# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pytest from pybind11_tests import classh_wip as m def test_atyp_constructors(): e = m.atyp() assert e.__class__.__name__ == "atyp" e = m.atyp("") assert e.__class__.__name__ == "atyp" e = m.atyp("txtm") assert e.__class__.__name__ == "atyp" def test_cast(): assert m.get_mtxt(m.rtrn_valu_atyp()) == "rtrn_valu" assert m.get_mtxt(m.rtrn_rref_atyp()) == "rtrn_rref" assert m.get_mtxt(m.rtrn_cref_atyp()) == "rtrn_cref" assert m.get_mtxt(m.rtrn_mref_atyp()) == "rtrn_mref" assert m.get_mtxt(m.rtrn_cptr_atyp()) == "rtrn_cptr" assert m.get_mtxt(m.rtrn_mptr_atyp()) == "rtrn_mptr" def test_load(): assert m.pass_valu_atyp(m.atyp("Valu")) == "pass_valu:Valu" assert m.pass_rref_atyp(m.atyp("Rref")) == "pass_rref:Rref" assert m.pass_cref_atyp(m.atyp("Cref")) == "pass_cref:Cref" assert m.pass_mref_atyp(m.atyp("Mref")) == "pass_mref:Mref" assert m.pass_cptr_atyp(m.atyp("Cptr")) == "pass_cptr:Cptr" assert m.pass_mptr_atyp(m.atyp("Mptr")) == "pass_mptr:Mptr" def test_cast_shared_ptr(): assert m.get_mtxt(m.rtrn_shmp_atyp()) == "rtrn_shmp" assert m.get_mtxt(m.rtrn_shcp_atyp()) == "rtrn_shcp" def test_load_shared_ptr(): assert m.pass_shmp_atyp(m.atyp("Shmp")) == "pass_shmp:Shmp" assert m.pass_shcp_atyp(m.atyp("Shcp")) == "pass_shcp:Shcp" def test_cast_unique_ptr(): assert m.get_mtxt(m.rtrn_uqmp_atyp()) == "rtrn_uqmp" assert m.get_mtxt(m.rtrn_uqcp_atyp()) == "rtrn_uqcp" def test_load_unique_ptr(): assert m.pass_uqmp_atyp(m.atyp("Uqmp")) == "pass_uqmp:Uqmp" assert m.pass_uqcp_atyp(m.atyp("Uqcp")) == "pass_uqcp:Uqcp" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pass_atyp, argm, rtrn", [ (m.pass_uqmp_atyp, "Uqmp", "pass_uqmp:Uqmp"), (m.pass_uqcp_atyp, "Uqcp", "pass_uqcp:Uqcp"), ], ) def test_pass_unique_ptr_disowns(pass_atyp, argm, rtrn): obj = m.atyp(argm) assert pass_atyp(obj) == rtrn with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc_info: m.pass_uqmp_atyp(obj) assert str(exc_info.value) == ( "Missing value for wrapped C++ type:" " Python instance is uninitialized or was disowned." ) def test_unique_ptr_roundtrip(num_round_trips=1000): # Multiple roundtrips to stress-test instance registration/deregistration. recycled = m.atyp("passenger") for _ in range(num_round_trips): id_orig = id(recycled) recycled = m.unique_ptr_roundtrip(recycled) assert m.get_mtxt(recycled) == "passenger" id_rtrn = id(recycled) # Ensure the returned object is a different Python instance. assert id_rtrn != id_orig id_orig = id_rtrn