mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 01:56:43 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into sh_merge_master
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Checks: '
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ repos:
exclude: ^noxfile.py$
- repo: https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade
rev: v2.24.0
rev: v2.25.0
- id: pyupgrade
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ repos:
# Black, the code formatter, natively supports pre-commit
- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
rev: 21.7b0
rev: 21.8b0
- id: black
# By default, this ignores pyi files, though black supports them
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ with the following:
from pybind11.setup_helpers import ParallelCompile, naive_recompile
SmartCompile("NPY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS", needs_recompile=naive_recompile).install()
ParallelCompile("NPY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS", needs_recompile=naive_recompile).install()
If you have a more complex build, you can implement a smarter function and pass
/// @{
/// Annotation for methods
struct is_method { handle class_; is_method(const handle &c) : class_(c) { } };
struct is_method { handle class_;
explicit is_method(const handle &c) : class_(c) {}
/// Annotation for operators
struct is_operator { };
@ -27,16 +29,24 @@ struct is_operator { };
struct is_final { };
/// Annotation for parent scope
struct scope { handle value; scope(const handle &s) : value(s) { } };
struct scope { handle value;
explicit scope(const handle &s) : value(s) {}
/// Annotation for documentation
struct doc { const char *value; doc(const char *value) : value(value) { } };
struct doc { const char *value;
explicit doc(const char *value) : value(value) {}
/// Annotation for function names
struct name { const char *value; name(const char *value) : value(value) { } };
struct name { const char *value;
explicit name(const char *value) : value(value) {}
/// Annotation indicating that a function is an overload associated with a given "sibling"
struct sibling { handle value; sibling(const handle &value) : value(value.ptr()) { } };
struct sibling { handle value;
explicit sibling(const handle &value) : value(value.ptr()) {}
/// Annotation indicating that a class derives from another given type
template <typename T> struct base {
@ -70,7 +80,9 @@ struct metaclass {
/// Annotation that marks a class as local to the module:
struct module_local { const bool value; constexpr module_local(bool v = true) : value(v) { } };
struct module_local { const bool value;
constexpr explicit module_local(bool v = true) : value(v) {}
/// Annotation to mark enums as an arithmetic type
struct arithmetic { };
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public:
return caster_t::cast(&src.get(), policy, parent);
template <typename T> using cast_op_type = std::reference_wrapper<type>;
operator std::reference_wrapper<type>() { return cast_op<type &>(subcaster); }
explicit operator std::reference_wrapper<type>() { return cast_op<type &>(subcaster); }
#define PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(type, py_name) \
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ public:
template <typename T> using cast_op_type = void*&;
operator void *&() { return value; }
explicit operator void *&() { return value; }
static constexpr auto name = _("capsule");
void *value = nullptr;
@ -509,8 +509,10 @@ public:
return StringCaster::cast(StringType(1, src), policy, parent);
operator CharT*() { return none ? nullptr : const_cast<CharT *>(static_cast<StringType &>(str_caster).c_str()); }
operator CharT&() {
explicit operator CharT *() {
return none ? nullptr : const_cast<CharT *>(static_cast<StringType &>(str_caster).c_str());
explicit operator CharT &() {
if (none)
throw value_error("Cannot convert None to a character");
@ -603,8 +605,8 @@ public:
template <typename T> using cast_op_type = type;
operator type() & { return implicit_cast(indices{}); }
operator type() && { return std::move(*this).implicit_cast(indices{}); }
explicit operator type() & { return implicit_cast(indices{}); }
explicit operator type() && { return std::move(*this).implicit_cast(indices{}); }
template <size_t... Is>
@ -918,6 +918,7 @@ public:
// Implicit conversion constructor from any arbitrary container type with values convertible to T
template <typename Container, typename = enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<decltype(*std::begin(std::declval<const Container &>())), T>::value>>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
any_container(const Container &c) : any_container(std::begin(c), std::end(c)) { }
// initializer_list's aren't deducible, so don't get matched by the above template; we need this
@ -926,9 +927,11 @@ public:
any_container(const std::initializer_list<TIn> &c) : any_container(c.begin(), c.end()) { }
// Avoid copying if given an rvalue vector of the correct type.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
any_container(std::vector<T> &&v) : v(std::move(v)) { }
// Moves the vector out of an rvalue any_container
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator std::vector<T> &&() && { return std::move(v); }
// Dereferencing obtains a reference to the underlying vector
@ -26,12 +26,14 @@ struct descr {
char text[N + 1]{'\0'};
constexpr descr() = default;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
constexpr descr(char const (&s)[N+1]) : descr(s, make_index_sequence<N>()) { }
template <size_t... Is>
constexpr descr(char const (&s)[N+1], index_sequence<Is...>) : text{s[Is]..., '\0'} { }
template <typename... Chars>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
constexpr descr(char c, Chars... cs) : text{c, static_cast<char>(cs)..., '\0'} { }
static constexpr std::array<const std::type_info *, sizeof...(Ts) + 1> types() {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public:
template <typename> using cast_op_type = value_and_holder &;
operator value_and_holder &() { return *value; }
explicit operator value_and_holder &() { return *value; }
static constexpr auto name = _<value_and_holder>();
@ -294,7 +294,8 @@ template <typename Func, typename Return, typename... Args>
struct factory<Func, void_type (*)(), Return(Args...)> {
remove_reference_t<Func> class_factory;
factory(Func &&f) : class_factory(std::forward<Func>(f)) { }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
factory(Func &&f) : class_factory(std::forward<Func>(f)) {}
// The given class either has no alias or has no separate alias factory;
// this always constructs the class itself. If the class is registered with an alias
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ struct value_and_holder {
value_and_holder() = default;
// Used for past-the-end iterator
value_and_holder(size_t index) : index{index} {}
explicit value_and_holder(size_t index) : index{index} {}
template <typename V = void> V *&value_ptr() const {
return reinterpret_cast<V *&>(vh[0]);
@ -274,7 +274,8 @@ private:
const type_vec &tinfo;
values_and_holders(instance *inst) : inst{inst}, tinfo(all_type_info(Py_TYPE(inst))) {}
explicit values_and_holders(instance *inst)
: inst{inst}, tinfo(all_type_info(Py_TYPE(inst))) {}
struct iterator {
@ -290,7 +291,8 @@ public:
0 /* index */)
// Past-the-end iterator:
iterator(size_t end) : curr(end) {}
explicit iterator(size_t end) : curr(end) {}
bool operator==(const iterator &other) const { return curr.index == other.curr.index; }
bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const { return curr.index != other.curr.index; }
@ -491,11 +493,11 @@ inline PyObject *make_new_instance(PyTypeObject *type);
class type_caster_generic {
PYBIND11_NOINLINE type_caster_generic(const std::type_info &type_info)
: typeinfo(get_type_info(type_info)), cpptype(&type_info) { }
PYBIND11_NOINLINE explicit type_caster_generic(const std::type_info &type_info)
: typeinfo(get_type_info(type_info)), cpptype(&type_info) {}
type_caster_generic(const type_info *typeinfo)
: typeinfo(typeinfo), cpptype(typeinfo ? typeinfo->cpptype : nullptr) { }
explicit type_caster_generic(const type_info *typeinfo)
: typeinfo(typeinfo), cpptype(typeinfo ? typeinfo->cpptype : nullptr) {}
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
return load_impl<type_caster_generic>(src, convert);
@ -923,7 +925,9 @@ public:
template <typename T> using cast_op_type = detail::cast_op_type<T>;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator itype*() { return (type *) value; }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator itype&() { if (!value) throw reference_cast_error(); return *((itype *) value); }
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ template <bool EigenRowMajor> struct EigenConformable {
EigenDStride stride{0, 0}; // Only valid if negativestrides is false!
