mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 21:13:20 +00:00
* Fix buffer protocol implementation According to the buffer protocol, `ndim` is a _required_ field [1], and should always be set correctly. Additionally, `shape` should be set if flags includes `PyBUF_ND` or higher [2]. The current implementation only set those fields if flags was `PyBUF_STRIDES`. [1] https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/buffer.html#request-independent-fields [2] https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/buffer.html#shape-strides-suboffsets * Apply suggestions from review * Obey contiguity requests for buffer protocol If a contiguous buffer is requested, and the underlying buffer isn't, then that should raise. This matches NumPy behaviour if you do something like: ``` struct.unpack_from('5d', np.arange(20.0)[::4]) # Raises for contiguity ``` Also, if a buffer is contiguous, then it can masquerade as a less-complex buffer, either by dropping strides, or even pretending to be 1D. This matches NumPy behaviour if you do something like: ``` a = np.full((3, 5), 30.0) struct.unpack_from('15d', a) # --> Produces 1D tuple from 2D buffer. ``` * Handle review comments * Test buffer protocol against NumPy * Also check PyBUF_FORMAT results
402 lines
14 KiB
402 lines
14 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import ctypes
import io
import struct
import pytest
import env
from pybind11_tests import ConstructorStats
from pybind11_tests import buffers as m
np = pytest.importorskip("numpy")
if m.long_double_and_double_have_same_size:
# Determined by the compiler used to build the pybind11 tests
# (e.g. MSVC gets here, but MinGW might not).
np_float128 = None
np_complex256 = None
# Determined by the compiler used to build numpy (e.g. MinGW).
np_float128 = getattr(np, *["float128"] * 2)
np_complex256 = getattr(np, *["complex256"] * 2)
("PyObject *", "O", object),
("bool", "?", np.bool_),
("std::int8_t", "b", np.int8),
("std::uint8_t", "B", np.uint8),
("std::int16_t", "h", np.int16),
("std::uint16_t", "H", np.uint16),
("std::int32_t", "i", np.int32),
("std::uint32_t", "I", np.uint32),
("std::int64_t", "q", np.int64),
("std::uint64_t", "Q", np.uint64),
("float", "f", np.float32),
("double", "d", np.float64),
("long double", "g", np_float128),
("std::complex<float>", "Zf", np.complex64),
("std::complex<double>", "Zd", np.complex128),
("std::complex<long double>", "Zg", np_complex256),
(cpp_name, format)
for cpp_name, format, np_dtype in CPP_NAME_FORMAT_NP_DTYPE_TABLE
if np_dtype is not None
(cpp_name, np_dtype) for cpp_name, _, np_dtype in CPP_NAME_FORMAT_NP_DTYPE_TABLE
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("cpp_name", "np_dtype"), CPP_NAME_NP_DTYPE_TABLE)
def test_format_descriptor_format_buffer_info_equiv(cpp_name, np_dtype):
if np_dtype is None:
f"cpp_name=`{cpp_name}`: `long double` and `double` have same size."
if isinstance(np_dtype, str):
pytest.skip(f"np.{np_dtype} does not exist.")
np_array = np.array([], dtype=np_dtype)
for other_cpp_name, expected_format in CPP_NAME_FORMAT_TABLE:
format, np_array_is_matching = m.format_descriptor_format_buffer_info_equiv(
other_cpp_name, np_array
assert format == expected_format
if other_cpp_name == cpp_name:
assert np_array_is_matching
assert not np_array_is_matching
def test_from_python():
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
m.Matrix(np.array([1, 2, 3])) # trying to assign a 1D array
assert str(excinfo.value) == "Incompatible buffer format!"
m3 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]).astype(np.float32)
m4 = m.Matrix(m3)
for i in range(m4.rows()):
for j in range(m4.cols()):
assert m3[i, j] == m4[i, j]
if env.GRAALPY:
pytest.skip("ConstructorStats is incompatible with GraalPy.")
cstats = ConstructorStats.get(m.Matrix)
assert cstats.alive() == 1
del m3, m4
assert cstats.alive() == 0
assert cstats.values() == ["2x3 matrix"]
assert cstats.copy_constructions == 0
# assert cstats.move_constructions >= 0 # Don't invoke any
assert cstats.copy_assignments == 0
assert cstats.move_assignments == 0
# https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/pypy/-/issues/2444
# TODO: fix on recent PyPy
env.PYPY, reason="PyPy 7.3.7 doesn't clear this anymore", strict=False
def test_to_python():
mat = m.Matrix(5, 4)
assert memoryview(mat).shape == (5, 4)
assert mat[2, 3] == 0
mat[2, 3] = 4.0
mat[3, 2] = 7.0
assert mat[2, 3] == 4
assert mat[3, 2] == 7
assert struct.unpack_from("f", mat, (3 * 4 + 2) * 4) == (7,)
assert struct.unpack_from("f", mat, (2 * 4 + 3) * 4) == (4,)
mat2 = np.array(mat, copy=False)
assert mat2.shape == (5, 4)
assert abs(mat2).sum() == 11
assert mat2[2, 3] == 4
assert mat2[3, 2] == 7
mat2[2, 3] = 5
assert mat2[2, 3] == 5
if env.GRAALPY:
pytest.skip("ConstructorStats is incompatible with GraalPy.")
