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synced 2025-03-31 14:02:14 +00:00
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332 lines
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#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "libclangmm/clangmm.h"
#include "libclangmm/Utility.h"
#include "bitfield.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "optional.h"
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
#include <rapidjson/prettywriter.h>
#include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
struct IndexedTypeDef;
struct IndexedFuncDef;
struct IndexedVarDef;
using FileId = int64_t;
using namespace std::experimental;
// TODO: Move off of this weird wrapper, use struct with custom wrappers
// directly.
BEGIN_BITFIELD_TYPE(Location, uint64_t)
ADD_BITFIELD_MEMBER(interesting, /*start:*/ 0, /*len:*/ 1); // 2 values
ADD_BITFIELD_MEMBER(file_id, /*start:*/ 1, /*len:*/ 29); // 536,870,912 values
ADD_BITFIELD_MEMBER(line, /*start:*/ 30, /*len:*/ 20); // 1,048,576 values
ADD_BITFIELD_MEMBER(column, /*start:*/ 50, /*len:*/ 14); // 16,384 values
Location(bool interesting, FileId file_id, uint32_t line, uint32_t column) {
this->interesting = interesting;
this->file_id = file_id;
this->line = line;
this->column = column;
std::string ToString() {
// Output looks like this:
// *1:2:3
// * => interesting
// 1 => file id
// 2 => line
// 3 => column
std::string result;
if (interesting)
result += '*';
result += std::to_string(file_id);
result += ':';
result += std::to_string(line);
result += ':';
result += std::to_string(column);
return result;
// Compare two Locations and check if they are equal. Ignores the value of
// |interesting|.
// operator== doesn't seem to work properly...
bool IsEqualTo(const Location& o) {
// When comparing, ignore the value of |interesting|.
return (wrapper.value >> 1) == (o.wrapper.value >> 1);
Location WithInteresting(bool interesting) {
Location result = *this;
result.interesting = interesting;
return result;
struct IndexedFileDb {
std::unordered_map<std::string, FileId> file_path_to_file_id;
std::unordered_map<FileId, std::string> file_id_to_file_path;
IndexedFileDb() {
// Reserve id 0 for unfound.
file_path_to_file_id[""] = 0;
file_id_to_file_path[0] = "";
Location Resolve(const CXSourceLocation& cx_loc, bool interesting) {
CXFile file;
unsigned int line, column, offset;
clang_getSpellingLocation(cx_loc, &file, &line, &column, &offset);
FileId file_id;
if (file != nullptr) {
std::string path = clang::ToString(clang_getFileName(file));
auto it = file_path_to_file_id.find(path);
if (it != file_path_to_file_id.end()) {
file_id = it->second;
else {
file_id = file_path_to_file_id.size();
file_path_to_file_id[path] = file_id;
file_id_to_file_path[file_id] = path;
return Location(interesting, file_id, line, column);
Location Resolve(const CXIdxLoc& cx_idx_loc, bool interesting) {
CXSourceLocation cx_loc = clang_indexLoc_getCXSourceLocation(cx_idx_loc);
return Resolve(cx_loc, interesting);
Location Resolve(const CXCursor& cx_cursor, bool interesting) {
return Resolve(clang_getCursorLocation(cx_cursor), interesting);
Location Resolve(const clang::Cursor& cursor, bool interesting) {
return Resolve(cursor.cx_cursor, interesting);
template<typename T>
struct LocalId {
uint64_t local_id;
LocalId() : local_id(0) {} // Needed for containers. Do not use directly.
explicit LocalId(uint64_t local_id) : local_id(local_id) {}
bool operator==(const LocalId<T>& other) {
return local_id == other.local_id;
template<typename T>
bool operator==(const LocalId<T>& a, const LocalId<T>& b) {
return a.local_id == b.local_id;
using TypeId = LocalId<IndexedTypeDef>;
using FuncId = LocalId<IndexedFuncDef>;
using VarId = LocalId<IndexedVarDef>;
template<typename T>
struct Ref {
LocalId<T> id;
Location loc;
Ref(LocalId<T> id, Location loc) : id(id), loc(loc) {}
using TypeRef = Ref<IndexedTypeDef>;
using FuncRef = Ref<IndexedFuncDef>;
using VarRef = Ref<IndexedVarDef>;
// TODO: skip as much forward-processing as possible when |is_system_def| is
// set to false.
// TODO: Either eliminate the defs created as a by-product of cross-referencing,
// or do not emit things we don't have definitions for.
struct IndexedTypeDef {
bool is_system_def = false;
// General metadata.
