From 749aec8b9b47b29fe5f76b5353c8551711cc7179 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nigel Stewart
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 12:23:33 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] Documentation refresh for GLEW 2.2.0, downloads from github
auto/doc/index.html | 14 +-
auto/src/header.html | 4 +-
doc/advanced.html | 4 +-
doc/basic.html | 4 +-
doc/build.html | 4 +-
doc/credits.html | 4 +-
doc/glew.html | 777 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
doc/glxew.html | 103 +++---
doc/index.html | 18 +-
doc/install.html | 4 +-
doc/log.html | 4 +-
doc/wglew.html | 4 +-
12 files changed, 466 insertions(+), 478 deletions(-)
diff --git a/auto/doc/index.html b/auto/doc/index.html
index c8a3e90..e569e75 100644
--- a/auto/doc/index.html
+++ b/auto/doc/index.html
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Irix, and Solaris.
GLEW is distributed
as source and precompiled binaries.
The latest release is
-- [03-15-20] GLEW 2.2.0 new extensions and minor bug fixes
-- [07-31-17] GLEW 2.1.0 adds support for OpenGL 4.6, new extensions and minor bug fixes
-- [07-24-16] GLEW 2.0.0 adds support for forward-compatible contexts, adds new extensions, OSMesa and EGL support, MX discontinued and minor bug fixes
+- [03-15-20] GLEW 2.2.0 new extensions and minor bug fixes
+- [07-31-17] GLEW 2.1.0 adds support for OpenGL 4.6, new extensions and minor bug fixes
+- [07-24-16] GLEW 2.0.0 adds support for forward-compatible contexts, adds new extensions, OSMesa and EGL support, MX discontinued and minor bug fixes
- [08-10-15] GLEW 1.13.0 adds support for new extensions, fixes minor bugs
- [26-01-15] GLEW 1.12.0 fixes minor bugs and adds new extensions
- [08-11-14] GLEW 1.11.0 adds support for OpenGL 4.5, new extensions
diff --git a/auto/src/header.html b/auto/src/header.html
index d204e24..3af7255 100644
--- a/auto/src/header.html
+++ b/auto/src/header.html
diff --git a/doc/advanced.html b/doc/advanced.html
index e74f2b6..b1ecc24 100644
--- a/doc/advanced.html
+++ b/doc/advanced.html
diff --git a/doc/basic.html b/doc/basic.html
index 783ae7d..2372118 100644
--- a/doc/basic.html
+++ b/doc/basic.html
diff --git a/doc/build.html b/doc/build.html
index 8cf30a1..491c521 100644
--- a/doc/build.html
+++ b/doc/build.html
diff --git a/doc/credits.html b/doc/credits.html
index d66835c..0f5c18e 100644
--- a/doc/credits.html
+++ b/doc/credits.html
diff --git a/doc/glew.html b/doc/glew.html
index c1f2ee6..5b5e84b 100644
--- a/doc/glew.html
+++ b/doc/glew.html
@@ -651,405 +649,414 @@ THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
| | |
531 | | MESAX_texture_stack |
| | |
-532 | | MESA_framebuffer_flip_y |
-533 | | MESA_pack_invert |
-534 | | MESA_program_binary_formats |
-535 | | MESA_resize_buffers |
-536 | | MESA_shader_integer_functions |
-537 | | MESA_tile_raster_order |
-538 | | MESA_window_pos |
-539 | | MESA_ycbcr_texture |
+532 | | MESA_framebuffer_flip_x |
+533 | | MESA_framebuffer_flip_y |
+534 | | MESA_framebuffer_swap_xy |
+535 | | MESA_pack_invert |
+536 | | MESA_program_binary_formats |
+537 | | MESA_resize_buffers |
+538 | | MESA_shader_integer_functions |
+539 | | MESA_tile_raster_order |
+540 | | MESA_window_pos |
+541 | | MESA_ycbcr_texture |
| | |
-540 | | NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers |
-541 | | NVX_conditional_render |
-542 | | NVX_gpu_memory_info |
-543 | | NVX_gpu_multicast2 |
-544 | | NVX_linked_gpu_multicast |
-545 | | NVX_progress_fence |
+542 | | NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers |
+543 | | NVX_conditional_render |
+544 | | NVX_gpu_memory_info |
+545 | | NVX_gpu_multicast2 |
