Huanchen Zhai 31b7e14052
bugfix: removing typing and duplicate `class_` for KeysView/ValuesView/ItemsView. Fix #4529 (#4985)
* remove typing for KeysView/ValuesView/ItemsView

* add tests for map view types
2024-01-13 11:07:36 -08:00

394 lines
11 KiB

import pytest
from pybind11_tests import stl_binders as m
def test_vector_int():
v_int = m.VectorInt([0, 0])
assert len(v_int) == 2
assert bool(v_int) is True
# test construction from a generator
v_int1 = m.VectorInt(x for x in range(5))
assert v_int1 == m.VectorInt([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
v_int2 = m.VectorInt([0, 0])
assert v_int == v_int2
v_int2[1] = 1
assert v_int != v_int2
v_int2.insert(0, 1)
v_int2.insert(0, 2)
v_int2.insert(0, 3)
v_int2.insert(6, 3)
assert str(v_int2) == "VectorInt[3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3]"
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
v_int2.insert(8, 4)
v_int2[2:-2] = v_int
assert v_int2 == m.VectorInt([3, 2, 0, 0, 99, 2, 3])
del v_int2[1:3]
assert v_int2 == m.VectorInt([3, 0, 99, 2, 3])
del v_int2[0]
assert v_int2 == m.VectorInt([0, 99, 2, 3])
v_int2.extend(m.VectorInt([4, 5]))
assert v_int2 == m.VectorInt([0, 99, 2, 3, 4, 5])
v_int2.extend([6, 7])
assert v_int2 == m.VectorInt([0, 99, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
# test error handling, and that the vector is unchanged
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
v_int2.extend([8, "a"])
assert v_int2 == m.VectorInt([0, 99, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
# test extending from a generator
v_int2.extend(x for x in range(5))
assert v_int2 == m.VectorInt([0, 99, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
# test negative indexing
assert v_int2[-1] == 4
# insert with negative index
v_int2.insert(-1, 88)
assert v_int2 == m.VectorInt([0, 99, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 88, 4])
# delete negative index
del v_int2[-1]
assert v_int2 == m.VectorInt([0, 99, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 88])
assert len(v_int2) == 0
# Older PyPy's failed here, related to the PyPy's buffer protocol.
def test_vector_buffer():
b = bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4])
v = m.VectorUChar(b)
assert v[1] == 2
v[2] = 5
mv = memoryview(v) # We expose the buffer interface
assert mv[2] == 5
mv[2] = 6
assert v[2] == 6
mv = memoryview(b)
v = m.VectorUChar(mv[::2])
assert v[1] == 3
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
m.create_undeclstruct() # Undeclared struct contents, no buffer interface
assert "NumPy type info missing for " in str(excinfo.value)
def test_vector_buffer_numpy():
np = pytest.importorskip("numpy")
a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.int32)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
a = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]], dtype=np.uintc)
v = m.VectorInt(a[0, :])
assert len(v) == 4
assert v[2] == 3
ma = np.asarray(v)
ma[2] = 5
assert v[2] == 5
v = m.VectorInt(a[:, 1])
assert len(v) == 3
assert v[2] == 10
v = m.get_vectorstruct()
assert v[0].x == 5
ma = np.asarray(v)
ma[1]["x"] = 99
assert v[1].x == 99
v = m.VectorStruct(
[("w", "bool"), ("x", "I"), ("y", "float64"), ("z", "bool")], align=True
assert len(v) == 3
b = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.uint8)
v = m.VectorUChar(b[::2])
assert v[1] == 3
def test_vector_bool():
import pybind11_cross_module_tests as cm
vv_c = cm.VectorBool()
for i in range(10):
vv_c.append(i % 2 == 0)
for i in range(10):
assert vv_c[i] == (i % 2 == 0)
assert str(vv_c) == "VectorBool[1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]"
def test_vector_custom():
v_a = m.VectorEl()
assert str(v_a) == "VectorEl[El{1}, El{2}]"
vv_a = m.VectorVectorEl()
vv_b = vv_a[0]
assert str(vv_b) == "VectorEl[El{1}, El{2}]"
def test_map_string_double():
mm = m.MapStringDouble()
mm["a"] = 1
mm["b"] = 2.5
assert list(mm) == ["a", "b"]
assert str(mm) == "MapStringDouble{a: 1, b: 2.5}"
assert "b" in mm
assert "c" not in mm
assert 123 not in mm
# Check that keys, values, items are views, not merely iterable
keys = mm.keys()
values = mm.values()
items = mm.items()
assert list(keys) == ["a", "b"]
assert len(keys) == 2
assert "a" in keys
assert "c" not in keys
assert 123 not in keys
assert list(items) == [("a", 1), ("b", 2.5)]
assert len(items) == 2
assert ("b", 2.5) in items
assert "hello" not in items
assert ("b", 2.5, None) not in items
assert list(values) == [1, 2.5]
assert len(values) == 2
assert 1 in values
assert 2 not in values
# Check that views update when the map is updated
mm["c"] = -1
assert list(keys) == ["a", "b", "c"]
assert list(values) == [1, 2.5, -1]
assert list(items) == [("a", 1), ("b", 2.5), ("c", -1)]
um = m.UnorderedMapStringDouble()
um["ua"] = 1.1
um["ub"] = 2.6
assert sorted(um) == ["ua", "ub"]
assert list(um.keys()) == list(um)
assert sorted(um.items()) == [("ua", 1.1), ("ub", 2.6)]
assert list(zip(um.keys(), um.values())) == list(um.items())
