#include "pybind11/stl.h" #include "pybind11/stl_bind.h" #include "pybind11_tests.h" #include #include namespace test_cases_for_stubgen { // The `basics` code was copied from here (to have all test cases for stubgen in one place): // https://github.com/python/mypy/blob/c6cb3c6282003dd3dadcf028735f9ba6190a0c84/test-data/pybind11_mypy_demo/src/main.cpp // Copyright (c) 2016 The Pybind Development Team, All rights reserved. namespace basics { int answer() { return 42; } int sum(int a, int b) { return a + b; } double midpoint(double left, double right){ return left + (right - left)/2; } double weighted_midpoint(double left, double right, double alpha=0.5) { return left + (right - left) * alpha; } struct Point { enum class LengthUnit { mm=0, pixel, inch }; enum class AngleUnit { radian=0, degree }; Point() : Point(0, 0) {} Point(double x, double y) : x(x), y(y) {} static const Point origin; static const Point x_axis; static const Point y_axis; static LengthUnit length_unit; static AngleUnit angle_unit; double length() const { return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y); } double distance_to(double other_x, double other_y) const { double dx = x - other_x; double dy = y - other_y; return std::sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); } double distance_to(const Point& other) const { return distance_to(other.x, other.y); } double x, y; }; const Point Point::origin = Point(0, 0); const Point Point::x_axis = Point(1, 0); const Point Point::y_axis = Point(0, 1); Point::LengthUnit Point::length_unit = Point::LengthUnit::mm; Point::AngleUnit Point::angle_unit = Point::AngleUnit::radian; } // namespace: basics void bind_basics(py::module& basics) { using namespace basics; // Functions basics.def("answer", &answer, "answer docstring, with end quote\""); // tests explicit docstrings basics.def("sum", &sum, "multiline docstring test, edge case quotes \"\"\"'''"); basics.def("midpoint", &midpoint, py::arg("left"), py::arg("right")); basics.def("weighted_midpoint", weighted_midpoint, py::arg("left"), py::arg("right"), py::arg("alpha")=0.5); // Classes py::class_ pyPoint(basics, "Point"); py::enum_ pyLengthUnit(pyPoint, "LengthUnit"); py::enum_ pyAngleUnit(pyPoint, "AngleUnit"); pyPoint .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init(), py::arg("x"), py::arg("y")) .def("distance_to", py::overload_cast(&Point::distance_to, py::const_), py::arg("x"), py::arg("y")) .def("distance_to", py::overload_cast(&Point::distance_to, py::const_), py::arg("other")) .def_readwrite("x", &Point::x) .def_property("y", [](Point& self){ return self.y; }, [](Point& self, double value){ self.y = value; } ) .def_property_readonly("length", &Point::length) .def_property_readonly_static("x_axis", [](py::object cls){return Point::x_axis;}) .def_property_readonly_static("y_axis", [](py::object cls){return Point::y_axis;}) .def_readwrite_static("length_unit", &Point::length_unit) .def_property_static("angle_unit", [](py::object& /*cls*/){ return Point::angle_unit; }, [](py::object& /*cls*/, Point::AngleUnit value){ Point::angle_unit = value; } ); pyPoint.attr("origin") = Point::origin; pyLengthUnit .value("mm", Point::LengthUnit::mm) .value("pixel", Point::LengthUnit::pixel) .value("inch", Point::LengthUnit::inch); pyAngleUnit .value("radian", Point::AngleUnit::radian) .value("degree", Point::AngleUnit::degree); // Module-level attributes basics.attr("PI") = std::acos(-1); basics.attr("__version__") = "0.0.1"; } struct UserType { bool operator<(const UserType &) const { return false; } }; struct minimal_caster { static constexpr auto name = py::detail::const_name(); static py::handle cast(UserType const & /*src*/, py::return_value_policy /*policy*/, py::handle /*parent*/) { return py::none().release(); } // Maximizing simplicity. This will go terribly wrong for other arg types. template using cast_op_type = const UserType &; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) operator UserType const &() { static UserType obj; return obj; } bool load(py::handle /*src*/, bool /*convert*/) { return false; } }; } // namespace test_cases_for_stubgen namespace pybind11 { namespace detail { template <> struct type_caster : test_cases_for_stubgen::minimal_caster {}; } // namespace detail } // namespace pybind11 PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(std::map); PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(std::map); PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(std::map); PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(std::map); TEST_SUBMODULE(cases_for_stubgen, m) { auto basics = m.def_submodule("basics"); bind_basics(basics); using UserType = test_cases_for_stubgen::UserType; m.def("pass_user_type", [](const UserType &) {}); m.def("return_user_type", []() { return UserType(); }); py::bind_map>(m, "MapIntUserType"); py::bind_map>(m, "MapUserTypeInt"); #define LOCAL_HELPER(MapTypePythonName, ...) \ py::class_<__VA_ARGS__>(m, MapTypePythonName) \ .def( \ "keys", \ [](const __VA_ARGS__ &v) { return py::make_key_iterator(v); }, \ py::keep_alive<0, 1>()) \ .def( \ "values", \ [](const __VA_ARGS__ &v) { return py::make_value_iterator(v); }, \ py::keep_alive<0, 1>()) \ .def( \ "__iter__", \ [](const __VA_ARGS__ &v) { return py::make_iterator(v.begin(), v.end()); }, \ py::keep_alive<0, 1>()) LOCAL_HELPER("MapFloatUserType", std::map); LOCAL_HELPER("MapUserTypeFloat", std::map); #undef MAP_TYPE m.def("pass_std_array_int_2", [](const std::array &) {}); m.def("return_std_array_int_3", []() { return std::array{{1, 2, 3}}; }); }