mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 15:32:02 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into sh_merge_master
This commit is contained in:
@ -457,6 +457,8 @@ extern "C" inline void pybind11_object_dealloc(PyObject *self) {
std::string error_string();
/** Create the type which can be used as a common base for all classes. This is
needed in order to satisfy Python's requirements for multiple inheritance.
Return value: New reference. */
@ -492,7 +494,7 @@ inline PyObject *make_object_base_type(PyTypeObject *metaclass) {
type->tp_weaklistoffset = offsetof(instance, weakrefs);
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0) {
pybind11_fail("PyType_Ready failed in make_object_base_type():" + error_string());
pybind11_fail("PyType_Ready failed in make_object_base_type(): " + error_string());
setattr((PyObject *) type, "__module__", str("pybind11_builtins"));
@ -709,7 +711,7 @@ inline PyObject *make_new_python_type(const type_record &rec) {
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0) {
pybind11_fail(std::string(rec.name) + ": PyType_Ready failed (" + error_string() + ")!");
pybind11_fail(std::string(rec.name) + ": PyType_Ready failed: " + error_string());
assert(!rec.dynamic_attr || PyType_HasFeature(type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC));
@ -470,73 +470,6 @@ PYBIND11_NOINLINE bool isinstance_generic(handle obj, const std::type_info &tp)
return isinstance(obj, type);
PYBIND11_NOINLINE std::string error_string(const char *called) {
error_scope scope; // Fetch error state (will be restored when this function returns).
if (scope.type == nullptr) {
if (called == nullptr) {
called = "pybind11::detail::error_string()";
pybind11_fail("Internal error: " + std::string(called)
+ " called while Python error indicator not set.");
PyErr_NormalizeException(&scope.type, &scope.value, &scope.trace);
if (scope.trace != nullptr) {
PyException_SetTraceback(scope.value, scope.trace);
std::string errorString;
if (scope.type) {
errorString += handle(scope.type).attr("__name__").cast<std::string>();
errorString += ": ";
if (scope.value) {
errorString += (std::string) str(scope.value);
#if !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
if (scope.trace) {
auto *trace = (PyTracebackObject *) scope.trace;
/* Get the deepest trace possible */
while (trace->tb_next) {
trace = trace->tb_next;
PyFrameObject *frame = trace->tb_frame;
errorString += "\n\nAt:\n";
while (frame) {
# if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x030900B1
PyCodeObject *f_code = PyFrame_GetCode(frame);
# else
PyCodeObject *f_code = frame->f_code;
# endif
int lineno = PyFrame_GetLineNumber(frame);
errorString += " ";
errorString += handle(f_code->co_filename).cast<std::string>();
errorString += '(';
errorString += std::to_string(lineno);
errorString += "): ";
errorString += handle(f_code->co_name).cast<std::string>();
errorString += '\n';
# if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x030900B1
auto *b_frame = PyFrame_GetBack(frame);
# else
auto *b_frame = frame->f_back;
# endif
frame = b_frame;
return errorString;
PYBIND11_NOINLINE handle get_object_handle(const void *ptr, const detail::type_info *type) {
auto &instances = get_internals().registered_instances;
auto range = instances.equal_range(ptr);
@ -2880,17 +2880,21 @@ void print(Args &&...args) {
detail::print(c.args(), c.kwargs());
error_already_set::~error_already_set() {
if (m_type) {
gil_scoped_acquire gil;
error_scope scope;
inline void
error_already_set::m_fetched_error_deleter(detail::error_fetch_and_normalize *raw_ptr) {
gil_scoped_acquire gil;
error_scope scope;
delete raw_ptr;
inline const char *error_already_set::what() const noexcept {
gil_scoped_acquire gil;
error_scope scope;
return m_fetched_error->error_string().c_str();
inline function
get_type_override(const void *this_ptr, const type_info *this_type, const char *name) {
handle self = get_object_handle(this_ptr, this_type);
@ -12,7 +12,15 @@
#include "detail/common.h"
#include "buffer_info.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <exception>
#include <frameobject.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <utility>
#if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_OPTIONAL)
@ -383,7 +391,175 @@ T reinterpret_steal(handle h) {
std::string error_string(const char *called = nullptr);
// Equivalent to obj.__class__.__name__ (or obj.__name__ if obj is a class).
