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pybind/operator.h: Metatemplates for operator overloading
Copyright (c) 2015 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel@inf.ethz.ch>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#if !defined(__PYBIND_OPERATOR)
#include "pybind.h"
#include <type_traits>
/// Enumeration with all supported operator types
enum op_id : int {
op_add, op_sub, op_mul, op_div, op_mod, op_divmod, op_pow,
op_lshift, op_rshift, op_and, op_xor, op_or, op_neg,
op_pos, op_abs, op_invert, op_int, op_long, op_float,
op_str, op_cmp, op_gt, op_ge, op_lt, op_le, op_eq, op_ne,
op_iadd, op_isub, op_imul, op_idiv, op_imod, op_ilshift,
op_irshift, op_iand, op_ixor, op_ior, op_complex, op_bool,
op_nonzero, op_repr, op_truediv
enum op_type : int {
op_l, /* base type on left */
op_r, /* base type on right */
op_u /* unary operator */
struct self_t { };
/// Type for an unused type slot
struct undefined_t { };
static const self_t self = self_t();
/// Don't warn about an unused variable
inline self_t __self() { return self; }
/// base template of operator implementations
template <op_id, op_type, typename B, typename L, typename R> struct op_impl { };
/// Operator implementation generator
template <op_id id, op_type ot, typename L, typename R> struct op_ {
template <typename base, typename holder> void execute(pybind::class_<base, holder> &class_, const char *doc, return_value_policy policy) const {
typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_same<L, self_t>::value, base, L>::type L_type;
typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_same<R, self_t>::value, base, R>::type R_type;
typedef op_impl<id, ot, base, L_type, R_type> op;
class_.def(op::name(), &op::execute, doc, policy);
template <typename base, typename holder> void execute_cast(pybind::class_<base, holder> &class_, const char *doc, return_value_policy policy) const {
typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_same<L, self_t>::value, base, L>::type L_type;
typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_same<R, self_t>::value, base, R>::type R_type;
typedef op_impl<id, ot, base, L_type, R_type> op;
class_.def(op::name(), &op::execute_cast, doc, policy);
#define PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(id, rid, op, expr) \
template <typename B, typename L, typename R> struct op_impl<op_##id, op_l, B, L, R> { \
static char const* name() { return "__" #id "__"; } \
static auto execute(const L &l, const R &r) -> decltype(expr) { return (expr); } \
static B execute_cast(const L &l, const R &r) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
template <typename B, typename L, typename R> struct op_impl<op_##id, op_r, B, L, R> { \
static char const* name() { return "__" #rid "__"; } \
static auto execute(const L &l, const R &r) -> decltype(expr) { return (expr); } \
static B execute_cast(const L &l, const R &r) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
inline op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, self_t> op(const self_t &, const self_t &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, self_t>(); \
}; \
template <typename T> op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T> op(const self_t &, const T &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T>(); \
}; \
template <typename T> op_<op_##id, op_r, T, self_t> op(const T &, const self_t &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_r, T, self_t>(); \
#define PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(id, op, expr) \
template <typename B, typename L, typename R> struct op_impl<op_##id, op_l, B, L, R> { \
static char const* name() { return "__" #id "__"; } \
static auto execute(L &l, const R &r) -> decltype(expr) { return expr; } \
static B execute_cast(L &l, const R &r) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
template <typename T> op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T> op(const self_t &, const T &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T>(); \
#define PYBIND_UNARY_OPERATOR(id, op, expr) \
template <typename B, typename L> struct op_impl<op_##id, op_u, B, L, undefined_t> { \
static char const* name() { return "__" #id "__"; } \
static auto execute(const L &l) -> decltype(expr) { return expr; } \
static B execute_cast(const L &l) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
inline op_<op_##id, op_u, self_t, undefined_t> op(const self_t &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_u, self_t, undefined_t>(); \
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(sub, rsub, operator-, l - r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(add, radd, operator+, l + r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(mul, rmul, operator*, l * r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(truediv, rtruediv, operator/, l / r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(mod, rmod, operator%, l % r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(lshift, rlshift, operator<<, l << r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(rshift, rrshift, operator>>, l >> r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(and, rand, operator&, l & r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(xor, rxor, operator^, l ^ r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(eq, eq, operator==, l == r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(ne, ne, operator!=, l != r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(or, ror, operator|, l | r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(gt, lt, operator>, l > r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(ge, le, operator>=, l >= r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(lt, gt, operator<, l < r)
PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(le, ge, operator<=, l <= r)
//PYBIND_BINARY_OPERATOR(pow, rpow, pow, std::pow(l, r))
PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(iadd, operator+=, l += r)
PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(isub, operator-=, l -= r)
PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(imul, operator*=, l *= r)
PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(idiv, operator/=, l /= r)
PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(imod, operator%=, l %= r)
PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(ilshift, operator<<=, l <<= r)
PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(irshift, operator>>=, l >>= r)
PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(iand, operator&=, l &= r)
PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(ixor, operator^=, l ^= r)
PYBIND_INPLACE_OPERATOR(ior, operator|=, l |= r)
PYBIND_UNARY_OPERATOR(neg, operator-, -l)
PYBIND_UNARY_OPERATOR(pos, operator+, +l)
PYBIND_UNARY_OPERATOR(abs, abs, std::abs(l))
PYBIND_UNARY_OPERATOR(invert, operator~, ~l)
PYBIND_UNARY_OPERATOR(bool, operator!, !!l)
PYBIND_UNARY_OPERATOR(int, int_, (int) l)
PYBIND_UNARY_OPERATOR(float, float_, (double) l)
using detail::self;
#endif /* __PYBIND_OPERATOR */