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synced 2025-02-07 17:32:00 +00:00
* Adding google-explicit-constructor to .clang-tidy * clang-tidy explicit attr.h (all automatic) * clang-tidy explicit cast.h (all automatic) * clang-tidy detail/init.h (1 NOLINT) * clang-tidy detail/type_caster_base.h (2 NOLINT) * clang-tidy pybind11.h (7 NOLINT) * clang-tidy detail/common.h (3 NOLINT) * clang-tidy detail/descr.h (2 NOLINT) * clang-tidy pytypes.h (23 NOLINT, only 1 explicit) * clang-tidy eigen.h (7 NOLINT, 0 explicit) * Adding 2 explicit in functional.h * Adding 4 explicit in iostream.h * clang-tidy numpy.h (1 NOLINT, 1 explicit) * clang-tidy embed.h (0 NOLINT, 1 explicit) * clang-tidy tests/local_bindings.h (0 NOLINT, 4 explicit) * clang-tidy tests/pybind11_cross_module_tests.cpp (0 NOLINT, 1 explicit) * clang-tidy tests/pybind11_tests.h (0 NOLINT, 2 explicit) * clang-tidy tests/test_buffers.cpp (0 NOLINT, 2 explicit) * clang-tidy tests/test_builtin_casters.cpp (0 NOLINT, 4 explicit) * clang-tidy tests/test_class.cpp (0 NOLINT, 6 explicit) * clang-tidy tests/test_copy_move.cpp (0 NOLINT, 7 explicit) * clang-tidy tests/test_embed/external_module.cpp (0 NOLINT, 1 explicit) * clang-tidy tests/test_embed/test_interpreter.cpp (0 NOLINT, 1 explicit) * clang-tidy tests/object.h (0 NOLINT, 2 explicit) * clang-tidy batch of fully automatic fixes. * Workaround for MSVC 19.16.27045.0 C++17 Python 2 C++ syntax error.
122 lines
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122 lines
4.5 KiB
pybind11/functional.h: std::function<> support
Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "pybind11.h"
#include <functional>
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
struct type_caster<std::function<Return(Args...)>> {
using type = std::function<Return(Args...)>;
using retval_type = conditional_t<std::is_same<Return, void>::value, void_type, Return>;
using function_type = Return (*) (Args...);
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
if (src.is_none()) {
// Defer accepting None to other overloads (if we aren't in convert mode):
if (!convert) return false;
return true;
if (!isinstance<function>(src))
return false;
auto func = reinterpret_borrow<function>(src);
When passing a C++ function as an argument to another C++
function via Python, every function call would normally involve
a full C++ -> Python -> C++ roundtrip, which can be prohibitive.
Here, we try to at least detect the case where the function is
stateless (i.e. function pointer or lambda function without
captured variables), in which case the roundtrip can be avoided.
if (auto cfunc = func.cpp_function()) {
auto cfunc_self = PyCFunction_GET_SELF(cfunc.ptr());
if (isinstance<capsule>(cfunc_self)) {
auto c = reinterpret_borrow<capsule>(cfunc_self);
auto rec = (function_record *) c;
while (rec != nullptr) {
if (rec->is_stateless
&& same_type(typeid(function_type),
*reinterpret_cast<const std::type_info *>(rec->data[1]))) {
struct capture {
function_type f;
value = ((capture *) &rec->data)->f;
return true;
rec = rec->next;
// PYPY segfaults here when passing builtin function like sum.
// Raising an fail exception here works to prevent the segfault, but only on gcc.
// See PR #1413 for full details
// ensure GIL is held during functor destruction
struct func_handle {
function f;
#if !(defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER == 1916 && defined(PYBIND11_CPP17) && PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3)
// This triggers a syntax error under very special conditions (very weird indeed).
func_handle(function &&f_) noexcept : f(std::move(f_)) {}
func_handle(const func_handle &f_) { operator=(f_); }
func_handle &operator=(const func_handle &f_) {
gil_scoped_acquire acq;
f = f_.f;
return *this;
~func_handle() {
gil_scoped_acquire acq;
function kill_f(std::move(f));
// to emulate 'move initialization capture' in C++11
struct func_wrapper {
func_handle hfunc;
explicit func_wrapper(func_handle &&hf) noexcept : hfunc(std::move(hf)) {}
Return operator()(Args... args) const {
gil_scoped_acquire acq;
object retval(hfunc.f(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
/* Visual studio 2015 parser issue: need parentheses around this expression */
return (retval.template cast<Return>());
value = func_wrapper(func_handle(std::move(func)));
return true;
template <typename Func>
static handle cast(Func &&f_, return_value_policy policy, handle /* parent */) {
if (!f_)
return none().inc_ref();
auto result = f_.template target<function_type>();
if (result)
return cpp_function(*result, policy).release();
return cpp_function(std::forward<Func>(f_), policy).release();
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(type, _("Callable[[") + concat(make_caster<Args>::name...) + _("], ")
+ make_caster<retval_type>::name + _("]"));