inline const char *obj_class_name(PyObject *obj) {
if (Py_TYPE(obj) == &PyType_Type) {
return reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(obj)->tp_name;
return Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_name;
std::string error_string();
struct error_fetch_and_normalize {
// Immediate normalization is long-established behavior (starting with
// https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/commit/135ba8deafb8bf64a15b24d1513899eb600e2011
// from Sep 2016) and safest. Normalization could be deferred, but this could mask
// errors elsewhere, the performance gain is very minor in typical situations
// (usually the dominant bottleneck is EH unwinding), and the implementation here
// would be more complex.
explicit error_fetch_and_normalize(const char *called) {
PyErr_Fetch(&m_type.ptr(), &m_value.ptr(), &m_trace.ptr());
if (!m_type) {
pybind11_fail("Internal error: " + std::string(called)
+ " called while "
"Python error indicator not set.");
const char *exc_type_name_orig = detail::obj_class_name(m_type.ptr());
if (exc_type_name_orig == nullptr) {
pybind11_fail("Internal error: " + std::string(called)
+ " failed to obtain the name "
"of the original active exception type.");
m_lazy_error_string = exc_type_name_orig;
// PyErr_NormalizeException() may change the exception type if there are cascading
// failures. This can potentially be extremely confusing.
PyErr_NormalizeException(&m_type.ptr(), &m_value.ptr(), &m_trace.ptr());
if (m_type.ptr() == nullptr) {
pybind11_fail("Internal error: " + std::string(called)
+ " failed to normalize the "
"active exception.");
const char *exc_type_name_norm = detail::obj_class_name(m_type.ptr());
if (exc_type_name_orig == nullptr) {
pybind11_fail("Internal error: " + std::string(called)
+ " failed to obtain the name "
"of the normalized active exception type.");
if (exc_type_name_norm != m_lazy_error_string) {
std::string msg = std::string(called)
+ ": MISMATCH of original and normalized "
"active exception types: ";
msg += "ORIGINAL ";
msg += m_lazy_error_string;
msg += " REPLACED BY ";
msg += exc_type_name_norm;
msg += ": " + format_value_and_trace();
error_fetch_and_normalize(const error_fetch_and_normalize &) = delete;
error_fetch_and_normalize(error_fetch_and_normalize &&) = delete;
std::string format_value_and_trace() const {
std::string result;
std::string message_error_string;
if (m_value) {
auto value_str = reinterpret_steal<object>(PyObject_Str(m_value.ptr()));
if (!value_str) {
message_error_string = detail::error_string();
} else {
result = value_str.cast<std::string>();
} else {
if (result.empty()) {
result = "<EMPTY MESSAGE>";
bool have_trace = false;
if (m_trace) {
#if !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
auto *tb = reinterpret_cast<PyTracebackObject *>(m_trace.ptr());
// Get the deepest trace possible.
while (tb->tb_next) {
tb = tb->tb_next;
PyFrameObject *frame = tb->tb_frame;
result += "\n\nAt:\n";
while (frame) {
# if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x030900B1
PyCodeObject *f_code = PyFrame_GetCode(frame);
# else
PyCodeObject *f_code = frame->f_code;
# endif
int lineno = PyFrame_GetLineNumber(frame);
result += " ";
result += handle(f_code->co_filename).cast<std::string>();
result += '(';
result += std::to_string(lineno);
result += "): ";
result += handle(f_code->co_name).cast<std::string>();
result += '\n';
# if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x030900B1
auto *b_frame = PyFrame_GetBack(frame);
# else
auto *b_frame = frame->f_back;
# endif
frame = b_frame;
have_trace = true;
#endif //! defined(PYPY_VERSION)
if (!message_error_string.empty()) {
if (!have_trace) {
result += '\n';
result += "\nMESSAGE UNAVAILABLE DUE TO EXCEPTION: " + message_error_string;
return result;
std::string const &error_string() const {
if (!m_lazy_error_string_completed) {
m_lazy_error_string += ": " + format_value_and_trace();
m_lazy_error_string_completed = true;
return m_lazy_error_string;
void restore() {
if (m_restore_called) {
pybind11_fail("Internal error: pybind11::detail::error_fetch_and_normalize::restore() "
"called a second time. ORIGINAL ERROR: "
+ error_string());
PyErr_Restore(m_type.inc_ref().ptr(), m_value.inc_ref().ptr(), m_trace.inc_ref().ptr());
m_restore_called = true;
bool matches(handle exc) const {
return (PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(m_type.ptr(), exc.ptr()) != 0);
// Not protecting these for simplicity.
