Jason Rhinelander 231e167854 Show kwargs in failed method invocation
With the previous commit, output can be very confusing because you only
see positional arguments in the "invoked with" line, but you can have a
failure from kwargs as well (in particular, when a value is invalidly
specified via both via positional and kwargs).  This commits adds
kwargs to the output, and updates the associated tests to match.
2017-02-24 23:12:37 +01:00

109 lines
4.5 KiB

import pytest
from pybind11_tests import (kw_func0, kw_func1, kw_func2, kw_func3, kw_func4, args_function,
args_kwargs_function, kw_func_udl, kw_func_udl_z, KWClass)
def test_function_signatures(doc):
assert doc(kw_func0) == "kw_func0(arg0: int, arg1: int) -> str"
assert doc(kw_func1) == "kw_func1(x: int, y: int) -> str"
assert doc(kw_func2) == "kw_func2(x: int=100, y: int=200) -> str"
assert doc(kw_func3) == "kw_func3(data: str='Hello world!') -> None"
assert doc(kw_func4) == "kw_func4(myList: List[int]=[13, 17]) -> str"
assert doc(kw_func_udl) == "kw_func_udl(x: int, y: int=300) -> str"
assert doc(kw_func_udl_z) == "kw_func_udl_z(x: int, y: int=0) -> str"
assert doc(args_function) == "args_function(*args) -> tuple"
assert doc(args_kwargs_function) == "args_kwargs_function(*args, **kwargs) -> tuple"
assert doc(KWClass.foo0) == "foo0(self: m.KWClass, arg0: int, arg1: float) -> None"
assert doc(KWClass.foo1) == "foo1(self: m.KWClass, x: int, y: float) -> None"
def test_named_arguments(msg):
assert kw_func0(5, 10) == "x=5, y=10"
assert kw_func1(5, 10) == "x=5, y=10"
assert kw_func1(5, y=10) == "x=5, y=10"
assert kw_func1(y=10, x=5) == "x=5, y=10"
assert kw_func2() == "x=100, y=200"
assert kw_func2(5) == "x=5, y=200"
assert kw_func2(x=5) == "x=5, y=200"
assert kw_func2(y=10) == "x=100, y=10"
assert kw_func2(5, 10) == "x=5, y=10"
assert kw_func2(x=5, y=10) == "x=5, y=10"
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
# noinspection PyArgumentList
kw_func2(x=5, y=10, z=12)
assert excinfo.match(
r'(?s)^kw_func2\(\): incompatible.*Invoked with: kwargs: ((x=5|y=10|z=12)(, |$)){3}$')
assert kw_func4() == "{13 17}"
assert kw_func4(myList=[1, 2, 3]) == "{1 2 3}"
assert kw_func_udl(x=5, y=10) == "x=5, y=10"
assert kw_func_udl_z(x=5) == "x=5, y=0"
def test_arg_and_kwargs():
args = 'arg1_value', 'arg2_value', 3
assert args_function(*args) == args
args = 'a1', 'a2'
kwargs = dict(arg3='a3', arg4=4)
assert args_kwargs_function(*args, **kwargs) == (args, kwargs)
def test_mixed_args_and_kwargs(msg):
from pybind11_tests import (mixed_plus_args, mixed_plus_kwargs, mixed_plus_args_kwargs,
mpa = mixed_plus_args
mpk = mixed_plus_kwargs
mpak = mixed_plus_args_kwargs
mpakd = mixed_plus_args_kwargs_defaults
assert mpa(1, 2.5, 4, 99.5, None) == (1, 2.5, (4, 99.5, None))
assert mpa(1, 2.5) == (1, 2.5, ())
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
assert mpa(1)
assert msg(excinfo.value) == """
mixed_plus_args(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (arg0: int, arg1: float, *args) -> tuple
Invoked with: 1
""" # noqa: E501 line too long
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
assert mpa()
assert msg(excinfo.value) == """
mixed_plus_args(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (arg0: int, arg1: float, *args) -> tuple
Invoked with:
""" # noqa: E501 line too long
assert mpk(-2, 3.5, pi=3.14159, e=2.71828) == (-2, 3.5, {'e': 2.71828, 'pi': 3.14159})
assert mpak(7, 7.7, 7.77, 7.777, 7.7777, minusseven=-7) == (
7, 7.7, (7.77, 7.777, 7.7777), {'minusseven': -7})
assert mpakd() == (1, 3.14159, (), {})
assert mpakd(3) == (3, 3.14159, (), {})
assert mpakd(j=2.71828) == (1, 2.71828, (), {})
assert mpakd(k=42) == (1, 3.14159, (), {'k': 42})
assert mpakd(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, then=13, followedby=21) == (
1, 1, (2, 3, 5, 8), {'then': 13, 'followedby': 21})
# Arguments specified both positionally and via kwargs should fail:
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
assert mpakd(1, i=1)
assert msg(excinfo.value) == """
mixed_plus_args_kwargs_defaults(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (i: int=1, j: float=3.14159, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple
Invoked with: 1; kwargs: i=1
""" # noqa: E501 line too long
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
assert mpakd(1, 2, j=1)
assert msg(excinfo.value) == """
mixed_plus_args_kwargs_defaults(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (i: int=1, j: float=3.14159, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple
Invoked with: 1, 2; kwargs: j=1
""" # noqa: E501 line too long