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synced 2025-02-22 16:39:29 +00:00
This commit includes modifications that are needed to get pybind11 to work with PyPy. The full test suite compiles and runs except for a last few functions that are commented out (due to problems in PyPy that were reported on the PyPy bugtracker). Two somewhat intrusive changes were needed to make it possible: two new tags ``py::buffer_protocol()`` and ``py::metaclass()`` must now be specified to the ``class_`` constructor if the class uses the buffer protocol and/or requires a metaclass (e.g. for static properties). Note that this is only for the PyPy version based on Python 2.7 for now. When the PyPy 3.x has caught up in terms of cpyext compliance, a PyPy 3.x patch will follow.
204 lines
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204 lines
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import pytest
from pybind11_tests import ExampleMandA, ConstructorStats
def test_methods_and_attributes():
instance1 = ExampleMandA()
instance2 = ExampleMandA(32)
assert str(instance1) == "ExampleMandA[value=320]"
assert str(instance2) == "ExampleMandA[value=32]"
assert str(instance1.self1()) == "ExampleMandA[value=320]"
assert str(instance1.self2()) == "ExampleMandA[value=320]"
assert str(instance1.self3()) == "ExampleMandA[value=320]"
assert str(instance1.self4()) == "ExampleMandA[value=320]"
assert str(instance1.self5()) == "ExampleMandA[value=320]"
assert instance1.internal1() == 320
assert instance1.internal2() == 320
assert instance1.internal3() == 320
assert instance1.internal4() == 320
assert instance1.internal5() == 320
assert instance1.overloaded(1, 1.0) == "(int, float)"
assert instance1.overloaded(2.0, 2) == "(float, int)"
assert instance1.overloaded_const(3, 3.0) == "(int, float) const"
assert instance1.overloaded_const(4.0, 4) == "(float, int) const"
assert instance1.value == 320
instance1.value = 100
assert str(instance1) == "ExampleMandA[value=100]"
cstats = ConstructorStats.get(ExampleMandA)
assert cstats.alive() == 2
del instance1, instance2
assert cstats.alive() == 0
assert cstats.values() == ["32"]
assert cstats.default_constructions == 1
assert cstats.copy_constructions == 3
assert cstats.move_constructions >= 1
assert cstats.copy_assignments == 0
assert cstats.move_assignments == 0
def test_properties():
from pybind11_tests import TestProperties
instance = TestProperties()
assert instance.def_readonly == 1
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
instance.def_readonly = 2
instance.def_readwrite = 2
assert instance.def_readwrite == 2
assert instance.def_property_readonly == 2
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
instance.def_property_readonly = 3
instance.def_property = 3
assert instance.def_property == 3
def test_static_properties():
from pybind11_tests import TestProperties as Type
assert Type.def_readonly_static == 1
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Type.def_readonly_static = 2
Type.def_readwrite_static = 2
assert Type.def_readwrite_static == 2
assert Type.def_property_readonly_static == 2
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Type.def_property_readonly_static = 3
Type.def_property_static = 3
assert Type.def_property_static == 3
@pytest.mark.parametrize("access", ["ro", "rw", "static_ro", "static_rw"])
def test_property_return_value_policies(access):
from pybind11_tests import TestPropRVP
if not access.startswith("static"):
obj = TestPropRVP()
obj = TestPropRVP
ref = getattr(obj, access + "_ref")
assert ref.value == 1
ref.value = 2
assert getattr(obj, access + "_ref").value == 2
ref.value = 1 # restore original value for static properties
copy = getattr(obj, access + "_copy")
assert copy.value == 1
copy.value = 2
assert getattr(obj, access + "_copy").value == 1
copy = getattr(obj, access + "_func")
assert copy.value == 1
copy.value = 2
assert getattr(obj, access + "_func").value == 1
def test_property_rvalue_policy():
"""When returning an rvalue, the return value policy is automatically changed from
`reference(_internal)` to `move`. The following would not work otherwise.
from pybind11_tests import TestPropRVP
instance = TestPropRVP()
o = instance.rvalue
assert o.value == 1
def test_property_rvalue_policy_static():
"""When returning an rvalue, the return value policy is automatically changed from
`reference(_internal)` to `move`. The following would not work otherwise.
from pybind11_tests import TestPropRVP
o = TestPropRVP.static_rvalue
assert o.value == 1
# https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/issues/2447
def test_dynamic_attributes():
from pybind11_tests import DynamicClass, CppDerivedDynamicClass
instance = DynamicClass()
assert not hasattr(instance, "foo")
assert "foo" not in dir(instance)
# Dynamically add attribute
instance.foo = 42
assert hasattr(instance, "foo")
assert instance.foo == 42
assert "foo" in dir(instance)
# __dict__ should be accessible and replaceable
assert "foo" in instance.__dict__
instance.__dict__ = {"bar": True}
assert not hasattr(instance, "foo")
assert hasattr(instance, "bar")
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
instance.__dict__ = []
assert str(excinfo.value) == "__dict__ must be set to a dictionary, not a 'list'"
cstats = ConstructorStats.get(DynamicClass)
assert cstats.alive() == 1
del instance
assert cstats.alive() == 0
# Derived classes should work as well
class PythonDerivedDynamicClass(DynamicClass):
for cls in CppDerivedDynamicClass, PythonDerivedDynamicClass:
derived = cls()
derived.foobar = 100
assert derived.foobar == 100
assert cstats.alive() == 1
del derived
assert cstats.alive() == 0
def test_cyclic_gc():
from pybind11_tests import DynamicClass
# One object references itself
instance = DynamicClass()
instance.circular_reference = instance
cstats = ConstructorStats.get(DynamicClass)
assert cstats.alive() == 1
del instance
assert cstats.alive() == 0
# Two object reference each other
i1 = DynamicClass()
i2 = DynamicClass()
i1.cycle = i2
i2.cycle = i1
assert cstats.alive() == 2
del i1, i2
assert cstats.alive() == 0