+546 | | NVX_linked_gpu_multicast |
+547 | | NVX_progress_fence |
| | |
-546 | | NV_3dvision_settings |
-547 | | NV_EGL_stream_consumer_external |
-548 | | NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control |
-549 | | NV_bgr |
-550 | | NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect |
-551 | | NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count |
-552 | | NV_bindless_texture |
-553 | | NV_blend_equation_advanced |
-554 | | NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent |
-555 | | NV_blend_minmax_factor |
-556 | | NV_blend_square |
-557 | | NV_clip_space_w_scaling |
-558 | | NV_command_list |
-559 | | NV_compute_program5 |
-560 | | NV_compute_shader_derivatives |
-561 | | NV_conditional_render |
-562 | | NV_conservative_raster |
-563 | | NV_conservative_raster_dilate |
-564 | | NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap |
-565 | | NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles |
-566 | | NV_conservative_raster_underestimation |
-567 | | NV_copy_buffer |
-568 | | NV_copy_depth_to_color |
-569 | | NV_copy_image |
-570 | | NV_deep_texture3D |
-571 | | NV_depth_buffer_float |
-572 | | NV_depth_clamp |
-573 | | NV_depth_nonlinear |
-574 | | NV_depth_range_unclamped |
-575 | | NV_draw_buffers |
-576 | | NV_draw_instanced |
-577 | | NV_draw_texture |
-578 | | NV_draw_vulkan_image |
-579 | | NV_evaluators |
-580 | | NV_explicit_attrib_location |
-581 | | NV_explicit_multisample |
-582 | | NV_fbo_color_attachments |
-583 | | NV_fence |
-584 | | NV_fill_rectangle |
-585 | | NV_float_buffer |
-586 | | NV_fog_distance |
-587 | | NV_fragment_coverage_to_color |
-588 | | NV_fragment_program |
-589 | | NV_fragment_program2 |
-590 | | NV_fragment_program4 |
-591 | | NV_fragment_program_option |
-592 | | NV_fragment_shader_barycentric |
-593 | | NV_fragment_shader_interlock |
-594 | | NV_framebuffer_blit |
-595 | | NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples |
-596 | | NV_framebuffer_multisample |
-597 | | NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage |
-598 | | NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB |
-599 | | NV_geometry_program4 |
-600 | | NV_geometry_shader4 |
-601 | | NV_geometry_shader_passthrough |
-602 | | NV_gpu_multicast |
-603 | | NV_gpu_program4 |
-604 | | NV_gpu_program5 |
-605 | | NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended |
-606 | | NV_gpu_program_fp64 |
-607 | | NV_gpu_shader5 |
-608 | | NV_half_float |
-609 | | NV_image_formats |
-610 | | NV_instanced_arrays |
-611 | | NV_internalformat_sample_query |
-612 | | NV_light_max_exponent |
-613 | | NV_memory_attachment |
-614 | | NV_mesh_shader |
-615 | | NV_multisample_coverage |
-616 | | NV_multisample_filter_hint |
-617 | | NV_non_square_matrices |
-618 | | NV_occlusion_query |
-619 | | NV_pack_subimage |
-620 | | NV_packed_depth_stencil |
-621 | | NV_packed_float |
-622 | | NV_packed_float_linear |
-623 | | NV_parameter_buffer_object |
-624 | | NV_parameter_buffer_object2 |
-625 | | NV_path_rendering |
-626 | | NV_path_rendering_shared_edge |
-627 | | NV_pixel_buffer_object |
-628 | | NV_pixel_data_range |
-629 | | NV_platform_binary |
-630 | | NV_point_sprite |
-631 | | NV_polygon_mode |
-632 | | NV_present_video |
-633 | | NV_primitive_restart |
-634 | | NV_query_resource_tag |
-635 | | NV_read_buffer |
-636 | | NV_read_buffer_front |
-637 | | NV_read_depth |
-638 | | NV_read_depth_stencil |
-639 | | NV_read_stencil |
-640 | | NV_register_combiners |
-641 | | NV_register_combiners2 |
-642 | | NV_representative_fragment_test |
-643 | | NV_robustness_video_memory_purge |
-644 | | NV_sRGB_formats |
