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language: cpp
sudo: false
- os: linux
env: PYTHON=2.7 CPP=11 GCC=4.8
sources: [ubuntu-toolchain-r-test, kubuntu-backports]
packages: [g++-4.8, cmake]
- os: linux
env: PYTHON=3.5 CPP=11 GCC=4.8
sources: [ubuntu-toolchain-r-test, kubuntu-backports, deadsnakes]
packages: [g++-4.8, cmake, python3.5-dev]
- sudo: true
services: docker
env: PYTHON=2.7 CPP=14 GCC=6
- sudo: true
services: docker
env: PYTHON=3.5 CPP=14 GCC=6 DEBUG=1
- sudo: true
services: docker
env: PYTHON=3.5 CPP=17 GCC=7
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode7.3
env: PYTHON=2.7 CPP=14 CLANG
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode7.3
env: PYTHON=3.6 CPP=14 CLANG
# Test a PyPy 2.7 nightly build
- os: linux
env: PYPY=1 PYTHON=2.7 CPP=11 GCC=4.8
sources: [ubuntu-toolchain-r-test, kubuntu-backports]
packages: [g++-4.8, cmake]
- sudo: true
services: docker
env: ARCH=i386 PYTHON=3.5 CPP=14 GCC=6
Independent tests (#665) * Make tests buildable independently This makes "tests" buildable as a separate project that uses find_package(pybind11 CONFIG) when invoked independently. This also moves the WERROR option into tests/CMakeLists.txt, as that's the only place it is used. * Use Eigen 3.3.1's cmake target, if available This changes the eigen finding code to attempt to use Eigen's system-installed Eigen3Config first. In Eigen 3.3.1, it exports a cmake Eigen3::Eigen target to get dependencies from (rather than setting the include path directly). If it fails, we fall back to the trying to load allowing modules (i.e. allowing our tools/FindEigen3.cmake). If we either fallback, or the eigen version is older than 3.3.1 (or , we still set the include directory manually; otherwise, for CONFIG + new Eigen, we get it via the target. This is also needed to allow 'tests' to be built independently, when the find_package(Eigen3) is going to find via the system-installed Eigen3Config.cmake. * Add a install-then-build test, using clang on linux This tests that `make install` to the actual system, followed by a build of the tests (without the main pybind11 repository available) works as expected. To also expand the testing variety a bit, it also builds using clang-3.9 instead of gcc. * Don't try loading Eigen3Config in cmake < 3.0 It could FATAL_ERROR as the newer cmake includes a cmake 3.0 required line. If doing an independent, out-of-tree "tests" build, the regular find_package(Eigen3) is likely to fail with the same error, but I think we can just let that be: if you want a recent Eigen with proper cmake loading support *and* want to do an independent tests build, you'll need at least cmake 3.0.
2017-02-24 22:07:53 +00:00
# This next one does a make install *before* testing, then builds the tests against the installed version:
- sudo: true
services: docker
env: PYTHON=3.5 CPP=14 CLANG=3.9 INSTALL=1
- |
$SCRIPT_RUN_PREFIX sh -c "set -e
make install
cp -a tests /pybind11-tests
mkdir /build-tests && cd /build-tests
cmake ../pybind11-tests ${CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS} -DPYBIND11_WERROR=ON
make pytest -j 2"
# A barebones build makes sure everything still works without optional deps (numpy/scipy/eigen)
# and also tests the automatic discovery functions in CMake (Python version, C++ standard).
- os: linux
sources: [ubuntu-toolchain-r-test, kubuntu-backports]
packages: [g++-4.8, cmake]
install: pip install pytest
# Documentation build:
- os: linux
language: docs
- pip install --upgrade sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme flake8 pep8-naming
- |
curl -fsSL | tar xz
export PATH="$PWD/doxygen-1.8.12/bin:$PATH"
pip install
- make -C docs html SPHINX_OPTIONS=-W
- tools/
- flake8
- env: PYTHON=3.5 CPP=17 GCC=7
2016-01-21 18:21:59 +00:00
- $HOME/.cache/pip
- $HOME/Library/Caches/pip
- |
# Configure build variables
if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ]; then
Independent tests (#665) * Make tests buildable independently This makes "tests" buildable as a separate project that uses find_package(pybind11 CONFIG) when invoked independently. This also moves the WERROR option into tests/CMakeLists.txt, as that's the only place it is used. * Use Eigen 3.3.1's cmake target, if available This changes the eigen finding code to attempt to use Eigen's system-installed Eigen3Config first. In Eigen 3.3.1, it exports a cmake Eigen3::Eigen target to get dependencies from (rather than setting the include path directly). If it fails, we fall back to the trying to load allowing modules (i.e. allowing our tools/FindEigen3.cmake). If we either fallback, or the eigen version is older than 3.3.1 (or , we still set the include directory manually; otherwise, for CONFIG + new Eigen, we get it via the target. This is also needed to allow 'tests' to be built independently, when the find_package(Eigen3) is going to find via the system-installed Eigen3Config.cmake. * Add a install-then-build test, using clang on linux This tests that `make install` to the actual system, followed by a build of the tests (without the main pybind11 repository available) works as expected. To also expand the testing variety a bit, it also builds using clang-3.9 instead of gcc. * Don't try loading Eigen3Config in cmake < 3.0 It could FATAL_ERROR as the newer cmake includes a cmake 3.0 required line. If doing an independent, out-of-tree "tests" build, the regular find_package(Eigen3) is likely to fail with the same error, but I think we can just let that be: if you want a recent Eigen with proper cmake loading support *and* want to do an independent tests build, you'll need at least cmake 3.0.