bool negativestrides = false; // If true, do not use stride!
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
EigenConformable(bool fits = false) : conformable{fits} {}
// Matrix type:
EigenConformable(EigenIndex r, EigenIndex c,
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ template <bool EigenRowMajor> struct EigenConformable {
(props::outer_stride == Eigen::Dynamic || props::outer_stride == stride.outer() ||
(EigenRowMajor ? rows : cols) == 1);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator bool() const { return conformable; }
@ -326,8 +328,11 @@ public:
static constexpr auto name = props::descriptor;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator Type*() { return &value; }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator Type&() { return value; }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator Type&&() && { return std::move(value); }
template <typename T> using cast_op_type = movable_cast_op_type<T>;
@ -451,7 +456,9 @@ public:
return true;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator Type*() { return ref.get(); }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator Type&() { return *ref; }
template <typename _T> using cast_op_type = pybind11::detail::cast_op_type<_T>;
@ -260,10 +260,10 @@ inline void finalize_interpreter() {
\endrst */
class scoped_interpreter {
scoped_interpreter(bool init_signal_handlers = true,
int argc = 0,
const char *const *argv = nullptr,
bool add_program_dir_to_path = true) {
explicit scoped_interpreter(bool init_signal_handlers = true,
int argc = 0,
const char *const *argv = nullptr,
bool add_program_dir_to_path = true) {
initialize_interpreter(init_signal_handlers, argc, argv, add_program_dir_to_path);
@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ public:
// ensure GIL is held during functor destruction
struct func_handle {
function f;
#if !(defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER == 1916 && defined(PYBIND11_CPP17) && PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3)
// This triggers a syntax error under very special conditions (very weird indeed).
func_handle(function &&f_) noexcept : f(std::move(f_)) {}
func_handle(const func_handle &f_) { operator=(f_); }
func_handle &operator=(const func_handle &f_) {
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ public:
// to emulate 'move initialization capture' in C++11
struct func_wrapper {
func_handle hfunc;
func_wrapper(func_handle &&hf) noexcept : hfunc(std::move(hf)) {}
explicit func_wrapper(func_handle &&hf) noexcept : hfunc(std::move(hf)) {}
Return operator()(Args... args) const {
gil_scoped_acquire acq;
object retval(hfunc.f(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ private:
pythonbuf(const object &pyostream, size_t buffer_size = 1024)
explicit pythonbuf(const object &pyostream, size_t buffer_size = 1024)
: buf_size(buffer_size), d_buffer(new char[buf_size]), pywrite(pyostream.attr("write")),
pyflush(pyostream.attr("flush")) {
setp(d_buffer.get(), d_buffer.get() + buf_size - 1);
@ -171,8 +171,9 @@ protected:
detail::pythonbuf buffer;
scoped_ostream_redirect(std::ostream &costream = std::cout,
const object &pyostream = module_::import("sys").attr("stdout"))
explicit scoped_ostream_redirect(std::ostream &costream = std::cout,
const object &pyostream
= module_::import("sys").attr("stdout"))
: costream(costream), buffer(pyostream) {
old = costream.rdbuf(&buffer);
@ -201,8 +202,9 @@ public:
\endrst */
class scoped_estream_redirect : public scoped_ostream_redirect {
scoped_estream_redirect(std::ostream &costream = std::cerr,
const object &pyostream = module_::import("sys").attr("stderr"))
explicit scoped_estream_redirect(std::ostream &costream = std::cerr,
const object &pyostream
= module_::import("sys").attr("stderr"))
: scoped_ostream_redirect(costream, pyostream) {}
@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ class OstreamRedirect {
std::unique_ptr<scoped_estream_redirect> redirect_stderr;
OstreamRedirect(bool do_stdout = true, bool do_stderr = true)
explicit OstreamRedirect(bool do_stdout = true, bool do_stderr = true)
: do_stdout_(do_stdout), do_stderr_(do_stderr) {}
void enter() {
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ public:
m_ptr = from_args(pybind11::str(format)).release().ptr();
dtype(const char *format) : dtype(std::string(format)) { }
explicit dtype(const char *format) : dtype(std::string(format)) {}
dtype(list names, list formats, list offsets, ssize_t itemsize) {
dict args;
@ -894,6 +894,7 @@ public:
if (!is_borrowed) Py_XDECREF(h.ptr());
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
array_t(const object &o) : array(raw_array_t(o.ptr()), stolen_t{}) {
if (!m_ptr) throw error_already_set();
@ -83,10 +83,12 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(detail)
class cpp_function : public function {
cpp_function() = default;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
cpp_function(std::nullptr_t) { }
/// Construct a cpp_function from a vanilla function pointer
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename... Extra>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
cpp_function(Return (*f)(Args...), const Extra&... extra) {
initialize(f, f, extra...);
@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ public:
/// Construct a cpp_function from a lambda function (possibly with internal state)
template <typename Func, typename... Extra,
typename = detail::enable_if_t<detail::is_lambda<Func>::value>>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
cpp_function(Func &&f, const Extra&... extra) {
(detail::function_signature_t<Func> *) nullptr, extra...);
@ -101,6 +104,7 @@ public:
/// Construct a cpp_function from a class method (non-const, no ref-qualifier)
template <typename Return, typename Class, typename... Arg, typename... Extra>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
cpp_function(Return (Class::*f)(Arg...), const Extra&... extra) {
initialize([f](Class *c, Arg... args) -> Return { return (c->*f)(std::forward<Arg>(args)...); },
(Return (*) (Class *, Arg...)) nullptr, extra...);
@ -110,6 +114,7 @@ public:
/// A copy of the overload for non-const functions without explicit ref-qualifier
/// but with an added `&`.