-645 | | NV_sample_locations |
-646 | | NV_sample_mask_override_coverage |
-647 | | NV_scissor_exclusive |
-648 | | NV_shader_atomic_counters |
-649 | | NV_shader_atomic_float |
-650 | | NV_shader_atomic_float64 |
-651 | | NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector |
-652 | | NV_shader_atomic_int64 |
-653 | | NV_shader_buffer_load |
-654 | | NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation |
-655 | | NV_shader_storage_buffer_object |
-656 | | NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned |
-657 | | NV_shader_texture_footprint |
-658 | | NV_shader_thread_group |
-659 | | NV_shader_thread_shuffle |
-660 | | NV_shading_rate_image |
-661 | | NV_shadow_samplers_array |
-662 | | NV_shadow_samplers_cube |
-663 | | NV_stereo_view_rendering |
-664 | | NV_tessellation_program5 |
-665 | | NV_texgen_emboss |
-666 | | NV_texgen_reflection |
-667 | | NV_texture_array |
-668 | | NV_texture_barrier |
-669 | | NV_texture_border_clamp |
-670 | | NV_texture_compression_latc |
-671 | | NV_texture_compression_s3tc |
-672 | | NV_texture_compression_s3tc_update |
-673 | | NV_texture_compression_vtc |
-674 | | NV_texture_env_combine4 |
-675 | | NV_texture_expand_normal |
-676 | | NV_texture_multisample |
-677 | | NV_texture_npot_2D_mipmap |
-678 | | NV_texture_rectangle |
-679 | | NV_texture_rectangle_compressed |
-680 | | NV_texture_shader |
-681 | | NV_texture_shader2 |
-682 | | NV_texture_shader3 |
-683 | | NV_transform_feedback |
-684 | | NV_transform_feedback2 |
-685 | | NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory |
-686 | | NV_vdpau_interop |
-687 | | NV_vdpau_interop2 |
-688 | | NV_vertex_array_range |
-689 | | NV_vertex_array_range2 |
-690 | | NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit |
-691 | | NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory |
-692 | | NV_vertex_program |
-693 | | NV_vertex_program1_1 |
-694 | | NV_vertex_program2 |
-695 | | NV_vertex_program2_option |
-696 | | NV_vertex_program3 |
-697 | | NV_vertex_program4 |
-698 | | NV_video_capture |
-699 | | NV_viewport_array |
-700 | | NV_viewport_array2 |
-701 | | NV_viewport_swizzle |
+548 | | NV_3dvision_settings |
+549 | | NV_EGL_stream_consumer_external |
+550 | | NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control |
+551 | | NV_bgr |
+552 | | NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect |
+553 | | NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count |
+554 | | NV_bindless_texture |
+555 | | NV_blend_equation_advanced |
+556 | | NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent |
+557 | | NV_blend_minmax_factor |
+558 | | NV_blend_square |
+559 | | NV_clip_space_w_scaling |
+560 | | NV_command_list |
+561 | | NV_compute_program5 |
+562 | | NV_compute_shader_derivatives |
+563 | | NV_conditional_render |
+564 | | NV_conservative_raster |
+565 | | NV_conservative_raster_dilate |
+566 | | NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap |
+567 | | NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles |
+568 | | NV_conservative_raster_underestimation |
+569 | | NV_copy_buffer |
+570 | | NV_copy_depth_to_color |
+571 | | NV_copy_image |
+572 | | NV_deep_texture3D |
+573 | | NV_depth_buffer_float |
+574 | | NV_depth_clamp |
+575 | | NV_depth_nonlinear |
+576 | | NV_depth_range_unclamped |
+577 | | NV_draw_buffers |
+578 | | NV_draw_instanced |
+579 | | NV_draw_texture |
+580 | | NV_draw_vulkan_image |
+581 | | NV_evaluators |
+582 | | NV_explicit_attrib_location |
+583 | | NV_explicit_multisample |
+584 | | NV_fbo_color_attachments |
+585 | | NV_fence |
+586 | | NV_fill_rectangle |
+587 | | NV_float_buffer |
