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synced 2025-03-23 17:16:39 +00:00
This commit allows type_casters to allow their local values to be moved away, rather than copied, when the type caster instance itself is an rvalue. This only applies (automatically) to type casters using PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER; the generic type type casters don't own their own pointer, and various value casters (e.g. std::string, std::pair, arithmetic types) already cast to an rvalue (i.e. they return by value). This updates various calling code to attempt to get a movable value whenever the value is itself coming from a type caster about to be destroyed: for example, when constructing an std::pair or various stl.h containers. For types that don't support value moving, the cast_op falls back to an lvalue cast. There wasn't an obvious place to add the tests, so I added them to test_copy_move_policies, but also renamed it to drop the _policies as it now tests more than just policies.
178 lines
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178 lines
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tests/test_copy_move_policies.cpp -- 'copy' and 'move' return value policies
and related tests
Copyright (c) 2016 Ben North <ben@redfrontdoor.org>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include "constructor_stats.h"
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
template <typename derived>
struct empty {
static const derived& get_one() { return instance_; }
static derived instance_;
struct lacking_copy_ctor : public empty<lacking_copy_ctor> {
lacking_copy_ctor() {}
lacking_copy_ctor(const lacking_copy_ctor& other) = delete;
template <> lacking_copy_ctor empty<lacking_copy_ctor>::instance_ = {};
struct lacking_move_ctor : public empty<lacking_move_ctor> {
lacking_move_ctor() {}
lacking_move_ctor(const lacking_move_ctor& other) = delete;
lacking_move_ctor(lacking_move_ctor&& other) = delete;
template <> lacking_move_ctor empty<lacking_move_ctor>::instance_ = {};
/* Custom type caster move/copy test classes */
class MoveOnlyInt {
MoveOnlyInt() { print_default_created(this); }
MoveOnlyInt(int v) : value{std::move(v)} { print_created(this, value); }
MoveOnlyInt(MoveOnlyInt &&m) { print_move_created(this, m.value); std::swap(value, m.value); }
MoveOnlyInt &operator=(MoveOnlyInt &&m) { print_move_assigned(this, m.value); std::swap(value, m.value); return *this; }
MoveOnlyInt(const MoveOnlyInt &) = delete;
MoveOnlyInt &operator=(const MoveOnlyInt &) = delete;
~MoveOnlyInt() { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
class MoveOrCopyInt {
MoveOrCopyInt() { print_default_created(this); }
MoveOrCopyInt(int v) : value{std::move(v)} { print_created(this, value); }
MoveOrCopyInt(MoveOrCopyInt &&m) { print_move_created(this, m.value); std::swap(value, m.value); }
MoveOrCopyInt &operator=(MoveOrCopyInt &&m) { print_move_assigned(this, m.value); std::swap(value, m.value); return *this; }
MoveOrCopyInt(const MoveOrCopyInt &c) { print_copy_created(this, c.value); value = c.value; }
MoveOrCopyInt &operator=(const MoveOrCopyInt &c) { print_copy_assigned(this, c.value); value = c.value; return *this; }
~MoveOrCopyInt() { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
class CopyOnlyInt {
CopyOnlyInt() { print_default_created(this); }
CopyOnlyInt(int v) : value{std::move(v)} { print_created(this, value); }
CopyOnlyInt(const CopyOnlyInt &c) { print_copy_created(this, c.value); value = c.value; }
CopyOnlyInt &operator=(const CopyOnlyInt &c) { print_copy_assigned(this, c.value); value = c.value; return *this; }
~CopyOnlyInt() { print_destroyed(this); }
int value;
namespace pybind11 { namespace detail {
template <> struct type_caster<MoveOnlyInt> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MoveOnlyInt, _("MoveOnlyInt"));
bool load(handle src, bool) { value = MoveOnlyInt(src.cast<int>()); return true; }
