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#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#define USE_MRC_BBB
#ifdef USE_MRC_BBB
namespace mrc_ns { // minimal real caster
struct type_mrc {
int value = -9999;
template <typename Ignored = void>
struct minimal_real_caster {
static constexpr auto name = py::detail::const_name<type_mrc>();
static std::int64_t odr_guard; // WANTED: ASAN detect_odr_violation
static py::handle
cast(type_mrc const &src, py::return_value_policy /*policy*/, py::handle /*parent*/) {
odr_guard++; // Just to make sure it is used.
return py::int_(src.value + 2020).release(); // Actual ODR violation.
// Maximizing simplicity. This will go terribly wrong for other arg types.
template <typename>
using cast_op_type = const type_mrc &;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator type_mrc const &() {
static type_mrc obj;
obj.value = 22; // Actual ODR violation.
return obj;
bool load(py::handle src, bool /*convert*/) {
// Only accepts str, but the value is ignored.
return py::isinstance<py::str>(src);
template <typename Ignored>
std::int64_t minimal_real_caster<Ignored>::odr_guard = 0;
} // namespace mrc_ns
namespace pybind11 {
namespace detail {
template <>
struct type_caster<mrc_ns::type_mrc> : mrc_ns::minimal_real_caster<> {};
} // namespace detail
} // namespace pybind11
TEST_SUBMODULE(odr_guard_2, m) {
#ifdef USE_MRC_BBB
[]() { return sizeof(mrc_ns::minimal_real_caster<>::odr_guard); });
m.def("type_mrc_to_python", []() { return mrc_ns::type_mrc{202}; });
m.def("type_mrc_from_python", [](const mrc_ns::type_mrc &obj) { return obj.value + 200; });
m.def("mrc_odr_guard", []() { return mrc_ns::minimal_real_caster<>::odr_guard; });