+588 | | NV_fog_distance |
+589 | | NV_fragment_coverage_to_color |
+590 | | NV_fragment_program |
+591 | | NV_fragment_program2 |
+592 | | NV_fragment_program4 |
+593 | | NV_fragment_program_option |
+594 | | NV_fragment_shader_barycentric |
+595 | | NV_fragment_shader_interlock |
+596 | | NV_framebuffer_blit |
+597 | | NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples |
+598 | | NV_framebuffer_multisample |
+599 | | NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage |
+600 | | NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB |
+601 | | NV_geometry_program4 |
+602 | | NV_geometry_shader4 |
+603 | | NV_geometry_shader_passthrough |
+604 | | NV_gpu_multicast |
+605 | | NV_gpu_program4 |
+606 | | NV_gpu_program5 |
+607 | | NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended |
+608 | | NV_gpu_program_fp64 |
+609 | | NV_gpu_shader5 |
+610 | | NV_half_float |
+611 | | NV_image_formats |
+612 | | NV_instanced_arrays |
+613 | | NV_internalformat_sample_query |
+614 | | NV_light_max_exponent |
+615 | | NV_memory_attachment |
+616 | | NV_memory_object_sparse |
+617 | | NV_mesh_shader |
+618 | | NV_multisample_coverage |
+619 | | NV_multisample_filter_hint |
+620 | | NV_non_square_matrices |
+621 | | NV_occlusion_query |
+622 | | NV_pack_subimage |
+623 | | NV_packed_depth_stencil |
+624 | | NV_packed_float |
+625 | | NV_packed_float_linear |
+626 | | NV_parameter_buffer_object |
+627 | | NV_parameter_buffer_object2 |
+628 | | NV_path_rendering |
+629 | | NV_path_rendering_shared_edge |
+630 | | NV_pixel_buffer_object |
+631 | | NV_pixel_data_range |
+632 | | NV_platform_binary |
+633 | | NV_point_sprite |
+634 | | NV_polygon_mode |
+635 | | NV_present_video |
+636 | | NV_primitive_restart |
+637 | | NV_primitive_shading_rate |
+638 | | NV_query_resource_tag |
+639 | | NV_read_buffer |
+640 | | NV_read_buffer_front |
+641 | | NV_read_depth |
+642 | | NV_read_depth_stencil |
+643 | | NV_read_stencil |
+644 | | NV_register_combiners |
+645 | | NV_register_combiners2 |
+646 | | NV_representative_fragment_test |
+647 | | NV_robustness_video_memory_purge |
+648 | | NV_sRGB_formats |
+649 | | NV_sample_locations |
+650 | | NV_sample_mask_override_coverage |
+651 | | NV_scissor_exclusive |
+652 | | NV_shader_atomic_counters |
+653 | | NV_shader_atomic_float |
+654 | | NV_shader_atomic_float64 |
+655 | | NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector |
+656 | | NV_shader_atomic_int64 |
+657 | | NV_shader_buffer_load |
+658 | | NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation |
+659 | | NV_shader_storage_buffer_object |
+660 | | NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned |
+661 | | NV_shader_texture_footprint |
+662 | | NV_shader_thread_group |
+663 | | NV_shader_thread_shuffle |
+664 | | NV_shading_rate_image |
+665 | | NV_shadow_samplers_array |
+666 | | NV_shadow_samplers_cube |
+667 | | NV_stereo_view_rendering |
+668 | | NV_tessellation_program5 |
+669 | | NV_texgen_emboss |
+670 | | NV_texgen_reflection |
+671 | | NV_texture_array |
+672 | | NV_texture_barrier |
+673 | | NV_texture_border_clamp |
+674 | | NV_texture_compression_latc |
+675 | | NV_texture_compression_s3tc |
+676 | | NV_texture_compression_s3tc_update |
+677 | | NV_texture_compression_vtc |
+678 | | NV_texture_env_combine4 |
+679 | | NV_texture_expand_normal |
+680 | | NV_texture_multisample |
+681 | | NV_texture_npot_2D_mipmap |
+682 | | NV_texture_rectangle |
+683 | | NV_texture_rectangle_compressed |
+684 | | NV_texture_shader |
+685 | | NV_texture_shader2 |
+686 | | NV_texture_shader3 |
+687 | | NV_timeline_semaphore |
+688 | | NV_transform_feedback |