object m_type, m_value, m_trace;
// Only protecting invariants.
mutable std::string m_lazy_error_string;
mutable bool m_lazy_error_string_completed = false;
mutable bool m_restore_called = false;
inline std::string error_string() {
return error_fetch_and_normalize("pybind11::detail::error_string").error_string();
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
@ -396,39 +572,30 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(detail)
/// thrown to propagate python-side errors back through C++ which can either be caught manually or
/// else falls back to the function dispatcher (which then raises the captured error back to
/// python).
class PYBIND11_EXPORT_EXCEPTION error_already_set : public std::runtime_error {
class PYBIND11_EXPORT_EXCEPTION error_already_set : public std::exception {
/// Constructs a new exception from the current Python error indicator. The current
/// Python error indicator will be cleared.
error_already_set() : std::runtime_error(detail::error_string("pybind11::error_already_set")) {
PyErr_Fetch(&m_type.ptr(), &m_value.ptr(), &m_trace.ptr());
/// Fetches the current Python exception (using PyErr_Fetch()), which will clear the
/// current Python error indicator.
: m_fetched_error{new detail::error_fetch_and_normalize("pybind11::error_already_set"),
m_fetched_error_deleter} {}
/// WARNING: The GIL must be held when this copy constructor is invoked!
error_already_set(const error_already_set &) = default;
error_already_set(error_already_set &&) = default;
/// WARNING: This destructor needs to acquire the Python GIL. This can lead to
/// The what() result is built lazily on demand.
/// WARNING: This member function needs to acquire the Python GIL. This can lead to
/// crashes (undefined behavior) if the Python interpreter is finalizing.
inline ~error_already_set() override;
const char *what() const noexcept override;
/// Restores the currently-held Python error (which will clear the Python error indicator first
/// if already set). After this call, the current object no longer stores the error variables.
/// NOTE: Any copies of this object may still store the error variables. Currently there is no
// protection against calling restore() from multiple copies.
/// if already set).
/// NOTE: This member function will always restore the normalized exception, which may or may
/// not be the original Python exception.
/// WARNING: The GIL must be held when this member function is called!
void restore() {
PyErr_Restore(m_type.release().ptr(), m_value.release().ptr(), m_trace.release().ptr());
void restore() { m_fetched_error->restore(); }
/// If it is impossible to raise the currently-held error, such as in a destructor, we can
/// write it out using Python's unraisable hook (`sys.unraisablehook`). The error context
/// should be some object whose `repr()` helps identify the location of the error. Python
/// already knows the type and value of the error, so there is no need to repeat that. After
/// this call, the current object no longer stores the error variables, and neither does
/// Python.
/// already knows the type and value of the error, so there is no need to repeat that.
void discard_as_unraisable(object err_context) {
@ -447,16 +614,18 @@ public:
/// Check if the currently trapped error type matches the given Python exception class (or a
/// subclass thereof). May also be passed a tuple to search for any exception class matches in
/// the given tuple.
bool matches(handle exc) const {
return (PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(m_type.ptr(), exc.ptr()) != 0);
bool matches(handle exc) const { return m_fetched_error->matches(exc); }
const object &type() const { return m_type; }
const object &value() const { return m_value; }
const object &trace() const { return m_trace; }
const object &type() const { return m_fetched_error->m_type; }
const object &value() const { return m_fetched_error->m_value; }
const object &trace() const { return m_fetched_error->m_trace; }
object m_type, m_value, m_trace;
std::shared_ptr<detail::error_fetch_and_normalize> m_fetched_error;
/// WARNING: This custom deleter needs to acquire the Python GIL. This can lead to
/// crashes (undefined behavior) if the Python interpreter is finalizing.