template <typename Return, typename Class, typename... Arg, typename... Extra>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
cpp_function(Return (Class::*f)(Arg...)&, const Extra&... extra) {
initialize([f](Class *c, Arg... args) -> Return { return (c->*f)(args...); },
(Return (*) (Class *, Arg...)) nullptr, extra...);
@ -117,6 +122,7 @@ public:
/// Construct a cpp_function from a class method (const, no ref-qualifier)
template <typename Return, typename Class, typename... Arg, typename... Extra>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
cpp_function(Return (Class::*f)(Arg...) const, const Extra&... extra) {
initialize([f](const Class *c, Arg... args) -> Return { return (c->*f)(std::forward<Arg>(args)...); },
(Return (*)(const Class *, Arg ...)) nullptr, extra...);
@ -126,6 +132,7 @@ public:
/// A copy of the overload for const functions without explicit ref-qualifier
/// but with an added `&`.
template <typename Return, typename Class, typename... Arg, typename... Extra>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
cpp_function(Return (Class::*f)(Arg...) const&, const Extra&... extra) {
initialize([f](const Class *c, Arg... args) -> Return { return (c->*f)(args...); },
(Return (*)(const Class *, Arg ...)) nullptr, extra...);
@ -177,7 +184,7 @@ protected:
// UB without std::launder, but without breaking ABI and/or
// a significant refactoring it's "impossible" to solve.
if (!std::is_trivially_destructible<Func>::value)
if (!std::is_trivially_destructible<capture>::value)
rec->free_data = [](function_record *r) {
auto data = PYBIND11_STD_LAUNDER((capture *) &r->data);
(void) data;
@ -2148,7 +2155,7 @@ template <return_value_policy Policy = return_value_policy::reference_internal,
template <typename InputType, typename OutputType> void implicitly_convertible() {
struct set_flag {
bool &flag;
set_flag(bool &flag_) : flag(flag_) { flag_ = true; }
explicit set_flag(bool &flag_) : flag(flag_) { flag_ = true; }
~set_flag() { flag = false; }
auto implicit_caster = [](PyObject *obj, PyTypeObject *type) -> PyObject * {
@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ public:
/// The default constructor creates a handle with a ``nullptr``-valued pointer
handle() = default;
/// Creates a ``handle`` from the given raw Python object pointer
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
handle(PyObject *ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) { } // Allow implicit conversion from PyObject*
/// Return the underlying ``PyObject *`` pointer
@ -612,6 +613,7 @@ public:
return obj.contains(key);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator object() const { return get_cache(); }
PyObject *ptr() const { return get_cache().ptr(); }
template <typename T> T cast() const { return get_cache().template cast<T>(); }
@ -761,7 +763,8 @@ template <typename T>
struct arrow_proxy {
T value;
arrow_proxy(T &&value) : value(std::move(value)) { }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
arrow_proxy(T &&value) noexcept : value(std::move(value)) { }
T *operator->() const { return &value; }
@ -909,14 +912,17 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(detail)
bool check() const { return m_ptr != nullptr && (CheckFun(m_ptr) != 0); } \
static bool check_(handle h) { return h.ptr() != nullptr && CheckFun(h.ptr()); } \
template <typename Policy_> \
/* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) */ \
Name(const ::pybind11::detail::accessor<Policy_> &a) : Name(object(a)) { }
#define PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(Name, Parent, CheckFun, ConvertFun) \
PYBIND11_OBJECT_COMMON(Name, Parent, CheckFun) \
/* This is deliberately not 'explicit' to allow implicit conversion from object: */ \
/* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) */ \
Name(const object &o) \
: Parent(check_(o) ? o.inc_ref().ptr() : ConvertFun(o.ptr()), stolen_t{}) \
{ if (!m_ptr) throw error_already_set(); } \
/* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) */ \
Name(object &&o) \
: Parent(check_(o) ? o.release().ptr() : ConvertFun(o.ptr()), stolen_t{}) \
{ if (!m_ptr) throw error_already_set(); }
@ -933,8 +939,10 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(detail)
#define PYBIND11_OBJECT(Name, Parent, CheckFun) \
PYBIND11_OBJECT_COMMON(Name, Parent, CheckFun) \
/* This is deliberately not 'explicit' to allow implicit conversion from object: */ \
/* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) */ \
Name(const object &o) : Parent(o) \
{ if (m_ptr && !check_(m_ptr)) throw PYBIND11_OBJECT_CHECK_FAILED(Name, m_ptr); } \
/* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) */ \
Name(object &&o) : Parent(std::move(o)) \
{ if (m_ptr && !check_(m_ptr)) throw PYBIND11_OBJECT_CHECK_FAILED(Name, m_ptr); }
@ -1056,11 +1064,13 @@ public:
// 'explicit' is explicitly omitted from the following constructors to allow implicit conversion to py::str from C++ string-like objects
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
str(const char *c = "")
: object(PyUnicode_FromString(c), stolen_t{}) {
if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate string object!");
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
str(const std::string &s) : str(s.data(), s.size()) { }
explicit str(const bytes &b);
@ -1071,6 +1081,7 @@ public:
\endrst */
explicit str(handle h) : object(raw_str(h.ptr()), stolen_t{}) { if (!m_ptr) throw error_already_set(); }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator std::string() const {
object temp = *this;
if (PyUnicode_Check(m_ptr)) {
@ -1118,6 +1129,7 @@ public:
// Allow implicit conversion:
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
bytes(const char *c = "")
: object(PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING(c), stolen_t{}) {
if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate bytes object!");
@ -1130,10 +1142,12 @@ public:
// Allow implicit conversion:
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
bytes(const std::string &s) : bytes(s.data(), s.size()) { }
explicit bytes(const pybind11::str &s);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator std::string() const {
char *buffer = nullptr;
ssize_t length = 0;
@ -1222,7 +1236,9 @@ public:
PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(bool_, object, PyBool_Check, raw_bool)
bool_() : object(Py_False, borrowed_t{}) { }
// Allow implicit conversion from and to `bool`:
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
bool_(bool value) : object(value ? Py_True : Py_False, borrowed_t{}) { }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator bool() const { return (m_ptr != nullptr) && PyLong_AsLong(m_ptr) != 0; }
@ -1261,6 +1277,7 @@ public:
// Allow implicit conversion from C++ integral types:
template <typename T,
detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, int> = 0>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
int_(T value) {
if (PYBIND11_SILENCE_MSVC_C4127(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(long))) {
if (std::is_signed<T>::value)
@ -1278,6 +1295,7 @@ public:
template <typename T,
detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, int> = 0>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator T() const {
return std::is_unsigned<T>::value
? detail::as_unsigned<T>(m_ptr)
@ -1291,13 +1309,17 @@ class float_ : public object {
PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(float_, object, PyFloat_Check, PyNumber_Float)
// Allow implicit conversion from float/double:
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
float_(float value) : object(PyFloat_FromDouble((double) value), stolen_t{}) {
if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate float object!");
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
float_(double value = .0) : object(PyFloat_FromDouble((double) value), stolen_t{}) {
if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate float object!");
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator float() const { return (float) PyFloat_AsDouble(m_ptr); }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator double() const { return (double) PyFloat_AsDouble(m_ptr); }
@ -1372,7 +1394,7 @@ public:
pybind11_fail("Could not set capsule context!");
capsule(void (*destructor)()) {
explicit capsule(void (*destructor)()) {
m_ptr = PyCapsule_New(reinterpret_cast<void *>(destructor), nullptr, [](PyObject *o) {
auto destructor = reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(PyCapsule_GetPointer(o, nullptr));
@ -1382,6 +1404,7 @@ public:
pybind11_fail("Could not allocate capsule object!");
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
template <typename T> operator T *() const {
return get_pointer<T>();
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
/// Simple class used to test py::local:
template <int> class LocalBase {
LocalBase(int i) : i(i) { }
explicit LocalBase(int i) : i(i) { }
int i = -1;
@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ py::class_<T> bind_local(Args && ...args) {
namespace pets {
class Pet {
Pet(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
explicit Pet(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
std::string name_;
const std::string &name() const { return name_; }
} // namespace pets
struct MixGL { int i; MixGL(int i) : i{i} {} };
struct MixGL2 { int i; MixGL2(int i) : i{i} {} };
struct MixGL { int i; explicit MixGL(int i) : i{i} {} };
struct MixGL2 { int i; explicit MixGL2(int i) : i{i} {} };
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public:
ref() : m_ptr(nullptr) { print_default_created(this); track_default_created((ref_tag*) this); }
/// Construct a reference from a pointer
ref(T *ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) {
explicit ref(T *ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) {
if (m_ptr) ((Object *) m_ptr)->incRef();
print_created(this, "from pointer", m_ptr); track_created((ref_tag*) this, "from pointer");
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public:
const T& operator*() const { return *m_ptr; }
/// Return a pointer to the referenced object
operator T* () { return m_ptr; }
explicit operator T* () { return m_ptr; }
/// Return a const pointer to the referenced object
T* get_ptr() { return m_ptr; }
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind11_cross_module_tests, m) {
class Dog : public pets::Pet {
Dog(std::string name) : Pet(std::move(name)) {}
explicit Dog(std::string name) : Pet(std::move(name)) {}
py::class_<pets::Pet>(m, "Pet", py::module_local())
.def("name", &pets::Pet::name);
@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
// This must be kept first for MSVC 2015.
// Do not remove the empty line between the #includes.
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/eval.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1910
@ -19,7 +16,7 @@ class test_initializer {
using Initializer = void (*)(py::module_ &);
test_initializer(Initializer init);
explicit test_initializer(Initializer init);
test_initializer(const char *submodule_name, Initializer init);
@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ struct UnregisteredType { };
class UserType {
UserType() = default;
UserType(int i) : i(i) { }
explicit UserType(int i) : i(i) { }
int value() const { return i; }
void set(int set) { i = set; }
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(buffers, m) {
// test_inherited_protocol
class SquareMatrix : public Matrix {
SquareMatrix(py::ssize_t n) : Matrix(n, n) { }
explicit SquareMatrix(py::ssize_t n) : Matrix(n, n) {}
// Derived classes inherit the buffer protocol and the buffer access function
py::class_<SquareMatrix, Matrix>(m, "SquareMatrix")
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(buffers, m) {
struct BufferReadOnly {
const uint8_t value = 0;
BufferReadOnly(uint8_t value): value(value) {}
explicit BufferReadOnly(uint8_t value) : value(value) {}
py::buffer_info get_buffer_info() {
return py::buffer_info(&value, 1);
@ -25,16 +25,28 @@ class type_caster<ConstRefCasted> {
// cast operator.
bool load(handle, bool) { return true; }
operator ConstRefCasted &&() {
explicit operator ConstRefCasted &&() {
value = {1};
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-move-const-arg)
return std::move(value);
operator ConstRefCasted&() { value = {2}; return value; }
operator ConstRefCasted*() { value = {3}; return &value; }
explicit operator ConstRefCasted &() {
value = {2};
return value;
explicit operator ConstRefCasted *() {
value = {3};
return &value;
operator const ConstRefCasted&() { value = {4}; return value; }
operator const ConstRefCasted*() { value = {5}; return &value; }
explicit operator const ConstRefCasted &() {
value = {4};
return value;
explicit operator const ConstRefCasted *() {
value = {5};
return &value;
// custom cast_op to explicitly propagate types to the conversion operators.
template <typename T_>
@ -81,16 +81,55 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(callbacks, m) {
// Export the payload constructor statistics for testing purposes:
m.def("payload_cstats", &ConstructorStats::get<Payload>);
/* Test cleanup of lambda closure */
m.def("test_cleanup", []() -> std::function<void()> {
m.def("test_lambda_closure_cleanup", []() -> std::function<void()> {
Payload p;
// In this situation, `Func` in the implementation of
// `cpp_function::initialize` is NOT trivially destructible.
return [p]() {
/* p should be cleaned up when the returned function is garbage collected */
(void) p;
class CppCallable {
CppCallable() { track_default_created(this); }
~CppCallable() { track_destroyed(this); }
CppCallable(const CppCallable &) { track_copy_created(this); }
CppCallable(CppCallable &&) noexcept { track_move_created(this); }
void operator()() {}
m.def("test_cpp_callable_cleanup", []() {
// Related issue: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues/3228
// Related PR: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3229
py::list alive_counts;
ConstructorStats &stat = ConstructorStats::get<CppCallable>();
CppCallable cpp_callable;
// In this situation, `Func` in the implementation of
// `cpp_function::initialize` IS trivially destructible,
// only `capture` is not.