+689 | | NV_transform_feedback2 |
+690 | | NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory |
+691 | | NV_vdpau_interop |
+692 | | NV_vdpau_interop2 |
+693 | | NV_vertex_array_range |
+694 | | NV_vertex_array_range2 |
+695 | | NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit |
+696 | | NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory |
+697 | | NV_vertex_program |
+698 | | NV_vertex_program1_1 |
+699 | | NV_vertex_program2 |
+700 | | NV_vertex_program2_option |
+701 | | NV_vertex_program3 |
+702 | | NV_vertex_program4 |
+703 | | NV_video_capture |
+704 | | NV_viewport_array |
+705 | | NV_viewport_array2 |
+706 | | NV_viewport_swizzle |
| | |
-702 | | OES_EGL_image |
-703 | | OES_EGL_image_external |
-704 | | OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 |
-705 | | OES_blend_equation_separate |
-706 | | OES_blend_func_separate |
-707 | | OES_blend_subtract |
-708 | | OES_byte_coordinates |
-709 | | OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture |
-710 | | OES_compressed_paletted_texture |
-711 | | OES_copy_image |
-712 | | OES_depth24 |
-713 | | OES_depth32 |
-714 | | OES_depth_texture |
-715 | | OES_depth_texture_cube_map |
-716 | | OES_draw_buffers_indexed |
-717 | | OES_draw_texture |
-718 | | OES_element_index_uint |
-719 | | OES_extended_matrix_palette |
-720 | | OES_fbo_render_mipmap |
-721 | | OES_fragment_precision_high |
-722 | | OES_framebuffer_object |
-723 | | OES_geometry_point_size |
-724 | | OES_geometry_shader |
-725 | | OES_get_program_binary |
-726 | | OES_gpu_shader5 |
-727 | | OES_mapbuffer |
-728 | | OES_matrix_get |
-729 | | OES_matrix_palette |
-730 | | OES_packed_depth_stencil |
-731 | | OES_point_size_array |
-732 | | OES_point_sprite |
-733 | | OES_read_format |
-734 | | OES_required_internalformat |
-735 | | OES_rgb8_rgba8 |
-736 | | OES_sample_shading |
-737 | | OES_sample_variables |
-738 | | OES_shader_image_atomic |
-739 | | OES_shader_io_blocks |
-740 | | OES_shader_multisample_interpolation |
-741 | | OES_single_precision |
-742 | | OES_standard_derivatives |
-743 | | OES_stencil1 |
-744 | | OES_stencil4 |
-745 | | OES_stencil8 |
-746 | | OES_surfaceless_context |
-747 | | OES_tessellation_point_size |
-748 | | OES_tessellation_shader |
-749 | | OES_texture_3D |
-750 | | OES_texture_border_clamp |
-751 | | OES_texture_buffer |
-752 | | OES_texture_compression_astc |
-753 | | OES_texture_cube_map |
-754 | | OES_texture_cube_map_array |
-755 | | OES_texture_env_crossbar |
-756 | | OES_texture_mirrored_repeat |
-757 | | OES_texture_npot |
-758 | | OES_texture_stencil8 |
-759 | | OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array |
-760 | | OES_texture_view |
-761 | | OES_vertex_array_object |
-762 | | OES_vertex_half_float |
-763 | | OES_vertex_type_10_10_10_2 |
+707 | | OES_EGL_image |
+708 | | OES_EGL_image_external |
+709 | | OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 |
+710 | | OES_blend_equation_separate |
+711 | | OES_blend_func_separate |
+712 | | OES_blend_subtract |
+713 | | OES_byte_coordinates |
+714 | | OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture |
+715 | | OES_compressed_paletted_texture |
+716 | | OES_copy_image |
+717 | | OES_depth24 |
+718 | | OES_depth32 |
+719 | | OES_depth_texture |
+720 | | OES_depth_texture_cube_map |
+721 | | OES_draw_buffers_indexed |
+722 | | OES_draw_texture |
+723 | | OES_element_index_uint |
+724 | | OES_extended_matrix_palette |
+725 | | OES_fbo_render_mipmap |
+726 | | OES_fragment_precision_high |
+727 | | OES_framebuffer_object |
+728 | | OES_geometry_point_size |
+729 | | OES_geometry_shader |
+730 | | OES_get_program_binary |
