name: Bug Report
description: File an issue about a bug
title: "[BUG]: "
labels: [triage]
  - type: markdown
      value: |
        Maintainers will only make a best effort to triage PRs. Please do your best to make the issue as easy to act on as possible, and only open if clearly a problem with pybind11 (ask first if unsure).
  - type: checkboxes
    id: steps
      label: Required prerequisites
      description: Make sure you've completed the following steps before submitting your issue -- thank you!
        - label: Make sure you've read the [documentation]( Your issue may be addressed there.
          required: true
        - label: Search the [issue tracker]( and [Discussions](https:/pybind/pybind11/discussions) to verify that this hasn't already been reported. +1 or comment there if it has.
          required: true
        - label: Consider asking first in the [Gitter chat room]( or in a [Discussion](https:/pybind/pybind11/discussions/new).
          required: false

  - type: textarea
    id: description
      label: Problem description
      placeholder: >-
        Provide a short description, state the expected behavior and what
        actually happens. Include relevant information like what version of
        pybind11 you are using, what system you are on, and any useful commands
        / output.
      required: true

  - type: textarea
    id: code
      label: Reproducible example code
      placeholder: >-
        The code should be minimal, have no external dependencies, isolate the
        function(s) that cause breakage. Submit matched and complete C++ and
        Python snippets that can be easily compiled and run to diagnose the
        issue. If possible, make a PR with a new, failing test to give us a
        starting point to work on!
      render: text