To release a new version of pybind11: - Update the version number and push to pypi - Update ``pybind11/`` (set release version, remove 'dev') - ``git add`` and ``git commit``. - ``python sdist upload``. - ``python bdist_wheel upload``. - Tag release date in ``doc/changelog.rst``. - Tag the commit and push to - ``git tag -a vX.Y -m 'vX.Y release'``. - ``conda-build conda.recipe`` This should ouput the path of the generated tar.bz2 for the package - ``conda-convert --platform all [path/to/tar.bz2] -o .`` - ``for i in *-32/* *-64/*; do anaconda upload -u pybind $i; done`` - Get back to work - Update ```` (add 'dev' and increment minor). - Update version macros in ``include/pybind11/common.h`` - ``git add`` and ``git commit``. ``git push``. ``git push --tags``. The remote for the last ``git push --tags`` should be the main repository for pybind11.