+731 | | OES_gpu_shader5 |
+732 | | OES_mapbuffer |
+733 | | OES_matrix_get |
+734 | | OES_matrix_palette |
+735 | | OES_packed_depth_stencil |
+736 | | OES_point_size_array |
+737 | | OES_point_sprite |
+738 | | OES_read_format |
+739 | | OES_required_internalformat |
+740 | | OES_rgb8_rgba8 |
+741 | | OES_sample_shading |
+742 | | OES_sample_variables |
+743 | | OES_shader_image_atomic |
+744 | | OES_shader_io_blocks |
+745 | | OES_shader_multisample_interpolation |
+746 | | OES_single_precision |
+747 | | OES_standard_derivatives |
+748 | | OES_stencil1 |
+749 | | OES_stencil4 |
+750 | | OES_stencil8 |
+751 | | OES_surfaceless_context |
+752 | | OES_tessellation_point_size |
+753 | | OES_tessellation_shader |
+754 | | OES_texture_3D |
+755 | | OES_texture_border_clamp |
+756 | | OES_texture_buffer |
+757 | | OES_texture_compression_astc |
+758 | | OES_texture_cube_map |
+759 | | OES_texture_cube_map_array |
+760 | | OES_texture_env_crossbar |
+761 | | OES_texture_mirrored_repeat |
+762 | | OES_texture_npot |
+763 | | OES_texture_stencil8 |
+764 | | OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array |
+765 | | OES_texture_view |
+766 | | OES_vertex_array_object |
+767 | | OES_vertex_half_float |
+768 | | OES_vertex_type_10_10_10_2 |
| | |
-764 | | OML_interlace |
-765 | | OML_resample |
-766 | | OML_subsample |
+769 | | OML_interlace |
+770 | | OML_resample |
+771 | | OML_subsample |
| | |
-767 | | OVR_multiview |
-768 | | OVR_multiview2 |
-769 | | OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture |
+772 | | OVR_multiview |
+773 | | OVR_multiview2 |
+774 | | OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture |
| | |
-770 | | PGI_misc_hints |
-771 | | PGI_vertex_hints |
+775 | | PGI_misc_hints |
+776 | | PGI_vertex_hints |
| | |
-772 | | QCOM_YUV_texture_gather |
-773 | | QCOM_alpha_test |
-774 | | QCOM_binning_control |
-775 | | QCOM_driver_control |
-776 | | QCOM_extended_get |
-777 | | QCOM_extended_get2 |
-778 | | QCOM_framebuffer_foveated |
-779 | | QCOM_perfmon_global_mode |
-780 | | QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent |
-781 | | QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate |
-782 | | QCOM_texture_foveated |
-783 | | QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout |
-784 | | QCOM_tiled_rendering |
-785 | | QCOM_writeonly_rendering |
+777 | | QCOM_YUV_texture_gather |
+778 | | QCOM_alpha_test |
+779 | | QCOM_binning_control |
+780 | | QCOM_driver_control |
+781 | | QCOM_extended_get |
+782 | | QCOM_extended_get2 |
+783 | | QCOM_frame_extrapolation |
+784 | | QCOM_framebuffer_foveated |
+785 | | QCOM_motion_estimation |
+786 | | QCOM_perfmon_global_mode |
+787 | | QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent |
+788 | | QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate |
+789 | | QCOM_shading_rate |
+790 | | QCOM_texture_foveated |
+791 | | QCOM_texture_foveated2 |
+792 | | QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout |
+793 | | QCOM_tiled_rendering |
+794 | | QCOM_writeonly_rendering |
| | |
-786 | | REGAL_ES1_0_compatibility |
-787 | | REGAL_ES1_1_compatibility |
-788 | | REGAL_enable |
-789 | | REGAL_error_string |
-790 | | REGAL_extension_query |
-791 | | REGAL_log |
-792 | | REGAL_proc_address |
+795 | | REGAL_ES1_0_compatibility |
+796 | | REGAL_ES1_1_compatibility |
+797 | | REGAL_enable |
+798 | | REGAL_error_string |
+799 | | REGAL_extension_query |
+800 | | REGAL_log |
+801 | | REGAL_proc_address |
| | |
-793 | | REND_screen_coordinates |
+802 | | REND_screen_coordinates |
| | |
-794 | | S3_s3tc |
+803 | | S3_s3tc |
| | |
-795 | | SGIS_clip_band_hint |