static void m_fetched_error_deleter(detail::error_fetch_and_normalize *raw_ptr);
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(pop)
@ -492,8 +661,7 @@ inline void raise_from(PyObject *type, const char *message) {
/// Sets the current Python error indicator with the chosen error, performing a 'raise from'
/// from the error contained in error_already_set to indicate that the chosen error was
/// caused by the original error. After this function is called error_already_set will
/// no longer contain an error.
/// caused by the original error.
inline void raise_from(error_already_set &err, PyObject *type, const char *message) {
raise_from(type, message);
@ -105,6 +105,11 @@ struct PythonAlreadySetInDestructor {
py::str s;
std::string error_already_set_what(const py::object &exc_type, const py::object &exc_value) {
PyErr_SetObject(exc_type.ptr(), exc_value.ptr());
return py::error_already_set().what();
TEST_SUBMODULE(exceptions, m) {
[]() { throw std::runtime_error("This exception was intentionally thrown."); });
@ -269,7 +274,9 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(exceptions, m) {
if (ex.matches(exc_type)) {
} else {
// Simply `throw;` also works and is better, but using `throw ex;`
// here to cover that situation (as observed in the wild).
throw ex; // Invokes the copy ctor.
@ -317,4 +324,14 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(exceptions, m) {
= reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(PyLong_AsVoidPtr(cm.attr("funcaddr").ptr()));
m.def("test_error_already_set_double_restore", [](bool dry_run) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Random error.");
py::error_already_set e;
if (!dry_run) {
@ -305,13 +305,16 @@ def test_error_already_set_what_with_happy_exceptions(
@pytest.mark.skipif("env.PYPY", reason="PyErr_NormalizeException Segmentation fault")
def test_flaky_exception_failure_point_init():
what, py_err_set_after_what = m.error_already_set_what(
FlakyException, ("failure_point_init",)
assert not py_err_set_after_what
lines = what.splitlines()
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
m.error_already_set_what(FlakyException, ("failure_point_init",))
lines = str(excinfo.value).splitlines()
# PyErr_NormalizeException replaces the original FlakyException with ValueError:
assert lines[:3] == ["ValueError: triggered_failure_point_init", "", "At:"]
assert lines[:3] == [
"pybind11::error_already_set: MISMATCH of original and normalized active exception types:"
" ORIGINAL FlakyException REPLACED BY ValueError: triggered_failure_point_init",
# Checking the first two lines of the traceback as formatted in error_string():
assert "test_exceptions.py(" in lines[3]
assert lines[3].endswith("): __init__")
@ -319,10 +322,25 @@ def test_flaky_exception_failure_point_init():
def test_flaky_exception_failure_point_str():
# The error_already_set ctor fails due to a ValueError in error_string():
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
m.error_already_set_what(FlakyException, ("failure_point_str",))
assert str(excinfo.value) == "triggered_failure_point_str"
what, py_err_set_after_what = m.error_already_set_what(
FlakyException, ("failure_point_str",)
assert not py_err_set_after_what
lines = what.splitlines()
if env.PYPY and len(lines) == 3:
n = 3 # Traceback is missing.
n = 5
assert (
== [
"MESSAGE UNAVAILABLE DUE TO EXCEPTION: ValueError: triggered_failure_point_str",
def test_cross_module_interleaved_error_already_set():
@ -332,3 +350,13 @@ def test_cross_module_interleaved_error_already_set():
"2nd error.", # Almost all platforms.
"RuntimeError: 2nd error.", # Some PyPy builds (seen under macOS).
def test_error_already_set_double_restore():
m.test_error_already_set_double_restore(True) # dry_run
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == (
"Internal error: pybind11::detail::error_fetch_and_normalize::restore()"
" called a second time. ORIGINAL ERROR: ValueError: Random error."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user