mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 01:56:43 +00:00
Shuffling code in test_smart_ptr.cpp to separate struct/class definitions from bindings code. Back-porting from smart_holder branch, to minimize diffs and potential for merge conflicts. (#2875)
Thanks Wenzel!
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,23 +15,7 @@
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include "object.h"
// Make pybind aware of the ref-counted wrapper type (s):
// ref<T> is a wrapper for 'Object' which uses intrusive reference counting
// It is always possible to construct a ref<T> from an Object* pointer without
// possible inconsistencies, hence the 'true' argument at the end.
// Make pybind11 aware of the non-standard getter member function
namespace pybind11 { namespace detail {
template <typename T>
struct holder_helper<ref<T>> {
static const T *get(const ref<T> &p) { return p.get_ptr(); }
} // namespace detail
} // namespace pybind11
// The following is not required anymore for std::shared_ptr, but it should compile without error:
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, std::shared_ptr<T>);
namespace {
// This is just a wrapper around unique_ptr, but with extra fields to deliberately bloat up the
// holder size to trigger the non-simple-layout internal instance layout for single inheritance with
@ -43,7 +27,6 @@ public:
huge_unique_ptr(T *p) : ptr(p) {};
T *get() { return ptr.get(); }
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, huge_unique_ptr<T>);
// Simple custom holder that works like unique_ptr
template <typename T>
@ -54,7 +37,6 @@ public:
T* get() const { return impl.get(); }
T* release_ptr() { return impl.release(); }
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, custom_unique_ptr<T>);
// Simple custom holder that works like shared_ptr and has operator& overload
// To obtain address of an instance of this holder pybind should use std::addressof
@ -68,7 +50,6 @@ public:
T* get() const { return impl.get(); }
T** operator&() { throw std::logic_error("Call of overloaded operator& is not expected"); }
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, shared_ptr_with_addressof_operator<T>);
// Simple custom holder that works like unique_ptr and has operator& overload
// To obtain address of an instance of this holder pybind should use std::addressof
@ -83,10 +64,218 @@ public:
T* release_ptr() { return impl.release(); }
T** operator&() { throw std::logic_error("Call of overloaded operator& is not expected"); }
// Custom object with builtin reference counting (see 'object.h' for the implementation)
class MyObject1 : public Object {
MyObject1(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
std::string toString() const override { return "MyObject1[" + std::to_string(value) + "]"; }
~MyObject1() override { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
// Object managed by a std::shared_ptr<>
class MyObject2 {
MyObject2(const MyObject2 &) = default;
MyObject2(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
std::string toString() const { return "MyObject2[" + std::to_string(value) + "]"; }
virtual ~MyObject2() { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
// Object managed by a std::shared_ptr<>, additionally derives from std::enable_shared_from_this<>
class MyObject3 : public std::enable_shared_from_this<MyObject3> {
MyObject3(const MyObject3 &) = default;
MyObject3(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
std::string toString() const { return "MyObject3[" + std::to_string(value) + "]"; }
virtual ~MyObject3() { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
// test_unique_nodelete
// Object with a private destructor
class MyObject4;
static std::unordered_set<MyObject4 *> myobject4_instances;
class MyObject4 {
MyObject4(int value) : value{value} {
int value;
static void cleanupAllInstances() {
auto tmp = std::move(myobject4_instances);
for (auto o : tmp)
delete o;
~MyObject4() {
// test_unique_deleter
// Object with std::unique_ptr<T, D> where D is not matching the base class
// Object with a protected destructor
class MyObject4a;
static std::unordered_set<MyObject4a *> myobject4a_instances;
class MyObject4a {
MyObject4a(int i) {
value = i;
int value;
static void cleanupAllInstances() {
auto tmp = std::move(myobject4a_instances);
for (auto o : tmp)
delete o;
virtual ~MyObject4a() {
