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synced 2025-03-03 21:13:20 +00:00
This commit allows multiple inheritance of pybind11 classes from Python, e.g. class MyType(Base1, Base2): def __init__(self): Base1.__init__(self) Base2.__init__(self) where Base1 and Base2 are pybind11-exported classes. This requires collapsing the various builtin base objects (pybind11_object_56, ...) introduced in 2.1 into a single pybind11_object of a fixed size; this fixed size object allocates enough space to contain either a simple object (one base class & small* holder instance), or a pointer to a new allocation that can contain an arbitrary number of base classes and holders, with holder size unrestricted. * "small" here means having a sizeof() of at most 2 pointers, which is enough to fit unique_ptr (sizeof is 1 ptr) and shared_ptr (sizeof is 2 ptrs). To minimize the performance impact, this repurposes `internals::registered_types_py` to store a vector of pybind-registered base types. For direct-use pybind types (e.g. the `PyA` for a C++ `A`) this is simply storing the same thing as before, but now in a vector; for Python-side inherited types, the map lets us avoid having to do a base class traversal as long as we've seen the class before. The change to vector is needed for multiple inheritance: Python types inheriting from multiple registered bases have one entry per base.
313 lines
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313 lines
11 KiB
tests/test_smart_ptr.cpp -- binding classes with custom reference counting,
implicit conversions between types
Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include "object.h"
/// Custom object with builtin reference counting (see 'object.h' for the implementation)
class MyObject1 : public Object {
MyObject1(int value) : value(value) {
print_created(this, toString());
std::string toString() const {
return "MyObject1[" + std::to_string(value) + "]";
virtual ~MyObject1() {
int value;
/// Object managed by a std::shared_ptr<>
class MyObject2 {
MyObject2(int value) : value(value) {
print_created(this, toString());
std::string toString() const {
return "MyObject2[" + std::to_string(value) + "]";
virtual ~MyObject2() {
int value;
/// Object managed by a std::shared_ptr<>, additionally derives from std::enable_shared_from_this<>
class MyObject3 : public std::enable_shared_from_this<MyObject3> {
MyObject3(int value) : value(value) {
print_created(this, toString());
std::string toString() const {
return "MyObject3[" + std::to_string(value) + "]";
virtual ~MyObject3() {
int value;
class MyObject4 {
MyObject4(int value) : value{value} {
int value;
~MyObject4() {
/// This is just a wrapper around unique_ptr, but with extra fields to deliberately bloat up the
/// holder size to trigger the non-simple-layout internal instance layout for single inheritance with
/// large holder type.
template <typename T> class huge_unique_ptr {
std::unique_ptr<T> ptr;
uint64_t padding[10];
huge_unique_ptr(T *p) : ptr(p) {};
T *get() { return ptr.get(); }
class MyObject5 { // managed by huge_unique_ptr
MyObject5(int value) : value{value} {
int value;
~MyObject5() {
/// Make pybind aware of the ref-counted wrapper type (s)
// ref<T> is a wrapper for 'Object' which uses intrusive reference counting
// It is always possible to construct a ref<T> from an Object* pointer without
// possible incosistencies, hence the 'true' argument at the end.
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, std::shared_ptr<T>); // Not required any more for std::shared_ptr,
// but it should compile without error
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, huge_unique_ptr<T>);
// Make pybind11 aware of the non-standard getter member function
namespace pybind11 { namespace detail {
template <typename T>
struct holder_helper<ref<T>> {
static const T *get(const ref<T> &p) { return p.get_ptr(); }
Object *make_object_1() { return new MyObject1(1); }
ref<Object> make_object_2() { return new MyObject1(2); }
MyObject1 *make_myobject1_1() { return new MyObject1(4); }
ref<MyObject1> make_myobject1_2() { return new MyObject1(5); }
MyObject2 *make_myobject2_1() { return new MyObject2(6); }
std::shared_ptr<MyObject2> make_myobject2_2() { return std::make_shared<MyObject2>(7); }
MyObject3 *make_myobject3_1() { return new MyObject3(8); }
std::shared_ptr<MyObject3> make_myobject3_2() { return std::make_shared<MyObject3>(9); }
void print_object_1(const Object *obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_object_2(ref<Object> obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_object_3(const ref<Object> &obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_object_4(const ref<Object> *obj) { py::print((*obj)->toString()); }
void print_myobject1_1(const MyObject1 *obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_myobject1_2(ref<MyObject1> obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_myobject1_3(const ref<MyObject1> &obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_myobject1_4(const ref<MyObject1> *obj) { py::print((*obj)->toString()); }
void print_myobject2_1(const MyObject2 *obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_myobject2_2(std::shared_ptr<MyObject2> obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_myobject2_3(const std::shared_ptr<MyObject2> &obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_myobject2_4(const std::shared_ptr<MyObject2> *obj) { py::print((*obj)->toString()); }