assert "UnorderedMapStringDouble" in str(um)
def test_map_string_double_const():
mc = m.MapStringDoubleConst()
mc["a"] = 10
mc["b"] = 20.5
assert str(mc) == "MapStringDoubleConst{a: 10, b: 20.5}"
umc = m.UnorderedMapStringDoubleConst()
umc["a"] = 11
umc["b"] = 21.5
def test_noncopyable_containers():
# std::vector
vnc = m.get_vnc(5)
for i in range(5):
assert vnc[i].value == i + 1
for i, j in enumerate(vnc, start=1):
assert j.value == i
# std::deque
dnc = m.get_dnc(5)
for i in range(5):
assert dnc[i].value == i + 1
i = 1
for j in dnc:
assert j.value == i
i += 1
# std::map
mnc = m.get_mnc(5)
for i in range(1, 6):
assert mnc[i].value == 10 * i
vsum = 0
for k, v in mnc.items():
assert v.value == 10 * k
vsum += v.value
assert vsum == 150
# std::unordered_map
mnc = m.get_umnc(5)
for i in range(1, 6):
assert mnc[i].value == 10 * i
vsum = 0
for k, v in mnc.items():
assert v.value == 10 * k
vsum += v.value
assert vsum == 150
# nested std::map<std::vector>
nvnc = m.get_nvnc(5)
for i in range(1, 6):
for j in range(5):
assert nvnc[i][j].value == j + 1
# Note: maps do not have .values()
for _, v in nvnc.items():
for i, j in enumerate(v, start=1):
assert j.value == i
# nested std::map<std::map>
nmnc = m.get_nmnc(5)
for i in range(1, 6):
for j in range(10, 60, 10):
assert nmnc[i][j].value == 10 * j
vsum = 0
for _, v_o in nmnc.items():
for k_i, v_i in v_o.items():
assert v_i.value == 10 * k_i
vsum += v_i.value
assert vsum == 7500
# nested std::unordered_map<std::unordered_map>
numnc = m.get_numnc(5)
for i in range(1, 6):
for j in range(10, 60, 10):
assert numnc[i][j].value == 10 * j
vsum = 0
for _, v_o in numnc.items():
for k_i, v_i in v_o.items():
assert v_i.value == 10 * k_i
vsum += v_i.value
assert vsum == 7500
def test_map_delitem():
mm = m.MapStringDouble()
mm["a"] = 1
mm["b"] = 2.5
assert list(mm) == ["a", "b"]
assert list(mm.items()) == [("a", 1), ("b", 2.5)]
del mm["a"]
assert list(mm) == ["b"]
assert list(mm.items()) == [("b", 2.5)]
um = m.UnorderedMapStringDouble()
um["ua"] = 1.1
um["ub"] = 2.6
assert sorted(um) == ["ua", "ub"]
assert sorted(um.items()) == [("ua", 1.1), ("ub", 2.6)]
del um["ua"]
assert sorted(um) == ["ub"]
assert sorted(um.items()) == [("ub", 2.6)]
def test_map_view_types():
map_string_double = m.MapStringDouble()
unordered_map_string_double = m.UnorderedMapStringDouble()
map_string_double_const = m.MapStringDoubleConst()
unordered_map_string_double_const = m.UnorderedMapStringDoubleConst()
assert map_string_double.keys().__class__.__name__ == "KeysView"
assert map_string_double.values().__class__.__name__ == "ValuesView"
assert map_string_double.items().__class__.__name__ == "ItemsView"
keys_type = type(map_string_double.keys())
assert type(unordered_map_string_double.keys()) is keys_type
assert type(map_string_double_const.keys()) is keys_type
assert type(unordered_map_string_double_const.keys()) is keys_type
values_type = type(map_string_double.values())
assert type(unordered_map_string_double.values()) is values_type
assert type(map_string_double_const.values()) is values_type
assert type(unordered_map_string_double_const.values()) is values_type
items_type = type(map_string_double.items())
assert type(unordered_map_string_double.items()) is items_type
assert type(map_string_double_const.items()) is items_type
assert type(unordered_map_string_double_const.items()) is items_type
map_string_float = m.MapStringFloat()
unordered_map_string_float = m.UnorderedMapStringFloat()
assert type(map_string_float.keys()) is keys_type
assert type(unordered_map_string_float.keys()) is keys_type
assert type(map_string_float.values()) is values_type
assert type(unordered_map_string_float.values()) is values_type
assert type(map_string_float.items()) is items_type
assert type(unordered_map_string_float.items()) is items_type
map_pair_double_int_int32 = m.MapPairDoubleIntInt32()
map_pair_double_int_int64 = m.MapPairDoubleIntInt64()
assert type(map_pair_double_int_int32.values()) is values_type
assert type(map_pair_double_int_int64.values()) is values_type
map_int_object = m.MapIntObject()
map_string_object = m.MapStringObject()
assert type(map_int_object.keys()) is keys_type
assert type(map_string_object.keys()) is keys_type
assert type(map_int_object.items()) is items_type
assert type(map_string_object.items()) is items_type
def test_recursive_vector():
recursive_vector = m.RecursiveVector()
# Can't use len() since test_stl_binders.cpp does not include stl.h,
# so the necessary conversion is missing
assert recursive_vector[0].count(m.RecursiveVector()) == 2
def test_recursive_map():
recursive_map = m.RecursiveMap()
recursive_map[100] = m.RecursiveMap()
recursive_map[100][101] = m.RecursiveMap()
recursive_map[100][102] = m.RecursiveMap()
assert list(recursive_map[100].keys()) == [101, 102]
def test_user_vector_like():
vec = m.UserVectorLike()
assert vec[0] == 2
assert len(vec) == 1
def test_user_like_map():
map = m.UserMapLike()
map[33] = 44
assert map[33] == 44
assert len(map) == 1