true;
return false;
bool ShouldAddToAngleIncludes(const std::string& arg) {
for (const char* flag_type : kAngleIncludeArgs) {
if (StartsWith(arg, flag_type))
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if we should use the C, not C++, language spec for the given
// file.
bool IsCFile(const std::string& path) {
return EndsWith(path, ".c");
Project::Entry GetCompilationEntryFromCompileCommandEntry(
std::unordered_set<std::string>& quote_includes, std::unordered_set<std::string>& angle_includes,
const std::vector<std::string>& extra_flags, const CompileCommandsEntry& entry) {
Project::Entry result;
result.filename = NormalizePath(entry.file);
bool make_next_flag_absolute = false;
bool add_next_flag_quote = false;
bool add_next_flag_angle = false;
result.args.reserve(entry.args.size() + extra_flags.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < entry.args.size(); ++i) {
std::string arg = entry.args[i];
// If blacklist skip.
if (std::any_of(std::begin(kBlacklistMulti), std::end(kBlacklistMulti), [&arg](const char* value) {
return StartsWith(arg, value);
})) {
if (std::any_of(std::begin(kBlacklist), std::end(kBlacklist), [&arg](const char* value) {
return StartsWith(arg, value);
})) {
// Cleanup path for previous argument.
if (make_next_flag_absolute) {
if (arg.size() > 0 && arg[0] != '/')
arg = NormalizePath( + arg);
make_next_flag_absolute = false;
if (add_next_flag_quote)
if (add_next_flag_angle)
add_next_flag_quote = false;
add_next_flag_angle = false;
// Update arg if it is a path.
for (const char* flag_type : kPathArgs) {
if (arg == flag_type) {
make_next_flag_absolute = true;
add_next_flag_quote = ShouldAddToQuoteIncludes(arg);
add_next_flag_angle = ShouldAddToAngleIncludes(arg);
if (StartsWith(arg, flag_type)) {
std::string path = arg.substr(strlen(flag_type));
if (path.size() > 0 && path[0] != '/') {
if (!
path = + "/" + path;
path = NormalizePath(path);
arg = flag_type + path;
if (ShouldAddToQuoteIncludes(arg))
if (ShouldAddToAngleIncludes(arg))
// We don't do any special processing on user-given extra flags.
for (const auto& flag : extra_flags)
// Clang does not have good hueristics for determining source language, we
// should explicitly specify it.
if (!AnyStartsWith(result.args, "-x")) {
if (IsCFile(entry.file))
if (!AnyStartsWith(result.args, "-std=")) {
if (IsCFile(entry.file))
return result;
std::vector<Project::Entry> LoadFromCompileCommandsJson(
std::unordered_set<std::string>& quote_includes, std::unordered_set<std::string>& angle_includes,
const std::vector<std::string>& extra_flags, const std::string& project_directory) {
// TODO: Fix this function, it may be way faster than libclang's implementation.
optional<std::string> compile_commands_content = ReadContent(project_directory + "/compile_commands.json");
if (!compile_commands_content)
return {};
rapidjson::Document reader;
if (reader.HasParseError())
return {};
std::vector<CompileCommandsEntry> entries;
Reflect(reader, entries);
std::vector<Project::Entry> result;
for (auto& entry : entries) {
if (entry.args.empty() && !entry.command.empty())
entry.args = SplitString(entry.command, " ");
result.push_back(GetCompilationEntryFromCompileCommandEntry(quote_includes, angle_includes, extra_flags, entry));
return result;
std::vector<Project::Entry> LoadFromDirectoryListing(
std::unordered_set<std::string>& quote_includes, std::unordered_set<std::string>& angle_includes,
const std::vector<std::string>& extra_flags, const std::string& project_directory) {
std::vector<Project::Entry> result;
std::vector<std::string> args;
std::cerr << "Using arguments: ";
for (const std::string& line : ReadLines(project_directory + "/clang_args")) {
if (line.empty() || StartsWith(line, "#"))
if (!args.empty())
std::cerr << ", ";
std::cerr << line;
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> files = GetFilesInFolder(project_directory, true /*recursive*/, true /*add_folder_to_path*/);
for (const std::string& file : files) {
if (EndsWith(file, ".cc") || EndsWith(file, ".cpp") || EndsWith(file, ".c")) {
CompileCommandsEntry e;
e.file = NormalizePath(file);
e.args = args;
result.push_back(GetCompilationEntryFromCompileCommandEntry(quote_includes, angle_includes, extra_flags, e));
return result;
std::vector<Project::Entry> LoadCompilationEntriesFromDirectory(
std::unordered_set<std::string>& quote_includes, std::unordered_set<std::string>& angle_includes,
const std::vector<std::string>& extra_flags, const std::string& project_directory) {
// TODO: Figure out if this function or the clang one is faster.