// Object derived but with public destructor and no Deleter in default holder
class MyObject4b : public MyObject4a {
MyObject4b(int i) : MyObject4a(i) { print_created(this); }
~MyObject4b() override { print_destroyed(this); }
// test_large_holder
class MyObject5 { // managed by huge_unique_ptr
MyObject5(int value) : value{value} { print_created(this); }
~MyObject5() { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
// test_shared_ptr_and_references
struct SharedPtrRef {
struct A {
A() { print_created(this); }
A(const A &) { print_copy_created(this); }
A(A &&) { print_move_created(this); }
~A() { print_destroyed(this); }
A value = {};
std::shared_ptr<A> shared = std::make_shared<A>();
// test_shared_ptr_from_this_and_references
struct SharedFromThisRef {
struct B : std::enable_shared_from_this<B> {
B() { print_created(this); }
B(const B &) : std::enable_shared_from_this<B>() { print_copy_created(this); }
B(B &&) : std::enable_shared_from_this<B>() { print_move_created(this); }
~B() { print_destroyed(this); }
B value = {};
std::shared_ptr<B> shared = std::make_shared<B>();
// Issue #865: shared_from_this doesn't work with virtual inheritance
struct SharedFromThisVBase : std::enable_shared_from_this<SharedFromThisVBase> {
SharedFromThisVBase() = default;
SharedFromThisVBase(const SharedFromThisVBase &) = default;
virtual ~SharedFromThisVBase() = default;
struct SharedFromThisVirt : virtual SharedFromThisVBase {};
// test_move_only_holder
struct C {
C() { print_created(this); }
~C() { print_destroyed(this); }
// test_holder_with_addressof_operator
struct TypeForHolderWithAddressOf {
TypeForHolderWithAddressOf() { print_created(this); }
TypeForHolderWithAddressOf(const TypeForHolderWithAddressOf &) { print_copy_created(this); }
TypeForHolderWithAddressOf(TypeForHolderWithAddressOf &&) { print_move_created(this); }
~TypeForHolderWithAddressOf() { print_destroyed(this); }
std::string toString() const {
return "TypeForHolderWithAddressOf[" + std::to_string(value) + "]";
int value = 42;
// test_move_only_holder_with_addressof_operator
struct TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf {
TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf(int value) : value{value} { print_created(this); }
~TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf() { print_destroyed(this); }
std::string toString() const {
return "MoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf[" + std::to_string(value) + "]";
int value;
// test_smart_ptr_from_default
struct HeldByDefaultHolder { };
// test_shared_ptr_gc
// #187: issue involving std::shared_ptr<> return value policy & garbage collection
struct ElementBase {
virtual ~ElementBase() = default; /* Force creation of virtual table */
ElementBase() = default;
ElementBase(const ElementBase&) = delete;
struct ElementA : ElementBase {
ElementA(int v) : v(v) { }
int value() { return v; }
int v;
struct ElementList {
void add(std::shared_ptr<ElementBase> e) { l.push_back(e); }
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ElementBase>> l;
} // namespace
// ref<T> is a wrapper for 'Object' which uses intrusive reference counting
// It is always possible to construct a ref<T> from an Object* pointer without
// possible inconsistencies, hence the 'true' argument at the end.
// Make pybind11 aware of the non-standard getter member function
namespace pybind11 { namespace detail {
template <typename T>
struct holder_helper<ref<T>> {
static const T *get(const ref<T> &p) { return p.get_ptr(); }
} // namespace detail
} // namespace pybind11
// Make pybind aware of the ref-counted wrapper type (s):
// The following is not required anymore for std::shared_ptr, but it should compile without error:
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, std::shared_ptr<T>);
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, huge_unique_ptr<T>);
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, custom_unique_ptr<T>);
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, shared_ptr_with_addressof_operator<T>);
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, unique_ptr_with_addressof_operator<T>);
TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
// Please do not interleave `struct` and `class` definitions with bindings code,
// but implement `struct`s and `class`es in the anonymous namespace above.
// This helps keeping the smart_holder branch in sync with master.