-796 | | SGIS_color_range |
-797 | | SGIS_detail_texture |
-798 | | SGIS_fog_function |
-799 | | SGIS_generate_mipmap |
-800 | | SGIS_line_texgen |
-801 | | SGIS_multisample |
-802 | | SGIS_multitexture |
-803 | | SGIS_pixel_texture |
-804 | | SGIS_point_line_texgen |
-805 | | SGIS_shared_multisample |
-806 | | SGIS_sharpen_texture |
-807 | | SGIS_texture4D |
-808 | | SGIS_texture_border_clamp |
-809 | | SGIS_texture_edge_clamp |
-810 | | SGIS_texture_filter4 |
-811 | | SGIS_texture_lod |
-812 | | SGIS_texture_select |
+804 | | SGIS_clip_band_hint |
+805 | | SGIS_color_range |
+806 | | SGIS_detail_texture |
+807 | | SGIS_fog_function |
+808 | | SGIS_generate_mipmap |
+809 | | SGIS_line_texgen |
+810 | | SGIS_multisample |
+811 | | SGIS_multitexture |
+812 | | SGIS_pixel_texture |
+813 | | SGIS_point_line_texgen |
+814 | | SGIS_shared_multisample |
+815 | | SGIS_sharpen_texture |
+816 | | SGIS_texture4D |
+817 | | SGIS_texture_border_clamp |
+818 | | SGIS_texture_edge_clamp |
+819 | | SGIS_texture_filter4 |
+820 | | SGIS_texture_lod |
+821 | | SGIS_texture_select |
| | |
-813 | | SGIX_async |
-814 | | SGIX_async_histogram |
-815 | | SGIX_async_pixel |
-816 | | SGIX_bali_g_instruments |
-817 | | SGIX_bali_r_instruments |
-818 | | SGIX_bali_timer_instruments |
-819 | | SGIX_blend_alpha_minmax |
-820 | | SGIX_blend_cadd |
-821 | | SGIX_blend_cmultiply |
-822 | | SGIX_calligraphic_fragment |
-823 | | SGIX_clipmap |
-824 | | SGIX_color_matrix_accuracy |
-825 | | SGIX_color_table_index_mode |
-826 | | SGIX_complex_polar |
-827 | | SGIX_convolution_accuracy |
-828 | | SGIX_cube_map |
-829 | | SGIX_cylinder_texgen |
-830 | | SGIX_datapipe |
-831 | | SGIX_decimation |
-832 | | SGIX_depth_pass_instrument |
-833 | | SGIX_depth_texture |
-834 | | SGIX_dvc |
-835 | | SGIX_flush_raster |
-836 | | SGIX_fog_blend |
-837 | | SGIX_fog_factor_to_alpha |
-838 | | SGIX_fog_layers |
-839 | | SGIX_fog_offset |
-840 | | SGIX_fog_patchy |
-841 | | SGIX_fog_scale |
-842 | | SGIX_fog_texture |
-843 | | SGIX_fragment_lighting_space |
-844 | | SGIX_fragment_specular_lighting |
-845 | | SGIX_fragments_instrument |
-846 | | SGIX_framezoom |
-847 | | SGIX_icc_texture |
-848 | | SGIX_igloo_interface |
-849 | | SGIX_image_compression |
-850 | | SGIX_impact_pixel_texture |
-851 | | SGIX_instrument_error |
-852 | | SGIX_interlace |
-853 | | SGIX_ir_instrument1 |
-854 | | SGIX_line_quality_hint |
-855 | | SGIX_list_priority |
-856 | | SGIX_mpeg1 |
-857 | | SGIX_mpeg2 |
-858 | | SGIX_nonlinear_lighting_pervertex |
-859 | | SGIX_nurbs_eval |
-860 | | SGIX_occlusion_instrument |
-861 | | SGIX_packed_6bytes |
-862 | | SGIX_pixel_texture |
-863 | | SGIX_pixel_texture_bits |
-864 | | SGIX_pixel_texture_lod |
-865 | | SGIX_pixel_tiles |
-866 | | SGIX_polynomial_ffd |
-867 | | SGIX_quad_mesh |
-868 | | SGIX_reference_plane |
-869 | | SGIX_resample |
-870 | | SGIX_scalebias_hint |
-871 | | SGIX_shadow |
-872 | | SGIX_shadow_ambient |
-873 | | SGIX_slim |
-874 | | SGIX_spotlight_cutoff |
-875 | | SGIX_sprite |
-876 | | SGIX_subdiv_patch |
-877 | | SGIX_subsample |
-878 | | SGIX_tag_sample_buffer |
-879 | | SGIX_texture_add_env |
-880 | | SGIX_texture_coordinate_clamp |
-881 | | SGIX_texture_lod_bias |
-882 | | SGIX_texture_mipmap_anisotropic |
-883 | | SGIX_texture_multi_buffer |
-884 | | SGIX_texture_phase |
-885 | | SGIX_texture_range |
-886 | | SGIX_texture_scale_bias |
-887 | | SGIX_texture_supersample |
-888 | | SGIX_vector_ops |
-889 | | SGIX_vertex_array_object |
-890 | | SGIX_vertex_preclip |
-891 | | SGIX_vertex_preclip_hint |
-892 | | SGIX_ycrcb |
-893 | | SGIX_ycrcb_subsample |
-894 | | SGIX_ycrcba |