TypeId id;
std::string usr;
std::string short_name;
std::string qualified_name;
// While a class/type can technically have a separate declaration/definition,
// it doesn't really happen in practice. The declaration never contains
// comments or insightful information. The user always wants to jump from
// the declaration to the definition - never the other way around like in
// functions and (less often) variables.
// It's also difficult to identify a `class Foo;` statement with the clang
// indexer API (it's doable using cursor AST traversal), so we don't bother
// supporting the feature.
optional<Location> definition;
// If set, then this is the same underlying type as the given value (ie, this
// type comes from a using or typedef statement).
optional<TypeId> alias_of;
// Immediate parent and immediate derived types.
std::vector<TypeId> parents;
std::vector<TypeId> derived;
// Types, functions, and variables defined in this type.
std::vector<TypeId> types;
std::vector<FuncId> funcs;
std::vector<VarId> vars;
// Every usage, useful for things like renames.
// NOTE: Do not insert directly! Use AddUsage instead.
std::vector<Location> uses;
IndexedTypeDef(TypeId id, const std::string& usr);
void AddUsage(Location loc, bool insert_if_not_present = true);
struct IndexedFuncDef {
bool is_system_def = false;
// General metadata.
FuncId id;
std::string usr;
std::string short_name;
std::string qualified_name;
optional<Location> declaration;
optional<Location> definition;
// Type which declares this one (ie, it is a method)
optional<TypeId> declaring_type;
// Method this method overrides.
optional<FuncId> base;
// Methods which directly override this one.
std::vector<FuncId> derived;
// Local variables defined in this function.
std::vector<VarId> locals;
// Functions which call this one.
// TODO: Functions can get called outside of just functions - for example,
// they can get called in static context (maybe redirect to main?)
// or in class initializer list (redirect to class ctor?)
// - Right now those usages will not get listed here (but they should be
// inside of all_uses).
std::vector<FuncRef> callers;
// Functions that this function calls.
std::vector<FuncRef> callees;
// All usages. For interesting usages, see callees.
std::vector<Location> uses;
IndexedFuncDef(FuncId id, const std::string& usr) : id(id), usr(usr) {
assert(usr.size() > 0);
struct IndexedVarDef {
bool is_system_def = false;
// General metadata.
VarId id;
std::string usr;
std::string short_name;
std::string qualified_name;
optional<Location> declaration;
// TODO: definitions should be a list of locations, since there can be more
// than one.
optional<Location> definition;
// Type of the variable.
optional<TypeId> variable_type;
// Type which declares this one (ie, it is a method)
optional<TypeId> declaring_type;
// Usages.
std::vector<Location> uses;
IndexedVarDef(VarId id, const std::string& usr) : id(id), usr(usr) {
assert(usr.size() > 0);
struct IndexedFile {
// NOTE: Every Id is resolved to a file_id of 0. The correct file_id needs
// to get fixed up when inserting into the real db.
std::unordered_map<std::string, TypeId> usr_to_type_id;
std::unordered_map<std::string, FuncId> usr_to_func_id;
std::unordered_map<std::string, VarId> usr_to_var_id;
std::vector<IndexedTypeDef> types;
std::vector<IndexedFuncDef> funcs;
std::vector<IndexedVarDef> vars;
IndexedFileDb file_db;
TypeId ToTypeId(const std::string& usr);
FuncId ToFuncId(const std::string& usr);
VarId ToVarId(const std::string& usr);
TypeId ToTypeId(const CXCursor& usr);
FuncId ToFuncId(const CXCursor& usr);
VarId ToVarId(const CXCursor& usr);
IndexedTypeDef* Resolve(TypeId id);
IndexedFuncDef* Resolve(FuncId id);
IndexedVarDef* Resolve(VarId id);
std::string ToString();
// TODO: Maybe instead of clearing/adding diffs, we should just clear out the
// entire previous index and readd the new one? That would be simpler.
// TODO: ^^^ I don't think we can do this. It will probably stall the main
// indexer for far too long since we will have to iterate over tons of
// data.
struct IndexedTypeDefDiff {};
struct IndexedFuncDefDiff {};
struct IndexedVarDefDiff {};
struct IndexedFileDiff {
std::vector<IndexedTypeDefDiff> removed_types;
std::vector<IndexedFuncDefDiff> removed_funcs;
std::vector<IndexedVarDefDiff> removed_vars;
std::vector<IndexedTypeDefDiff> added_types;
std::vector<IndexedFuncDefDiff> added_funcs;
std::vector<IndexedVarDefDiff> added_vars;
// TODO: Instead of change, maybe we just remove and then add again? not sure.
std::vector<IndexedTypeDefDiff> changed_types;
std::vector<IndexedFuncDefDiff> changed_funcs;
std::vector<IndexedVarDefDiff> changed_vars;
IndexedFile Parse(std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args); |