def test_chrono_system_clock(): from pybind11_tests import test_chrono1 import datetime # Get the time from both c++ and datetime date1 = test_chrono1() date2 = # The returned value should be a datetime assert isinstance(date1, datetime.datetime) # The numbers should vary by a very small amount (time it took to execute) diff = abs(date1 - date2) # There should never be a days/seconds difference assert diff.days == 0 assert diff.seconds == 0 # We test that no more than about 0.5 seconds passes here # This makes sure that the dates created are very close to the same # but if the testing system is incredibly overloaded this should still pass assert diff.microseconds < 500000 def test_chrono_system_clock_roundtrip(): from pybind11_tests import test_chrono2 import datetime date1 = # Roundtrip the time date2 = test_chrono2(date1) # The returned value should be a datetime assert isinstance(date2, datetime.datetime) # They should be identical (no information lost on roundtrip) diff = abs(date1 - date2) assert diff.days == 0 assert diff.seconds == 0 assert diff.microseconds == 0 def test_chrono_duration_roundtrip(): from pybind11_tests import test_chrono3 import datetime # Get the difference betwen two times (a timedelta) date1 = date2 = diff = date2 - date1 # Make sure this is a timedelta assert isinstance(diff, datetime.timedelta) cpp_diff = test_chrono3(diff) assert cpp_diff.days == diff.days assert cpp_diff.seconds == diff.seconds assert cpp_diff.microseconds == diff.microseconds def test_chrono_duration_subtraction_equivalence(): from pybind11_tests import test_chrono4 import datetime date1 = date2 = diff = date2 - date1 cpp_diff = test_chrono4(date2, date1) assert cpp_diff.days == diff.days assert cpp_diff.seconds == diff.seconds assert cpp_diff.microseconds == diff.microseconds def test_chrono_steady_clock(): from pybind11_tests import test_chrono5 import datetime time1 = test_chrono5() time2 = test_chrono5() assert isinstance(time1, datetime.timedelta) assert isinstance(time2, datetime.timedelta) def test_chrono_steady_clock_roundtrip(): from pybind11_tests import test_chrono6 import datetime time1 = datetime.timedelta(days=10, seconds=10, microseconds=100) time2 = test_chrono6(time1) assert isinstance(time2, datetime.timedelta) # They should be identical (no information lost on roundtrip) assert time1.days == time2.days assert time1.seconds == time2.seconds assert time1.microseconds == time2.microseconds def test_floating_point_duration(): from pybind11_tests import test_chrono7 import datetime # Test using 35.525123 seconds as an example floating point number in seconds time = test_chrono7(35.525123) assert isinstance(time, datetime.timedelta) assert time.seconds == 35 assert 525122 <= time.microseconds <= 525123