cstats = ConstructorStats.get(m.Matrix)
assert cstats.alive() == 1
del mat
assert cstats.alive() == 1
del mat2 # holds a mat reference
assert cstats.alive() == 0
assert cstats.values() == ["5x4 matrix"]
assert cstats.copy_constructions == 0
# assert cstats.move_constructions >= 0 # Don't invoke any
assert cstats.copy_assignments == 0
assert cstats.move_assignments == 0
def test_inherited_protocol():
"""SquareMatrix is derived from Matrix and inherits the buffer protocol"""
matrix = m.SquareMatrix(5)
assert memoryview(matrix).shape == (5, 5)
assert np.asarray(matrix).shape == (5, 5)
def test_pointer_to_member_fn():
for cls in [m.Buffer, m.ConstBuffer, m.DerivedBuffer]:
buf = cls()
buf.value = 0x12345678
value = struct.unpack("i", bytearray(buf))[0]
assert value == 0x12345678
def test_readonly_buffer():
buf = m.BufferReadOnly(0x64)
view = memoryview(buf)
assert view[0] == 0x64
assert view.readonly
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
view[0] = 0
def test_selective_readonly_buffer():
buf = m.BufferReadOnlySelect()
memoryview(buf)[0] = 0x64
assert buf.value == 0x64
assert buf.value == ord(b"A")
buf.readonly = True
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
memoryview(buf)[0] = 0
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_ctypes_array_1d():
char1d = (ctypes.c_char * 10)()
int1d = (ctypes.c_int * 15)()
long1d = (ctypes.c_long * 7)()
for carray in (char1d, int1d, long1d):
info = m.get_buffer_info(carray)
assert info.itemsize == ctypes.sizeof(carray._type_)
assert info.size == len(carray)
assert info.ndim == 1
assert info.shape == [info.size]
assert info.strides == [info.itemsize]
assert not info.readonly
def test_ctypes_array_2d():
char2d = ((ctypes.c_char * 10) * 4)()
int2d = ((ctypes.c_int * 15) * 3)()
long2d = ((ctypes.c_long * 7) * 2)()
for carray in (char2d, int2d, long2d):
info = m.get_buffer_info(carray)
assert info.itemsize == ctypes.sizeof(carray[0]._type_)
assert info.size == len(carray) * len(carray[0])
assert info.ndim == 2
assert info.shape == [len(carray), len(carray[0])]
assert info.strides == [info.itemsize * len(carray[0]), info.itemsize]
assert not info.readonly
def test_ctypes_from_buffer():
test_pystr = b"0123456789"
for pyarray in (test_pystr, bytearray(test_pystr)):
pyinfo = m.get_buffer_info(pyarray)
if pyinfo.readonly:
cbytes = (ctypes.c_char * len(pyarray)).from_buffer_copy(pyarray)
cinfo = m.get_buffer_info(cbytes)
cbytes = (ctypes.c_char * len(pyarray)).from_buffer(pyarray)
cinfo = m.get_buffer_info(cbytes)
assert cinfo.size == pyinfo.size
assert cinfo.ndim == pyinfo.ndim
assert cinfo.shape == pyinfo.shape
assert cinfo.strides == pyinfo.strides
assert not cinfo.readonly
def test_buffer_docstring():
assert (
== "get_buffer_info(arg0: Buffer) -> pybind11_tests.buffers.buffer_info"
def test_buffer_exception():
with pytest.raises(BufferError, match="Error getting buffer") as excinfo:
memoryview(m.BrokenMatrix(1, 1))
assert isinstance(excinfo.value.__cause__, RuntimeError)
assert "for context" in str(excinfo.value.__cause__)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("type", ["pybind11", "numpy"])
def test_c_contiguous_to_pybuffer(type):
if type == "pybind11":
mat = m.Matrix(5, 4)
elif type == "numpy":
mat = np.empty((5, 4), dtype=np.float32)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown parametrization {type}")
info = m.get_py_buffer(mat, m.PyBUF_SIMPLE)
assert info.format is None
assert info.itemsize == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float)
assert info.len == 5 * 4 * info.itemsize
assert info.ndim == 0 # See discussion on PR #5407.
assert info.shape is None
assert info.strides is None
assert info.suboffsets is None
assert not info.readonly
info = m.get_py_buffer(mat, m.PyBUF_SIMPLE | m.PyBUF_FORMAT)
assert info.format == "f"
assert info.itemsize == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float)
assert info.len == 5 * 4 * info.itemsize
assert info.ndim == 0 # See discussion on PR #5407.