py::cpp_function py_func(cpp_callable);
py::cpp_function py_func(std::move(cpp_callable));
return alive_counts;
// test_cpp_function_roundtrip
/* Test if passing a function pointer from C++ -> Python -> C++ yields the original pointer */
m.def("dummy_function", &dummy_function);
@ -79,13 +79,18 @@ def test_keyword_args_and_generalized_unpacking():
def test_lambda_closure_cleanup():
cstats = m.payload_cstats()
assert cstats.alive() == 0
assert cstats.copy_constructions == 1
assert cstats.move_constructions >= 1
def test_cpp_callable_cleanup():
alive_counts = m.test_cpp_callable_cleanup()
assert alive_counts == [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0]
def test_cpp_function_roundtrip():
"""Test if passing a function pointer from C++ -> Python -> C++ yields the original pointer"""
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace {
// test_brace_initialization
struct NoBraceInitialization {
NoBraceInitialization(std::vector<int> v) : vec{std::move(v)} {}
explicit NoBraceInitialization(std::vector<int> v) : vec{std::move(v)} {}
template <typename T>
NoBraceInitialization(std::initializer_list<T> l) : vec(l) {}
@ -84,18 +84,18 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(class_, m) {
class Dog : public Pet {
Dog(const std::string &name) : Pet(name, "dog") {}
explicit Dog(const std::string &name) : Pet(name, "dog") {}
std::string bark() const { return "Woof!"; }
class Rabbit : public Pet {
Rabbit(const std::string &name) : Pet(name, "parrot") {}
explicit Rabbit(const std::string &name) : Pet(name, "parrot") {}
class Hamster : public Pet {
Hamster(const std::string &name) : Pet(name, "rodent") {}
explicit Hamster(const std::string &name) : Pet(name, "rodent") {}
class Chimera : public Pet {
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(class_, m) {
struct ConvertibleFromUserType {
int i;
ConvertibleFromUserType(UserType u) : i(u.value()) { }
explicit ConvertibleFromUserType(UserType u) : i(u.value()) {}
py::class_<ConvertibleFromUserType>(m, "AcceptsUserType")
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(class_, m) {
struct PyAliasedHasOpNewDelSize : AliasedHasOpNewDelSize {
PyAliasedHasOpNewDelSize() = default;
PyAliasedHasOpNewDelSize(int) { }
explicit PyAliasedHasOpNewDelSize(int) {}
std::uint64_t j;
struct HasOpNewDelBoth {
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ template <> lacking_move_ctor empty<lacking_move_ctor>::instance_ = {};
class MoveOnlyInt {
MoveOnlyInt() { print_default_created(this); }
MoveOnlyInt(int v) : value{v} { print_created(this, value); }
explicit MoveOnlyInt(int v) : value{v} { print_created(this, value); }
MoveOnlyInt(MoveOnlyInt &&m) noexcept {
print_move_created(this, m.value);
std::swap(value, m.value);
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public:
class MoveOrCopyInt {
MoveOrCopyInt() { print_default_created(this); }
MoveOrCopyInt(int v) : value{v} { print_created(this, value); }
explicit MoveOrCopyInt(int v) : value{v} { print_created(this, value); }
MoveOrCopyInt(MoveOrCopyInt &&m) noexcept {
print_move_created(this, m.value);
std::swap(value, m.value);
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public:
class CopyOnlyInt {
CopyOnlyInt() { print_default_created(this); }
CopyOnlyInt(int v) : value{v} { print_created(this, value); }
explicit CopyOnlyInt(int v) : value{v} { print_created(this, value); }
CopyOnlyInt(const CopyOnlyInt &c) { print_copy_created(this, c.value); value = c.value; }
CopyOnlyInt &operator=(const CopyOnlyInt &c) { print_copy_assigned(this, c.value); value = c.value; return *this; }
~CopyOnlyInt() { print_destroyed(this); }
@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ public:
if (!src) return none().release();
return cast(*src, policy, parent);
operator CopyOnlyInt*() { return &value; }
operator CopyOnlyInt&() { return value; }
explicit operator CopyOnlyInt *() { return &value; }
explicit operator CopyOnlyInt &() { return value; }
template <typename T> using cast_op_type = pybind11::detail::cast_op_type<T>;
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(copy_move_policies, m) {
// #389: rvp::move should fall-through to copy on non-movable objects
struct MoveIssue1 {
int v;
MoveIssue1(int v) : v{v} {}
explicit MoveIssue1(int v) : v{v} {}
MoveIssue1(const MoveIssue1 &c) = default;
MoveIssue1(MoveIssue1 &&) = delete;
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(copy_move_policies, m) {
struct MoveIssue2 {
int v;
MoveIssue2(int v) : v{v} {}
explicit MoveIssue2(int v) : v{v} {}
MoveIssue2(MoveIssue2 &&) = default;
py::class_<MoveIssue2>(m, "MoveIssue2").def(py::init<int>()).def_readwrite("value", &MoveIssue2::v);
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace py = pybind11;
PYBIND11_MODULE(external_module, m) {
class A {
A(int value) : v{value} {};
explicit A(int value) : v{value} {};
int v;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ using namespace py::literals;
class Widget {
Widget(std::string message) : message(std::move(message)) {}
explicit Widget(std::string message) : message(std::move(message)) {}
virtual ~Widget() = default;
std::string the_message() const { return message; }
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest
import env
from pybind11_tests import enums as m
@ -238,20 +239,26 @@ def test_duplicate_enum_name():
def test_char_underlying_enum(): # Issue #1331/PR #1334:
assert type(m.ScopedCharEnum.Positive.__int__()) is int
assert int(m.ScopedChar16Enum.Zero) == 0 # int() call should successfully return
assert int(m.ScopedChar16Enum.Zero) == 0
assert hash(m.ScopedChar32Enum.Positive) == 1
assert m.ScopedCharEnum.Positive.__getstate__() == 1 # return type is long in py2.x
if env.PY2:
assert m.ScopedCharEnum.Positive.__getstate__() == 1 # long
assert type(m.ScopedCharEnum.Positive.__getstate__()) is int
assert m.ScopedWCharEnum(1) == m.ScopedWCharEnum.Positive
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
# Enum should construct with a int, even with char underlying type
# Even if the underlying type is char, only an int can be used to construct the enum:
def test_bool_underlying_enum():
assert type(m.ScopedBoolEnum.TRUE.__int__()) is int
assert int(m.ScopedBoolEnum.FALSE) == 0
assert hash(m.ScopedBoolEnum.TRUE) == 1
assert m.ScopedBoolEnum.TRUE.__getstate__() == 1
if env.PY2:
assert m.ScopedBoolEnum.TRUE.__getstate__() == 1 # long
assert type(m.ScopedBoolEnum.TRUE.__getstate__()) is int
assert m.ScopedBoolEnum(1) == m.ScopedBoolEnum.TRUE
# Enum could construct with a bool
# (bool is a strict subclass of int, and False will be converted to 0)
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ private:
struct PythonCallInDestructor {
PythonCallInDestructor(const py::dict &d) : d(d) {}
explicit PythonCallInDestructor(const py::dict &d) : d(d) {}
~PythonCallInDestructor() { d["good"] = true; }
py::dict d;
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ struct PythonCallInDestructor {
struct PythonAlreadySetInDestructor {
PythonAlreadySetInDestructor(const py::str &s) : s(s) {}
explicit PythonAlreadySetInDestructor(const py::str &s) : s(s) {}
~PythonAlreadySetInDestructor() {
py::dict foo;
try {
@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
class TestFactory1 {
friend class TestFactoryHelper;
TestFactory1() : value("(empty)") { print_default_created(this); }
