return GLEW_OK; } #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ const GLubyte* glewGetErrorString (GLenum error) { static const GLubyte* _glewErrorString[] = { (const GLubyte*)"No error", (const GLubyte*)"Missing GL version", (const GLubyte*)"GL 1.1 and up are not supported", (const GLubyte*)"GLX 1.2 and up are not supported", (const GLubyte*)"Unknown error" }; const int max_error = sizeof(_glewErrorString)/sizeof(*_glewErrorString) - 1; return _glewErrorString[(int)error > max_error ? max_error : (int)error]; } const GLubyte* glewGetString (GLenum name) { static const GLubyte* _glewString[] = { (const GLubyte*)NULL, (const GLubyte*)"GLEW_VERSION_STRING" }; const int max_string = sizeof(_glewString)/sizeof(*_glewString) - 1; return _glewString[(int)name > max_string ? 0 : (int)name]; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ GLboolean glewExperimental = GL_FALSE; #ifndef GLEW_MX GLenum glewInit () { GLenum r; if ( (r = glewContextInit(0)) ) return r; #if defined(_WIN32) return wglewContextInit(0); #elif !defined(__APPLE__) || defined(GLEW_APPLE_GLX) /* _UNIX */ return glxewContextInit(0); #else return r; #endif /* _WIN32 */ } #else #endif