assert info.shape is None
assert info.strides is None
assert info.suboffsets is None
assert not info.readonly
info = m.get_py_buffer(mat, m.PyBUF_ND)
assert info.itemsize == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float)
assert info.len == 5 * 4 * info.itemsize
assert info.ndim == 2
assert info.shape == [5, 4]
assert info.strides is None
assert info.suboffsets is None
assert not info.readonly
info = m.get_py_buffer(mat, m.PyBUF_STRIDES)
assert info.itemsize == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float)
assert info.len == 5 * 4 * info.itemsize
assert info.ndim == 2
assert info.shape == [5, 4]
assert info.strides == [4 * info.itemsize, info.itemsize]
assert info.suboffsets is None
assert not info.readonly
info = m.get_py_buffer(mat, m.PyBUF_INDIRECT)
assert info.itemsize == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float)
assert info.len == 5 * 4 * info.itemsize
assert info.ndim == 2
assert info.shape == [5, 4]
assert info.strides == [4 * info.itemsize, info.itemsize]
assert info.suboffsets is None # Should be filled in here, but we don't use it.
assert not info.readonly
@pytest.mark.parametrize("type", ["pybind11", "numpy"])
def test_fortran_contiguous_to_pybuffer(type):
if type == "pybind11":
mat = m.FortranMatrix(5, 4)
elif type == "numpy":
mat = np.empty((5, 4), dtype=np.float32, order="F")
raise ValueError(f"Unknown parametrization {type}")
# A Fortran-shaped buffer can only be accessed at PyBUF_STRIDES level or higher.
info = m.get_py_buffer(mat, m.PyBUF_STRIDES)
assert info.itemsize == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float)
assert info.len == 5 * 4 * info.itemsize
assert info.ndim == 2
assert info.shape == [5, 4]
assert info.strides == [info.itemsize, 5 * info.itemsize]
assert info.suboffsets is None
assert not info.readonly
info = m.get_py_buffer(mat, m.PyBUF_INDIRECT)
assert info.itemsize == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float)
assert info.len == 5 * 4 * info.itemsize
assert info.ndim == 2
assert info.shape == [5, 4]
assert info.strides == [info.itemsize, 5 * info.itemsize]
assert info.suboffsets is None # Should be filled in here, but we don't use it.
assert not info.readonly
@pytest.mark.parametrize("type", ["pybind11", "numpy"])
def test_discontiguous_to_pybuffer(type):
if type == "pybind11":
mat = m.DiscontiguousMatrix(5, 4, 2, 3)
elif type == "numpy":
mat = np.empty((5 * 2, 4 * 3), dtype=np.float32)[::2, ::3]
raise ValueError(f"Unknown parametrization {type}")
info = m.get_py_buffer(mat, m.PyBUF_STRIDES)
assert info.itemsize == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float)
assert info.len == 5 * 4 * info.itemsize
assert info.ndim == 2
assert info.shape == [5, 4]
assert info.strides == [2 * 4 * 3 * info.itemsize, 3 * info.itemsize]
assert info.suboffsets is None
assert not info.readonly
@pytest.mark.parametrize("type", ["pybind11", "numpy"])
def test_to_pybuffer_contiguity(type):
def check_strides(mat):
# The full block is memset to 0, so fill it with non-zero in real spots.
expected = np.arange(1, 5 * 4 + 1).reshape((5, 4))
for i in range(5):
for j in range(4):
mat[i, j] = expected[i, j]
# If all strides are correct, the exposed buffer should match the input.
np.testing.assert_array_equal(np.array(mat), expected)
if type == "pybind11":
cmat = m.Matrix(5, 4) # C contiguous.
fmat = m.FortranMatrix(5, 4) # Fortran contiguous.
dmat = m.DiscontiguousMatrix(5, 4, 2, 3) # Not contiguous.
expected_exception = BufferError
elif type == "numpy":
cmat = np.empty((5, 4), dtype=np.float32) # C contiguous.
fmat = np.empty((5, 4), dtype=np.float32, order="F") # Fortran contiguous.
dmat = np.empty((5 * 2, 4 * 3), dtype=np.float32)[::2, ::3] # Not contiguous.
# NumPy incorrectly raises ValueError; when the minimum NumPy requirement is
# above the version that fixes https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/3634 then
# BufferError can be used everywhere.
expected_exception = (BufferError, ValueError)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown parametrization {type}")
# Should work in C-contiguous mode, but not Fortran order.
m.get_py_buffer(cmat, m.PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS)
m.get_py_buffer(cmat, m.PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS)
with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
m.get_py_buffer(cmat, m.PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS)
# These flags imply C-contiguity, so won't work.
with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
m.get_py_buffer(fmat, m.PyBUF_SIMPLE)
with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
m.get_py_buffer(fmat, m.PyBUF_ND)
# Should work in Fortran-contiguous mode, but not C order.
with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
m.get_py_buffer(fmat, m.PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS)
m.get_py_buffer(fmat, m.PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS)
m.get_py_buffer(fmat, m.PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS)
# Should never work.
with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
m.get_py_buffer(dmat, m.PyBUF_SIMPLE)
with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
m.get_py_buffer(dmat, m.PyBUF_ND)
with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
m.get_py_buffer(dmat, m.PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS)
with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
m.get_py_buffer(dmat, m.PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS)
with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
m.get_py_buffer(dmat, m.PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS)