# This config-module creates the following import libraries: # # - GLEW::glew and GLEW::glewmx shared libs # - GLEW::glew_s and GLEW::glewmx_s static libs # # Additionally GLEW::GLEW and GLEW::GLEWMX will be created as an # copy of either the shared (default) or the static libs. # # Dependending on the setting of BUILD_SHARED_LIBS at GLEW build time # either the static or shared versions may not be available. # # Set GLEW_USE_STATIC_LIBS to OFF or ON to force using the shared # or static libs for GLEW::GLEW and GLEW::GLEWMX # include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/glew-targets.cmake) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CopyImportedTargetProperties.cmake) # decide which import library (glew/glew_s and glewmx/glewmx_s) # needs to be copied to GLEW::GLEW and GLEW::GLEWMX set(_glew_target_postfix "") set(_glew_target_type SHARED) if(DEFINED GLEW_USE_STATIC_LIBS) # if defined, use only static or shared if(GLEW_USE_STATIC_LIBS) set(_glew_target_postfix "_s") endif() # else use static only if no shared elseif(NOT TARGET GLEW::glew AND TARGET GLEW::glew_s) set(_glew_target_postfix "_s") endif() if(_glew_target_postfix STREQUAL "") set(_glew_target_type SHARED) else() set(_glew_target_type STATIC) endif() # CMake doesn't allow creating ALIAS lib for an IMPORTED lib # so create imported ones and copy the properties foreach(_glew_target glew glewmx) set(_glew_src_target "GLEW::${_glew_target}${_glew_target_postfix}") string(TOUPPER "GLEW::${_glew_target}" _glew_dest_target) if(TARGET ${_glew_dest_target}) get_target_property(_glew_previous_src_target ${_glew_dest_target} _GLEW_SRC_TARGET) if(NOT _glew_previous_src_target STREQUAL _glew_src_target) message(FATAL_ERROR "find_package(GLEW) was called the second time with " "different GLEW_USE_STATIC_LIBS setting. Previously, " "`glew-config.cmake` created ${_glew_dest_target} as a copy of " "${_glew_previous_src_target}. Now it attempted to copy it from " "${_glew_src_target}. ") endif() else() add_library(${_glew_dest_target} ${_glew_target_type} IMPORTED) # message(STATUS "add_library(${_glew_dest_target} ${_glew_target_type} IMPORTED)") copy_imported_target_properties(${_glew_src_target} ${_glew_dest_target}) set_target_properties(${_glew_dest_target} PROPERTIES _GLEW_SRC_TARGET ${_glew_src_target}) endif() endforeach()