static handle cast(const MoveOnlyInt &m, return_value_policy r, handle p) { return pybind11::cast(m.value, r, p); }
template <> struct type_caster<MoveOrCopyInt> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MoveOrCopyInt, _("MoveOrCopyInt"));
bool load(handle src, bool) { value = MoveOrCopyInt(src.cast<int>()); return true; }
static handle cast(const MoveOrCopyInt &m, return_value_policy r, handle p) { return pybind11::cast(m.value, r, p); }
template <> struct type_caster<CopyOnlyInt> {
CopyOnlyInt value;
static PYBIND11_DESCR name() { return _("CopyOnlyInt"); }
bool load(handle src, bool) { value = CopyOnlyInt(src.cast<int>()); return true; }
static handle cast(const CopyOnlyInt &m, return_value_policy r, handle p) { return pybind11::cast(m.value, r, p); }
static handle cast(const CopyOnlyInt *src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
if (!src) return none().release();
return cast(*src, policy, parent);
operator CopyOnlyInt*() { return &value; }
operator CopyOnlyInt&() { return value; }
template <typename T> using cast_op_type = pybind11::detail::cast_op_type<T>;
test_initializer copy_move_policies([](py::module &m) {
py::class_<lacking_copy_ctor>(m, "lacking_copy_ctor")
.def_static("get_one", &lacking_copy_ctor::get_one,
py::class_<lacking_move_ctor>(m, "lacking_move_ctor")
.def_static("get_one", &lacking_move_ctor::get_one,
m.def("move_only", [](MoveOnlyInt m) {
return m.value;
m.def("move_or_copy", [](MoveOrCopyInt m) {
return m.value;
m.def("copy_only", [](CopyOnlyInt m) {
return m.value;
m.def("move_and_copy_casts", [](py::object o) {
int r = 0;
r += py::cast<MoveOrCopyInt>(o).value; /* moves */
r += py::cast<MoveOnlyInt>(o).value; /* moves */
r += py::cast<CopyOnlyInt>(o).value; /* copies */
MoveOrCopyInt m1(py::cast<MoveOrCopyInt>(o)); /* moves */
MoveOnlyInt m2(py::cast<MoveOnlyInt>(o)); /* moves */
CopyOnlyInt m3(py::cast<CopyOnlyInt>(o)); /* copies */
r += m1.value + m2.value + m3.value;
return r;
m.def("move_pair", [](std::pair<MoveOnlyInt, MoveOrCopyInt> p) {
return p.first.value + p.second.value;
m.def("move_tuple", [](std::tuple<MoveOnlyInt, MoveOrCopyInt, MoveOnlyInt> t) {
return std::get<0>(t).value + std::get<1>(t).value + std::get<2>(t).value;
m.def("copy_tuple", [](std::tuple<CopyOnlyInt, CopyOnlyInt> t) {
return std::get<0>(t).value + std::get<1>(t).value;
m.def("move_copy_nested", [](std::pair<MoveOnlyInt, std::pair<std::tuple<MoveOrCopyInt, CopyOnlyInt, std::tuple<MoveOnlyInt>>, MoveOrCopyInt>> x) {
return x.first.value + std::get<0>(x.second.first).value + std::get<1>(x.second.first).value +
std::get<0>(std::get<2>(x.second.first)).value + x.second.second.value;
m.def("move_and_copy_cstats", []() {
// Reset counts to 0 so that previous tests don't affect later ones:
auto &mc = ConstructorStats::get<MoveOrCopyInt>();
mc.move_assignments = mc.move_constructions = mc.copy_assignments = mc.copy_constructions = 0;
auto &mo = ConstructorStats::get<MoveOnlyInt>();
mo.move_assignments = mo.move_constructions = mo.copy_assignments = mo.copy_constructions = 0;
auto &co = ConstructorStats::get<CopyOnlyInt>();
co.move_assignments = co.move_constructions = co.copy_assignments = co.copy_constructions = 0;
py::dict d;
d["MoveOrCopyInt"] = py::cast(mc, py::return_value_policy::reference);
d["MoveOnlyInt"] = py::cast(mo, py::return_value_policy::reference);
d["CopyOnlyInt"] = py::cast(co, py::return_value_policy::reference);
return d;
m.attr("has_optional") = true;
m.def("move_optional", [](std::optional<MoveOnlyInt> o) {
return o->value;
m.def("move_or_copy_optional", [](std::optional<MoveOrCopyInt> o) {
return o->value;
m.def("copy_optional", [](std::optional<CopyOnlyInt> o) {
return o->value;
m.def("move_optional_tuple", [](std::optional<std::tuple<MoveOrCopyInt, MoveOnlyInt, CopyOnlyInt>> x) {
return std::get<0>(*x).value + std::get<1>(*x).value + std::get<2>(*x).value;
m.attr("has_optional") = false;