//return LoadFromCompileCommandsJson(extra_flags, project_directory);
std::cerr << "Trying to load compile_commands.json" << std::endl;
CXCompilationDatabase_Error cx_db_load_error;
CXCompilationDatabase cx_db = clang_CompilationDatabase_fromDirectory(project_directory.c_str(), &cx_db_load_error);
if (cx_db_load_error == CXCompilationDatabase_CanNotLoadDatabase) {
std::cerr << "Unable to load compile_commands.json located at \"" << project_directory << "\"; using directory listing instead." << std::endl;
return LoadFromDirectoryListing(quote_includes, angle_includes, extra_flags, project_directory);
CXCompileCommands cx_commands = clang_CompilationDatabase_getAllCompileCommands(cx_db);
unsigned int num_commands = clang_CompileCommands_getSize(cx_commands);
std::vector<Project::Entry> result;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_commands; i++) {
CXCompileCommand cx_command = clang_CompileCommands_getCommand(cx_commands, i);
std::string directory = clang::ToString(clang_CompileCommand_getDirectory(cx_command));
std::string relative_filename = clang::ToString(clang_CompileCommand_getFilename(cx_command));
std::string absolute_filename = directory + "/" + relative_filename;
CompileCommandsEntry entry;
entry.file = NormalizePath(absolute_filename); = directory;
unsigned num_args = clang_CompileCommand_getNumArgs(cx_command);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < num_args; ++j)
entry.args.push_back(clang::ToString(clang_CompileCommand_getArg(cx_command, j)));
result.push_back(GetCompilationEntryFromCompileCommandEntry(quote_includes, angle_includes, extra_flags, entry));
return result;
// Computes a score based on how well |a| and |b| match. This is used for
// argument guessing.
int ComputeGuessScore(const std::string& a, const std::string& b) {
int score = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < a.length() && i < b.length(); ++i) {
if (a[i] != b[i])
for (int j = i; j < a.length(); ++j) {
if (a[j] == '/')
for (int j = i; j < b.length(); ++j) {
if (b[j] == '/')
return score;
} // namespace
void Project::Load(const std::vector<std::string>& extra_flags, const std::string& directory) {
std::unordered_set<std::string> unique_quote_includes;
std::unordered_set<std::string> unique_angle_includes;
entries = LoadCompilationEntriesFromDirectory(unique_quote_includes, unique_angle_includes, extra_flags, directory);
quote_include_directories.assign(unique_quote_includes.begin(), unique_quote_includes.end());
angle_include_directories.assign(unique_angle_includes.begin(), unique_angle_includes.end());
for (std::string& path : quote_include_directories) {
std::cerr << "quote_include_dir: " << path << std::endl;
for (std::string& path : angle_include_directories) {
std::cerr << "angle_include_dir: " << path << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i)
absolute_path_to_entry_index_[entries[i].filename] = i;
Project::Entry Project::FindCompilationEntryForFile(const std::string& filename) {
auto it = absolute_path_to_entry_index_.find(filename);
if (it != absolute_path_to_entry_index_.end())
return entries[it->second];
// We couldn't find the file. Try to infer it.
// TODO: Cache inferred file in a separate array (using a lock or similar)
Entry* best_entry = nullptr;
int best_score = 0;
for (Entry& entry : entries) {
int score = ComputeGuessScore(filename, entry.filename);
if (score > best_score) {
best_score = score;
best_entry = &entry;
Project::Entry result;
result.is_inferred = true;
result.filename = filename;
if (best_entry)
result.args = best_entry->args;
return result;
void Project::ForAllFilteredFiles(Config* config, std::function<void(int i, const Entry& entry)> action) {
GroupMatch matcher(config->indexWhitelist, config->indexBlacklist);
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) {
const Project::Entry& entry = entries[i];
std::string failure_reason;
if (matcher.IsMatch(entry.filename, &failure_reason))
action(i, entries[i]);
else {
if (config->logSkippedPathsForIndex) {
std::stringstream output;
output << '[' << (i + 1) << '/' << entries.size() << "] Failed " << failure_reason << "; skipping " << entry.filename << std::endl;
std::cerr << output.str();
TEST_CASE("Entry inference") {
Project p;
Project::Entry e;
e.args = { "arg1" };
e.filename = "/a/b/c/d/";
Project::Entry e;
e.args = { "arg2" };
e.filename = "/a/b/c/";
// Guess at same directory level, when there are parent directories.
optional<Project::Entry> entry = p.FindCompilationEntryForFile("/a/b/c/d/");
REQUIRE(entry->args == std::vector<std::string>{ "arg1" });
// Guess at same directory level, when there are child directories.
optional<Project::Entry> entry = p.FindCompilationEntryForFile("/a/b/c/");
REQUIRE(entry->args == std::vector<std::string>{ "arg2" });
// Guess at new directory (use the closest parent directory).
optional<Project::Entry> entry = p.FindCompilationEntryForFile("/a/b/c/new/");
REQUIRE(entry->args == std::vector<std::string>{ "arg2" });