2017-02-24 22:07:53 +00:00
if [ -n "$CLANG" ]; then
export CXX=clang++-$CLANG CC=clang-$CLANG COMPILER_PACKAGES="clang-$CLANG llvm-$CLANG-dev"
if [ -z "$GCC" ]; then export GCC=4.8
else export COMPILER_PACKAGES=g++-$GCC
export CXX=g++-$GCC CC=gcc-$GCC
if [ "$GCC" = "6" ] || [ -n "$CLANG" ]; then export DOCKER=${ARCH:+$ARCH/}debian:testing
elif [ "$GCC" = "7" ]; then export DOCKER=debian:experimental APT_GET_EXTRA="-t experimental"
elif [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then
export CXX=clang++ CC=clang;
if [ -n "$CPP" ]; then export CPP=-std=c++$CPP; fi
if [ "${PYTHON:0:1}" = "3" ]; then export PY=3; fi
if [ -n "$PYPY" ]; then
curl | tar -xj
export PYPY_BINARY=$(echo `pwd`/pypy-c-jit*/bin/pypy)
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then export CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS="-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug"; fi
- |
# Initialize environment
if [ -n "$PYPY" ]; then
$PYPY_BINARY -m ensurepip
$PYPY_BINARY -m pip install pytest
if [ -n "$DOCKER" ]; then
docker pull $DOCKER
# Disable LTO with gcc until gcc 79296 is fixed:
export containerid=$(docker run --detach --tty \
--volume="$PWD":/pybind11 --workdir=/pybind11 \
--env=GCC_COLORS=\ \
docker exec --tty "$containerid" sh -c 'for s in 0 15; do sleep $s; apt-get update && apt-get -qy dist-upgrade && break; done'
export SCRIPT_RUN_PREFIX="docker exec --tty $containerid"
# gcc-7 currently generates warnings; some are upstream bugs, so just turn off -Werror for now
if [ "$GCC" = "7" ]; then WERROR=off; fi
if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ]; then
pip install --user --upgrade pip virtualenv
virtualenv -p python$PYTHON venv
elif [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then
if [ "$PY" = "3" ]; then
brew update; brew install python$PY;
curl -fsSL -O
sudo -H python
pip$PY install --user --upgrade pip virtualenv
python$PY -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- |
# Install dependencies
if [ -n "$DOCKER" ]; then
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
PY_DEBUG="python$PY-dbg python$PY-scipy-dbg"
docker exec --tty "$containerid" sh -c "for s in 0 15; do sleep \$s; \
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends $APT_GET_EXTRA install \
$PY_DEBUG python$PY-dev python$PY-pytest python$PY-scipy \
Independent tests (#665) * Make tests buildable independently This makes "tests" buildable as a separate project that uses find_package(pybind11 CONFIG) when invoked independently. This also moves the WERROR option into tests/CMakeLists.txt, as that's the only place it is used. * Use Eigen 3.3.1's cmake target, if available This changes the eigen finding code to attempt to use Eigen's system-installed Eigen3Config first. In Eigen 3.3.1, it exports a cmake Eigen3::Eigen target to get dependencies from (rather than setting the include path directly). If it fails, we fall back to the trying to load allowing modules (i.e. allowing our tools/FindEigen3.cmake). If we either fallback, or the eigen version is older than 3.3.1 (or , we still set the include directory manually; otherwise, for CONFIG + new Eigen, we get it via the target. This is also needed to allow 'tests' to be built independently, when the find_package(Eigen3) is going to find via the system-installed Eigen3Config.cmake. * Add a install-then-build test, using clang on linux This tests that `make install` to the actual system, followed by a build of the tests (without the main pybind11 repository available) works as expected. To also expand the testing variety a bit, it also builds using clang-3.9 instead of gcc. * Don't try loading Eigen3Config in cmake < 3.0 It could FATAL_ERROR as the newer cmake includes a cmake 3.0 required line. If doing an independent, out-of-tree "tests" build, the regular find_package(Eigen3) is likely to fail with the same error, but I think we can just let that be: if you want a recent Eigen with proper cmake loading support *and* want to do an independent tests build, you'll need at least cmake 3.0.
2017-02-24 22:07:53 +00:00
libeigen3-dev cmake make ${COMPILER_PACKAGES} && break; done"
pip install numpy scipy pytest
wget -q -O eigen.tar.gz
tar xzf eigen.tar.gz
export CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS="${CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS} -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=$PWD/eigen-eigen-26667be4f70b"
- $SCRIPT_RUN_PREFIX make pytest -j 2
- $SCRIPT_RUN_PREFIX make test_cmake_build
after_failure: cat tests/test_cmake_build/*.log
- if [ -n "$DOCKER" ]; then docker stop "$containerid"; docker rm "$containerid"; fi