void print_myobject3_1(const MyObject3 *obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_myobject3_2(std::shared_ptr<MyObject3> obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_myobject3_3(const std::shared_ptr<MyObject3> &obj) { py::print(obj->toString()); }
void print_myobject3_4(const std::shared_ptr<MyObject3> *obj) { py::print((*obj)->toString()); }
test_initializer smart_ptr([](py::module &m) {
py::class_<Object, ref<Object>> obj(m, "Object");
obj.def("getRefCount", &Object::getRefCount);
py::class_<MyObject1, ref<MyObject1>>(m, "MyObject1", obj)
[]() -> bool {
ref<MyObject1> o = new MyObject1(0);
bool good = o->getRefCount() == 1;
py::object o2 = py::cast(o, py::return_value_policy::reference);
// always request (partial) ownership for objects with intrusive
// reference counting even when using the 'reference' RVP
good &= o->getRefCount() == 2;
return good;
m.def("make_object_1", &make_object_1);
m.def("make_object_2", &make_object_2);
m.def("make_myobject1_1", &make_myobject1_1);
m.def("make_myobject1_2", &make_myobject1_2);
m.def("print_object_1", &print_object_1);
m.def("print_object_2", &print_object_2);
m.def("print_object_3", &print_object_3);
m.def("print_object_4", &print_object_4);
m.def("print_myobject1_1", &print_myobject1_1);
m.def("print_myobject1_2", &print_myobject1_2);
m.def("print_myobject1_3", &print_myobject1_3);
m.def("print_myobject1_4", &print_myobject1_4);
py::class_<MyObject2, std::shared_ptr<MyObject2>>(m, "MyObject2")
m.def("make_myobject2_1", &make_myobject2_1);
m.def("make_myobject2_2", &make_myobject2_2);
m.def("print_myobject2_1", &print_myobject2_1);
m.def("print_myobject2_2", &print_myobject2_2);
m.def("print_myobject2_3", &print_myobject2_3);
m.def("print_myobject2_4", &print_myobject2_4);
py::class_<MyObject3, std::shared_ptr<MyObject3>>(m, "MyObject3")
m.def("make_myobject3_1", &make_myobject3_1);
m.def("make_myobject3_2", &make_myobject3_2);
m.def("print_myobject3_1", &print_myobject3_1);
m.def("print_myobject3_2", &print_myobject3_2);
m.def("print_myobject3_3", &print_myobject3_3);
m.def("print_myobject3_4", &print_myobject3_4);
py::class_<MyObject4, std::unique_ptr<MyObject4, py::nodelete>>(m, "MyObject4")
.def_readwrite("value", &MyObject4::value);
py::class_<MyObject5, huge_unique_ptr<MyObject5>>(m, "MyObject5")
.def_readwrite("value", &MyObject5::value);
py::implicitly_convertible<py::int_, MyObject1>();
// Expose constructor stats for the ref type
m.def("cstats_ref", &ConstructorStats::get<ref_tag>);
struct SharedPtrRef {
struct A {
A() { print_created(this); }
A(const A &) { print_copy_created(this); }
A(A &&) { print_move_created(this); }
~A() { print_destroyed(this); }
A value = {};
std::shared_ptr<A> shared = std::make_shared<A>();
struct SharedFromThisRef {
struct B : std::enable_shared_from_this<B> {
B() { print_created(this); }
B(const B &) : std::enable_shared_from_this<B>() { print_copy_created(this); }
B(B &&) : std::enable_shared_from_this<B>() { print_move_created(this); }
~B() { print_destroyed(this); }
B value = {};
std::shared_ptr<B> shared = std::make_shared<B>();
// Issue #865: shared_from_this doesn't work with virtual inheritance
struct SharedFromThisVBase : std::enable_shared_from_this<SharedFromThisVBase> {
virtual ~SharedFromThisVBase() = default;
struct SharedFromThisVirt : virtual SharedFromThisVBase {};
template <typename T>
class CustomUniquePtr {
std::unique_ptr<T> impl;
CustomUniquePtr(T* p) : impl(p) { }
T* get() const { return impl.get(); }
T* release_ptr() { return impl.release(); }
test_initializer smart_ptr_and_references([](py::module &pm) {
auto m = pm.def_submodule("smart_ptr");
using A = SharedPtrRef::A;
py::class_<A, std::shared_ptr<A>>(m, "A");
py::class_<SharedPtrRef>(m, "SharedPtrRef")
.def_readonly("ref", &SharedPtrRef::value)
.def_property_readonly("copy", [](const SharedPtrRef &s) { return s.value; },
.def_readonly("holder_ref", &SharedPtrRef::shared)
.def_property_readonly("holder_copy", [](const SharedPtrRef &s) { return s.shared; },
.def("set_ref", [](SharedPtrRef &, const A &) { return true; })
.def("set_holder", [](SharedPtrRef &, std::shared_ptr<A>) { return true; });
using B = SharedFromThisRef::B;
py::class_<B, std::shared_ptr<B>>(m, "B");
py::class_<SharedFromThisRef>(m, "SharedFromThisRef")
.def_readonly("bad_wp", &SharedFromThisRef::value)
.def_property_readonly("ref", [](const SharedFromThisRef &s) -> const B & { return *s.shared; })
.def_property_readonly("copy", [](const SharedFromThisRef &s) { return s.value; },
.def_readonly("holder_ref", &SharedFromThisRef::shared)
.def_property_readonly("holder_copy", [](const SharedFromThisRef &s) { return s.shared; },
.def("set_ref", [](SharedFromThisRef &, const B &) { return true; })
.def("set_holder", [](SharedFromThisRef &, std::shared_ptr<B>) { return true; });
// Issue #865: shared_from_this doesn't work with virtual inheritance
static std::shared_ptr<SharedFromThisVirt> sft(new SharedFromThisVirt());
py::class_<SharedFromThisVirt, std::shared_ptr<SharedFromThisVirt>>(m, "SharedFromThisVirt")
.def_static("get", []() { return sft.get(); });
struct C {
C() { print_created(this); }
~C() { print_destroyed(this); }
py::class_<C, CustomUniquePtr<C>>(m, "TypeWithMoveOnlyHolder")
.def_static("make", []() { return CustomUniquePtr<C>(new C); });
struct HeldByDefaultHolder { };
py::class_<HeldByDefaultHolder>(m, "HeldByDefaultHolder")
.def_static("load_shared_ptr", [](std::shared_ptr<HeldByDefaultHolder>) {});