TestFactory1(int v) : value(std::to_string(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
TestFactory1(std::string v) : value(std::move(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
explicit TestFactory1(int v) : value(std::to_string(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
explicit TestFactory1(std::string v) : value(std::move(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
std::string value;
TestFactory1(TestFactory1 &&) = delete;
@ -33,8 +34,9 @@ public:
class TestFactory2 {
friend class TestFactoryHelper;
TestFactory2() : value("(empty2)") { print_default_created(this); }
TestFactory2(int v) : value(std::to_string(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
TestFactory2(std::string v) : value(std::move(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
explicit TestFactory2(int v) : value(std::to_string(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
explicit TestFactory2(std::string v) : value(std::move(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
TestFactory2(TestFactory2 &&m) noexcept {
value = std::move(m.value);
@ -53,9 +55,10 @@ class TestFactory3 {
friend class TestFactoryHelper;
TestFactory3() : value("(empty3)") { print_default_created(this); }
TestFactory3(int v) : value(std::to_string(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
explicit TestFactory3(int v) : value(std::to_string(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
TestFactory3(std::string v) : value(std::move(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
explicit TestFactory3(std::string v) : value(std::move(v)) { print_created(this, value); }
TestFactory3(TestFactory3 &&m) noexcept {
value = std::move(m.value);
@ -72,13 +75,13 @@ public:
class TestFactory4 : public TestFactory3 {
TestFactory4() : TestFactory3() { print_default_created(this); }
TestFactory4(int v) : TestFactory3(v) { print_created(this, v); }
explicit TestFactory4(int v) : TestFactory3(v) { print_created(this, v); }
~TestFactory4() override { print_destroyed(this); }
// Another class for an invalid downcast test
class TestFactory5 : public TestFactory3 {
TestFactory5(int i) : TestFactory3(i) { print_created(this, i); }
explicit TestFactory5(int i) : TestFactory3(i) { print_created(this, i); }
~TestFactory5() override { print_destroyed(this); }
@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ protected:
int value;
bool alias = false;
TestFactory6(int i) : value{i} { print_created(this, i); }
explicit TestFactory6(int i) : value{i} { print_created(this, i); }
TestFactory6(TestFactory6 &&f) noexcept {
value = f.value;
@ -102,11 +105,20 @@ class PyTF6 : public TestFactory6 {
// Special constructor that allows the factory to construct a PyTF6 from a TestFactory6 only
// when an alias is needed:
PyTF6(TestFactory6 &&base) : TestFactory6(std::move(base)) { alias = true; print_created(this, "move", value); }
PyTF6(int i) : TestFactory6(i) { alias = true; print_created(this, i); }
explicit PyTF6(TestFactory6 &&base) : TestFactory6(std::move(base)) {
alias = true;
print_created(this, "move", value);
explicit PyTF6(int i) : TestFactory6(i) {
alias = true;
print_created(this, i);
PyTF6(PyTF6 &&f) noexcept : TestFactory6(std::move(f)) { print_move_created(this); }
PyTF6(const PyTF6 &f) : TestFactory6(f) { print_copy_created(this); }
PyTF6(std::string s) : TestFactory6((int) s.size()) { alias = true; print_created(this, s); }
explicit PyTF6(std::string s) : TestFactory6((int) s.size()) {
alias = true;
print_created(this, s);
~PyTF6() override { print_destroyed(this); }
int get() override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(int, TestFactory6, get, /*no args*/); }
@ -116,7 +128,7 @@ protected:
int value;
bool alias = false;
TestFactory7(int i) : value{i} { print_created(this, i); }
explicit TestFactory7(int i) : value{i} { print_created(this, i); }
TestFactory7(TestFactory7 &&f) noexcept {
value = f.value;
@ -129,7 +141,10 @@ public:
class PyTF7 : public TestFactory7 {
PyTF7(int i) : TestFactory7(i) { alias = true; print_created(this, i); }
explicit PyTF7(int i) : TestFactory7(i) {
alias = true;
print_created(this, i);
PyTF7(PyTF7 &&f) noexcept : TestFactory7(std::move(f)) { print_move_created(this); }
PyTF7(const PyTF7 &f) : TestFactory7(f) { print_copy_created(this); }
~PyTF7() override { print_destroyed(this); }
@ -300,7 +315,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(factory_constructors, m) {
// Class with a custom new operator but *without* a placement new operator (issue #948)
class NoPlacementNew {
NoPlacementNew(int i) : i(i) { }
explicit NoPlacementNew(int i) : i(i) {}
static void *operator new(std::size_t s) {
auto *p = ::operator new(s);
py::print("operator new called, returning", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p));
@ -324,8 +339,8 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(factory_constructors, m) {
// Class that has verbose operator_new/operator_delete calls
struct NoisyAlloc {
NoisyAlloc(const NoisyAlloc &) = default;
NoisyAlloc(int i) { py::print(py::str("NoisyAlloc(int {})").format(i)); }
NoisyAlloc(double d) { py::print(py::str("NoisyAlloc(double {})").format(d)); }
explicit NoisyAlloc(int i) { py::print(py::str("NoisyAlloc(int {})").format(i)); }
explicit NoisyAlloc(double d) { py::print(py::str("NoisyAlloc(double {})").format(d)); }
~NoisyAlloc() { py::print("~NoisyAlloc()"); }
static void *operator new(size_t s) { py::print("noisy new"); return ::operator new(s); }
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(local_bindings, m) {
class Cat : public pets::Pet {
Cat(std::string name) : Pet(std::move(name)) {}
explicit Cat(std::string name) : Pet(std::move(name)) {}
py::class_<pets::Pet>(m, "Pet", py::module_local())
.def("get_name", &pets::Pet::name);
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ using overload_cast_ = pybind11::detail::overload_cast_impl<Args...>;
class ExampleMandA {
ExampleMandA() { print_default_created(this); }
ExampleMandA(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, value); }
explicit ExampleMandA(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, value); }
ExampleMandA(const ExampleMandA &e) : value(e.value) { print_copy_created(this); }
ExampleMandA(std::string&&) {}
explicit ExampleMandA(std::string &&) {}
ExampleMandA(ExampleMandA &&e) noexcept : value(e.value) { print_move_created(this); }
~ExampleMandA() { print_destroyed(this); }
@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ class NoneCastTester {
int answer = -1;
NoneCastTester() = default;
NoneCastTester(int v) : answer(v) {}
explicit NoneCastTester(int v) : answer(v) {}
struct StrIssue {
int val = -1;
StrIssue() = default;
StrIssue(int i) : val{i} {}
explicit StrIssue(int i) : val{i} {}
// Issues #854, #910: incompatible function args when member function/pointer is in unregistered base class
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(modules, m) {
// test_reference_internal
class A {
A(int v) : v(v) { print_created(this, v); }
explicit A(int v) : v(v) { print_created(this, v); }
~A() { print_destroyed(this); }
A(const A&) { print_copy_created(this); }
A& operator=(const A ©) { print_copy_assigned(this); v = copy.v; return *this; }
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace {
// Many bases for testing that multiple inheritance from many classes (i.e. requiring extra
// space for holder constructed flags) works.
