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synced 2024-11-13 17:13:53 +00:00
Adding or removing tests is a little bit cumbersome currently: the test needs to be added to CMakeLists.txt, the init function needs to be predeclared in pybind11_tests.cpp, then called in the plugin initialization. While this isn't a big deal for tests that are being committed, it's more of a hassle when working on some new feature or test code for which I temporarily only care about building and linking the test being worked on rather than the entire test suite. This commit changes tests to self-register their initialization by having each test initialize a local object (which stores the initialization function in a static variable). This makes changing the set of tests being build easy: one only needs to add or comment out test names in tests/CMakeLists.txt. A couple other minor changes that go along with this: - test_eigen.cpp is now included in the test list, then removed if eigen isn't available. This lets you disable the eigen tests by commenting it out, just like all the other tests, but keeps the build working without eigen eigen isn't available. (Also, if it's commented out, we don't even bother looking for and reporting the building with/without eigen status message). - pytest is now invoked with all the built test names (with .cpp changed to .py) so that it doesn't try to run tests that weren't built.
179 lines
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179 lines
6.7 KiB
tests/test_issues.cpp -- collection of testcases for miscellaneous issues
Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include "constructor_stats.h"
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/operators.h>
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, std::shared_ptr<T>);
#define TRACKERS(CLASS) CLASS() { print_default_created(this); } ~CLASS() { print_destroyed(this); }
struct NestABase { int value = -2; TRACKERS(NestABase) };
struct NestA : NestABase { int value = 3; NestA& operator+=(int i) { value += i; return *this; } TRACKERS(NestA) };
struct NestB { NestA a; int value = 4; NestB& operator-=(int i) { value -= i; return *this; } TRACKERS(NestB) };
struct NestC { NestB b; int value = 5; NestC& operator*=(int i) { value *= i; return *this; } TRACKERS(NestC) };
void init_issues(py::module &m) {
py::module m2 = m.def_submodule("issues");
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
// Visual Studio 2015 currently cannot compile this test
// (see the comment in type_caster_base::make_copy_constructor)
// #70 compilation issue if operator new is not public
class NonConstructible { private: void *operator new(size_t bytes) throw(); };
py::class_<NonConstructible>(m, "Foo");
m2.def("getstmt", []() -> NonConstructible * { return nullptr; },
// #137: const char* isn't handled properly
m2.def("print_cchar", [](const char *s) { return std::string(s); });
// #150: char bindings broken
m2.def("print_char", [](char c) { return std::string(1, c); });
// #159: virtual function dispatch has problems with similar-named functions
struct Base { virtual std::string dispatch() const {
/* for some reason MSVC2015 can't compile this if the function is pure virtual */
return {};
}; };
struct DispatchIssue : Base {
virtual std::string dispatch() const {
PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_PURE(std::string, Base, dispatch, /* no arguments */);
py::class_<Base, std::unique_ptr<Base>, DispatchIssue>(m2, "DispatchIssue")
.def("dispatch", &Base::dispatch);
m2.def("dispatch_issue_go", [](const Base * b) { return b->dispatch(); });
struct Placeholder { int i; Placeholder(int i) : i(i) { } };
py::class_<Placeholder>(m2, "Placeholder")
.def("__repr__", [](const Placeholder &p) { return "Placeholder[" + std::to_string(p.i) + "]"; });
// #171: Can't return reference wrappers (or STL datastructures containing them)
m2.def("return_vec_of_reference_wrapper", [](std::reference_wrapper<Placeholder> p4){
Placeholder *p1 = new Placeholder{1};
Placeholder *p2 = new Placeholder{2};
Placeholder *p3 = new Placeholder{3};
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Placeholder>> v;
return v;
// #181: iterator passthrough did not compile
m2.def("iterator_passthrough", [](py::iterator s) -> py::iterator {
return py::make_iterator(std::begin(s), std::end(s));
// #187: issue involving std::shared_ptr<> return value policy & garbage collection
struct ElementBase { virtual void foo() { } /* Force creation of virtual table */ };
struct ElementA : ElementBase {
ElementA(int v) : v(v) { }
int value() { return v; }
int v;
struct ElementList {
void add(std::shared_ptr<ElementBase> e) { l.push_back(e); }
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ElementBase>> l;
py::class_<ElementBase, std::shared_ptr<ElementBase>> (m2, "ElementBase");
py::class_<ElementA, std::shared_ptr<ElementA>>(m2, "ElementA", py::base<ElementBase>())
.def("value", &ElementA::value);
py::class_<ElementList, std::shared_ptr<ElementList>>(m2, "ElementList")
.def("add", &ElementList::add)
.def("get", [](ElementList &el){
py::list list;
for (auto &e : el.l)
return list;
// (no id): should not be able to pass 'None' to a reference argument
m2.def("get_element", [](ElementA &el) { return el.value(); });
// (no id): don't cast doubles to ints
m2.def("expect_float", [](float f) { return f; });
m2.def("expect_int", [](int i) { return i; });
// (no id): don't invoke Python dispatch code when instantiating C++
// classes that were not extended on the Python side
struct A {
virtual ~A() {}
virtual void f() { std::cout << "A.f()" << std::endl; }
struct PyA : A {
PyA() { std::cout << "PyA.PyA()" << std::endl; }
void f() override {
std::cout << "PyA.f()" << std::endl;
PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(void, A, f);
auto call_f = [](A *a) { a->f(); };
pybind11::class_<A, std::unique_ptr<A>, PyA>(m2, "A")
.def("f", &A::f);
m2.def("call_f", call_f);
try {
py::class_<Placeholder>(m2, "Placeholder");
throw std::logic_error("Expected an exception!");
} catch (std::runtime_error &) {
/* All good */
// Issue #283: __str__ called on uninitialized instance when constructor arguments invalid
class StrIssue {
StrIssue(int i) : val{i} {}
StrIssue() : StrIssue(-1) {}
int value() const { return val; }
int val;
py::class_<StrIssue> si(m2, "StrIssue");
si .def(py::init<int>())
.def("__str__", [](const StrIssue &si) { return "StrIssue[" + std::to_string(si.value()) + "]"; })
// Issue #328: first member in a class can't be used in operators
py::class_<NestABase>(m2, "NestABase").def(py::init<>()).def_readwrite("value", &NestABase::value);
py::class_<NestA>(m2, "NestA").def(py::init<>()).def(py::self += int())
.def("as_base", [](NestA &a) -> NestABase& { return (NestABase&) a; }, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal);
py::class_<NestB>(m2, "NestB").def(py::init<>()).def(py::self -= int()).def_readwrite("a", &NestB::a);
py::class_<NestC>(m2, "NestC").def(py::init<>()).def(py::self *= int()).def_readwrite("b", &NestC::b);
m2.def("get_NestA", [](const NestA &a) { return a.value; });
m2.def("get_NestB", [](const NestB &b) { return b.value; });
m2.def("get_NestC", [](const NestC &c) { return c.value; });
// MSVC workaround: trying to use a lambda here crashes MSCV
test_initializer issues(&init_issues);