/* tests/test_custom_base.cpp -- test custom type hierarchy support All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "pybind11_tests.h" namespace { struct Base { int i = 5; }; struct Derived { int j = 6; // just to prove the base can be anywhere Base base; }; } // namespace TEST_SUBMODULE(custom_base, m) { py::class_(m, "Base").def_readwrite("i", &Base::i); py::class_(m, "Derived", py::custom_base([](void *o) -> void * { return &reinterpret_cast(o)->base; })).def_readwrite("j", &Derived::j); m.def("create_derived", []() { return new Derived; }); m.def("create_base", []() { return new Base; }); m.def("base_i", [](Base *b) { return b->i; }); m.def("derived_j", [](Derived *d) { return d->j; }); };