template <int N> struct BaseN {
BaseN(int i) : i(i) { }
explicit BaseN(int i) : i(i) {}
int i;
@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ int VanillaStaticMix2::static_value = 12;
// test_multiple_inheritance_virtbase
struct Base1a {
Base1a(int i) : i(i) { }
explicit Base1a(int i) : i(i) {}
int foo() const { return i; }
int i;
struct Base2a {
Base2a(int i) : i(i) { }
explicit Base2a(int i) : i(i) {}
int bar() const { return i; }
int i;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(multiple_inheritance, m) {
// test_multiple_inheritance_mix1
// test_multiple_inheritance_mix2
struct Base1 {
Base1(int i) : i(i) { }
explicit Base1(int i) : i(i) {}
int foo() const { return i; }
int i;
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(multiple_inheritance, m) {
.def("foo", &Base1::foo);
struct Base2 {
Base2(int i) : i(i) { }
explicit Base2(int i) : i(i) {}
int bar() const { return i; }
int i;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(numpy_vectorize, m) {
// Passthrough test: references and non-pod types should be automatically passed through (in the
// function definition below, only `b`, `d`, and `g` are vectorized):
struct NonPODClass {
NonPODClass(int v) : value{v} {}
explicit NonPODClass(int v) : value{v} {}
int value;
py::class_<NonPODClass>(m, "NonPODClass")
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(numpy_vectorize, m) {
// test_method_vectorization
struct VectorizeTestClass {
VectorizeTestClass(int v) : value{v} {};
explicit VectorizeTestClass(int v) : value{v} {};
float method(int x, float y) const { return y + (float) (x + value); }
int value = 0;
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(pickling, m) {
// test_roundtrip
class Pickleable {
Pickleable(const std::string &value) : m_value(value) { }
explicit Pickleable(const std::string &value) : m_value(value) { }
const std::string &value() const { return m_value; }
void setExtra1(int extra1) { m_extra1 = extra1; }
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(pickling, m) {
// test_roundtrip_with_dict
class PickleableWithDict {
PickleableWithDict(const std::string &value) : value(value) { }
explicit PickleableWithDict(const std::string &value) : value(value) { }
std::string value;
int extra;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ template<typename T>
class NonZeroIterator {
const T* ptr_;
NonZeroIterator(const T* ptr) : ptr_(ptr) {}
explicit NonZeroIterator(const T *ptr) : ptr_(ptr) {}
const T& operator*() const { return *ptr_; }
NonZeroIterator& operator++() { ++ptr_; return *this; }
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(sequences_and_iterators, m) {
// test_sliceable
class Sliceable{
Sliceable(int n): size(n) {}
int start,stop,step;
int size;
explicit Sliceable(int n) : size(n) {}
int start, stop, step;
int size;
py::class_<Sliceable>(m, "Sliceable")
@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(sequences_and_iterators, m) {
// test_sequence
class Sequence {
Sequence(size_t size) : m_size(size) {
explicit Sequence(size_t size) : m_size(size) {
print_created(this, "of size", m_size);
m_data = new float[size];
memset(m_data, 0, sizeof(float) * size);
Sequence(const std::vector<float> &value) : m_size(value.size()) {
explicit Sequence(const std::vector<float> &value) : m_size(value.size()) {
print_created(this, "of size", m_size, "from std::vector");
m_data = new float[m_size];
memcpy(m_data, &value[0], sizeof(float) * m_size);
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(sequences_and_iterators, m) {
class StringMap {
StringMap() = default;
StringMap(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> init)
explicit StringMap(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> init)
: map(std::move(init)) {}
void set(const std::string &key, std::string val) { map[key] = std::move(val); }
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(sequences_and_iterators, m) {
// test_generalized_iterators
class IntPairs {
IntPairs(std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> data) : data_(std::move(data)) {}
explicit IntPairs(std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> data) : data_(std::move(data)) {}
const std::pair<int, int>* begin() const { return data_.data(); }
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> data_;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ template <typename T> class huge_unique_ptr {
std::unique_ptr<T> ptr;
uint64_t padding[10];
huge_unique_ptr(T *p) : ptr(p) {}
explicit huge_unique_ptr(T *p) : ptr(p) {}
T *get() { return ptr.get(); }
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ template <typename T>
class custom_unique_ptr {
std::unique_ptr<T> impl;
custom_unique_ptr(T* p) : impl(p) { }
explicit custom_unique_ptr(T *p) : impl(p) {}
T* get() const { return impl.get(); }
T* release_ptr() { return impl.release(); }
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class shared_ptr_with_addressof_operator {
std::shared_ptr<T> impl;
shared_ptr_with_addressof_operator( ) = default;
shared_ptr_with_addressof_operator(T* p) : impl(p) { }
explicit shared_ptr_with_addressof_operator(T *p) : impl(p) {}
T* get() const { return impl.get(); }
T** operator&() { throw std::logic_error("Call of overloaded operator& is not expected"); }
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class unique_ptr_with_addressof_operator {
std::unique_ptr<T> impl;
unique_ptr_with_addressof_operator() = default;
unique_ptr_with_addressof_operator(T* p) : impl(p) { }
explicit unique_ptr_with_addressof_operator(T *p) : impl(p) {}
T* get() const { return impl.get(); }
T* release_ptr() { return impl.release(); }
T** operator&() { throw std::logic_error("Call of overloaded operator& is not expected"); }
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public:
// Custom object with builtin reference counting (see 'object.h' for the implementation)
class MyObject1 : public Object {
MyObject1(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
explicit MyObject1(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
std::string toString() const override { return "MyObject1[" + std::to_string(value) + "]"; }
~MyObject1() override { print_destroyed(this); }