// test_smart_ptr
@ -94,16 +283,6 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
py::class_<Object, ref<Object>> obj(m, "Object");
obj.def("getRefCount", &Object::getRefCount);
// Custom object with builtin reference counting (see 'object.h' for the implementation)
class MyObject1 : public Object {
MyObject1(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
std::string toString() const override { return "MyObject1[" + std::to_string(value) + "]"; }
~MyObject1() override { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
py::class_<MyObject1, ref<MyObject1>>(m, "MyObject1", obj)
py::implicitly_convertible<py::int_, MyObject1>();
@ -124,17 +303,6 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
// Expose constructor stats for the ref type
m.def("cstats_ref", &ConstructorStats::get<ref_tag>);
// Object managed by a std::shared_ptr<>
class MyObject2 {
MyObject2(const MyObject2 &) = default;
MyObject2(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
std::string toString() const { return "MyObject2[" + std::to_string(value) + "]"; }
virtual ~MyObject2() { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
py::class_<MyObject2, std::shared_ptr<MyObject2>>(m, "MyObject2")
m.def("make_myobject2_1", []() { return new MyObject2(6); });
@ -144,16 +312,6 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
m.def("print_myobject2_3", [](const std::shared_ptr<MyObject2> &obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); });
m.def("print_myobject2_4", [](const std::shared_ptr<MyObject2> *obj) { py::print((*obj)->toString()); });
// Object managed by a std::shared_ptr<>, additionally derives from std::enable_shared_from_this<>
class MyObject3 : public std::enable_shared_from_this<MyObject3> {
MyObject3(const MyObject3 &) = default;
MyObject3(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, toString()); }
std::string toString() const { return "MyObject3[" + std::to_string(value) + "]"; }
virtual ~MyObject3() { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
py::class_<MyObject3, std::shared_ptr<MyObject3>>(m, "MyObject3")
m.def("make_myobject3_1", []() { return new MyObject3(8); });
@ -175,100 +333,29 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
// test_unique_nodelete
// Object with a private destructor
class MyObject4;
static std::unordered_set<MyObject4 *> myobject4_instances;
class MyObject4 {
MyObject4(int value) : value{value} {
int value;
static void cleanupAllInstances() {
auto tmp = std::move(myobject4_instances);
for (auto o : tmp)
delete o;
~MyObject4() {
py::class_<MyObject4, std::unique_ptr<MyObject4, py::nodelete>>(m, "MyObject4")
.def_readwrite("value", &MyObject4::value)
.def_static("cleanup_all_instances", &MyObject4::cleanupAllInstances);
// test_unique_deleter
// Object with std::unique_ptr<T, D> where D is not matching the base class
// Object with a protected destructor
class MyObject4a;
static std::unordered_set<MyObject4a *> myobject4a_instances;
class MyObject4a {
MyObject4a(int i) {
value = i;
int value;
static void cleanupAllInstances() {
auto tmp = std::move(myobject4a_instances);
for (auto o : tmp)
delete o;
virtual ~MyObject4a() {
py::class_<MyObject4a, std::unique_ptr<MyObject4a, py::nodelete>>(m, "MyObject4a")
.def_readwrite("value", &MyObject4a::value)
.def_static("cleanup_all_instances", &MyObject4a::cleanupAllInstances);
// Object derived but with public destructor and no Deleter in default holder
class MyObject4b : public MyObject4a {
MyObject4b(int i) : MyObject4a(i) { print_created(this); }
~MyObject4b() override { print_destroyed(this); }
py::class_<MyObject4b, MyObject4a>(m, "MyObject4b")
py::class_<MyObject4b, MyObject4a, std::unique_ptr<MyObject4b>>(m, "MyObject4b")
// test_large_holder
class MyObject5 { // managed by huge_unique_ptr
MyObject5(int value) : value{value} { print_created(this); }
~MyObject5() { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
py::class_<MyObject5, huge_unique_ptr<MyObject5>>(m, "MyObject5")
.def_readwrite("value", &MyObject5::value);
// test_shared_ptr_and_references
struct SharedPtrRef {
struct A {
A() { print_created(this); }
A(const A &) { print_copy_created(this); }
A(A &&) { print_move_created(this); }
~A() { print_destroyed(this); }
A value = {};
std::shared_ptr<A> shared = std::make_shared<A>();
using A = SharedPtrRef::A;
py::class_<A, std::shared_ptr<A>>(m, "A");
py::class_<SharedPtrRef>(m, "SharedPtrRef")
py::class_<SharedPtrRef, std::unique_ptr<SharedPtrRef>>(m, "SharedPtrRef")
.def_readonly("ref", &SharedPtrRef::value)
.def_property_readonly("copy", [](const SharedPtrRef &s) { return s.value; },
@ -280,20 +367,9 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
.def("set_holder", [](SharedPtrRef &, std::shared_ptr<A>) { return true; });
// test_shared_ptr_from_this_and_references
struct SharedFromThisRef {
struct B : std::enable_shared_from_this<B> {
