* Using new smart_holder::reclaim_disowned in smart_holder_type_caster for unique_ptr.
* Systematically renaming was_disowned to is_disowned (because disowning is now reversible: reclaim_disowned).
* Systematically renaming virtual_overrider_self_life_support to trampoline_self_life_support (to reuse existing terminology instead of introducing new one).
* Systematically renaming test_class_sh_with_alias to test_class_sh_trampoline_basic.
* Adding a Trampolines and std::unique_ptr section to README_smart_holder.rst.
* MSVC compatibility.
* Porting subset of absltest code from reproducer provided by @elkhrt. Baseline for debugging ASAN heap-use-after-free.
* Moving Py_DECREF to resolve ASAN heap-use-after-free failure.
* Fixing trivial formatting issue.
* Workaround for clang 3.6 and 3.7.