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ private:
class MyObject2 {
MyObject2(const MyObject2 &) = default;
MyObject2(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
explicit MyObject2(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
std::string toString() const { return "MyObject2[" + std::to_string(value) + "]"; }
virtual ~MyObject2() { print_destroyed(this); }
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ private:
class MyObject3 : public std::enable_shared_from_this<MyObject3> {
MyObject3(const MyObject3 &) = default;
MyObject3(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
explicit MyObject3(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
std::string toString() const { return "MyObject3[" + std::to_string(value) + "]"; }
virtual ~MyObject3() { print_destroyed(this); }
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class MyObject4;
std::unordered_set<MyObject4 *> myobject4_instances;
class MyObject4 {
MyObject4(int value) : value{value} {
explicit MyObject4(int value) : value{value} {
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class MyObject4a;
std::unordered_set<MyObject4a *> myobject4a_instances;
class MyObject4a {
MyObject4a(int i) {
explicit MyObject4a(int i) {
value = i;
@ -153,14 +153,14 @@ protected:
// Object derived but with public destructor and no Deleter in default holder
class MyObject4b : public MyObject4a {
MyObject4b(int i) : MyObject4a(i) { print_created(this); }
explicit MyObject4b(int i) : MyObject4a(i) { print_created(this); }
~MyObject4b() override { print_destroyed(this); }
// test_large_holder
class MyObject5 { // managed by huge_unique_ptr
MyObject5(int value) : value{value} { print_created(this); }
explicit MyObject5(int value) : value{value} { print_created(this); }
~MyObject5() { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ struct TypeForHolderWithAddressOf {
// test_move_only_holder_with_addressof_operator
struct TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf {
TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf(int value) : value{value} { print_created(this); }
explicit TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf(int value) : value{value} { print_created(this); }
~TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf() { print_destroyed(this); }
std::string toString() const {
return "MoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf[" + std::to_string(value) + "]";
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ struct ElementBase {
struct ElementA : ElementBase {
ElementA(int v) : v(v) { }
explicit ElementA(int v) : v(v) {}
int value() const { return v; }
int v;
@ -323,9 +323,9 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
py::implicitly_convertible<py::int_, MyObject1>();
m.def("make_object_1", []() -> Object * { return new MyObject1(1); });
m.def("make_object_2", []() -> ref<Object> { return new MyObject1(2); });
m.def("make_object_2", []() -> ref<Object> { return ref<Object>(new MyObject1(2)); });
m.def("make_myobject1_1", []() -> MyObject1 * { return new MyObject1(4); });
m.def("make_myobject1_2", []() -> ref<MyObject1> { return new MyObject1(5); });
m.def("make_myobject1_2", []() -> ref<MyObject1> { return ref<MyObject1>(new MyObject1(5)); });
m.def("print_object_1", [](const Object *obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); });
m.def("print_object_2", [](ref<Object> obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); });
m.def("print_object_3", [](const ref<Object> &obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); });
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
// test_smart_ptr_refcounting
m.def("test_object1_refcounting", []() {
ref<MyObject1> o = new MyObject1(0);
auto o = ref<MyObject1>(new MyObject1(0));
bool good = o->getRefCount() == 1;
py::object o2 = py::cast(o, py::return_value_policy::reference);
// always request (partial) ownership for objects with intrusive
@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string>>);
/// Issue #528: templated constructor
struct TplCtorClass {
template <typename T> TplCtorClass(const T &) { }
template <typename T>
explicit TplCtorClass(const T &) {}
bool operator==(const TplCtorClass &) const { return true; }
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
class El {
El() = delete;
El(int v) : a(v) { }
explicit El(int v) : a(v) {}
int a;
@ -37,33 +37,35 @@ struct Animal
struct Dog : Animal
Dog(const std::string& _name, Kind _kind = Kind::Dog) : Animal(_name, _kind) {}
explicit Dog(const std::string &_name, Kind _kind = Kind::Dog) : Animal(_name, _kind) {}
std::string bark() const { return name_of_kind(kind) + " " + name + " goes " + sound; }
std::string sound = "WOOF!";
struct Labrador : Dog
Labrador(const std::string& _name, int _excitement = 9001)
explicit Labrador(const std::string &_name, int _excitement = 9001)
: Dog(_name, Kind::Labrador), excitement(_excitement) {}
int excitement;
struct Chihuahua : Dog
Chihuahua(const std::string& _name) : Dog(_name, Kind::Chihuahua) { sound = "iyiyiyiyiyi"; }
explicit Chihuahua(const std::string &_name) : Dog(_name, Kind::Chihuahua) {
sound = "iyiyiyiyiyi";
std::string bark() const { return Dog::bark() + " and runs in circles"; }
struct Cat : Animal
Cat(const std::string& _name, Kind _kind = Kind::Cat) : Animal(_name, _kind) {}
explicit Cat(const std::string &_name, Kind _kind = Kind::Cat) : Animal(_name, _kind) {}
std::string purr() const { return "mrowr"; }
struct Panther : Cat
Panther(const std::string& _name) : Cat(_name, Kind::Panther) {}
explicit Panther(const std::string &_name) : Cat(_name, Kind::Panther) {}
std::string purr() const { return "mrrrRRRRRR"; }
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
/* This is an example class that we'll want to be able to extend from Python */
class ExampleVirt {
ExampleVirt(int state) : state(state) { print_created(this, state); }
explicit ExampleVirt(int state) : state(state) { print_created(this, state); }
ExampleVirt(const ExampleVirt &e) : state(e.state) { print_copy_created(this); }
ExampleVirt(ExampleVirt &&e) noexcept : state(e.state) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user