B() { print_created(this); }
B(const B &) : std::enable_shared_from_this<B>() { print_copy_created(this); }
B(B &&) : std::enable_shared_from_this<B>() { print_move_created(this); }
~B() { print_destroyed(this); }
B value = {};
std::shared_ptr<B> shared = std::make_shared<B>();
using B = SharedFromThisRef::B;
py::class_<B, std::shared_ptr<B>>(m, "B");
py::class_<SharedFromThisRef>(m, "SharedFromThisRef")
py::class_<SharedFromThisRef, std::unique_ptr<SharedFromThisRef>>(m, "SharedFromThisRef")
.def_readonly("bad_wp", &SharedFromThisRef::value)
.def_property_readonly("ref", [](const SharedFromThisRef &s) -> const B & { return *s.shared; })
@ -306,36 +382,16 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
.def("set_holder", [](SharedFromThisRef &, std::shared_ptr<B>) { return true; });
// Issue #865: shared_from_this doesn't work with virtual inheritance
struct SharedFromThisVBase : std::enable_shared_from_this<SharedFromThisVBase> {
SharedFromThisVBase() = default;
SharedFromThisVBase(const SharedFromThisVBase &) = default;
virtual ~SharedFromThisVBase() = default;
struct SharedFromThisVirt : virtual SharedFromThisVBase {};
static std::shared_ptr<SharedFromThisVirt> sft(new SharedFromThisVirt());
py::class_<SharedFromThisVirt, std::shared_ptr<SharedFromThisVirt>>(m, "SharedFromThisVirt")
.def_static("get", []() { return sft.get(); });
// test_move_only_holder
struct C {
C() { print_created(this); }
~C() { print_destroyed(this); }
py::class_<C, custom_unique_ptr<C>>(m, "TypeWithMoveOnlyHolder")
.def_static("make", []() { return custom_unique_ptr<C>(new C); })
.def_static("make_as_object", []() { return py::cast(custom_unique_ptr<C>(new C)); });
// test_holder_with_addressof_operator
struct TypeForHolderWithAddressOf {
TypeForHolderWithAddressOf() { print_created(this); }
TypeForHolderWithAddressOf(const TypeForHolderWithAddressOf &) { print_copy_created(this); }
TypeForHolderWithAddressOf(TypeForHolderWithAddressOf &&) { print_move_created(this); }
~TypeForHolderWithAddressOf() { print_destroyed(this); }
std::string toString() const {
return "TypeForHolderWithAddressOf[" + std::to_string(value) + "]";
int value = 42;
using HolderWithAddressOf = shared_ptr_with_addressof_operator<TypeForHolderWithAddressOf>;
py::class_<TypeForHolderWithAddressOf, HolderWithAddressOf>(m, "TypeForHolderWithAddressOf")
.def_static("make", []() { return HolderWithAddressOf(new TypeForHolderWithAddressOf); })
@ -346,14 +402,6 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
.def("print_object_4", [](const HolderWithAddressOf *obj) { py::print((*obj).get()->toString()); });
// test_move_only_holder_with_addressof_operator
struct TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf {
TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf(int value) : value{value} { print_created(this); }
~TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf() { print_destroyed(this); }
std::string toString() const {
return "MoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf[" + std::to_string(value) + "]";
int value;
using MoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf = unique_ptr_with_addressof_operator<TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf>;
py::class_<TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf, MoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf>(m, "TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf")
.def_static("make", []() { return MoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf(new TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf(0)); })
@ -361,33 +409,18 @@ TEST_SUBMODULE(smart_ptr, m) {
.def("print_object", [](const TypeForMoveOnlyHolderWithAddressOf *obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); });
// test_smart_ptr_from_default
struct HeldByDefaultHolder { };
py::class_<HeldByDefaultHolder>(m, "HeldByDefaultHolder")
py::class_<HeldByDefaultHolder, std::unique_ptr<HeldByDefaultHolder>>(m, "HeldByDefaultHolder")
.def_static("load_shared_ptr", [](std::shared_ptr<HeldByDefaultHolder>) {});
// test_shared_ptr_gc
// #187: issue involving std::shared_ptr<> return value policy & garbage collection
struct ElementBase {
virtual ~ElementBase() = default; /* Force creation of virtual table */
ElementBase() = default;
ElementBase(const ElementBase&) = delete;
py::class_<ElementBase, std::shared_ptr<ElementBase>>(m, "ElementBase");
struct ElementA : ElementBase {
ElementA(int v) : v(v) { }
int value() { return v; }
int v;
py::class_<ElementA, ElementBase, std::shared_ptr<ElementA>>(m, "ElementA")
.def("value", &ElementA::value);
struct ElementList {
void add(std::shared_ptr<ElementBase> e) { l.push_back(e); }
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ElementBase>> l;
py::class_<ElementList, std::shared_ptr<ElementList>>(m, "ElementList")
.def("add", &ElementList::add)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user