+822 | | SGIX_async |
+823 | | SGIX_async_histogram |
+824 | | SGIX_async_pixel |
+825 | | SGIX_bali_g_instruments |
+826 | | SGIX_bali_r_instruments |
+827 | | SGIX_bali_timer_instruments |
+828 | | SGIX_blend_alpha_minmax |
+829 | | SGIX_blend_cadd |
+830 | | SGIX_blend_cmultiply |
+831 | | SGIX_calligraphic_fragment |
+832 | | SGIX_clipmap |
+833 | | SGIX_color_matrix_accuracy |
+834 | | SGIX_color_table_index_mode |
+835 | | SGIX_complex_polar |
+836 | | SGIX_convolution_accuracy |
+837 | | SGIX_cube_map |
+838 | | SGIX_cylinder_texgen |
+839 | | SGIX_datapipe |
+840 | | SGIX_decimation |
+841 | | SGIX_depth_pass_instrument |
+842 | | SGIX_depth_texture |
+843 | | SGIX_dvc |
+844 | | SGIX_flush_raster |
+845 | | SGIX_fog_blend |
+846 | | SGIX_fog_factor_to_alpha |
+847 | | SGIX_fog_layers |
+848 | | SGIX_fog_offset |
+849 | | SGIX_fog_patchy |
+850 | | SGIX_fog_scale |
+851 | | SGIX_fog_texture |
+852 | | SGIX_fragment_lighting_space |
+853 | | SGIX_fragment_specular_lighting |
+854 | | SGIX_fragments_instrument |
+855 | | SGIX_framezoom |
+856 | | SGIX_icc_texture |
+857 | | SGIX_igloo_interface |
+858 | | SGIX_image_compression |
+859 | | SGIX_impact_pixel_texture |
+860 | | SGIX_instrument_error |
+861 | | SGIX_interlace |
+862 | | SGIX_ir_instrument1 |
+863 | | SGIX_line_quality_hint |
+864 | | SGIX_list_priority |
+865 | | SGIX_mpeg1 |
+866 | | SGIX_mpeg2 |
+867 | | SGIX_nonlinear_lighting_pervertex |
+868 | | SGIX_nurbs_eval |
+869 | | SGIX_occlusion_instrument |
+870 | | SGIX_packed_6bytes |
+871 | | SGIX_pixel_texture |
+872 | | SGIX_pixel_texture_bits |
+873 | | SGIX_pixel_texture_lod |
+874 | | SGIX_pixel_tiles |
+875 | | SGIX_polynomial_ffd |
+876 | | SGIX_quad_mesh |
+877 | | SGIX_reference_plane |
+878 | | SGIX_resample |
+879 | | SGIX_scalebias_hint |
+880 | | SGIX_shadow |
+881 | | SGIX_shadow_ambient |
+882 | | SGIX_slim |
+883 | | SGIX_spotlight_cutoff |
+884 | | SGIX_sprite |
+885 | | SGIX_subdiv_patch |
+886 | | SGIX_subsample |
+887 | | SGIX_tag_sample_buffer |
+888 | | SGIX_texture_add_env |
+889 | | SGIX_texture_coordinate_clamp |
+890 | | SGIX_texture_lod_bias |
+891 | | SGIX_texture_mipmap_anisotropic |
+892 | | SGIX_texture_multi_buffer |
+893 | | SGIX_texture_phase |
+894 | | SGIX_texture_range |
+895 | | SGIX_texture_scale_bias |
+896 | | SGIX_texture_supersample |
+897 | | SGIX_vector_ops |
+898 | | SGIX_vertex_array_object |
+899 | | SGIX_vertex_preclip |
+900 | | SGIX_vertex_preclip_hint |
+901 | | SGIX_ycrcb |
+902 | | SGIX_ycrcb_subsample |
+903 | | SGIX_ycrcba |
| | |
-895 | | SGI_color_matrix |
-896 | | SGI_color_table |
-897 | | SGI_complex |
-898 | | SGI_complex_type |
-899 | | SGI_fft |
-900 | | SGI_texture_color_table |
+904 | | SGI_color_matrix |
+905 | | SGI_color_table |
+906 | | SGI_complex |
+907 | | SGI_complex_type |
+908 | | SGI_fft |
+909 | | SGI_texture_color_table |
| | |
-901 | | SUNX_constant_data |
+910 | | SUNX_constant_data |
| | |
-902 | | SUN_convolution_border_modes |
-903 | | SUN_global_alpha |
-904 | | SUN_mesh_array |
-905 | | SUN_read_video_pixels |
-906 | | SUN_slice_accum |
-907 | | SUN_triangle_list |
-908 | | SUN_vertex |
+911 | | SUN_convolution_border_modes |
+912 | | SUN_global_alpha |
+913 | | SUN_mesh_array |
+914 | | SUN_read_video_pixels |
+915 | | SUN_slice_accum |
+916 | | SUN_triangle_list |
+917 | | SUN_vertex |
| | |
-909 | | VIV_shader_binary |
+918 | | VIV_shader_binary |
| | |
-910 | | WIN_phong_shading |
-911 | | WIN_scene_markerXXX |
-912 | | WIN_specular_fog |
-913 | | WIN_swap_hint |
+919 | | WIN_phong_shading |
+920 | | WIN_scene_markerXXX |
+921 | | WIN_specular_fog |
+922 | | WIN_swap_hint |