/* example/example20.cpp -- Usage of structured numpy dtypes Copyright (c) 2016 Ivan Smirnov All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "example.h" #include #include #include namespace py = pybind11; struct Struct { bool x; uint32_t y; float z; }; struct PackedStruct { bool x; uint32_t y; float z; } __attribute__((packed)); struct NestedStruct { Struct a; PackedStruct b; } __attribute__((packed)); template py::array mkarray_via_buffer(size_t n) { return py::array(py::buffer_info(nullptr, sizeof(T), py::format_descriptor::value(), 1, { n }, { sizeof(T) })); } template py::array_t create_recarray(size_t n) { auto arr = mkarray_via_buffer(n); auto ptr = static_cast(arr.request().ptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptr[i].x = i % 2; ptr[i].y = (uint32_t) i; ptr[i].z = (float) i * 1.5f; } return arr; } py::array_t create_nested(size_t n) { auto arr = mkarray_via_buffer(n); auto ptr = static_cast(arr.request().ptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptr[i].a.x = i % 2; ptr[i].a.y = (uint32_t) i; ptr[i].a.z = (float) i * 1.5f; ptr[i].b.x = (i + 1) % 2; ptr[i].b.y = (uint32_t) (i + 1); ptr[i].b.z = (float) (i + 1) * 1.5f; } return arr; } void print_format_descriptors() { std::cout << py::format_descriptor::value() << std::endl; std::cout << py::format_descriptor::value() << std::endl; std::cout << py::format_descriptor::value() << std::endl; } void init_ex20(py::module &m) { PYBIND11_DTYPE(Struct, x, y, z); PYBIND11_DTYPE(PackedStruct, x, y, z); PYBIND11_DTYPE(NestedStruct, a, b); m.def("create_rec_simple", &create_recarray); m.def("create_rec_packed", &create_recarray); m.def("create_rec_nested", &create_nested); m.def("print_format_descriptors", &print_format_descriptors); }